Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Passionate Rain Saga: The Red Rose of Love ❯ ~*M E T E O R~* ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kaya: Amika would LOVE this chapter because it's sad and tragic.

Raven: We don't own the song "Meteor" which is by T.M. Revolution or that its played in Gundam SEED.

Aries: Bring out the tissue boxes, this'll be a real tear-jerker.

Ariel: Great...I hate it when people cry over stupid things like this...

Raven: We don't own YYH or their characters.

Kaya: Now, if you'll like, you can cry but please use a tissue box if you do so. ^^;;



The Red Rose of Love

Chapter 16




[Sendai-Date Dojo]



"Is she going to be alright, doctor?" Sayuka asked a male doctor.

The doctor shook his head, "She might but most likely she won’t live. She has until 12:00AM tomorrow until she dies. I’m sorry for the loss."

Sayuka then cried hysterically and Sage held her in a gentle embrace. Narutaki cried loudly and Ariel held him and rocked him.

"I’ll go tell the others. Narutaki stay with Sayuka and Sage. I don’t think you want to see this." Ariel said as she stood up and walked out of the room. furete temo tsumetai yubisaki kooritsuita tsuki ni terasarete (They touch, although with icy fingertips Illuminated by the frozen moon)

[Living Room]

Everyone waited in the living room, impatiently. Kikyo and Mayumi were now awake and were nervous.

Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Kurama sat on the first couch while Botan, Mayumi, and Kikyo sat on the other one.

Kai, Hiei, Takuya, and Shun leaned against the wall.

Ariel slowly walked into the quiet room, when they saw her, they immediately looked at her.

Ariel was on the verge of tears. She kept them back which was the hardest thing to do.

"She’s…she’s…she’s…" Ariel stuttered.

"OUT WITH IT!" Yusuke shouted angrily.

Ariel then couldn’t hold it in anymore and burst into tears and fell on her knees.

"SHE’S GOING TO DIE! RAI IS GOING TO DIE TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT!" Ariel screamed as tears fell down her face and unto the ground.

Kikyo, Botan, and Mayumi ran over to the hysterically Ariel and had a group hug. They all cried and screamed loudly.

Kuwabara looked depressed and Kai, Takuya, and Shun went pale.

Yusuke on the other hand went a pale white, tears fell down his face and he kept back the tears.

Hiei looked away, a tear then fell down his face, turning into a jewel.

Kurama buried his face in his hands but still the tears fell down onto the ground.

Kuwabara walked over to Yusuke and put his hand onto his shoulder.

"I’m really sorry Urameshi..." Kuwabara said but that didn’t stop Yusuke.

Everyone just sat or stood and cried.

hibiwareta kokoro ga moetsukiru yoru o dakukedo (My flawed heart still embraces the night, even as it burns out)



Kikyo and Botan walked through the garden of the Date Dojo. They walked side by side, tears falling down their faces.

"If only I could something! I’m a Guardian; maybe...if I use my powers…" Kikyo started.

"Kikyo, you know you haven’t mastered healing wounds/souls yet and..." Botan started.

"I CAN’T JUST LET RAI-CHAN DIE!" Kikyo screeched.

Botan then realized what she said and looked at the ground.

Then Botan’s face lit up, "There is a way…"

Kikyo looked up, tears rolling down her face, "What do you mean?"

Botan’s oar then appeared and Botan got unto it, "There might be a way to keep Rai from dying! I’ll be back before midnight but I’m sure!"

With that, Botan flew off into the air and Kikyo watched.

"HURRY BOTAN! HURRY BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!" Kikyo cried, tears still rolled down her face.

Kikyo then walked back to the house, hoping Botan would return soon.

isshun no kanata de kirameita omoi ga ai nara maboroshi ni

(That feeling that glittered off in the distance for a split-second)

[Rai’s Room]


Yusuke held the unconscious Rai’s hand in his own. Takuya had gone to Yusuke and have given him telepathic powers so he could still talk to Rai before she left them.

Yusuke, this telepathic power I’m giving you is only because of Rai. You’ll be able to talk to Rai but telepathically. Use it well and it will wear off at midnight.

Yusuke sighed and held a firmer grip around Rai’s hand.

