Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Living Among Humans ❯ To The Human World! ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Living Among Humans

Living Among Humans
By: Ku-chan

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Look! Another story!

Kurama: Wonderful!

Hiei: You better not be making me human!

Ku-chan: Sheesh Hiei. Would I ever do that to you?

Hiei: Hn.

Ku-chan: What does he mean by that?

Kurama: * sweat drop * Umm.. Nothing?

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Summary: What if Hiei had a real family? What if Yukina knew Hiei was her brother? What if they all went to the human world for a while?

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AN: Hiei and Yukina are around 10 years old I think. Hiei has his Jagan ( I know, I know. He did not have it when he was a kid, and he would not need it if Yukina knew. But I think the Jagan makes Hiei who he is so I could never take away his precious third eye. He will also meet Kurama and everyone else! Yes, Kurama is a demon. I'm not making them all human in this story. I know they never say anything about Hiei's father, and I know he left so he would not be married to Hina, but he is in this story. Oh yes, I know Kurama was not human yet, and probably not near Hiei's age. But he is now, and he can turn into Youko. Kurama also has long red hair when in his human form. I just like him better with it long. Of course he is cute with it short. Well hope you like it. ( I know I said my next story would be Yaoi but this one is not. My NEXT story will be though.

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" Why do we have to go to the Human World?" It was more of a demand than a question, but his family took it as a question.

" Hiei, we already told you why we were going. I will not repeat myself." Hiei said nothing to his father Shakaku, he didn't want to be scolded for the tenth time today. Hiei's mother, Hina walked next to her husband who looked a great deal like her son. They both had the black spiky hair with white starbursts starting from the bangs and going up. They also had the beautiful crimson eyes. Dead give away of a fire demon. Even though Hiei's sister also shared the crimson eyes.

Hiei sighed, he knew why they were going to the human world. They were suppose to watch the humans, watch what they do. Who cares? In Hiei's eyes they were filthy creatures that shouldn't be living. The young fire demon glanced over at his twin sister, she seemed so happy and ready to visit the human world.

Hiei stayed behind his family, his father in the lead and his mother close behind him. His sister skipped next to her, he eyed them all. ' I don't see why I have to go.' Hiei thought, he would have been happy just to stay home at the cave. He knew how to make a fire so he would not freeze to death.

" Here is the portal. This is where we go." Shakaku said as he stopped abruptly Hiei ran into his sister when she stopped skipping, and looked at the blue swirling portal. She looked at her brother and smiled sweetly.

" Look brother." She pointed to the swirling blue mass. Hiei looked at where she pointed. He knew just what she was saying. This was the last time for a while that they would see the demon world. Hina took both her daughter and her son's hand. The older fire demon jumped in first, closely followed by his family.

Hiei clung tightly to his mother's hand, he never been threw one of those before. When they came threw the other side, they were in a forest. Hiei still held on to his mother's hand, his knuckles white. Realizing what he was doing he released her hand and walked over to his father.

" Are we in the human world now?" The older fire demon looked down.

" Yes. I believe so." Both Hiei and his father looked around. Yukina seemed to notice a lot of small animals running around, mainly chipmunks and rabbits. They ran over to her, knowing she would not hurt them.

" Mother look, look at them all!" Yukina sat on the ground. It was winter here, snow had fallen and everything was white. A small rabbit jumped in Yukina's lap, while a bird perched on her shoulder. Hina smiled down at her daughter, it looked like Yukina would get along fine here. Hiei was the one she was worried about.

Hina walked over to her husband and Hiei who seemed to be discussing something. She only heard the last sentence.

"- Hiei, at all times you must cover your Jagan. Humans would most likely freak out, or worse report you and who knows what would happen.

" I'm not scared of humans-." His father cut off Hiei.

" I don't care. You will do as I say. Are we clear?" Hiei nodded.

" Hn.." While the older fire demon walked towards Hina, Hiei pulled out a white bandanna; which he tied around his Jagan. Yukina joined her brother after playing with the animals, she was babbling on and on about things Hiei really did not care about, but nodded so his parents for making her cry would not scold him.

" I think this will be fun! You should try and enjoy yourself!" She said happily. Hiei looked down at the snow-covered ground, his boot covered feet sunk in the snow, and Yukina seemed to be able to walk right on top of it. Guess koorime's are able to do that. One thing always puzzled the young Hiei, if he was part koorime why couldn't he walk on the snow? These questions always went threw his mind, but they were never answered.

They all headed out of the forest, it was around the afternoon so the sun was high. The temperature was still below freezing so none of the snow was melting. When they left the forest they came to a park, children were building snowmen, having snowball fights, and building forts, all so childish to Hiei. Yukina watched with amazement at how talented the children were. Hiei crossed his arms, this was all just plain stupid to him.

Before they left the park, Hiei and Yukina's father had a talk with them all.

