Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kuwabara's Day #1 ❯ Joke 5 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho.
(Last Chapter!)
Kuwabara and his friends where all at the Megalaga concert. They were all dressed up in there fan: T-shirts and hats….. and wigs, yes wigs. They all dared each other to wear different colored wigs. Kuwabara: pink, F1: blue, F2: green, and F3: orange. (By the way it's Megalaga on the show, instead of Metalica, or how ever you spell it.)
*yelling over the screaming fans*
Kuwabara: this concert is so awesome!
F1: Yah; this so rocks!
F2: It's a lot better than the first one we went to; there were a lot less people!
F3: Megalaga sure has gotten a lot more popular since then!
Kuwabara: I'm sensing great energy!
F1: What!?
Kuwabara: I said: I sense great energy!
Demon starts attacking fans and random people.
F3: A monster, run for your life!!!!
F1, F2, F3 take off running with other fans and random people.
Kuwabara: Hmph! Some friends you guys are! *sees the demon's giant teeth*
What lovely breath you have. *demon growls* Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! *takes off running* Urameshiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!! I knew I should have joined track!
Demon: Must destroy pink! (don't take personally; (if you like pink) pink is my favorite color)
Kuwabara: So you hate pink, huh?! *demon growls* Well, take this!!!
Kuwabara puts his pink wig on the demon's head and the demon blows up causing green guts to go everywhere.
Kuwabara: *spits out some guts* Well, that could have gone better; a whole lot better. This stuff tastes like………….. Cupcakes?!
F3: You're alive!?
F2: Are you okay?!
F1: Yes, are you okay?!
Yuske: Kuwabara?!
Hiei: Well, of all people. You did something helpful after all.
Kurama: *hands Kuwabara a mop* Now, all you have to do is clean up.
Yuske: Yah, Kuwabara, clean it up.
Kuwabara: When did you get here? *points at Hiei, Kurama, and Yuske & F1, F2, and F3*
Kurama: Bye, have fun cleaning up!
Kuwabara: But, this was your guys' mission, which I finished, but you should at least help clean up!
Yuske: Bye, can't hear you, bye! Kurama, who would of known. Kuwabara's stupid pink wig saved the day after all! And we didn't have to clean up for once!
*they run off*
F1: Well, we better get going!
F2: Yes, my mom is probably worried sick.
F3: Yah, and I'm suppose to be grounded. Have fun cleaning up, Kuwabara!
Kuwabara: Guys!
F1, F2, F3: BYE, KUWABARA!!! *they take off running*
Kuwabara: Hey! You guys! Guys? Guys?! Come on! You can at least help me clean up a little! GUYS?!
……………..and as this rather stupid story comes to a close, my friend Kuwabara wraps, or rather cleans up the day……………….. ^_^
The End. Completed on: February 22, 2005, 7:36 PM
I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho.
-_- Pretty dumb, huh?