/Hey Rai, how are you? Takuya gave me some telepathic power to talk to you. Isn’t that neat?/

/Yes that is cool Yusuke./


/Yusuke, remember when we were 4 years old? When bully picked on me you beat him up for me./

/Yea, I remembered that. That’s when I started to go punk, so I could protect you./

/Thanks Yusuke./


/Yusuke, I wish I could open my eyes and see you but I just can’t. I wish I could see Narutaki and everyone else./

/Me too Rai, I wish I could./

/Hey Yusuke, can I tell you a secret?/

/Sure Rai. You can tell me one./

/Promise you won’t get mad at me or this other person?/

/I won’t I promise./

/Well, Hiei told me he loved me and he kissed me on the lips back in the dojo in Kyoto./



(If it's love, I'll try for that vision)

/You said you wouldn’t get mad Yusuke./

/Oh…that, I wasn’t mad, I was just surprised. Do you love him, Rai?/

/I don’t know but I can’t and don’t want to imagine what he’s going through right now. I would feel just awful./

‘Note to self: KILL Hiei later.’ Yusuke thought but not telepathically.

/Rai, you know what, I saw the gardens here and they’re beautiful. Especially the cherry blossoms, those are your favorites, right?/

/Cherry blossoms are my second favorite. My favorites are red roses./

/Why is that Rai?/

/Because, a red rose means love. You know the red rose of love? Okaa-san told me a story called "The Red Rose of Love" when I was younger./

/What is this story, "The Red Rose of Love" about?/

/It’s about this adolescent girl who is sickly and has lost her mother and lives with her brother and father. Then one day, she meets two boys and the two boys instantly fell in love with her. They fight for her affection until in the end, one boy wins. It all started with a red rose that meant love. The other boy, who was deeply heart broken, never fell in love again but watched over the couple. And the two boys were childhood friends but in the end, they were still friends./

/Wow, your mom told this right?/

/Yes and I keep those memories in my heart forever. I remember when there was a ball, when I was three years old, my parents took me to it. My mother picked me up and she danced with me. I remember the tune. It was a violin and harp and I never wanted it to end./

/That’s a special memory to keep in your heart./

/I know Yusuke. Another special memory of mine was one with just you and me. When we were 5 years old to be exact. We went to the park over the summer and we had a picnic./

/Oh yeah, I remember that! I got you a bunch of flowers and you made a wreath out of them. It was really beautiful./

/Oh Yusuke, please stop being so modest./

/A special memory of mine was on Christmas Eve, remember that Rai?/

/Yes, I do. I kept that present close to my heart./

/And the present you got me was best I’ve ever have gotten./

/Yusuke…I love you…/

/I love you too, Rai…/

Then Yusuke cried, tears falling unto Rai’s soft face.

‘Oh Rai, why did you have to die by the Akuma Masters? I promised you I would help you find a way to live longer and I failed! Damn it, damn it! I hate myself!’ Yusuke thought as tears fell down his face.

[In Makai]


Botan then landed on the ground and ran as fast as she could.

‘Hang on, Rai, help is on the way!’ Botan thought.

She then saw a little house and raced towards it.

She then slammed opened the door to the house, "Hello! Anyone there! This is an emergency!"

A familiar person turned around, "Botan, what is it?"

"Yusuke’s cousin, Rai, is slowly dying. She has until midnight and I think you could save her." Tears streamed down her face.

"Please, help us! Rai means EVERYTHING to us, especially Yusuke and her little brother Narutaki! Please help us!" Botan begged.

The person smiled, "Take me where ever Rai is. I’ll save her."

Tears of sadness then turned to tears of happiness, "Thank you! Thank you so much!"

"Take me there immediately. We only 6 more hours until midnight." The person said.

hanatsu hikari sora ni ochiru nozomu dake no netsu o sasagete

(The light is freed and falls through the sky, sacrificing its warmth only for hope)

[Nigenkai-Sendai-Date Dojo]


shini yuku hoshi no unda honoo ga saigo no yume ni yakarete iruyo

(The flame that's born of dying starts burns on in this, my final dream)

Kikyo walked into the house filled with much grief, holding cherry blossoms with Ariel behind her, holding red roses.

Ariel walked over to Kurama, who wore all black. Actually, everyone was wearing black, even Hiei.

"Kurama," Kurama turned around to face Ariel, who wore a black kimono, "Take this. Red roses were Rai’s favorite roses of all time."

Kurama tried to smile but only tears fell down his face. Ariel turned around and walked away and headed towards Narutaki.

Kurama looked out the window, tears still falling down his face, ‘I’m sorry Narutaki. I broke my promise to you. Forgive me, although I bet you won’t."

"Kurama…" Kurama slowly turned around and his green eyes looked even sadder.

There stood Narutaki in black clothes.


"Don’t say anything, Kurama, since I know what you’re going to say." Narutaki said sadly, he didn’t face Kurama.

"Narutaki, I-"

"It wasn’t your fault. It was those awful people who did this to her. I heard from Yusuke that you protected her from them." Narutaki said, still not facing him.

