Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Proving A Point ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Fandom: Yu Yu Hakusho
Title: Proving A Point
Author/Artist: Ryukotsusei
Theme(s): 17. Assertive 69. Jealousy 100. Lies
Pairing/Characters: Hiei/Keiko Yukimura
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I do not own any part of Yu Yu Hakusho
Summary: Lies and deceit weave a tangled web that sooner or later catches up to you. The time has come for Keiko to prove which man she truly loves and with whom her loyalties lie.
The fire crackled merrily in front of Keiko as she leaned back against an oak tree under the clear night sky. It was rare when their group really got together anymore since everyone was so busy with their private lives. So when Yusuke had suggested this camping trip she had readily agreed in spite of the slight misgivings that she had. So far though everything had gone well much to her surprise. Under heavily lidded eyes she looked up into the tree across from her and locked gazes with Hiei who for all intents and purposes seemed to be disinterested in the tales that Kurama was telling. The smoldering look that he gave her had Keiko slightly worried though in spite of it her body tingled in anticipation.
Trying to shove the feeling down Keiko shifted on the sleeping bag and tried to focus on what the kitsune was saying. When Yusuke proposed they all meet for the weekend she tried to decline but the former detective was having none of it. Realizing she was trapped she could only pray that the apparition would refuse to come as she knew that there was no way in hell that Hiei would deny himself the pleasures that they shared when he visited the Ningenkai. Under normal circumstances she wouldn't be complaining but since Yusuke was sitting not three feet from her it complicated matters. The others around her began laughing at something Kurama said and not wanting to seem out of place she chuckled as well, hoping no one noticed her distraction. Movement out of the corner of her eye drew her gaze away from the demon watching her and to the side where Yusuke had scooted closer to her. 'Don't come any closer. Please don't come any closer!'
Fortunately whatever Gods were listening granted her wish for the moment and Yusuke remained where he was. Frantically she looked up towards Hiei and even in the darkness she could see the near murderous look on his face. 'How could I have thought this is going to work? They're going to kill each other before the night is out!' Of course Yusuke wouldn't know why he was being attacked since she'd been seeing Hiei behind his back for months now. The apparition had told her that he wanted her to break things off with Yusuke a long time ago but she just hadn't known how. Especially considering she'd be leaving him for one of his closest friends! Did he have any clue thought? Somehow she doubted it, otherwise there would have been no way they'd be sharing the same campsite peacefully.
"Are you alright Keiko?" Kurama asked as he took a break from entertaining the others with tales of his former life. The woman looked positively ready to leap out of her skin at the slightest movement though he knew the exact reason why. While it wasn't his place to judge she was playing a very dangerous game with the two men vying for her attention. It was only the fact that Yusuke wasn't full demon that kept him from realizing just what was going on right under his nose but he was certain that the man wouldn't stay in the dark forever. Nor did he believe that the secretiveness was due to Hiei either. Keiko just wanted to keep from hurting Yusuke which was understandable but it was a situation that could blow up on her at any time.
"Hmm?" Keiko looked at him, her expression that of a deer caught in the headlights of a car. Everyone's attention was on her now much to her dismay and she managed to give them a passable smile. "Oh yes I'm fine. It's just a bit cold out here." The excuse was lame as the night wasn't all that chilly and they had a fire going but she rubbed her legs for emphasis anyway in hopes that they would believe her. The quiet snort coming from Hiei had her scowling at him but it was short lived as a warm body moved next to her. 'Gods Keiko you are so stupid!' She swore at herself for giving Yusuke a perfect excuse to come over. Risking a look at Hiei she cringed, how long would he stay seated where he was without reacting?
Not needing anything more of an invitation Yusuke took a seat on her sleeping bag and wrapped his arms around his girlfriend. She seemed extremely tense for some reason but he brushed it off as a side effect from being in the woods at night. "You know if you wanted me to come over all you had to do was ask," Yusuke joked as he positioned her until she was leaning back against his chest. The woman's behavior had been odd as of late and he'd found it increasingly difficult to spend anytime with her which was why he had brought up the idea of camping. If nothing else he knew she enjoyed seeing the others and perhaps after everyone else fell asleep he'd finally get a chance to speak with her.
Here Keiko you can have one of my blankets," Kuwabara tossed one of the covers over to her. He certainly had no need of it on a night like this but women were prone to get cold. The smile she gave him was a hesitant one and she seemed almost reluctant to take it. Figuring that she didn't want to deprive him of a covering he waved reassuringly to her. "Go ahead, I don't mind. I'm actually kinda warm."
