Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama's Sister, Kiru ❯ Bad Dreams and Here They Come ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kltp: Yeah! Chapter 13! I am so happy!
K: We can tell.
Kltp: Well Yusuke and Kuwabara finally were able to stop dancing but since they tried to kill me I had Kano chain them up and lock them up somewhere. Now that you mention it, where did you put them?
K: * smirks evilly* don't worry about it
With Yusuke and Kuwabara (in freezer)
Y: I-i-is-s i-i-t-t co-o-ld i-in he-ere o-r i-is i-t ju-us-st m-ee?
Ku: N-no-t ju-st y-ou.
Back with Kltp and Kano
Kltp: anyway, please read and review
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Kiru woke up from her deep sleep a few hours later to see Keiko and Yukina asleep while Blaze was staring into space. Blaze so turned her attention to Kiru once she noticed she was awake. “Riku is coming.” Blaze said in a flat tone with a small smile.
“Why did Koharu capture you?” Kiru asked curiously.
Blaze was silent for a few minutes before she answered, “ I killed his bitch of a wife and his son. Riku and I had planned to kill them when we were younger. When Riku found out that he had another family she told me to kill one of them while she took care of the other one. It sounds evil but we can not let Koharu have kids and raise them to be just like him. Koharu and both of our fathers all beat us up as kids and we didn't want anyone else in our family to suffer the same fate. Our mother did though. Koharu killed her, right in front of us. Koharu needs to die, by my hands or Riku's. Please, when they come, do not let anyone kill him except for Riku or myself.”
Kiru digested this information that Riku never told her and nodded, smirking and said, “Fine as long as I get Hano.” Blaze nodded and laid down on the ground, closing her eyes and falling asleep in seconds. This gave Kiru time to think to herself. `I wonder why I thought of Hiei when I was yelling at Koharu. Oh well. I think about it later.' She laid down and fell into a deep sleep.
*~~Kiru's Dream~~*
She was in a field with Yoko and they were playing random games. Both foxes where children and they were interrupted when a young Koharu entered the field and snuck up behind Yoko. He grabbed a dagger from his belt and slit Yoko's throat. Kiru let out a scream and charged at Koharu with her claws extended. She tried to hit Koharu but he disappeared and ended up behind her. He struck her in the side with a sharp kick. She rolled away from his next blow. He raced up to her and punched her repeatedly. When He was done she made a break for the forest at the end of the field with speed she didn't know she possessed. She entered the shade and sat down at the base of a tree. She heard movement and looked up to see Riku in her current age. Riku bent down with worried eyes and asked, “Are you ok Kiru?”
Kiru nodded and was startled when Riku screamed until a taloned hand appeared through Riku's stomach. Her eyes dulled and she fell forward at Kiru's feet. Koharu stood there looking like he did now. “Run little Kiru. Save all your friends before I kill them.” Kiru stood and ran once again. This time as she ran she aged until she reached her current age. She ran right into someone and looked up to see Hiei. He grabbed her hand and pulled her up to her feet. She was about to say thanks when he was on the floor, blood gushing out of his throat where it had been slit. She sank to her knees and put a hand on his neck to try and stop the bleeding even though she knew it was a lost cause. She felt a presence behind her and she stood, turning to see a grinning Koharu.
Her eyes were a dull gold and she raised her bloodied hand and smiled. “You know what Koharu. You are a bastard. Oops I need to correct myself.” She turned to look at him and her smile turned malicious, “You are a DEAD bastard.” She swung her claws with unmatchable speed and slit his throat.
Kiru sat up quickly, breathing harshly. She looked around to see everyone else sleeping peacefully. She placed a hand over her racing heart and held it there hoping to slow it down. A tiny ray of light from the window above them told Kiru that it was almost sunrise. The door to their cell banged open and Haru walked in carrying four trays of food. Everyone woke up in time to see him set them down all just out of each others reach. When he left Kiru pulled a seed out of her hair and planted it into a crack in the tile. She used a little of her ki to make it grow four long vines and pushed the trays toward each person. When it finished it retracted into a seed and rose in the air. Kiru caught it and put it back in her hair. Everyone started eating in silence until Keiko asked, “Why don't you use your plants to break the chains and escape?”
