Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Photograph ❯ Photograph ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: It was an innocent little picture…of him. HieiKeiko
Oooo Hiei Oooo
“ Hiei-san!” A female pitched voice cried. I forced myself to keep my eye from twitching as I paused and turned a few inches.
“ Hn?” `Silly ningen. I would kill you, if it weren't for my probation, the detective, and my damn conscience.'
“ Well, all the other boys are out taking care of that demon mission, or something like that, and I wondered if you could pick up my photos at the photoshop. You see, I'm really, really busy, and I wouldn't bother you with it if I couldn't because I know how much doing errands bothers you, especially from a human, but this is really unavoidable, and since you're the only one around-“ Keiko babbled.
“ Urusai,” I said indifferently. The human girl instantly clamped her mouth shut, and I felt some satisfaction that she was being semi-submissive towards me. `Hn, and the detective can't control his woman at all.' I turned and began leaving the teenaged girl behind, wanting to get her hopeful brown eyes out of my head.
“ Arigato Hiei-san!” I just knew if I turned my head around, I would see her waving at me, a great big smile on her face. Silly ningen.
Somehow, I found myself outside the photoshop where Keiko wanted me to pick up her pictures. I growled to myself, scaring the nearby humans. `I might as well get them if I'm here.' I thought grimly. I stepped into the store, mentally flinching when the sharp sound of bells reached my sensitive ears.
I walked along the aisles, my eyes sparking slightly when I saw the ice cream, but I suppressed my urges and walked on. I kept walking until I saw a large sign that said “ I Hour Photo”. I raised my brow. `That must be it.' I walked towards the counter and noticed with irritation that it nearly came up to my chest. A tall, cheery looking man came to the counter.
“ Hello, what may I help you with today sir?” I blinked at him irritatedly.
“ Yukimura, Keiko. Her pictures. Now,” The man didn't seem dampered in the least and bounced off in search of her photos. I narrowed my eyes and wished he would burn to death. I was humiliated by my lack of control when I noticed that the edges of the cheery man's clothing became singed. He bounced back, a slight sheen of sweat from the rising heat on his face. A blindingly bright yellow package was in his hands. It would make me the laughingstock of Makai to be seen doing chores for a human, let alone holding such an embarrassing colored package against my dark wardrobe.
The man looked over some slips of paper before grinning back at me.
“ So, you must be Miss Yukimura's boyfriend. Short lad, you are. And here I thought that Urameshi boy was her boyfriend. At least, that's the rumor that's floating around. Anyway, her pictures are already prepayed so here you go,” I plucked the thick envelope from his outstretched hand aand gave a barely noticeable nod. I hid the package in the folds of my clothing and stalked out of the market. How demeaning.
One of the many reasons one begins to steal is curiosity. Another is poverty. Or revenge. Or hatred for the community. For me, it was all four. That, and it was fun. Watching all the little guards scream and yell in frustration when they couldn't catch you and they had been fooled.
And it was because of curiosity that I could barely stand having that package in my pocket. It was like I had stolen something. I haven't had anything hidden in my pockets after I had been put on probation, except for my mother's tear gem, and I wouldn't allow anyone to know about it.
So it was understandable from my perspective to want to see what the little package in my pocket held. Well, of course it had photos, but what kind of pictures? Afterall, you could tell much of one's personality by looking at their interests or belongings. And I figured looking at Keiko's pictures wouldn't hurt, especially since she wouldn't know I even opened the stupid envelope.
So I ran off to my favorite park that held my favorite tree, a great big, strong tree. I flitted up its branches and settled down, pulling out the bright yellow package. I felt like a thief again, examining my steal after a good chase.
I flicked open the seal and peeked in. Two dozen photos sat there, twenty-four more behind these little strips. I knew the extra ones were duplicates, Kurama had explained this to me once, and I decided to ignore the little brownish strips. I carefully pulled out the other photos, and situated them in my hands. The first picture was an interesting shot. It was of the very tree was I sitting. As I roved the picture again, my crimson eyes widened.
High up in the branches of the tree, barely noticeable, was a black bundle. And I was nestled in that black bundle, sleeping peacefully, hand on my sword hilt in an alertness that wasn't really there. `How did she get this chance to see me like this?' I fumed. How had I, Hiei, the feared thief and murderer, bastard son of the Koorime Maidens, master of the Kokuryuuha, let my guard down enough that a mere human girl with no training manage to get a photograph of me?! It was ludicrous! I huffed. It would not happen again!
I turned to the next photograph, and was once again surprised. It was a picture of me back in the Dark Tournament. That had been a particularly easy battle, I recalled, and I could see from the position this had been taken that the girl had clearly had not been in the stands the whole time.
I flipped through the pictures, and I was surprised that more than half of the photographs were of me. Only about five were of something else, and still, even those had me in them. By the end, I was more amused than angry. `It appears the Yukimura girl has a slight obsession.' My lips twitched before I chuckled. Slight. Riiiight. I tucked the envelope back in my clothing and headed off to the girl's residence. It was time to find just how slight her obsession was. I chuckled again.