"Thank you Kazuma," she murmured as she picked the covering up and wrapped her legs in the soft material. The silence that descended around them was nearly defening though and even Shizuru was looking at her with an odd expression. Only Kazuma and Yusuke seemed oblivious to what was going on around them. For Kurama's part he seemed to be staring at her almost accusingly and she didn't even want to look at her lover to see what he thought of the change in their positions. Clearly her throat lightly she gave Kurama another smile, "So how did the story end with the.. Keilaub was it?" Silently she prayed that it was the right word that she'd heard him speak of earlier in the night.
Smirking to himself at her attempt to distract the attention away from herself Kurama decided to relax for the moment. It was a pity that he'd concluded the story earlier and it only served to make the fact that she hadn't been paying attention more noticeable. "Well, Kuronue and I pursued her deeper into the forest. The nymphs are almost impossible to catch but somehow he managed." It had come as a bit of surprise to the others that he was willing to speak of the better times that he'd spent with his partner before his unfortunate demise. A sigh escaped him then when he noticed that once again the woman was distracted by one of her problems which happened to be seated behind her.
"How long did it take you to get that crap out of your hair anyway?" Shizuru couldn't help but poke fun at the kitsune. The thought of him standing there in all of his silvery glory splattered with pastel pink dust was rather amusing. If nothing else that should have taught the two of them that even nymphs weren't easy targets when looking for exciting bed partners.
The memory made Kurama scowl, remembering just how long he was tainted with the dust from her wings. Neither of them could have predicted that it acted as a dye when it touched hair and other porous fibers such as the silk he'd been wearing. The tunic had been ruined but his luxurious hair and the fur on his ears he couldn't do anything about. Instead he'd been forced to let it all grow out. Kuronue was the lucky bastard, the pink did nothing to his black hair and very little to his clothing. Only the white sash he'd worn had been affected. "Far too long I assure you Shizuru."
"Serves you two right man, no offense," Kuwabara nodded his head before chugging the beer in his hand and then crushing the can. Another was tossed at him and he caught it easily, popping the top. "Thanks sis. I mean come on Kurama, even I know walking up to some woman and proclaiming I'm the great Kazuma Kuwabara so bend over wouldn't be enough to get a woman to lift her skirt for me. What were you two thinking?"
"According to Kuronue it sounded good at the time," Kurama shrugged lazily. Of course such a tactic wouldn't work now but then again times were different as was his reputation. "You'd be surprised at how many women were anxious for a chance to spend the evening with us." At the moment he saw no reason to hide what he'd been in the past. It wasn't as if his family were around to hear it. Four years ago he'd be worried about offending Keiko but now he knew she was far from the innocent girl he'd met so long ago. Shizuru wasn't likely to care that he was blunt about his past exploits either, in fact she seemed to be a bit too interested and showing a side that she usually kept closely guarded.
"I can see why you'd want to take that chance though." Yusuke's tone was soft as he spoke, his breath ghosting along the shell of Keiko's ear and his hands trailed lightly down her arms. She shivered beneath his touch but he kept her from moving. "When you have a beautiful woman within reach you can't help but want her." He watched as her eyes widened and he knew that she understood exactly what he was trying to tell her. Even though they hadn't been intimate in a very long time he still wanted her, he still found her desirable.
"Stop Yusuke." Keiko shifted uncomfortably against him in an effort to get him to stop this insanity. While she knew what he wanted there was no way he was getting it under these circumstances, even if she wasn't with Hiei now. More than once she'd even managed to fend off Hiei's advances when he wanted to take her out in public or somewhere where the others were nearby. 'What is it with men and wanting to get off where everyone in the world knows what you're doing?' It was something that she would never understand.
It was a good thing that Yusuke had managed to stop his roaming hands because Hiei had taken just about all he was willing to at this particular moment. Anger coursed through him seeing Yusuke holding her so closely but for the moment there was absolutely nothing he could do about it without starting a war. While taking care of Yusuke might become an issue dealing with Keiko later would be an absolute bitch. It had been the only reason he'd tolerated this entire fiasco at all but sooner or later something had to give. Reluctantly he removed his hand from the hilt of his sword, knowing that he couldn't use it. If this erupted into a fight it was likely to be confined to fists anyway, at least at the start. Should it happen he'd have to count on Kurama to remove the woman from immediate danger since he'd be unable to do so.
