Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kiyaku: Closed Windows ❯ Catcher in the Rye ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

This is the continuation of Kiyaku: Broken Promise. This story starts a year after the first one with Kurama and Hiei in college. And a little problem develops that may break the two lovers up. Inspired by Hikari Nanase's story "Let's Fly as the Birds Do."


Kiyaku: Breaking a promise. I couldn't find the translation for `broken promise' and that's the closest I got to. Hope you like!


Warning: Yaoi through and through. Don't like it? Don't read it!


Disclaimer: Do I have to say? Geez!


Kiyaku: Closed Windows


Chapter 2: Catcher in the Rye


"Come on, Hiei. Just a few!"




"Come on, what are you afraid of? It's just a little thing."


"Red . . ."


"Scaredy cat! It's just a camera!"


Hiei's face blushed as Kurama laughed.


"Did you have to bring that up," growled Hiei and Kurama laughed again.


"Come on, Hiei. I'll be the only one who'll take the pictures. It's for my photography club! Please?"


Kurama looked at Hiei and made The Face. Hiei looked around nervously. He hated it when his love made The Face. It made Kurama look cute.


"All right," he said "I'll do it! But only two."


Kurama smiled and took out his camera. He could have done pictures of anything he wanted, he was really good with the camera, but he wanted to take pictures of his koi. He might take some pictures of his friends too.


"Where shall we go, Kurama," asked Hiei. Hiei had worn a black shirt and khaki pants, a pair of sunglasses perched on his forehead. Kurama had worn a blue flannel that was halfway open and blue jeans, and a white hat on his head.


"How about the park? We'll get some great pictures there."


Hiei nodded and Kurama smiled. Together they put on their shoes and headed out toward the nearby park. Going to a secluded area, Kurama directed Hiei to a bench. The black haired boy sat casually on the bench with his leg crossed and the glasses dangling in his hand.


"How's this, Kurama," asked Hiei and Kurama nodded. The redhead took the picture and smiled.


"That was perfect, Hiei," he said and sat on the back of the bench, Hiei still holding his position. It actually felt comfortable to be in such a ridiculous angle, but he didn't care. Kurama held his cap casually in hand and looked up at the sky over the tree.


"Excuse me," said someone in really bad Japanese and both boys looked up to find an American couple looking at them as if for a favor.


"Yes," said Kurama in very fluent English. The two sighed in relief and smiled at him.


"Thank God you can speak English," said the man. "Me and my wife are tourists and I'm afraid that our Japanese isn't very good."


"Well, that puts you in the same position as my friend here," Kurama patted Hiei's back affectionately. "He's not really very good at English. What is it you ask?"


"I would like to get a picture of you and your friend if you don't mind?" asked the man.


"What do they want, Kurama," asked Hiei who, like Kurama said, didn't understand English.


"The man wants a picture of us," said Kurama smiling at his koi. The red head knew what was going to happen next.


"Hn," said Hiei staying in the same position he had been in for Kurama's picture. "Just one, Red."


Kurama nodded and told the couple, then sat down on the bench and held his hat in his hand. The couple took the picture and left.


"There," said Kurama. "Now was that so bad?"


"You know I hate getting my picture taken, Kurama."


"I know, but when you do you look so cute!"


Hiei shook his head, and then his head shot up at a rustling sound in the forestry.


"What is it, Hiei?" asked Kurama as his koi got off the bench and walked toward the woods.


"I thought I saw something," said Hiei and started pushing aside branches. What he saw was a chipmunk with a acorn nut in his mouth.


"See," said Kurama. "Just a chipmunk. Looks like Chip and Dale."


"Kurama, you watch cartoon too much."


"And you watch too little." He pulled Hiei into a tight embrace and kissed his head. Hiei pushed away gently.


"Kurama, what is someone sees?!"


"Let them see. I don't care."


"You sly fox."


"I know." And he brought Hiei closer, kissing him lightly. Hiei smiled and pulled Kurama down for another one.


Another rustle startled them and they looked over toward the sound, not seeing anything in the thick bushes.


"I heard that one," said Kurama.


"I don't like this," said Hiei. He grabbed Kurama's hand. "Let's go." And he pulled Kurama down through the park.




Kaoru walked out of the thicket she had been hiding in, a camera held in her hands and her mouth looking like it would hit the ground. (If you don't remember who she is read chapter 5 of the first story) She couldn't believe it. Her Hiei-chan was with that . . . that man! How can her Hiei-chan betray her like this? They were supposed to be together forever and now he goes to this . . . this man whore! (Bad girl here. Nothing personal.) How could he be so inconsiderate! So cruel!


Suddenly she wants revenge on Kurama. Looking down at her camera she got an idea. Running home she leaped to her computer and plugged her digital camera in. calling up the picture she sorted through them. They were mostly pictures of birds and animals she took pictures of. Finally she came to one she didn't mean to take. She had been planning to take a picture of a well grown spruce tree when she Heard Hiei's voice. The camera was still at her face and her finger had still been on the button when she spotted him. She was about to call his name for a surprise picture when Kurama pulled Hiei in for the kiss and her finger pressed the button. She had stepped back and stepped on a twig. Hiei looked her way and she bolted, finding another spot to watch them.


She pasted the picture on Paint and wrote s few words and posted the picture on every major webpage on campus. Soon she'll have her Hiei-chan back.




Kori here to tell what happens next. Hiei and Kurama go back to school and horror of horrors, they are found out! Now they have to try and keep their sanity on their first day of being an official known couple. Will they survive? Don't miss the next episode of Kiyaku: Closed Windows! See you soon!