Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Making My Life Worth It ❯ Frantic girls and a drunk Kurama. ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Making My Life Worth It

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho or the characters.

Chapter 4: Frantic girls and a drunk Kurama.


Ok the fan girls are actual people who sent me profiles when I had previously done the story! So I don't own them either!


Riyu: Okay so far according to what we know Shishi has not been captured yet! But the fan girls are closing in from the South and North!

Yusu: I knew I should've picked north.

Riyu: And he has fallen into a trap! Poor Shishi! Seems that plant cage isn't gonna hold much longer though- And off he goes again!

The whole room was filled with screams and wails as all four groups were approaching Shishi at a very fast pace.

(To Shishi)

Shishi: If I survive this I promise to wash my hair only 4 times a day. Please someone help me! Riyu when I get my hands on you, your gonna wish you were being chased by rabid girls!

(Riyu was sweet dropping back in the human world)

Shishi ran west this time hearing girls chanting his name very loudly.

(Back to Riyu)

Riyu: Seems like Shishi is really getting desperate now! He's hiding in a tree! Oh and here comes the East group!

The eastern leader and her group were now steps away from Shishi, as her pet dragon sniffed the floor like a maniac. Shishi really wished at that point he had never bought scented shampoo. Oh who was he kidding he loved the stuff.

Arca: He was here!

RFG: Oh my god! Were finally gonna get to see and touch Shishi!

Arca: Aha! What have you found Rage?

The dragon was pointing at the tree Shishi was in as the fan girls slowly walked towards it. Shishi taking the little time he had jumped out running straight into them.

ALL THE FAN GIRLS NOW: Shishi! It's Shishi! We won!

The fan girls jumped on Shishi covering him in kisses and hugs as he desperately tried to get away (And breathe). In minutes he got his chance and jumped through a gap wearing only his pants and one sandal.

(To Riyu)

Riyu: That was a very close one! You eastern voters almost won! But Shishi is still free and well not wearing much clothes! Oh and we are not responsible for any nudity that may happened during the showing of Shishi Hunt!

Koenma was now crying anime style as he watched his group run after Shishi.

Ogre: Now Koenma sir, don't worry your group is far ahead of the rest.

Koenma: Yes of course my group has a huge advantage! Just imagine all the stuff I'll be able to buy!

Ogre: (whispering) Glad I went for the west.

Koenma: What was that Ogre?

Ogre: I said glad you're feeling your best!

Koenma: Good now be quiet!

(To Shishi)


'Oh great that was my favorite pair of sandals. Now were am I suppose to go!'

He saw that he had lost the eastern group but now heard as another group came oh so near him.

'Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! Fine I'll settle for only washing my hair 3 times a day but please get me out of here!'

He heard no answer just more girls chanting his name.

(To Riyu)

Riyu: Looks like two of our most popular groups are now approaching Shishi! Both the north and west are hot on his trail! Oh look the leaders don't look too pleased to see each other!

(To fan girls)(Sorry! But I had to make the fan girls bitter enemies!)

Silver: Nice to see you finally caught up Shinnyu!

Shinnyu: Oh don't worry about us! Once we get our beloved Shishi you'll be begging outside our place to even look at him! And I never give false hope!

Silver: Why do you even bother?

Shinnyu: Because we love Shishi! You should try being a bit nicer ya' know!

Silver: Ha! That's funny but when it comes to getting Shishi for myself I'm not nice! And your just rivals!

Shinnyu: Well we're not exactly thrilled about having to compete against rivals who have no chance of beating us!

Shishi took the fact that the leaders were a bit preoccupied at the moment. And fled the scene before anyone noticed he was right there.

(To Riyu)

Riyu: Looks like our leaders are under a bit of pressure today! They didn't notice Shishi was right in front of them!

Kurama: NO! Hurry I need that money!

Kuwabara: What for?

Kurama: Well my hair ain't exactly easy to maintain!

Yusuke: Maybe we shouldn't have let Kurama drink that last shot. He isn't using proper English anymore!

Kurama: Whaya sayin' 'bout me Urameshi Yun- sun- ke?

Yusuke: Oh nothing Kurama but I think you should lay off the drinks now.

Keiko: Right! Now give me that!

Keiko takes Kurama's drink and swallows it with a quick swing.

Kurama: Hey that was mine!

Keiko: Too bad 'cause now it belong ta' me!

Suddenly both start laughing hysterically and fall to the floor clutching their stomachs.

Yusuke: I think Keiko might have over done it.

Shizuru: Nah look how much fun their having! Those two need a break from book/homework land!

Keiko and Kurama were still on the floor giggling as they helped each other up and sat back down in their seats still giggling.

Riyu: Hey you two cool it with the drinks!

Kurama looked a bit confused but then his eyes started to flicker gold as he made his way towards all of Botan's ferry friends. He talked to a couple of them as they pulled him into the back closet.

Several minutes later Kurama finally gets out of the back closet and sits back down, his shirt unbuttoned and his hair messed with.

Kurama: Such bad headache!

He turns to his left and throws up on Kuwabara, as Hiei in one of those once in a lifetime opportunities and laughs like there's no tomorrow.

(To Shishi)

Silver: Enough of this we shall get Shishi and beat all of you!

Shinnyu: Not if we get him first! Then we shall celebrate with blissful joyfulness and lots of chocolate!

Silver's hair starts turning, well silver as she gathered her powers to locate Shishi.

Silver: Oh no the Southerners are surrounding him!

Both groups now ran south towards Shishi!

(To Riyu)

Riyu: Looks like this fight is coming to a really scary end for Shishi!

Kurama: Huh what happened? And why does my head hurt so damn much?