"Unless you're Kazuma," Shizuru decided to try and lighten the conversation again seeing that Yusuke was treading on thin ice. The man had to be blind not to see the way Keiko constantly watched Hiei. She couldn't fault the girl on her taste but she damned sure had shitty planning skills when it came to something like this. The problem should have been resolved long ago but it wasn't her place to point out the obvious to the Toushin. Somehow she doubted he'd appreciate her walking up to him and informing him that she'd heard his girlfriend banging one of his best friends a week ago. "At this rate he's not even going to get past first base unless he pays for it."
"Yeah, yeah shut it Shizuru. Contrary to popular belief I have at least kissed a girl!" Of course he refused to go into any more detail about the fumbling that he and a girl had done behind the school one day. While it was true that he wasn't the type of guy who had women drooling over him at every turn there was a fair share of girls who loved the bad boy types. There was every chance that it could have gone even further if he'd wanted but his honor code wouldn't stand for him picking a girl up for just a one night stand either.
"Oh yeah? With who?" Yusuke's attention was now caught which gave Keiko a chance to relax again while he took a moment to poke fun at his friend. It couldn't possibly have been with Yukina, Hiei would have had his head for touching her in such a fashion. Not to mention the man went positively sappy whenever she was around. At any rate he just couldn't see the gentle Koorime understanding what a kiss even was especially with Kuwabara being the one attempting to do so.
All eyes were now on him and Kuwabara was now wishing he'd kept his mouth shut. Of course they'd doubt his words and without giving up her name there was no way in hell they'd believe him. But he didn't kiss and tell either so they were just gonna have to deal with it. "It's none of your business Urameshi! It doesn't matter anymore anyway since Yukina is the only woman for me." It was a pity that the ice maiden hadn't joined them for the camping trip but she'd declined saying that she needed to remain at the temple in case Genkai needed her. Had she been there this conversation wouldn't be happening nor would Yusuke be practically foaming at the mouth to get time alone with Keiko.
"In that case I rest my case," Shizuru said with finality, "You're going to die a virgin." Carefully she put her cigarette out making sure that it wouldn't accidentally set the surrounding vegetation on fire. Personally she thought Kazuma was insane and he could take her words however he wanted. If he waited for Yukina to understand on her own what he wanted it would never happen. On the other hand if he explained it and then made an attempt to bed Yukina then Hiei was likely to behead him before he ever got a chance to shove it in. Explaining why he chopped the head off of Yukina's would be suitor would be difficult to explain but somehow Shizuru got the feeling the apparition quite frankly wouldn't give a damn. He'd probably tell Yukina she'd get over it eventually and he'd do it with no more thought then he put into cleaning his sword.
Keiko sighed as the argument continued for several more minutes and closed her eyes. They'd never come to an agreement as far as she was concerned though she couldn't understand why Yusuke insisted on provoking the taller man. Of course Shizuru joined in on the teasing and it wasn't long before the siblings were arguing on Kazuma's love life or lack thereof. Just as she closed her eyes she felt the blanket being repositioned over her body. Believing that Yusuke was just being considerate she made herself more comfortable and gave a contented sigh. Eventually Yusuke would move back to his own sleeping bag since he knew there was no way in hell she'd allow him to sleep with her and come morning she would mark this off as another trial passed successfully.
The temptation that Keiko presented as she laid so peacefully against him was nearly too difficult to ignore. It didn't help matters that as she moved to get comfortable she repeatedly rubbed against his groin and was causing his member to stir with renewed life. For a moment he pursed his lips, thinking over the possibilities. If he were to wake her up and ask her to take a walk with him she was likely to say no but if he pushed her buttons before hand there was a greater chance she'd go willingly. A quick glance at the others proved that they were all watching Kuwabara and Shizuru argue. Even Hiei seemed to be watching them, no doubt because of his responsibility to Yukina. Now his best friend was going into detail of just how he was going to proclaim his undying love and claim her for his own. The others were sure to be distracted for a while, especially if Hiei decided to put an end to his antics before the night was over.
Slowly he braced maneuvered the blanket out of his way as he moved his hand down the woman's side and over her hip. She didn't really stir as he pulled the skirt she wore up her legs, his finger tips slowly caressing the soft skin of her thighs. Yusuke smirked when a contented sigh escaped her lips and she seemed to snuggle further into his embrace. Taking it as a sign to continue Yusuke slipped his hand beneath the flimsy material of her panties and slid it along her slick folds. The wetness that he encountered had him groaning in need. Why the hell had she told him to stop earlier? The proof that she wanted him was coating his fingers and he saw no reason to stop. Gently he used her other hand to spread her legs further, giving him better access. Without hesitation he plunged two fingers into her wet heat and began pumping them slowly. He knew the exact moment she came awake when she tensed and he whispered reassuringly to her, "They're distracted. Just lay back and enjoy this for now. We can always go somewhere later to finish."