Kurama looked at him with much pain, "Narutaki, what I did-"

"Look, I know you were protecting her so don’t go blame yourself for it. I could tell from the beginning that you protected her. So you really didn’t break your promise." Narutaki turned to face him; tears streamed down his skin.

Kurama bent down and took him into a gentle embrace; "It’s alright to cry Narutaki. I’m crying too."

"But at least Rai will be happy. Now she’ll be with Okaa-san now. She always wanted that. And I hope Otou-san-"

Then the doors slammed opened and there stood a man. He looked angered and depressed.

He had brown hair and umber eyes and a black business suit. It was Shintaro Urameshi, Rai’s and Narutaki’s father.

"I heard the news." He said harshly.

Narutaki then let go of Kurama and ran to his Otou-san.

"Otou-san!" Narutaki cried, he buried himself into his father’s broad chest.

"Narutaki, it’ll be alright." Shintaro said calmly.

Shintaro then looked up and saw Kurama.

"Otou-san, this is Kurama. He protected Rai from those awful people." Narutaki said.

Shintaro let go of his son and walked over to Kurama, "Thank you. You have my blessing. Thank you for protecting my daughter before this tragedy."

Kurama put on a small smile, "Thank you sir."

With that, Shintaro walked over to Sayuka and Sage.

Kurama then looked out the window, ‘People may have forgiven me but I can never forgive myself.’ furitsumoru tsumi wa yasashisa ni toge wa emi ni kaete yukeru nara (If the sin that falls and covers everything turns to kindness, and if a thorn could become a smile)



"Hurry Botan! It’s already 11:30, only 30 minutes left until Rai dies!" The person said.

"You got it!" Botan then flew faster.

‘Hang on Rai! We’re coming to save you!’ Botan thought.

chiru magiwa no hana no todokanai sakebi nimo nita

(Like the unheard scream of a flower before it falls)

[Date Dojo-Rai’s Room]


"Ten more minutes until midnight." Sage said calmly. He, Sayuka, Narutaki, Shintaro, and Yusuke sat in the room where Rai slept.

There were cherry blossoms and red roses all over the room and candles lit.

/Yusuke, ten more minutes, until my promise is broken./


/Yes Yusuke./

/Do you believe in dreams?/

/Of course I do! I love dreams since they always come true./

/Rai, when you die, will you visit me in my dreams?/

/Yusuke, I’ll always be with you. During the day, during the night, during your visions and dreams, I’ll always be with you./

/But how will I know you’re with me./

/Let me tell everyone…/

inori no hakanasa ga motomeru setsunasa ga futari no deatta toki o yurasu

(The pain that searches for the fragility of a prayer stirs the period when the two of us met)

[Living Room]


Everyone was in living room that wasn’t a relative to Rai. Yet everyone was quiet and calm.’

/Even though I won’t be with you physical, I’ll always be with you. You’ll know when a red rose blooms or when it rains. When the sky cries, you’ll see me. You’ll see me dancing in the rain. When a red rose blooms, you’ll see me holding it. That’ll show that I’m with you./

Everyone heard that and cried softly.

It was then 11:57 and the doors slammed opened.

It was Botan and the person she was with was…


"Hurry, we have TWO more minutes until Rai’s gone!" With that, Yukina and Botan ran down the hall.

nageki hikari nami ni nomare itami no naka kimi wa mezamete

(The grief and the light are swallowed up by the waves, and in the midst of all this pain, you awaken)

[Rai’s Room]

It was then 11:58 and the family was hardly breathing.

/Rai, Rain, please don’t go…I need you. I REALLY don’t want to take vengeance on the Akuma Masters./

/Yusuke, I have to. That is my destiny and my fate./

/No, Rain, please no./

Then it was 11:59.


It then stroke midnight.

kizutsuketa kara dekiru kizuna ga kodoku o ima egaki hajimeru

(This bond that could be created because we were hurt is beginning to paint over the loneliness)


/Goodbye Yusuke…I love you and take care of Narutaki for me…/


/Forgive me Yusuke…I love you…/

sosogu inochi kizamu hana de kimiyo douka boku o tsutsunde hikari wa mata sora ni ochiru nozomu dake no netsu o sasagete kuzure ochiyuku ayamachi no hate saigo no yume o mi tsuzuketeruyo (Pouring my life into this; with whatever wings you have left - I'm begging you, please wrap me up in them The light again falls though the sky, sacrificing its warmth only for hope This mistake caves in and comes to an end, and my final dream continues on)

Me: My muses are taking a break so I am in charge. Please R/R. ^_^