Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Perspective ❯ Taking Control ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hello and welcome to my second fanfic! I really wasn’t enjoying A Dark Plan and then I came up with this idea. It’s soo much better than my first story so R&R! By the way, this story is rated R for a reason. Don’t read it if you get offended by any of the content.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho or you...

INFO: (text) = a thought & –text– = writing


You quietly yawned in the back of history class. The teacher, Mr. Howell, was droning on about something to do with the United States. You didn’t even bother to pay attention. None of what you’d learn in this class would be of any use to you when you’d move to Japan.

A small sigh escaped your lungs. Japan, a place where all of your problems could never find you. You had set your hopes on moving there ever since you’d seen the very first episode of Yu Yu Hakusho. Eventually, you’d try to get a job at the company and perhaps create some episodes of your own. An image of Hiei flashed in your mind. He was your favorite character, and damn hot too! You closed your eyes, hoping to get a better picture in your mind of his sexy body.

“_(Your name)_!” Mr. Howell’s voice interrupted your thoughts. You quickly glanced up startled, but you tried to hide your surprise with a dead stare straight into his eyes. “Where is your Lewis and Clark project? It’s due today.”

Of course you hadn’t done the project. It wasn’t worth your time. You kept your calm stare and stated “It bored me. So I didn’t do it.” He gave you an exhausted look and dropped a small note on your desk. –See me after class– You crushed the note and flicked it lazily off of your desk. (Fucking teachers.)

The class ended and everyone filed out. You grabbed your backpack and gave a loud, aggravated groan as you stepped up to Mr. Howell’s desk. You hoped that he got the obvious point that you were pissed.

He folded his arms and leaned back in his chair. “_(your name)_, this project was your last shot. It’s already the fourth quarter and you just blew your last chance to save your grade. I’m afraid that you’ll be unable to pass to the next grade. I’ll have to hold you back.” The expression on your face remained unchanged as you turned casually on your heel and stepped out the door.

You sat on the bus, not thinking about anything. Your life was too screwed up to let your thoughts take control of your emotions. The bus brakes screamed to a stop and you trudged to your house, cursing Mr. Howell under your breath.

You stepped into your house through the garage door. Making sure to stay extra quiet, you raced up the stairs to your room. You stopped with your hand on the doorknob, about to go inside, when you heard a noise. A low moaning noise was coming from your mom’s room. (God, HE must be having sex with her.) From the start, you had hated your stepfather, Michael. He had so suddenly jumped into your life and stolen your mom. He treated you like dirt while your mom just stood and watched.

Stepping into your room, you grabbed the TV remote. It was time for Yu Yu Hakusho. Maybe it would lighten your less-than-perfect mood. You flipped the channel to Cartoon Network, hoping that you hadn’t missed a second of it. You waited through the commercials and your hopes blew straight out the window. They had cancelled Yu Yu Hakusho, right in the middle of the Semi-finals of the Dark Tournament. You were completely furious. (Bastards!)

Ever since Michael married your mom, you had been given the chore of making dinner for everyone. You were too angry to do it, so you just sat in your room.

About an hour later, you heard your ‘parents’ room door open and footsteps headed your way. Michael burst into the room without knocking.

“Where’s my dinner, Bitch!” he yelled at you. His voice was slurred. He was obviously drunk.

“I’m not hungry. If you want to eat, make it yourself.” you snapped at him. He didn’t say anything, but he quickly slapped you across the face and wobbled out the door. You brought your hand to your face. It was wet. You looked at your fingers. They were covered with bright, red blood. That was the final straw. You had to get away from it all.

You threw everything out of your backpack. None of it would matter soon. As quickly and silently as you could, you stuffed tons of clothes and other necessities into the bag. You checked under your bed for anything that you could have missed. Your eyes rested upon a single item. A scalpel you had stolen from the school during a dissection lay on the floor, well within your reach. You clasped the scalpel tightly in your hand, staring at it. No matter how bad you day had been, you had just thought of the perfect ending.

You lay in your bed, not moving, planning what your next move would be. The alarm clock beside your bed flashed 1:00 AM and the house was silent. You put the backpack over your shoulders and took the scalpel out. Silently, you opened your door and tiptoed out. The door to their room was open.

The timing was perfect. Both of them were drunk and asleep on the bed. They wouldn’t easily wake up. You stood poised over Michael, the scalpel raised over your head, ready to come down. You stared down at him, completely disgusted, and without another thought, you brought the scalpel down hard. You looked down at where you had struck him. Your hand, still tightly gripping the scalpel, was covered in his now freely flowing blood. The scalpel, had gone through his left eye, giving it unblocked access to his brain. There was no way that he had survived.

You turned around, leaving the scalpel wedged in its place, and walked out the door, without looking back. Stepping into the cold, night air, you gave a small smile. Finally, you were free. You walked up to Michael’s car and unscrewed the license plates. Inside the house, you had taken his keys. You had just gotten your drivers license and you were used to driving his car. You stepped into the driver’s seat and started the engine.

After driving for about 30 minutes, you turned off of the highway. You left your car in the middle of a field and walked away with your bag. If the police found the car, they could never find you. A few miles later, you walked to the top of a hill. You smiled as the bright lights of the international airport sparkled in your view.


Well? How did you like it? I really want everyone that reads this to review or I might not have the confidence to continue. I do have some pretty good ideas for the future chapters and don’t worry this will have YYH characters in it I just have to introduce the storyline.