"Y-Y-Yusuke!" Keiko stammered as her hands tried to stop Yusuke's from what he was doing. The man was insistent though, his free hand coming to capture her wrist as he nibbled on her neck. Desperately she tried to squirm out of his lap without the others noticing but she knew just how likely she was to succeed. Yusuke was bound and determined to get his way and as pleasurable as the attention was it wasn't from the man she wanted it from. "Stop it! Everyone will see us!" she whispered urgently, hoping she wouldn't have to take more drastic measures.
"So what?" He could tell despite her protests and attempts to stop it Keiko was enjoying the attention. It was tempting to drag her off into the woods right now but she wasn't far enough gone yet. Gently he rubbed his thumb against her hidden jewel, causing her hips to buck into his hand. "I know you like this Keiko. Tell me you want me to fuck you and we'll go find someplace where they won't see us." A quick glance proved that Kuwabara and Shizuru were still arguing but there was no mistaking the fact that they had both Kurama and Hiei's full attention. One looked stunned and the other looked positively murderous. While he didn't know what the hell Hiei's problem was he wasn't going to let it bother him. The man probably just needed to get laid and was pissed off because no one here would screw him.
Angrily Keiko jabbed her elbow into Yusuke's side making him yelp and pull his hand away. Quickly she shoved her skirt back down and tossed the blanket off of her body before getting to her feet, whirling around to face him. Mortification filled her at what she had allowed to happen and there was no way to take it back. "Haven't you gotten it yet you stupid jerk! I don't want you touching me!" By now all eyes had turned to them but Keiko was beyond caring. More than likely Hiei had seen the whole thing and he was bound to be pissed. She didn't even want to turn and look at him right now, afraid of the anger she might see directed towards her. She should have never have fallen asleep in Yusuke's embrace and she knew it.
"Bullshit! You seemed to be enjoying my touch well enough," Yusuke shot back at her while rubbing his side. She'd managed to score a decent blow on him besides wounding his pride. He wasn't sure what the hell her problem was but he was going to be damned if he was going to sit here and listen to her proclaim he did nothing for her. Quickly he stood up and stared down at her, heedless of their audience. "You never had any complaints before, what the hell happened Keiko? You were never this fucking uptight before. I'm beginning to think I need to drag you off somewhere and bend your ass over. This playing nice shit sure as hell ain't getting us anywhere." If anything his words only enraged her further and he barely dodged her outstretched hand as she tried to slap him into next week. Capturing her wrist firmly he pulled her in closer to him, "Is that what you want Keiko? Someone more forceful?"
"What I want Yusuke is for you not to touch me again," Keiko snarled as she pulled her hand away from him. If Yusuke wanted to have this out now then so be it, she was tired of dealing with the hassle of keeping her relationship with Hiei a secret. "But in answer to your question Yusuke I want what you can never give me and I'm happy to tell you I found it. In fact I've been getting it regularly for the past six months. Not that you've ever noticed and when this trip is over I'm sure he'll be giving it to me again!" The stunned look of hurt and disbelief on Yusuke's face made her feel guilty but it was too later to take the words back now. As she turned away from him she saw the disapproving stares of their friends. Now that he secret was pretty much out in the open they could express how they truly felt about the situation. She was sure part of them had known before now anyway. "I can't deal with this right now," she said as she began walking out of camp. What she needed was time alone to think and she certainly couldn't handle the condemning looks she'd been receiving.
Hiei watched with barely restrained anger as Keiko ran from the clearing. At the moment he wasn't sure who he was more pissed at, the girl for allowing things to get so far out of hand or Yusuke for getting so carried away. His senses would have needed to have been dead to have missed the fact that she had indeed been enjoying it despite all of her protests. It was a physical reaction to be sure but it didn't change the fact that she'd allowed another to touch her. At least the fool now knew that his woman was lost to him even if he didn't know who had taken her from him just yet. Unfortunately the Toushin looked as if he was about to follow her, most likely to demand answers. A name, details, anything that would lead him to the culprit. Before the man could take off after her though Hiei stepped into his path, refusing to allow him to pass. "Face the facts Detective, you lost her now let her go."
