Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ People are Never Who They Appear to Be A Hanyou Story ❯ Neko’s Moon Revealed ( Chapter 28 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 28
Neko's Moon Revealed
Neko felt his powers start to leave him and his extra appendages were slowly going to disappear but not until the sun was high. He was use to it; it happened every first quarter moon. He felt a little safer now that ningens and youkai were separated into two different worlds but there was still some danger. Neko didn't want to go to school on this day but he couldn't think of an excuse to stay at the house and just got ready for school.
Being the day of the first quarter moon he was at his weakest and all hanyous don't like that. Not only that, but his instincts were telling him something horrible was going to happen. He was considering going to run to his pack just to hide for the day, Yamakaza wouldn't mind but Opal …she would. She's been on his ass ever since she overheard him telling Izu he liked her more than a friend (A/N: actually it was a wet dream and he didn't want to tell anyone that) that's when she started to try to get him and Yamakaza together.
Neko looked at his claws and saw them changing into normal ningen fingernail, `First thing to go . . .' He sighed sorrowfully because even though he was safe for the time being there was still a chance one of his many enemies may appear. Though, there was a secret ability his body made up for when he lost his strength and he would certainly use it when he needed it the most but not until then.
It didn't take long for his friends to notice something was wrong but Izu was the only one who knew what was wrong. Since Neko had gotten into the habit of placing the Illusion jutsu on his ears and always had his tail around his waist no one could really tell he turned ningen. That wouldn't stop them from worrying.
Neko skidded to a halt on the track after accidentally being tripped by another student. He slowly sat up as he felt blood slide down his chin from his split lip and his hand. He looked at his palm and started to lick the small scrape.
Akutagawa-sensei ran up to him and asked, “Saigo Made-kun, are you all right?”
“Yeah …I just busted my lip and scrapped my hand,” Neko said as he kept his back to them.
“You busted your lip!” the sensei sounded surprised.
“I'll be fine,” as he continued to lick his palm but stood.
“No, you have to go to the nurse to get it fixed now!”
Neko visibly shuddered at the thought of going to the nurse (A/N: can't blame him he goes to her every few days just to make sure he's still in good heath and won't die from a cold), “No, its fine,” as he turned around just as Kurama came running by and stopped. `Damn!'
“No, go to the nurse, Minamino-kun please go with him to make sure he gets to the nurse,” the sensei ordered.
“Yes, Akutagawa-sensei,” Kurama answered as he walked towards Neko. When they were a safe distance away he asked Neko, “Why didn't you tell anyone that you lost your powers today?”
“It's no big deal,” Neko equally whispered back, “I dealt with own many times besides I have a gained something that must hanyous only dream of.”
“What would that be?” as they stopped.
“A special ningen power …but I want it to remain a secret,” he said smugly with a smile.
Kurama opened his mouth to retort he suddenly saw Neko take an intake a breath and more blood coming out of his mouth. “Neko-kun!”
He heard laughter coming from behind Neko and the voice said, “Ssstupid hanyou …He ssshould've known he would get attacked.”
“Yuma-kun,” Kurama tested as he took hold of Neko's body.
Yuma looked sharply at Kurama as his arm morphed from a straight blade back to a normal arm, “I'm not Yuma-kun I'm Itsssumaru-”
“No, because if you were Itsumaru-kun you would've known who Izu-kun was.”
“I know who Izu-kun isss. That ssstupid hybrid,” Yuma paused as he noticed some surprise in Kurama's eyes. “Don't tell me you didn't sssmell it on him?”
“What do you know of him then?”
“Let jussst sssay he'sss very important to two of the Yoko Clansss. The Orange Yoko Clan isss ssstill sssearching for him even after nearly over sssix hundred yearsss.”
Yuma was so busy explaining he didn't notice Kurama quickly heal Neko of his wound. Neko pretend to be unconscious during the whole busting Yuma was giving.
“Yuma-kun why didn't you tell him then?” Kurama asked.
“I'm Itsssumaru and I didn't tell him because I dessspissse anyone who isss friendsss with that hanyou.”
“Then you hated the Takashi Clan, too?”
“Yesss except for Chikako-sssan, I could never dessspissse her.”
Kurama was more than surprised when Neko disappeared from his arms to behind Itsumaru with his katana to the youkai's throat.
“Yuma-kun, I know it's you I know your scent all too well,” Neko told him, “It maybe covered over by this bodies smell but I can defiantly tell it's you.”
They suddenly heard a girl scream and they all turned and saw Yamakaza standing there frozen with fear. Her hands were covering her mouth and cheeks as she began to step back shaking in fear. Thankfully, though, she was not alone Izu was with her and he immediately stepped in front of her.
Yuma was in traced by Yamakaza that he momentarily forgot about the blade to his throat until it started to cut through his skin.
“Forgot I was here?” his voice turned into a whisper as he said his next words, “Do you honestly think you can have Chikako-san and have her love you? Think again, she wouldn't have you back then nor will she now. You pathetic fool!”
Yuma just snapped at that remark, he tapped into the youki and morphed his spine into a long blade almost hitting Neko in the chest if he hadn't jumped out of the way. “I knew her before you! Why did you think she would want you more than me?”
“Because I didn't chase after her like you!” he answered as fire began to flare in his eyes.
“You're nothing but a hanyou! Chikako-san should've chosen me!” Yuma was startled when Neko put away his katana, “What are you doing?”
Neko just smiled as plants suddenly grabbed him, “I think you forgot about the others.”
Yuma looked behind him and saw Kurama had summoned his plants to hold him. “Damn you!” Unexpectedly Yuma summoned and attacked Kurama and Neko with snakes; in the process Kurama had to release him to fight off the snakes. Yamakaza screamed again as Yuma charged for her forgetting that Izu was there and was slashed in the stomach by Izu with his fox claws. Kurama's and Neko's attention were drawn to them by the sound of metal breaking.
Yuma looked at Izu surprised and Izu told him, “There are a few things you don't know about Itsumaru's body that only my family knew. One: unlike other shape shifting youkai he couldn't heal fast.”
Yuma stepped back looking down at his bleeding stomach and quickly did a jutsu then disappeared.
Yamakaza suddenly collapsed on the ground gasping and wide eyed. She couldn't breath, she felt her air way closing up and this was the one day that she forgot her inhaler. Izu was beside her close enough to hear her but from some reason he couldn't and she collapsed from lack of air.
Neko kneeled beside Yamakaza as he held his hands above her chest, lying on her back, they were glowing a deep magenta as he concentrated on healing lungs. Finally after a while the glow disappeared and Neko sighed before looking at the other two teens. “She'll be fine but I think we should get her back home,” he told them.
Kurama nodded in agreement and stated Neko as he picked Yamakaza up bridal style, “I didn't know you knew how to heal.”
“I can only do it in my ningen form,” he told him as he turned to him.
“How are you going to get out of school without being noticed?”
“You know how I told you about that I gained when I lose my powers?”
“Well, I gain speed,” he smiled and was just a blur.
“So what was Yuma-kun talking about before I arrived?” Izu asked the stunned Kurama.
Kurama thought a moment before saying, “It was probably nothing important.”