“The chains drain my ki so I can only perform small tasks such as the one I just did.” Kiru replied taking a bite of bread. The food wasn't fancy. There was a piece of bread and some cheese. A glass of water accompanied the meal. They ate in silence after that and didn't speak until a young girl came in to clear the dishes. “Do you know what day it is?” Kiru asked the girl calmly.
The girl hesitated when she was spoken to before she replied, “Tuesday.” Then she left quickly.
Kiru felt herself grin. “What are you grinning for?” Blaze asked at Kiru's strange behavior.
“Oh nothing.” Kiru replied and curled up to nap. `Nothing at all.' She had a nice dream this time about how she helped the others escape and letting Blaze kill Koharu while she dealt a very painful death to Haru. She was woken up when the door to the cell banged open and in stepped Haru. He unhooked Kiru from the wall and pushed her into the hallway. Haru was giving her a major headache but she had to bid her time until she could kill him. She was sent to the room she went to before when she was “tortured” and was sitting down crossed-legged when Koharu walked in.
“Good afternoon Kiru.” He said happily.
“What do you want now Koharu?” Kiru asked in a bored tone. “I am not going to tell you where Riku is.”
“Oh no need to worry about that. She is on her way. I came to ask you if you would accept the honor of being my queen.” Koharu stated sitting down behind her and putting his head on her shoulder.
Kiru dipped her shoulder causing his head to slip off. “Don't make me gag! Why the hell would I marry you?” She shouted as Koharu made his way to sit in front of her.
He grabbed her shoulders to hold her still and said, “I thought it would be nice to ask you even though I was going to do it anyways.” He leaned forward but Kiru brought her knees up to block him. That didn't stop him for long before he leaned towards her shoulder… when she kneed him in the stomach. He was pushed back and hit the stone floor hard. He sat up and yelled, “Bitch! Haru, get in here now!” Haru entered and pulled Kiru up. He dragged her out of the room and up some stairs. They went though many winding hallways until they got to a light blue door. Haru opened it threw Kiru in it. Three girls sat on the bed and look at Kiru oddly.
“Get her ready for Lord Koharu and take her to the throne room and chain her up.” Haru commanded harshly making Kiru roll her eyes. The three girls nodded and pulled Kiru up and into a chair. They unhooked the shackles but the room made Kiru to drowsy to escape. The room had two types of wards on the walls. One prevented fire attacks while the other prevented earth attacks. One girl stared brushing Kiru messy hair and another put some makeup on her. The last one entered the room with a long dress and they dressed her. When they were finished Kiru was pushed in front of a mirror. Her hair was left down but it was parted on the side, with parts of her hair covering one of her eyes. She wore a deep maroon eye shadow and the same color of lipstick. The dress she wore was white with silver trimmings. It was held up to her neck by a silver necklace and ended when it touched the floor. It had no back and the skirt was long and flowed around her when she moved. She had a small silver tiara set in her hair that matched another necklace that graced her neck. She had a silver shackle on her right wrist that contained fire wards so she didn't have to wear seals over her tattoo. On her ankles and left wrist she wore many loose bracelets that clattered together when she moved. She was barefoot that showed her nails which were painted a deep black.
She was escorted from the room and into a different one. This one was huge and the theme was silver. She was pushed into a silver throne and shackled on her upper arms and calves. She sighed and a light shone in a particularly dark corner of the room and Kiru was able to see Blaze, Yukina, and Keiko all there, chained to the wall. They were unconscious and Kiru looked to the roof when she was flooded in light. Only then sis she realized that the roof was made of glass. The full moon shone brightly around her giving her skin a pale glow. Kiru's eyes where hooked on the moon and she stared, mouth agape at the beauty above her.