Hiei: You got really drunk and made out with Botan's ferry friends right before you threw up on Kuwabara. Now be quiet so I can see if I get money!

Kurama: Made out? What? Yoko when I get my hands on you, you are so dead!

Yoko: (in his head) What? So I finally got you to do something fun!

Kurama: Yeah and you left me with the hangover!

Yoko: Come on now! I'm finally rubbing off on you! One of my favorite pastimes was playing tongue twister.

Kurama: Your going to ruin me!

Yusuke: Kurama why are you talking to yourself again?

Hiei: He's talking to Yoko stupid! He's the one that got Kurama all drunk! Now be quiet or feel my wrath!

(Onto Shishi)

TRF: Our plan has worked! Girls capture our prize!

RFG: But won't we hurt him? He's too good looking for that!

Shishi: Come now ladies can't we settle on something?

RFG: Shishi you have such a dreamy voice!

RFG: Yeah and body! TRF must we wait to do our bidding?

TRF: Yes we must capture him and declare him ours.

Shishi tried to runs again but vines suddenly surrounded his entire body.

ALL FAN GIRLS: We won! Yay! We get Shishi!

Suddenly some fireworks go off announcing the winners as the South took their prize back to their lair.

(To Riyu)

Riyu: That concludes our showing of Shishi hunt! Turns out that the south has won the competition! Will the following people please go to the betting table and receive your money: Hiei, Shizuru, Touya, and Kymie. Looks like betting on where you live is not the way to go!

Hiei, Shizuru, Touya, and Kymie (one of Botan's ferry friends) walked over to the table as they got their 1000 dollars a piece.

Kurama: Hiei I do want my 50 dollars back.

Hiei: Yeah okay here!

Kuwabara: Man sis how did you know that the south would win?

Shizuru: Intuition bro. Now give me back my dollar.

Kymie: Hey Kurama the girls and me want to thank you for the good time! Call us!

Kurama: Will do ladies!....Yoko get out of my damn head already!

Yoko: I have to take as much advantage of your drunk state as I can you know.

Kuwabara: Why does Kurama always get the girls even when he's drunk?

Kurama: Cause I can! Women adore me and I adore them! Strip clubs here I come!... Yoko I mean it stop now!

Yoko: Fine I'm losing my grip anyway!

Kurama's eyes turn back to green as him and Keiko run towards the bathrooms to throw up.

(Back in southern lair)

Shishi was tied to a chair as he listened to the stories of some of his adoring fans!

"She was a tall girl with violet eyes and waist-length silver hair that had azure streaks in it...azure streaks the same color as HIS hair. The hair framed her perfect body, which she hoped would catch HIS attention. HE, was Shishiwakamaru, a demon who was a master swordsman and downright sexy to the boot. Suddenly, he walked up to her out of nowhere..."
"Excuse me..." he breathed, "but I've been noticing you around...how would you like to go out with me?" he asked charmingly.
"I would love to!" shouted the girl, a fox demon who was very conveniently related to Yoko Kurama.

5 minutes later:

As he removed her top and ran his hands down her bare back, he just knew they would be together forever. Lovers in infamy...

(To Riyu)

Jin: Wow when they say they're fans they mean it don't they!

Touya: Who cares I got money now! What should I buy?

Riyu: Don't know but I heard Hiei say something about sweet snow, a mini refrigerator, and a hammock.

Everyone had already left the house as Ogre carried out the last of the supplies with him.

Chuu: Guys I need ya' to take care of Rinku for me.

Jin: What for Chuu?

Chuu: Koto and me are taking a trip today and won't be back for a couple of days.

Touya: Right...

Chuu left with Koto as Jin begged Touya for money to buy stuff. Riyu had already left towards the makai.

(Riyu at southern lair)

TRF: Together forever to fulfill their love and lust...

RFG: It's Jacuzzi time!

RFG: Yes! Let's strip him!

Shishi looked like he as about to cry as many girls in swimsuits stripped him of his clothes and walked towards the huge Jacuzzi filled with women. Riyu had began to walk into the huge place seeing as Shishi was being rubbed with oil by many hands.

Riyu: Congratulations!

Everyone turned to her, as she walked towards the Jacuzzi.

RFG: There are two of them!

Riyu: Hold it right there my name is Riyu Wakamaru. I'm a girl!

Someone finally turned on the lights as Riyu got hundreds of death glares.

RFG: You lie Shishi isn't married!

Shishi and Riyu sweet dropped again. (This keeps happening)

Riyu: No! I'm his sister! (Turns to Shishi) Enjoy yourself Shishi you'll be here exactly 24 hours!

Shishi: No!!!!!! Riyu take me with you and I promise not to kill you! I beg you! I'm gonna die!

Riyu: (telepathically) Wait till nighttime. I'll come get you then. Right now death will be certain to both of us.

Shishi: I swear why the hell did you do this in the first place!

Riyu: Well two reasons... one your fan girls kept me locked up for three days ready to kill. Second you were a total ass about me staying.

Shishi: Look I'm sorry about that just get me out of here!

Riyu: Your sorry!?!

Shishi: Yes! But I'm still getting back at you!... I know how about I tell Jin you have a major crush on him!

Riyu: Don't get me mad Shishi! I won't come back if you do!

Shishi: No!!!!!

Riyu: (out loud) I'll be back for him at exactly 9-tomorrow morning! Have



Awkkk! Another long one!

Hope you guys had fun with this one! Sorry if I didn't really do much detail on the fan girls! The story would have been nearly 20 pages long!

Next we got LOTS of Kuwabara bashing and antics at Knott's berry farm!

Oh and thanxs 4 reading. and PLEASE REVIEW!