When I arrived, the girl was working quickly and dilligently in the family restaurant. I could see why now she had claimed she would be busy. She and the others in there were swarmed by customers.
I snuck into her bedroom window with ease. `I'll have to tell her to up the security. Just so that we don't have to waste time saving her.' I reassured myself. I skimmed my eyes over the room. It was pretty plain, holding a bed, a desk, a shelf, a lamp, and a closet. The shelf was full of various books, and the desk had some textbooks from the girl's school. I was pretty sure the closet held her clothing, but something caught my trained eye. A book had been hastily stuffed under the covers of the bed, and not very well.
I snatched up the book and read the cover. “Journal” it read. I could feel a smirk forcing my lips to curl. `Perfect…now I can find out exactly why she has been doing this.' I settled into a corner and flipped open the book.
“ Thursday, June 18, 2004
Today I have once again seen the mysterious Hiei of the Spirit Detectives, though technically, he doesn't actually have a contract with them, he's just on a life sentence probation. I feel so bad. Yusuke tells me not to worry about it, but I feel that Hiei and Kurama shouldn't have to be on a life probation. I mean, Kurama was just trying to save his human mother and Hiei…well, he was just trying to get more powerful to protect himself, I guess. I'm not sure, he's so different and cold. Plus, he can't even tell Yukina he is her brother. Kurama wouldn't tell me why Hiei couldn't say anything though…I suppose I'm so intrigued by Hiei is because he is my exact opposite. He's cold, reserved, and not exactly the best company, what with his rude comments or lack of response. But I think he acts the way he does because of his upbringing, or lack thereof. Though sometimes I wonder…if I am just intrigued, then why do I wonder what…well, I just can't write it! Anyway, I think that taking pictures of Hiei should stave off my obsession, but I think its only making it worse…”
Both of my eyebrows had shot up in surprise. `Interesting…' I read over several entries in the journal, and was even more shocked when her obsession with me obviously became more than slight as she began to write about me wih fervor. I looked up as I heard the locks in the doorknob begin to turn. I quickly put the journal back and returned to the corner, hiding myself in the shadows. Keiko entered, a tired smile on her face. I stepped out. Keiko shrieked.
“ Hiei-san! You frightened me!” I smirked.
“ Obviously,” Keiko narrowed her eyes and she opened her mouth for what would no doubt be a biting comment. At least she would have, but I thrust her photos at her.
“ Explain why I seem to be the object of your inspiration to take photographs of,” I said. Keiko blushed and snatched the package.
“ It's none of your business! And just what were you doing, looking through my pictures? You didn't know what I could've had in there!” Keiko fumed.
“ Are you suggesting something?” I folded my arms, highly amused.
“ W-what?! Why would I take pictures of something like that!” Keiko stomped her foot. I shrugged.
“ I don't take the time to look through every last human female's head,” I replied. She looked like cute, all flustered like that. I narrowed my eyes at my own thoughts. Any lesser being would have denied these thoughts, but I knew I had thought them, and it was no doubt the truth, so why bother? I shut my eyes.
“ Are you ignoring me?” My crimson eyes flashed back up at Keiko's brown ones.
“ You should have been born a fire apparition,” I said blandly.
“ Huh?” Keiko looked stumped. I smirked again.
“ Silly ningen,” I turned to leave.
“ Hiei-san! Matte!” I paused and looked back. Keiko looked down, her face tinged pink.
“ Ano…arigato for getting these for me,” Keiko muttered. Then she put the photos down before looking at me, a slight hesitation in her eyes. I tilted my head slightly. Suddenly, her arms encircled my waist, her head buried in my chest. `I could have avoided that…' Slowly, my black clad arms hugged her back. I pulled her closer and rested my chin on her head, content with just holding her.
“ Mine…” I growled slightly.
“ Forever…” Keiko replied. I smiled in her hair.
“ Keiko!! Can you come down for a minute?” A man called. Keiko jerked back from me suddenly.
“ G-gomen n-nasai,” Keiko stuttered.
“ For what?” I asked, preparing myself for rejection.
“ For having to leave right now. Demo, wait for me? I'll be back!” Keiko dashed down the stairs. I blinked before smirking. I noticed the picture with me sleeping in a tree had slipped out of its package. I shook my head.
“ Silly ningens,” I smiled.
Whew! It has been awhile since I last seen Yu Yu Hakusho, so I can't remember who is taller, Hiei or Keiko. However, this fic was inspired by Ijin's Click! So, this is a fic dedicated just to this author. Click! Is an awesome KagomeSesshomaru pairing for the Inuyasha series. You should go check it out. I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho. Vocab is below.
San-a honorific, such as Mr. Or Mrs. Or Miss.
Urusai-Shut up
Arigato-Thank you
Makai-Demon World
Koorime-A race of purely female ice apparitions. Hiei is the first male, but he is also half fire, according to the series.
Kokuryuuha-Dark Dragon Wave, or in the English dubbed version, Dragon of the Darkness Flame.
Gomen nasai-polite way of saying “I'm sorry”