Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life Through a Dragon's Eyes ❯ Chapter Ten: Life and Death ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Ten: Life and Death
::Sasuke's POV::
Yusuke immediately charges toward Kushin, yelling in rage as he punches him in the face as hard as he can. Kushin doesn't even move, or try to make it look like that actually hurt him. He only smirks and grips Yusuke's wrist hard, snapping the bone easily and throwing him across the room.
“Didn't you hear me before boy?! I'm immortal, and therefore you can't kill me, or even hurt me for that matter!” he says, laughing evilly.
I try to think of something, something that might help us even a little bit against him. I scan the room, looking for a weapon of some sort that the detectives might be able to use. I suppose this isn't much use to them, but it's the only thing I can think of to do.
Kurama runs up to Kushin, trying to slash him with his rose whip, but to no avail. Kushin catches it in his hand and pulls hard, sending Kurama up towards him so that Kushin can punch him hard in the stomach, sending him flying.
My eyes fall on the silver band around Tage's wrist. I remember what that's for. The detectives used it to capture her. It was the only way they could make her weak enough to beat her. So that means…
“Yusuke, how do I get the bracelet off!?” I call out, forming and idea quickly.
Yusuke looks up from his place against the wall, struggling to his feet and staring at me for a few moments before realizing what I have in mind.
“Of course; that bracelet was made to weaken her, and it's been doing that all along. So if it's taken off…” Hiei mumbled softly, understanding my plan immediately.
Since he was the closest, Hiei ran to Armatage's body quickly, placing his hand over the bracelet and using some of his demonic energy to snap it in two, the pieces falling to the floor with a soft clang of metal.
I stare at Tage intently, hoping, praying that my idea might work. It was just a theory. But I believe that if we take the bracelet off, then she might regain the power that the bracelet had sapped from her before.
Armatage's body begins to glow with a soft blue light, matching the color of her sapphire wings exactly. She opens her eyes weakly, coughing softly as she sits up, a confused look on her face.
“I…I'm alive? How could that possibly…?” she mumbles softly, looking from me, to Hiei, to everyone else.
She then sees the bracelet that had been on her wrist moments ago on the floor. Armatage picks up the pieces silently, her mind registering what must've happened easily.
Before she has a chance to say anything else, Kushin throws a ball of flame at us; Hiei and Armatage move out of the way quickly before they're hit, but I stay. Nothing can happen to you if you're dead right?
Armatage stares up at Kushin, a hatred in her eyes that I've only seen whenever she thinks of Itachi. But this is different for some reason. The hatred I see in her eyes is practically tangible as I see her demonic energy glow around her body, pulsing with rage.
“You…I'll kill you for all that you've done. You sent that disease that killed the dragons! You took my fire and nearly killed me for your own selfish reasons, and you've even hurt my friends! For that, I'll never forgive you!” she screams angrily.
“And what will you do about it eh? You're practically still a child by demon standards. The dragons deserved to die if you're the strongest member of their species!” Kushin replies, a mocking laugh escaping his lips.
::Armatage's POV::
He's wrong…they didn't deserve to die. My people were good…a kind race that was peaceful towards to just about everyone they met. Well…I guess I'm not quite like them now. I mean…I'm a murderer.
I smirk at his over confidence, and a laugh of my own joins his until he realizes it and becomes silent, staring at me curiously.
“It's finally happened; you've gone completely insane from sheer loneliness. You, my dear, have absolutely no reason to be laughing.”
“Actually, yes I do. Didn't you ever wonder what would happen if a dragon just suddenly came back to life after losing their fire. The remainder of my fire was stored in that bracelet, so you didn't take all of it, which means two things: One, you're not completely immortal, and two, because you have my fire in your body, I can control what happens to you,” I reply, laughing still.
Kushin's eyes widen in surprise, knowing he never thought about the possibility of me ever coming back to life like this. Honestly, I'm taking a big risk by even saying something like that, considering I'm not really sure if it's true. But I believe it could work. I can feel the remainder of my fire that he took in his body, waiting for me to take it back.
I raise my hands in front of me, palms facing him. My eyes narrow as I stare at him silently. I can feel the fire he stole trying to escape from his body at my subconscious instruction for it to return to me. I smile grimly, chuckling softly as I realize my bluff is no longer just that.
“You're just trying to frighten me. I'll kill you before you ever get the chance to take back your fire!” he yells arrogantly as he charges towards me, a hand outstretched as if he plans to rip out my heart.
“You have what you wanted from me Kushin, now enjoy it,” I whisper as my hands clench into fists and he stops, clutching at his stomach and couching up blood along with small bits of flame.
Kill him, and return to me, I silently order.
I watch with an almost sadistic grin on my face as Kushin drops to his knees, writhing in agony as his body is torn apart from the inside out by what is essentially my very soul. He gives one last scream of pain before my fire escapes him completely, bursting through parts of his body and returning to me almost immediately.
The grin returns to its normal scowl as I walk to Kushin's corpse, wanting to assure myself that he's really gone. I kneel down and check for a pulse, and I feel nothing. He's dead and gone, forever if I'm lucky.
Yusuke, Kuwabara, Hiei, and Kurama only stare at me as I do this. All are in separate parts of the room, most clutching at a wound they'd received during the short fight. I stare back at them as I stand, a small smile gracing my lips for a moment, but not one like I had before. It was to show…gratitude. To them, for coming to help me when I know they didn't have to, when I'd even told them not to.
“Tage…will you be alright?” I hear Sasuke ask, gliding to my side and smiling at me comfortingly.
“Yes…Yusuke, contact Botan and tell her to open up a portal back to Spirit World. I want to speak with Koenma. Now,” I say sternly, and for once he does what I say without arguing.
“What do you want to talk to him about?” Kuwabara asks curiously, though I would've preferred if he'd kept his mouth shut.
“None of your business, human; it's a personal matter.”
We all walk out of Kushin's castle and sometime later Botan appears, opening a portal for us quickly.
I look up at the castle one last time, and I already know what must've become of Kushin's slaves. Their lives were obviously tied to his, otherwise they would've come to kill us by now. A thought comes to me for a moment, and I feel rather pitiful. Had the detectives not disobeyed my orders to them and come to my aid, that castle would've become my tomb, as it is Kushin's now.
“I'm really glad you're okay Armatage. I don't know what I would've done if you really had died,” I hear Sasuke say happily as he follows me into the portal.
I only nod and smile for a moment. There's at least one more thing that I have to take care of, even if Koenma doesn't approve of it. The other I must have his approval to do so, otherwise it won't work, unfortunately.
Soon Sasuke...soon I'll repay my debt to you, in more than one way, I think to myself.