"You fucking know who it is don't you?" Yusuke snarled down at the shorter demon, certain that he'd been the last to know about Keiko's indiscretion. When had things gone so horribly wrong between them that Keiko would need to seek out someone else? Had he been so lacking that he couldn't keep her happy anymore? No! He wouldn't believe that. Whoever this punk was had to have influenced her in some way and it wasn't completely her fault. After he kicked the guys ass then he could set about repairing the damage that had been done to his relationship and they could move past this. "Who is it Hiei? Tell me."
"Open your eyes Detective, even the fool isn't so blind that he can't see what's staring him in the face." With that the apparition turned and followed Keiko off into the woods, knowing that Yusuke would figure it out sooner or later. What he did with the knowledge was completely up to him and if the Toushin decided he wanted to fight over what had happened he wasn't about to back down. Surely this had already destroyed the trust that they'd come to have in each other and truthfully he wasn't sure if it could ever be repaired. But one thing was for certain, he wasn't giving Keiko up although she did need to be taught a lesson about who she belonged to.
The apparition disappeared before Yusuke could ask what the hell that was supposed to mean. The direction that he'd taken off in and the speed in which Hiei had left could only mean one thing. "You gotta be shitting me," Yusuke said softly, staring out into the darkness. The pieces all fell together in an instant, the possessive looks that Hiei had been throwing his way and the way he seemed to always be near whenever Keiko was even if he remained out of sight. It all made sense now and Yusuke felt as if he'd been punched in the gut. Slowly he turned to Kurama who had moved to stand next to him. "Did you know?"
The question was spoken so softly that Kurama barely heard it even though the silence was only broken by the sounds of the fire. Even Shizuru and Kuwabara had fallen silent, not knowing what to say in order to comfort their friend. The anger the Toushin had shown was short lived in light of the revelation and truthfully Kurama wasn't sure how the man would take it once the knowledge had a chance to sink in. A cool breeze stirred around them but it offered little comfort in the trying times that they'd found themselves in. "I had my suspicions," Kurama said softly. "But if you're asking if they told me? The answer is no." If only there was something that he could do to comfort his friend but words just wouldn't be enough. The best thing for his aching heart would be time.
By the time Keiko had finally stopped running she was no longer able to see the soft glow of the campfire filtering through the trees and she was out of breath. The only reason she hadn't tripped and fallen many times was the full moon shining overhead, illuminating the forest around her. A good portion of her anger was now gone but traces of it still remained. Most likely when she returned it would flare up once again but for now she was able to enjoy the quiet of the forest. Getting lost wasn't a serious concern, if nothing else she still believed that the others would come looking for her if she didn't return in a timely matter. A branch snapped somewhere nearby causing her to spin in place, searching out the source of the disturbance. "Who's there?" Had someone followed her already? The idea wasn't at all unlikely considering how the men tended to act around females. "Hiei? Yusuke? Is that you?"
From his position in the tree Hiei stared down at the woman who peered worriedly through the darkness in an attempt to see who had followed her. As the seconds passed ever so slowly she began to back away and he wondered if she would run back towards camp. There was a good chance though that she'd completely gotten turned around in the dark and no longer knew which way would lead to safety. When another branch snapped in the distance, most likely by a deer, his suspicions were confirmed, the girl turning and bolting in the opposite direction.
The wind tore through her hair as she ran through the trees. Occasional footsteps could be heard trailing behind her and there was no doubt in her mind that she was being chased. Her lungs burned with exertion but still Keiko pushed herself further, hoping to outrun her pursuer. Taking a chance she screamed, hoping someone would hear her. "Hiei!" As she drew in another breath to scream for Yusuke a warm body slammed into her from behind, sending her to the ground roughly. "Get off!" She struggled even as strong hands pinned her in place.
"Why should I?" Immediately the girl beneath him went limp with relief as she realized who was holding her. Truly he hadn't meant to tackle her so roughly but had she screamed for Yusuke to come help her the Toushin would have come running in spite of his anger. That would never do given what he had planned for the girl beneath him. "I should be very angry with you right now," his voice was a low caress and he could feel her shiver under its intensity. While he was still furious with the way the secret had been revealed he wasn't sure how else the situation could have been handled under the circumstances.
"But are you?" The question was a valid one considering Hiei was one of the more volatile of the group. As the situation stood she wasn't sure she should ask him if Yusuke was still among the living. It might set him off again and that wouldn't bode well at all for her. When he didn't answer her right away she squirmed beneath him, the ground she was pinned to was rapidly becoming uncomfortable with his weight on top of her. "If I'd known I was going to be laying in the rocks and leaves I would have worn more appropriate clothing Hiei, but this just isn't cutting it." Her mind turned inward for a moment with reflection.'Hell, it might have prevented Yusuke's roaming hands earlier too.'
