Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kits, Wings and Wands ❯ Names ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
MayonakaKitsune_chan: Hi minna!!! I got the next chapie typed.

Ambros: MayMay, can I please do the Disclaimer now, you promised.

MayonakaKitsune_chan: Sure go ahead.

Ambros: MayonakaKitsune_chan doesn't own Yu Yu Hakusho or Harry Potter
even though she would give an arm and a tail to do so. And any Flamers will get flamed by me.

MayonakaKitsune_chan: Ambros behave or else.

Ambros: what I was only defending you

MayonakaKitsune_chan: Whatever, Flamers are helpful to me, it lets me know what I am doing wrong. SO flame away.(but not to harsh, I have a low ego.)

:blah: = mind speech
*POW* = actions
{blah} = thoughts

CH 2 Names

"Daddy I love her!" Sakura said while hugging her father. "Well, what are you going to name her?" he asked still laughing at her reaction. "I'll call her....Mayonaka or Maymay for short." she
said affectionately. : I like Maymay, what you name: " She talks, oh daddy thank you." :My name is Sakura Atsume: : Me like Sakura, Sakura kitsune too: : I'm only a third kitsune, I'm half human: : Third better than none: the little kit said and then jumped down into her arms and
promptly started purring and fell asleep.

"Kawaii, where did you get her daddy?" Sakura asked, mindful of the sleeping ball of fur. "I found her by the park being chased by a bunch of little kids. I chased off the little kids and the second they were gone she jumped into my arms, nearly bowling me over. When I got a good
look at her I knew you would love her." he stated. "Aww poor thing, can she come with me to school." Sakura asked. "Yes."

At Diagon Alley the next week

"Come on hunny, lets go ahead and get your books and robes and then we can eat and go do the rest." Sakura's father said as they were walking out of Gringotts after exchanging their yen for wizard money. "Hai daddy."

They then went and bought her Four silk black robes from Madame Malkins, her books for Potions, Care of Magical Creatures, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Charms, Transfiguration, Divination, and Arithmancy at Flourish and Blott's, and a beautiful little blue
collar with a silver 7 point star in place of an I.D. tag at the Magical Menagerie.

At this time Maymay decided to chase a mouse and ran off into the crowd with Sakura running behind her yelling, "Maymay, matte onegai!" Of course during this time she wasn't looking where she was going and collided with a boy and sent both herself and the boy onto the
ground, her on top of him. "Ung, why me, gomen ne sai. I was looking for my kitsune Maymay."
Sakura said while getting off the boy. "Here let me help you up, by the way my names Sakura Atsume, what's yours." Sakura stated while giving him a hand up.

"Harry Potter, and what is a kitsune?" he asked staring at the strange girl (A.N. she is wearing a concealing spell on her ears and tail nothing else) that had plowed into him. She was wearing a
ruffled black skirt that had little foxes on the hem and reached about mid-thigh and a skintight silver sweater with a fox on the front posing and high heeled boots.

"Is this what your looking for?" a girl with bushy hair asked from behind her. Sakura swirled around and instantly started yelling at the kit in Japanese. Of course Harry Ron and Hermione thought she was yelling at her that is until she grabbed the kit and bowed to Hermione saying "Domo arigatto gonzaimasu." And then got up and said "I'm really sorry for all the trouble we've caused, well Maymay*stare* what do you have to say." : Me sorry for trouble me cause, me was just chasing micemice: Mayonaka said contritely shocking the HP gang. "She talks!" they said in unison. :Of course me talk, you talk so me talk: she said mater of factly positioning herself on her favorite perch, Sakura's shoulder.

"Sakura come on we have to get your other supplies for school." a man yelled from over by Gringotts. "Hold on a sec will ya, I'll be right back." and with that she ran over to her father.

"Why should we wait for her, we just met her." Ron grumbled. "Ron! She may want to be friends withe us so just put a sock in it." Hermione snapped at him as Sakura came back running.
" My daddy said I could hang out with you while he got my stuff." Sakura smiled. "Who said we wanted you to hang out with us." Ron snapped.

She just got a strange look on her face and said "I'm sorry, I thought, I mean" " Thats right you thought, now get lost." he growled. Then the mask she had been wearing slipped and you could see the grief, pain, sorrow and rejection written on her face. "Fine, I'll go, Ja ne." Sakura sighed, her mask quickly slipping back up, but not before a single tear fell. A blood red tear.

MayonakaKitsune_chan: Well that's the end of my second chapie hope you like.

Ambros: Is there a fight scene in the next one. If so I'm your man, er, dragon.*acts hyper*

MayonakaKitsune_chan: Ambros, quit getting into Oamaae's pixi stix's.

Oamaae: YOU WERE IN MY PIXI STIX!!! NOW YOU DIE!!!*starts chasing Ambros around


MayonakaKitsune_chan: Its your own darn fault*rolls eyes*Oamaae just don't break anything.

Kiekachuna:*walks in* ohhhhhh free show*pulls out bag of popcorn and sits down* want some MayMay.

MayonakaKitsune_chan: Sure why not*sits down next to Kieaka-chan and pops a piece of popcorn in her mouth* Got butter.

Kiekachuna: Here*hand butter over to MayonakaKitsune_chan* Ja ne minna-san.

~~~~~~~~~~~preview of next chapie~~~~~~~~~~

The second Sakura's hand touched his she instantly retracted it as if she had just been burnt. When Malfoy stepped towards her she scrambled back and yelled, " Keep away from me kuro ningen!!"