" Remember, we must act like them, no mentioning Makai, demons, or anything from where we live. Understand?" They all nodded.

" Good, lets continue."

After a while of walking in silence, Hiei broke it with a simple question.

" Father, where are we going to be staying?" That 'simple' question stopped their father right in there tracks.

" I know where we will be staying. We just have to find it." Hina smiled gently at them all.

" I'm sure we can find it, lets look. What is it called?" After Shakaku told them what it was called, which was an apartment complex called 'Umi' they set off in search.

" Mother, are we almost there yet?" Yukina glanced at all the humans around her before continuing. " I would like to go walk around a bit once I know where we are staying." Hina smiled at her daughter.

" Of course you can." Shakaku looked at Hina then to Yukina, last he looked at his son.

" Yes you can go, but Hiei will go with you." Hiei was about to complain before he got a warning glare from his father, who shut him up, he crossed his arms with an 'hn.' Yukina looked down, Hiei really looked unhappy here.

After a while of walking they came to a big apartment complex, lucky enough a big sign written in kanji read 'Umi' showing they came to the write place. Yukina looked at the sign.

" Father, that is that strange writing mother, brother and I have been learning right?" Shakaku nodded.

" Yes, it is called kanji, you will be learning that in a human school."

Hiei froze where he was. " You mean we have to go to a human school?" His voice showed no emotion, his eyes looked cold. He got over his shock and walked into the building they were standing outside off. Shakaku sighed heavily before entering as well. Before Hina walked in, she felt a tug on her kimono sleeve.

" Yukina? Is something wrong?" Yukina looked down, she didn't want to cry, if she did her tears would turn into Hiruiseki stones and people would know they were not normal.

" About Hiei mother. Why is he so sad?" Hina hugged her daughter.

" I think he is scared, but he is just too proud to admit to it. He's never been here before, everything is new." Yukina nodded at her mother's words.

" Now lets go in." She took Yukina's hand and they both walked in together.

Hina and Yukina walked in to see an angry Hiei sitting with his arms crossed in a chair. Yukina walked over to him and sat next to him while Hina went over to Shakaku.

" What happened?" Yukina asked.

" Nothing." Hiei glared at the floor.

" Are you sure?"

" Stop asking! I said I am fine!" Hiei yelled, Yukina looked down a sad look in her eyes.

" I'm sorry, I was just wondering! You don't have to yell at me just because you're scared!" Yukina yelled at Hiei, not even noticing the shocked looks on the humans around them. Hina walked over to Yukina and pulled her away from her brother.

" I'm not scared!" Hiei yelled, but stopped when his father hit him hard on the back of the head.

" Stop this yelling now!" He grabbed Hiei and drug him over to the counter, grabbing a key they headed up the stairs three floors up. Yukina ran up the stairs trying to ignore the glances people shot at her. Hina sighed and followed.

After they were in there room Hiei was pushed into a bedroom.

" You're not coming out of here!" With that the door was shut with a loud 'bang'.

Hiei yelled from inside the room. " What about Yukina?! You never do anything to her!"

" If you don't stop talking you will get no food!" Yukina put her hands over her ears, she hated when her father and brother fought, and it was all her fought he was in trouble this time.

" Father, I'm so sorry, please let brother come out. I-."

" No, he has to learn." He said calming down. Yukina nodded and sat down on a couch. Hina whispered something into his ear, which he nodded at.

" Your mother and I are going out for a while. We will bring back food." Yukina smiled.

" All right." Her parents walked out the door without saying anything else.

Yukina let out a delicate sigh, she was about to explore the room when she heard a weird noise coming from inside the room Hiei was in.

She knocked softly on it.

" What are you doing?" She cracked open the door to reveal Hiei opening a window and about to jump out.

" No you can't! You'll get in trouble!"

" Hn. I don't care. Dad is already mad at me." With that Hiei jumped out of the window and landed three stories down. Yukina ran over to the window, when she got there Hiei was already gone.

Hiei wandered the streets, he had no idea where he was going, and he really was not looking forward to going home, he was really going to get it from his father this time. He always did things to get himself in trouble.

" Hello. You look lost." A soft voice called from behind him, at first Hiei thought it was a girl but when he turned around it was a boy with long red hair.

" I.I" Hiei started, he was not really lost, and he knew where his apartment was.

The boy smiled. " You must be new here." The cheerful boy continued. " Want me to show you around?" Hiei couldn't believe it. This kid never even met him and he was already talking to him like he has.

" Um. Sure." At least it would give him a chance to see the city.

" Great, lets go." The redheaded boy started walking, Hiei followed. After a while of walking in silence it was finally broken.

" Where are you from?" Hiei started thinking. He was told to say nothing about where he was really from. He decided to use the name of a city in Japan he heard about.

" Um. Kobe." Hiei hoped the boy would believe him, luckily he did.