"Actually I find your clothing quite appropriate for what I have in mind," Hiei chuckled darkly as he shifted so his weight wasn't resting directly on her slender body. Again she shifted beneath him and he took full advantage of it, his hand sliding up the inside of her thigh. When he reached her panties his fingers slid along the damp material and a slight frown marred his features. 'So Yusuke hadn't been lying when he spoke of her enjoying his touch.' The thought was disturbing and it brought every instinct to the surface demanding he eliminate the possible threat that the Toushin presented.. Unfortunately he wasn't in a position to do such a thing but there was another option to him and he intended to take advantage of it. There was no doubt in his mind that the others could hear them should she scream and that's just what he intended to make her do. By the time he was finished he'd make sure it was imprinted deep in Yusuke's mind just who Keiko belonged to now, and whose touch she craved. Every stroke of his fingers fueled her arousal and he knew that the woman would voice no protest when he finally decided to take her.
Abruptly she felt Hiei's weight lift and she was hauled to her feet. There had been no mistaking the meaning of his words so when the apparition turned her to face him and his lips crashed over her own Keiko felt no surprise. Instinctively she clutched at his shoulders even as his hands settled on her waist, holding her firmly in place while he spread her legs with his own. The desire she'd felt earlier under his intense stare returned tenfold, passionate heat traveling throughout her body as his tongue plunged deep into her mouth. Eagerly she leaned into the kiss and tried to gain dominance but he overpowered her easily. When he finally broke away she was left panting and wanting more. Yet at the same time she was afraid of what might happen if they were to take that final step with the others potentially listening. Trying to gain control of herself, Keiko gave Hiei a serious look. "We shouldn't be doing this here."
"This is the only place we should be doing this right now," Hiei retorted as he began to undo the buttons of her blouse. The sweet scent of her arousal only solidified his opinion that this was indeed what they both needed. A whimper of longing escaped her throat as he unsnapped the front clasp of her bra, baring her breasts to his view. Slowly he knelt down so he could drag his tongue over the sensitive flesh, keeping the touches light which left her needing even more. The way her back arched, flexing beneath his fingers as she pressed closer to him. This was what he wanted, to see his woman so responsive to his caresses that she was encouraging him to go further, to take liberties with her body that no other would dare. Slowly he pulled back to look at her, his gaze lingering over her parted lips before traveling upwards. For several long moments they stared into each others eyes before he smirked. "Do you still want me to stop Keiko?" With agonizing slowness he dragged his fingers over the swell of her hips and down her thighs before sliding the skirt up to bare the panties which hid her from his view. "Or would you like me to go further?" His fingers slid over the damp material before traveling up to the waistband. "Tell me what you want Keiko. Do I touch you? Taste you? Or would you rather I take the decision from you?"
Knowing that her lover was waiting for an answer, Keiko licked her dry lips as she tried to formulate an answer for him. One thing was certain and it was that Hiei would not wait forever for her to make up her mind. As the sheer silky fabric of her panties was lowered down her legs and he carefully forced her to step out of them she knew that she'd run out of time."I want it all," her voice came out as a pant when she felt his breath ghosting along the inside of her thigh followed closely by his lips trailing a path up to her center. Her body trembled in anticipation of feeling his tongue working its sinful magic upon her body, her fingers tightening on his shoulders. Yet she nearly screaming in frustration when he stopped just before she could experience that sweet torture, only to stare at her with a speculative gleam in his eyes.
"I'll remember you said that," Hiei was muttering darkly as he stood, ignoring the incredulous look that Keiko threw at him. Clearly she was stunned that he'd stopped when he was so damned close but she'd end up thanking him later. "Come with me." Not giving her much of a choice in the matter the apparition led her over towards a tree with low hanging branches. The one that he'd chosen was just at waist height, perfect for the positions he had in mind.
"What are you doing?" She wasn't altogether certain just what the apparition had in mind but the last time they did anything that involved a tree she swore they'd never attempt it again. While it had been fun at the time, dealing with the scraps and bruises later had been far from enjoyable. Of course she didn't receive an answer but the smile he'd given her was far from reassuring and now he was pulling off his cloak and draping it on the low hanging branch behind her. It would seem he was determined to leave her in the dark and she'd just have to wait and see just what he had in mind.
