Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Perspective ❯ Escape ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Well, I’m back! (Is it just me or do I say that every chapter?) Wow! I’m soo surprised at how many of my reviewers are from my school...weird. Well anyway, on with the story!

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho, you, Tsunake, or Kaomi. *Don’t sue me please!*


Breakfast was ready and everyone sat down. Kaomi trudged in, holding her head. The usual brightness of her expression had vanished.

“Good morning...” she grumbled.

“What’s wrong with you?” you asked her.

“I’ve got a damn sugar hangover. What’s for breakfast?”

“Rice balls and eggs!” Yukina smiled, bringing in the food, aided by Hiei. You smiled, not just because the food had arrived, but to finally see Hiei acting like the brother he was. You were too excited to eat much, so you just ate a rice ball. Everyone else finished and you looked around.

“Who’s training us first?” you asked.

“Me!” Kuwabara said, leaning closer to you.

“Oh my fucking god!” you yelled at him. “Stay away you little shit on a stick!” Most everyone stared at you. Yusuke was laughing hysterically on the floor and Tsunake and Hiei smirked. You gave an innocent smile and walked out the door.

“Let’s get this thing started!” you shouted from outside.

Once everyone had gathered at the place you would be training at, Kuwabara tried to act tough.

“Tsunake, I’ll train YOU first!” he said cockily. Tsunake spat at him, but she stepped forward.

“I don’t need an idiot like you to teach me how to fight.”

“Trust me, you do.” he said, rolling his eyes. [Wow! I didn’t know he had that kind of motor skill! O.o]

“I warned you.” she said mockingly.

“Ok. Now clear your mind entirely and concentrate on within yourself.” [Big words...O.o]

Tsunake did as he said, despite herself. Eventually, five minutes had passed and nothing had happened.
“You’re not doing it right! Let me help you.” he said.

“Stay back, fool!” she said. Just as he took another step forward, black spirit energy gathered around her and formed into sharp, thick darts. The darts launched themselves at Kuwabara, piercing his skin in many places. He was knocked to the ground and lucky for him, he could take a hit well.

“I told you that I didn’t need help.” she said, glaring down at him. She then walked away and sat down at the base of a tree, near where the others stood, watching.

“Kaomi, it’s your turn.” he groaned, getting up. She stepped forward and followed the same directions that Kuwabara had given Tsunake. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Soon after, she heard everyone gasp.

She jerked her eyes open and stared at Kuwabara. She couldn’t help but giggle. He was covered in fuzzy, pink bunnies and they were gnawing at him rabidly. They got bored of him and started to hop towards Kaomi. She quickly pulled out a can of bug spray and killed them off.

Yukina gave a small gasp at the sight of the dead rabbits, but she quickly ran up and healed the multiple bites on Kuwabara.

“Thank you Yukina, baby.” he said, looking at you. You stepped forward and did as the other two had done and concentrated as hard as you could. You didn’t feel anything different and you could hear everyone move around restlessly as more time passed. You opened your eyes and looked around.

“That...was pathetic.” Hiei said while eating ice cream.

“You looked like you were constipated.” Tsunake taunted.

Genkai stepped forward and said, “These things take time. Both Tsunake and Kaomi have some experience with spirit energy. This will be much easier once your inner demon awakens.”

An angry shout brought your attention away from Genkai. Kaomi had stolen Hiei’s ice cream and was now running away, laughing. Tsunake rolled her eyes and stood up.

“Guess I should keep him from killing her.” she sighed. As Kaomi passed, she stepped between her and Hiei. Just as Hiei was going to step to the side of her, ice formed around the both of them, freezing them together.

Everyone stared at Yukina. She was as shocked as they were.

“It wasn’t me.” she whispered. Everyone’s eyes then turned to Kaomi.

“I don’t know how to do that! Why is everyone blaming me?!” she started to cry and seconds later, a downpour of rain fell from the sky. Hiei and Tsunake were still frozen together.

“Get away from me, girl.” he growled.

“Believe me, I want to.” she replied. He smirked and used his demonic energy to melt the ice around him, leaving Tsunake frozen.

“You bastard! Get me out of here!” she yelled. He just walked away. Genkai walked up to Kaomi.

“It appears that you possess some power over weather.” she said.

“I do?” Kaomi said. She instantly stopped crying and the rain stopped. The sun got really warm and bright as she said, “I thought the only talent I had was martial arts.”

The warm sunlight quickly melted the ice that had trapped Tsunake. She just scowled at Hiei and sat down under the tree that she had been under before. Hiei was yelling in one of the Demon World languages at Kaomi for taking his ice cream. After he had walked away, you were very surprised to see a look of pure hatred on her face.

It was time for Hiei to train you with weapons. As it turned out, both you and Kaomi were naturals at using a katana. Hiei had to barely correct you. Then, it was Tsunake’s turn. She just couldn’t hold the sword right. She kept swinging it with one hand.

“Fool, swinging like that leaves you open to attack.” he said to her as she failed another attempt.

“I wouldn’t let myself get attacked in a real fight.” she retaliated.

“Then let’s make it one.” he said, taking an offensive position with his own katana. Before Tsunake could even react, Hiei had already hit her with multiple attacks and she now lay bleeding on the ground.

“Weak girl. Couldn’t even defend yourself.” Hiei said and walked away. Tsunake slowly stood up, holding a deep gash on her shoulder.

“Are you ok?” Kaomi asked, quickly walking up to her.

“Yeah, except I’m forced to stay in this hell hole.”

“I kinda know what you mean. I’d leave right now, except, after so long alone, I don’t want to leave that way.”

Their eyes took a quick glance at the open exit, then at each other.

“You thinking what I’m thinking?” Kaomi grinned.
“Hell yeah!”

With that, they ran at full speed down the stairs and away from the temple.


That’s it for this chapter. Don’t forget to review! Thanks go out to all of my reviewers and friends who helped me write this story and kept my confidence up! Don’t worry, there’s plenty more on the way! Sayoonara!