" Really? Cool, how is it there?" Hiei could tell he was trying to make conversation. Oh well, maybe he can get his mind off of all his problems.

" It's nice." Hiei really knew nothing about Kobe, he just heard about it from a group of demons that he saw.

" What is your name?" Hiei sighed mentally, he was glad the subject was changed.

" Hiei.." The boy smiled.

" I'm Kur- uhh Shuuichi. Minamino, Shuuichi." The boy now known as Shuuichi bowed, Hiei did just as he did.

" Are you hungry?" Shuuichi asked. Hiei nodded. He knew his parents were bringing something home, but he doubted once they find out what he did they would let him eat today.

Shuuichi walked into a ramen shop, he sat at a table and waited for Hiei to join him. After Hiei sat down a waitress came up.

She eyed them both, not quite sure if they could pay. Shuuichi seeing this pulled out some money. The waitress smiled.

" Can I take your order?" The red head nodded.

" I would like some miso-flavored ramen please." Hiei not really knowing what ramen was ordered the same thing.

" Me too." Remembering what Shuuichi said, he decided to be polite. " Please."

She smiled then went back to the kitchen.

Shuuichi sat there silently watching as Hiei looked around the shop. ' Something is different about this kid. He does not feel.. human to me." Shuuichi thought. Hiei noticed emerald eyes staring at him.

" What are you staring at?" Shuuichi blinked.

" Oh sorry!" He laughed nervously. " Just thinking." Hiei looked at him confused.

" Hn.." Shuuichi smiled.

" Really I'm sorry." Hiei shrugged.

" Its ok."

The waitress came back with the ramen, she placed both bowls in front of the kids then left once again. Shuuichi grabbed some chopsticks and began eating. Hiei looked even more confused than before.

' What is he eating with?' Hiei thought, he looked next to his bowl where a pair of wooden sticks laid. Hiei guessed this was what they ate with, not there hands.

Picking up the chopsticks, Hiei tried to copy the other. Only to have them slide for him fingers and fall on to the table. Hiei blushed, if he was pretending to be human he should know how to use these right? Hiei tried once again with the same results. Shuuichi laughed slightly.

" Here I can help you." Shuuichi got up and went over to the black haired boy. He placed the chopsticks in the correct position in his hand. Hiei tried again, this time he was able to grab some noodles. Once he got them to his mouth the chopsticks failed to stay in the right position and the noodles fell in Hiei's lap.

The fire demon picked the noodles off and threw them back in the bowl.

" You never used chopsticks before have you?" Hiei blushed but shook his head.

" No." Shuuichi smiled.

" That's ok, it takes practice to get it right. Why don't you eat with this." Shuuichi picked a spoon off the table and handed it to Hiei. Hiei took it and began eating. This was a lot easier.

After they ate they walked out of the ramen shop only to be stopped by a girl that also came out of the ramen shop.

" Shuuichi-kun! You forgot this last time you were here with Yusuke." She handed him a notebook. The brunette haired girl smiled. Shuuichi took it with a smile.

" Thank you Keiko-chan, tell Yusuke-kun I'll be over tomorrow like he asked." Keiko nodded, she looked at Hiei and bowed.

" Hello. I'm Yukimora, Keiko." She smiled again.

" Hiei.." The black-haired demon said looking down.

" Well it was nice meeting you Hiei-san. I have to go. Bye you two!" With that Keiko ran back into the ramen shop.

Shuuichi smiled, he flipped threw the notebook before turning his attention back on Hiei.

" It's getting late, I need to get home. Maybe I'll see you around sometime! It was nice meeting you!" Shuuichi waved as he began to walk away. ' Maybe I will tell you who I REALLY am, once I know WHAT you are.' Shuuichi thought.

" Yeah. Bye!" Hiei called. He started walking back to the apartments. ' I feel something from him." Hiei thought as he left.

Hiei started walking up the stairs to the room he and his family were staying at, before he opened the door he was met by a very angry dad.

' great.' Hiei sighed and walked in with the door slammed behind him.

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Well how did you like it? The first chapter of a new fic. I wrote this like 2 years ago and decided to post it today! It took a long time to write because I had it in Kanji when I first did it back when I lived in Japan. But now I give it to you in English. I hope you like it. Tell me please! Review if you wish.

Hiei: Hn thank goodness I REALLY don't know who my father is.

Kurama: Really. He is not very nice.

Ku-chan: he is a demon. Demons are not very nice.

Kurama: True..

Hiei: Hn. At least you let me keep the Jagan.

Ku-chan: I have like the next to chapters on paper, but I don't feel like writing it on the computer now. Tell me how you like it and if I should continue.

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The father's name. Shakaku means " Angel of Fire." I just liked it so I used it as the father's name.

And Umi means sea. Guess you should know means sea or ocean. Both the same.