Hiei knew what Keiko had been thinking when she'd eyed the rough bark of the tree and it had been for that reason that he'd thrown his cloak over it. The material should be more than enough padding to take care of the problems they'd experienced in the past. As curious as his woman happened to be she tended to have the annoying habit of questioning everything he did when she should just be enjoying his efforts. "You ask too many questions Keiko. I'd gag you but I'd rather hear you begging for me to fuck you." That didn't mean he couldn't tie her up though and his belts were usually ideal for doing just that. Unfortunately however he had foregone the belts in favor of the red sash tonight but it would work just as well. As he untied them Keiko's eyes lit up and her hands joined in his, helping to disrobe him.
As his pants hit the ground and the apparition stepped out of them Keiko went to her knees in front of him. Playfully she winked at him before palming his shaft, stroking it gently. Already it was throbbing in her hand, letting her know just how aroused he was already. How long would he hold out before he took what he wanted? Most likely not very long if the look in his eyes were anything to go by. If possible his gaze seemed to darken even further and Keiko knew just what he was expecting now that she'd put herself in that position, not that she minded anyway. "Like my mother always said, I should never talk with my mouthful." Slowly she wrapped her lips around the head, swirling her tongue over the sensitive skin. The touches were teasing and Keiko just knew that the apparition wouldn't put up with it for long. Still she held out for as long as possible even when he grabbed a handful of her hair in warning. If nothing else she considered this payback for earlier, leaving her hanging as he did to bring her over to the damned tree.
"You think you're cute don't you?" Hiei growled at her, his grip on her hair tightening. The look in the woman's eyes told him that she clearly wasn't intimidated by his words. In fact she was now trying to give him an innocent look despite the fact that she was treating his cock like her favorite lollipop. "Do you really want to know what your teasing is going to earn you?" The words were whispered but he was positive she heard him clearly enough with the way her eyes widened. They gained the desired reaction though and she immediately tried to take him all in, pulling back slightly when his length brushed the back of her throat. "That's a good girl," he murmured, praising her efforts as she began bobbing her head, his hands guiding her into taking even more in and showing Keiko just what he wanted. Pleasure surged through him as she swallowed around his shaft yet he held back his release, panting heavily as she continued doing her best to please him.
They could have continued indefinitely like this but Hiei seemed to know just when she'd reached her limits and pain began to intermingle with pleasure. Gently he pulled her away from him and Keiko stared up at him waiting to see what he wanted her to do next. When she'd told him she wanted it all, she'd meant it. Including having the decisions taken from her. This was the one thing that she enjoyed about Hiei that she could have never had with Yusuke. The ability to give herself over to him completely, trusting in his judgment on just how far to take things. His thumb ran gently over her lower lip for a moment before he helped her to her feet.
"Turn around," Hiei's voice was a throaty whisper as he guided Keiko over to the tree branch, insistent hands bending her over just far enough so that her hands were braced against the support he'd chosen. Slowly he brushed the woman's hair over to the side, baring her slender neck to his view. The need to taste her was strong and eagerly he suckled at the delicate flesh, sharp fangs breaking the skin easily although the apparition was careful not to bite too deeply. Blood flowed from those thin lines and gently he lapped at the crimson liquid before whispering in her ear, "Do you know how sweet you taste? How once is never enough?" As he spoke Hiei ran his hands over her shoulders, pulling the blouse off in one fluid movement along with her bra. The garments fell to the ground to be forgotten as his fingers toyed with her nipples, pulling a whimper from the woman in front of him. "Every night the temptation to have you again grows to the point where I long to abandon my post, just to take you. To make you scream my name."
The words he spoke brought forth a similar longing, one she'd done her best to hide in an effort not to tie him down completely. One of the things that she admired about him was his fierce need for independence, the pride and confidence that radiated from him with every breath he took. Yet somehow she'd managed to ensnare him in a way she'd never believed to be possible and in return she'd allowed him to bind her in the same way. A fire spread through her body with each stroke of his hands along her trembling body and she was forced to conceded that the only thing that could satisfy the aching desire was Hiei himself. His lips were now trailing along her opposite shoulder, placing heated kisses along the bared skin as his hands trailed over her abdomen only to venture lower. "You know I would not deny you," Keiko whispered to him. If only he would come to her those times instead of forcing her to wait, wondering when she'd see him again.
