Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama's Sister, Kiru ❯ Kidnapped!!! ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kltp: I am so sorry for not updating this summer but I have been busy traveling but I finally get to write more of the story. I have to use my mom's laptop because my baka computer STILL won't let me log in
K: You travel more than anyone one I know
Kltp: *cries* I KNOW!!! It is against my own free will!! If I had a choice I would stay cooped up in my room all summer writing and reading stories
H: Stop crying you big baby. Kltp owns all characters besides the Yu Yu Hakusho characters.
K: Please enjoy
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Hiei and Kurama raced in the direction of Kiru's ki. While they raced through the brush and trees Kiru was forcefully attacking the water demon. He had made a whip out of water and kept trying to hit her yet she dodged all of his attacks. She disappeared and reappeared behind him and struck him hard with her whip, causing her to leave a big gash on his back. He quickly grasped the end of the whip and yanked it out of her grip and tossed it side. She took out a pair of twin Katanas and rushed the demon. She was able to slice off his left arm with one of her katanas but since she was so close to him he was able to slash her well on her right shoulder and her stomach. Kira sprung into the air and pulled a seed from the pouch on her hip. “This is getting boring!” She shouted and threw the seed to the ground. As soon it hit the ground, the seed sprouted into a thirty foot Venus Fly Trap. The plant quickly ate the water demon but very messy, covering the edge of the forest with blood. Kira quickly sheathed her katana and fetched her whip, putting them in their rightful places on her belt. She heard shuffling in the bushes to her right and she drew a dagger, throwing it into the shadows. A few seconds later Kira heard the sound of a bow releasing an arrow but she wasn't quick enough to get out of the way fast enough. A tranquilizer dart was in her good shoulder. “Damn, that demon was a distraction.” Kira mumbled before she collapsed on the ground.
When Hiei and Kurama exited the forest they found it covered in blood. Kurama took a sniff of the air and said, “Yes, she was here as was two others. Hiei's eyes were looking at the battlefield and spotted a piece of cloth on the ground. He picked it up and handed it to Kurama. Kurama sniffed it and said, “This is a piece of Kiru's shirt. It smells heavily of blood.” He looked around and something glinting in one of the trees. He walked to it and pulled a silver dagger out of the bark. On the tip of the dagger was another piece of fabric which didn't smell like Kiru's scent. It had a line of blood on it and Hiei and Kurama decided to get Koenma to identify the blood. Kurama and Hiei headed back to the house, grabbed the slightly unconscious Riku, created a portal and entered the office of the Almighty Koenma.
“Hello boys. I was just about to call you.” Koenma said. Kurama set Riku down on the couch and looked around the room to notice that Yusuke and Kuwabara were here, both looking grave. Riku stirred and sat up on the couch, noticing that they were Koenma's office.
“What's going on?” She asked looking at the serious face of Koenma.
“That is what I would like to know.” Said Kurama looking expectantly at Koenma.
“Well boys, both Yukina and Keiko were kidnapped from their houses last night and we are not sure where they were taken or who took them.” Koenma said in a hard voice.
“Identify the blood on this cloth and you will have a who and maybe a where.” Kurama said tossing the cloth with blood on it onto Koenma's desk.
“Where did you get this?” Koenma asked handing the cloth to George to get it analyzed.
“Kiru was kidnapped earlier today and the blood belonged to one of her attackers.” Hiei explained making his presents know. He was plenty pissed to find out that his sister was kidnapped but he kept his anger to himself knowing that his anger would not help get Yukina back right now.
They waited a few seconds for the results to come back in silence. Finally George returned with a folder of the person the blood belongs to. Koenma quickly read the folder, nodded, placed a picture upside down on the desk and pressed a button on his desk making a picture of a demon appear on the giant screen behind them. He had green spiked hair and tan eyes. Riku looked and let out a low growl that only Hiei and Kurama heard yet they ignored her. “His name is Hano Shiwaki. He is an A class raven demon. His is an expert assassin…” Koenma was not able to finish his sentence because Riku had burst into laughter, rolling of the couch holding her stomach and rolling from side to side in laughter. Everyone stared at her confused for five minutes until she stood wiping her eyes from tears that had come while she was laughing.
“Sorry, but someone calling Hano an expert assassin is just so funny. Hano is and always will be a pathetic assassin.” Riku said her face turning cold but not as cold as Hiei's or Kiru's. “He is an idiotic demon who would do anything to please his son of a bitch master.” She stated in a disgusted tone looking back at the picture on the screen.
“Do you know him and his master?” Yusuke asked and when she nodded he asked, “Can you lead us there?” Yet again she nodded.
“Than lets go rescue the girls!!!” Kuwabara shouted.
“But we don't know anything about the leader.” Koenma said being the only reasonable person in the room.
“Correction, you all don't know anything about the leader but I know everything about the bastard. I will tell you guys on the way. Lets go, we have a long way to go.” Riku said running from the room with the gang following her.
*~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Kiru~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
`Damn, I feel like I was rammed with a baka ningen truck.' Kiru thought as she slowly sat up on the cold hard ground. She reached up to rub her temples when the sound of metal dragging on the ground brought attention to the chains around her wrists, ankles, and neck. She looked around the room to notice three other people in the cell with her. They all looked at her when they heard her chains scrape the ground. They were chained to the wall in the same fashion she was. “You are you guys?” Kiru asked.
“Keiko Yukimura.” Said a brunette with brown eyes wearing a blue school uniform.
“Yukina.” Replied a girl with sea foam green hair and red eyes that reminded her of Hiei. She was wearing a blue kimono with a red sash.
“Blaze Cobriana.” Replied a girl with midnight black hair, pointed ears and neon orange eyes. She was wearing a tube top that matched her eyes and baggy black capris. “Who are you.” Blaze asked.
“Youka Kira.” Kiru replied using her more infamous name.
Blaze's eyes widened and asked, “The infamous Youka Kira that is the younger sister of Youko Kurama and partners with the wind demon Riku?” When Kiru nodded Blaze questioned, “Do you know where she is?”
“Why do you need to know?” Kiru felt uncomfortable seeing as Keiko and Yukina were staring at her also.
“Riku is my older sister.”
“Wait, you are Youko Kurama's sibling?” Keiko asked suddenly. Kiru nodded and Keiko asked, “Do you know the Spirit Detectives?” Kiru's head was pounding from all the nodding but she continued anyway. “I am Yusuke's girlfriend and Yukina is Kuwabara's girlfriend.”
“Nice make your acquaintance.” Kiru said.
“To bad it will be cut short Youka Kira.” Said a voice from the door of the cell. A demon emerged from the shadows. He had sapphire hair and neon orange eyes (Kltp: he has the same eyes as Blaze for a reason.).
“ Koharu.” Both Blaze and Kiru spat at the same time.
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Kltp: I love this chapter. It took me an hour and a half to write it but I love it because I don't have writers block anymore! Yay for me!
K: Please read and review people. We check up on the visitors. There are a lot of visits yet barely any reviews.
Kltp: Yes please review. See you next chapter!!