Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Perspective ❯ I Wanna Show Off ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I’m back again! This chapter is gonna reveal what I’m using your characters for! Thank you for sending me your reviews, they really motivate me! Some people have been urging me to speed up the romance between you and Hiei. I’m trying my best, it’s just hard to imagine Hiei jumping into a relationship quickly. I promise it will grow though. Well, on with the story!

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho, you, Kaomi, or Tsunake.


A few months had passed since your fight with Soushiki. Hideki and Miharu went back to the Demon World to rebuild their village and they promised that they would come back as soon as they were finished. Kaomi was so happy about her stepbrother being alive. You were finally able to use your spirit energy. It formed into a perfect _(color)_ katana and you practiced with it alongside Hiei every day.

Hiei was getting closer to you as well. He didn’t ‘hn’ as much as he used to and he never lost his patience with you as he trained with him. You were starting to become very talented with your katana and your confidence was booming. You felt like you could accomplish anything.

After another day of training, you sat down at the base of a tree, Hiei above you on a high branch. You were trying to think of a way to show off your growing skills, your brow furrowed in concentration. Then, it hit you and you gave a small laugh while you snapped your fingers.

“Hiei?” you said, looking up towards his branch. He didn’t say anything, but he looked down at you from where he was, so you knew he was paying attention. “I’ve got an idea.

He jumped down next to you. “What is it?” he said, showing slight interest.

You decided to just let it out at once and took a deep breath. “I want to participate in the Dark Tournament.”

“What?!” he said, blinking a few times.

“I want to fight in the Dark Tournament.”

“Are you serious?!”




He gave a defeated expression. He wasn’t going to be able to talk you out of it and he knew it. You were determined to show that you were strong. Plus, it was going to be fun. You were going to beat up people and it was going to be completely legit. You grinned at this thought and Hiei eyed you curiously.

“Oi, Hiei, _(your name)_, it’s time for dinner.” Yusuke said from the door leading inside. You stood up happily and walked towards the door, Hiei following behind. Everyone had already sat down at the table.

<Guess what!> you practically screamed into the minds of Kaomi and Tsunake.

<What?!> Kaomi screamed back and Tsunake was giving you a death glare. You brought your excitement under control and ‘spoke’ again.

<We’re gonna fight in the Dark Tournament!>

<What the fucking hell is that?!> Tsunake shot back.

<It’s a martial arts tournament where demons from everywhere compete. There are no rules to how you defeat them.>

<I’m in!> Tsunake said while cracking her knuckles. Everyone stopped eating and stared at her for a slight moment. Kaomi gave a light yawn.

<Why should I be interested?> she asked.

<Um... Well... The winners get whatever they want for a prize.>

<Awesome! I’m in too!>

You smiled and looked around, only to realize that the three of you were alone at the table. As you all walked to the room, you continued your conversation aloud.

“What’s going to happen when we have to fight each other?” Kaomi asked.

“That won’t happen. We’re required to form a team of five. I think Hiei will be joining, so we need one more person to fight.” you replied.

“Oh god, please don’t let it be Kuwabara!” Tsunake said dramatically.

You heard a small laugh from within the room. “Don’t worry. That’s not going to happen.” Kurama said, standing just within the room next to Hiei. “Hiei told me about you wanting to fight in the Dark Tournament. We’re not going to let you girls go there without us.”

He was speaking to all of you, but his eyes rested mainly on Tsunake.

“All right! We’re tournament bound!” you said, thrusting your fist into the air. Kurama and Hiei started to walk out the door. Hiei stopped as he was passing you.

“Make sure that you get a good amount of sleep. We’ve got only one month to prepare you for the tournament.” he said, his face completely unexpressive. He then walked out the door, sliding it closed. Though you knew that you needed it, you were too excited to sleep.

“Let’s play Truth or Dare!” you said. Kaomi and Tsunake were far from tired as well and they quickly agreed to play. You played Rock Paper Scissors to decide who picked first. Tsunake won.

“Ok, um... Kaomi, truth or dare?”


“You wuss... Oh well, who do you have a crush on?”


You and Tsunake gasped, staring at her in shock. “Really?!” both of you said in unison.

“No!” she laughed, throwing a pillow at you. “Nobody could like him! Truthfully, I don’t like anyone yet.”

“Thank fucking god!” Tsunake sighed.”My turn!” you claimed, relieved that Kaomi hadn’t been serious. “Ok, Tsunake, truth or dare?”

“Dare.” she said flatly. You thought for a moment, then, you thought of a perfect dare.

“Ok, you have to go to Kurama’s room and sing this song to him.” you said and whispered the lyrics into her ear. She stood up with an angry expression on her face and opened the door.

“I will kill you all!” she said as she walked in the direction of Kurama’s room. You and Kaomi followed quietly behind her, far enough away that Kurama wouldn’t see you. Tsunake knocked on his door and stood there until he sleepily opened it. She began to sing.

“Animal crackers in my soup. Monkeys and rabbits loop the loop. Now I see what I must do, follow the animals to the zoo.” After she finished, she gave a small curtsy and ran out of his sight. He stood there with his eyebrow twitching for a moment, then he slid his door closed.

You were laughing around the corner with Kaomi. Tsunake marched up to you, irritation written across her face.

“You thought that was pretty damn funny, didn’t you, _(your name)_?!”

“Yes, yes I did.
“Well now it’s your turn beyotch! Truth or dare?”

“Tru... No wait... Dare!”

“Ok...” Tsunake said and started whispering into Kaomi’s ear. Kaomi quickly smiled and nodded to the secret dare. “You have to go outside to Hiei’s tree and scream the YMCA at the top of your lungs.”

You had really screwed yourself over this time. Was it even safe to wake Hiei up without a good reason? Tsunake had dared you and there was no way that you could refuse. You were just too proud.

After a huge sigh, you walked quietly outside. Kaomi and Tsunake followed closely behind in the shadows. You stopped under a tree where you could see Hiei sleeping on one of the upper branches.

(Here goes...) You thought, taking a deep breath. “It’s fun to stay at the YMCA! It’s fun to stay at the YMC...A!” you practically screamed. Hiei had jerked awake and fallen out of the tree. He now lay face down in th dirt.

(Oh shit! He’s gonna kill me!) You thought, running back inside the temple before he could pry his face free from the dirt. You rushed inside of the bedroom and slammed the door shut. Kaomi and Tsunake had already gotten to the room. Tsunake was laughing hysterically on the floor.

“That was too perfect!” she managed to breathe out between bursts of laughter.

“Yeah?! Well thanks to you, Hiei is gonna maul the hell out of me tomorrow!”

“That will be sweet!”

“Let’s just go to sleep. We need to train in the morning.” Kaomi yawned. You and Tsunake stopped your growing argument and laid down on your mats.

(Please don’t kill me, Hiei.) Was all you thought before drifting off to sleep.


I think this was my longest chapter yet! Do you see what I’m using the characters for now? A few of them will come in next chapter! Well, until next time, sayoonara!