"And that Keiko makes you all the more dangerous to me." It was nothing short of the truth even if Keiko hadn't realized just how far under his skin she'd managed to get. The pull of the Makai was strong but his desire for the woman in his arms was even stronger. Even as his fingers slid along her slick folds, dipping into her tight passage only moments later he was whispering to her, "I should hate you for what you've done to me but I can't." By the Gods she was driving him crazy now with the need to be buried deep inside of her. She'd cast him a heated look that spoke volumes over her shoulder before she'd purposefully rubbed her backside against his aching length in a blatant invitation. Ruthlessly he pumped his fingers deeper, pulling delicious noises from her throat as she whimpered for even more. Soon, very soon he'd give her just what she wanted but he had to make one thing clear to her first. "You've gotten what you wanted, made me long to have you for my own and I promise you I keep what's mine. If another touches you I will kill them slowly. No other shall have you."
"You're the only one I want," Keiko gasped as his thumb brushed against her hidden jewel, causing her to cry out as her back arched. The time for hiding and half truths was over now and she could display the affection she held for the demon behind her openly. It was thrilling to hear the lethal edge in his voice as he spoke of his claim upon her and she needed him to dominate her completely. "Hiei please!" Her breathing now came in quick pants as he pushed her body even higher, driving her to the very edge with his hands and words.
"Tell me what you need!"His voice was rough with barely restrained passion that bordered on blood lust now that he'd picked up the approaching auras of not only Kurama but the man who thought himself to be his competition. Should Yusuke make any attempt to interfere he'd be forced to kill him, if only to satisfy the primal instincts surging within him to eliminate the competition. Even now he could feel their eyes upon the two of them but he refused to stop, the urge to take Keiko far too strong to be ignored.
By now Hiei had his hand fisted in her hair and had yanked her head back causing her to press harder against his hand. The bastard was teasing her, forcing her to beg for him to take her and she just knew that Hiei was enjoying every moment of it. His thick shaft pressed against her backside, a reminder of just what he was keeping from her. "Take me Hiei! I know you want to! You talk big but action speaks louder than words." The growl erupting from his chest told her that she was pushing her luck taunting him like this but that didn't stop her from continuing, "You say you want me? Prove it!"
Roughly he pulled his hand away and before Keiko could draw another breath he was sheathed deep within her tight body. A strangled cry of pleasure was pulled from her lips as he held his position for several long moments while she clenched around his aching length. "You tread dangerous ground woman, provoking my darker side out." Slowly he withdrew, her walls caressing every inch of his cock as his sack tightened with his release trying to overwhelm him. "Can you feel it? The need I have to keep you for my own?" There was nothing gentle about the way he began to thrust deep inside her but she seemed to be enjoy every punishing moment of it. As he spoke his dark aura filled the air, becoming thicker and more threatening with each passing moment as if to emphasize his words. His body trembled with the strain of keeping his raging desires under control. The whispered voices of his companions sounded so far off as his control slipped just a bit and he forced Keiko to lay against the branch while he gripped her hips tightly.
"Oh Gods.." Keiko gasped as he pulled her roughly against him time and time again. "So good.. I need you Hiei.. All of you." She was sure he heard her by the dark chuckle that came from behind her but she meant it, both in what he was doing to her and the energy that now licked at her bared flesh. It was so addicting like a drug, threatening to sweep her away and she had no desire to fight it. Distantly she could hear the roar of a dragon as white heat coursed through her veins. The sensation overload was just too much and her climax slammed into her hard, stealing her breath away. The black flames surrounding them seemed to grow darker with each passing moment as his grip on her tightened, thrusting into her one final time as his seed flooded her body. It was all she could do in order to hold onto the branch, praying she didn't collapse to the ground as Hiei pulled away from her slowly.
A smirk that was pure pride crossed Hiei's face as he picked Keiko up in his arms before she slid to the ground. It was to be expected that she'd be exhausted since this was the first time he'd allowed himself to let go completely. Now that he'd seen that she could handle it he wouldn't worry about her reactions to the strength of his emotions and desires. Indeed Keiko would come to crave him just as much as he needed to possess her. Across the clearing his gaze met that of the Toushin's and he could see the anger that lurked there as well as a deep resignation. Now it was clear just who the girl had chosen yet he had to wonder if Yusuke would attempt to interfere again. Surely at the very least there would be questions that demanded answers but those could wait for another day. After several long moments the man turned from him, breaking the stare down and headed off to return to camp leaving Kurama alone with him and Keiko. There was no mistaking the lust lurking in those emerald green eyes and Hiei was not so foolish to believe that the kitsune hadn't fed off of the sexual energy that permeated the air around them. Yet if the red head held any illusions of touching the woman in his arms Hiei would not hesitate in correcting his way of thinking. Narrowing his eyes at the kitsune, Hiei gave him one last warning before searching for a soft patch of grass for them to rest upon. 'Back off Kurama, I meant what I said. Keiko is mine.'