Fangs appeared in her mouth and her eyes turned bloody red. She finally removed her gaze from the moon to the claws on her hands. “Finally, I am strong enough to escape.” Her black ear twitched when she heard movement down the hall so she retracted her ears, tail, and claws. She lowered her eyes so they couldn't see they were red and not gold.
The footsteps suddenly stopped and when joined by another set that was running. This new one also stopped and then the two both started running. One in the direction of the throne room and the other in a direction towards the west.
*~~~With The Gang~~~*
Riku was going as fast as possible towards the castle. They would reach it by nightfall at the pace they were going and everyone one was impatient to get their friends back. Both Kurama and Riku could feel each other's fear. They both felt it because they dreaded the same thing. Tonight was the full moon and that is when Kira took control of Kiru's body. Kira didn't do very well when she was captured. When she was she would raise one hell of a ruckus which would likely get her put to death. `Please don't do anything stupid Kira.' The two worried demons echoed each other's thoughts. An hour later they arrived at the gate. It stood at least thirty feet tall and they didn't want to waste time scaling it. They turned to Yusuke who grinned and said, “One hell of an entrance coming right up! Spirit Gun!” He shouted and the doors were instantly incinerated. The group ran in and began attacking any demon that ran their way. They created a path that led through the doors and followed Riku who began to lead them in the direction of the throne room.
*~~~With Kira~~~*
The doors opened and Koharu slipped in and shut the doors behind him. She watched him through her bangs but shut her eyes when he came closer making it appear that she was asleep. He smiled at her calm face but didn't know that the little contact between them felt like sandpaper against raw skin. He released her chin and it sank against her chest. He smirked and sat down next to her in a bigger throne to her left. A few seconds later her shoulder was being shaken and she heard Koharu say, “Wake up darling.”
She choked back a gag and said, “I am awake.” The doors to the room banged open and Kira's eyes widened as the whole gang including Riku entered the room. She stood and tried to run to her brother but she forgot she was chained so she was held back. Yoko growled and tried to charge and destroy Koharu but Riku stopped him.
“Do not worry yourself with him. I will deal with him. You gat Kira.” Yoko nodded and raced to Kira as Koharu charged at Koharu who was standing, waiting her attack. Yoko sliced through the chains that held her down and she threw her arms around Yoko. She did not like showing affection but in her brother's case, there was an exception. Yoko hugged her tightly until she pulled back.
“Yoko. We need to free her.” She said waving her hand at Blaze. She was not worried about the other two. Hiei was freeing Yukina and Yusuke and Kuwabara where freeing Keiko. She suddenly sank to the ground after Yoko left to free Blaze when she felt something lodge itself into her left shoulder. She turned to see Hano with needles in his hand, preparing to launch another one. He threw it but it was blocked by a shiny katana. Hiei stood in front of Kiru, about to attack Hano when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Kiru's smooth voice filled his ears, “Hiei. Go check on Yukina since I know you didn't get the chance. I will deal with Hano.” Hiei looked back, unsure until he saw Kiru nod at him. Then he disappeared. “Finally Hano,” Her eyes turned murderous and Hano's eyes widened and held a great deal of fear, “After many years of waiting. I finally get to kill you. I will make sure every second counts.” She pulled the dart from her shoulder and dropped to the ground. She smirked a malicious smile and advanced on the frightful raven demon.
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P: Kltp, is there a reason there is a Kuwabara and Yusuke popsicle in the freezer?
Kltp: Kano, you didn't
K: *shrugs*
Kltp: *follows Puppy to freezer* Hey! They look cool! Lets leave them there a little longer and eat some sweet snow. Okay?
P: Okay! Please read and review peps!!! She will post the next chapter when she gets… *Thinks for a moment (Wow! She CAN think *get hit with shoe* Ow, sorry)* Three reviews!! T.T.F.N!
Kltp: *eating sweet snow* What she said