Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Punk Rock Princess ❯ Punk Rock Princess ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey! I was listening to this song and just felt like writing an AU one-shot.
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho or the song “Punk Rock Princess.”
A teenage boy, perhaps around the age of sixteen, sat in one of the several chairs in his garage. His fingers were working with the strings of his friend's guitar trying to finish the song they'd made. Yet even if they completed this part they'd still have to come up with lyrics.
“Yusuke try that note again,” the one whose guitar was currently in possession of another instructed his band mate, “it sounded good.”
Yusuke went over the cords again and realizing it was true wrote it down on a piece of paper to his left. He then handed the instrument back to his friend, “Thanks Kurama, now where did Kuwabara run off to? We need to make sure his drums harmonize.”
The crimson haired seventeen year old leaned back in his seat, “I believe he said something about raiding your fridge.”
“Around five minutes ago.”
The young male dressed in black who had remained silent during this time spoke up, “Perhaps the fool locked himself in the icebox.”
“Hiei,” Kurama's emerald eyes met those of deep red, “I don't think Kuwabara would fit in a freezer.”
Yusuke ran his fingers through his raven hair making it spike up in the humid summer air, “Actually I locked him in the downstairs fridge once, when we were five or something.”
This bit of information left the other two silent for a moment, “…really?”
Yet before he could answer an orange haired boy, not as attractive as the others however much taller, walked in through the open garage door, “I got the water bottles.” he tossed one to each of them, “Dang Urameshi you hide them good.”
“You mean well.” Kurama corrected his friend unable to control himself.
“Whatever,” Kuwabara sat down in the remaining seat, “Not all of us are grammatically correct when we speak.”
“So I've noticed,” he twisted off the cap of the water bottle, “Just be thankful I don't alter our songs to be proper in vernacular.”
Yusuke sweatdropped, “Is it only me that doesn't know the big words he uses?”
“Nope I'm lost too.” Kuwabara added in.
Hiei rolled his eyes, “Baka…” he reached down and picked up his base, “Are we going to waste the day or play?”
“Angry little goth we are this morning.”
“Shut it.”
And that's exactly what the brown eyed singer did before going to turn on the amplifiers. Kurama stood and Kuwabara took his place behind the drums, Hiei waited till they were almost ready before taking his spot.
“Alright,” Yusuke clicked on his microphone, “Start!”
Each began playing their instruments, shaking the floor with how high the volume was. In fact across the street it dragged someone out of their reading, the brunette raised her dark brown eyes and looked out her living room window. Her friend Yukina was also curious to see what all the racket was about.
“Yusuke,” She closed her book, “Can't he at least have the decency to close the door?!”
Yukina peered over the edge of the couch and outside, “Well it is hot, they'd been dying in there if he did, Keiko.”
She sighed knowing the sea-foam haired girl was right, so instead of going over to beat the heck out of the teen she decided to go and listen to him like he so often asked her to do. “Come on, let's go.”
“Yay!” Yukina jumped out of her seat and ran to the front door. Sure they'd be leaving the cool air conditioning but at least they'd get to see her big brother, “Hiei never lets me watch him at home.”
“He probably likes his privacy.”
The two females exited the house and crossed the street. As soon as Yusuke saw her he grinned, “Couldn't resist?” He asked her over the speakers.
“Couldn't think is more like it!” She shouted over the music to him. He motioned for the band to stop. Some of the band members more willing then others.
“Yukina, you know you shouldn't be out here,” Hiei placed down his base quickly and ran over to her, feeling her forehead, “Your body can't handle the heat.”
“I'm fine,” she smiled brushing away his hand, “Really.”
The concern was evident in his eyes, and it was proof that if he did care for anything in the world, it was his sister.
“Promise me that if you feel like fainting you'll tell me.”
Yukina nodded, “I promise.”
“Good,” He stepped back and pulled a chair over, “Sit.”
It was not a request but a command, and Yukina wasn't going to risk being sent back inside so she did as she was told. Keiko however was doing everything in her power to defy all of Yusuke's wishes.
“Aw, come on,” he pouted, “Can't you just sing a little bit?”
She crossed her arms over her chest, “There is no way in the world.”
“No!” Her tone of voice ended their bargaining completely.
Yusuke sighed, “Fine, I don't need you,” he re-clicked on his microphone, “cause I got me.” He looked back to see Kuwabara ready to start up again. Kurama finished his drink and picked up his guitar. And it wasn't long before Hiei stopped fretting over his sibling and lifted his base.
The music started up again and Keiko took a seat next to Yukina. The singer decided it was time to improvise words and try to figure out what the song should be like. His eyes landed on his critic before he sung, “Maybe when the room is empty, maybe when the bottles full, maybe when the door gets broke down love can break in.”
These words caught Keiko's attention and she raised an eyebrow. Yusuke only grinned and continued to make up lyrics, “Maybe when I'm done with thinking, maybe you can think me whole. Maybe when I'm done with endings this can begin, this can begin, this can begin...” Kurama couldn't help but laugh as he continued to play and listen; Kuwabara also joined him in snickering. Hiei however was busy trying to concentrate on his part and watch his sister from the corner of his eye.
And you can be the punk rock princess. I would be your garage band king. You can tell why you just don't fit in and how you're gonna be somethin'.” Yusuke was actually trying to tell her something through this, after all his flirting hadn't worked but maybe his music would.
Maybe when your hair gets darker, maybe when your eyes get wide, maybe when the walls are smaller there will be more space.”
Yukina was thoroughly enjoying herself and loved hearing her brother's band.
Maybe when I'm not so tired, maybe you can step inside, maybe when I look for things that I can't replace, I can't replace, I can't replace…”
Keiko crossed her legs and folded her hands in her lap with a smile. That's when Yusuke went back into what he believed to be the refrain, “And you can be the punk rock princess. I would be your garage band king. You can tell why you just don't fit in and how you're gonna be somethin'.
“If I could be your first real heartache, I would do it over again. And you can be the punk rock princess; I will be your hero in…” Yusuke jumbled together a few more words as the song went into a small slower rhythm, “I never thought you less, I never thought you would. You watch your life go pass. You wonder if you should.” Once it was over he picked up pace as well and went over to Keiko. He held out his hand and she took it, not too sure if it was to humor him or because she actually wanted to.
So be the punk rock princess so I will be your garage band king.” He lifted his arm up and made her spin. It wasn't long before she started dancing on her own and got Yukina up. Hiei wasn't thrilled about this fact but decided to let his sister have some fun. Yusuke knew the song was coming to an end so he made up the final verse,
“Whoa, you know, you just can't let it sink in. You could be my heroin, you could be my heroin.” The music tuned out at that time and left everyone in a good mood. Keiko and Yukina were giggling and Kuwabara and Kurama were laughing. Hiei didn't know what was so funny but wasn't going to ruin the happy atmosphere by asking. A loud knocking on the side of the garage brought everyone back to reality. Shizuru was standing there, “Yo baby bro,” she said talking to Kuwabara, “Mom wants you home for lunch, you can come back later.”
The orange haired teen sighed, “Coming.” He stood, “Be back soon.” Hearing and being reminded of lunch Yukina smiled, “I'll make sandwiches!”
Hiei immediately looked up, “Don't be straining yourself.”
She clapped her hands together, “It's only sandwiches, but you and Kurama can help me carry them back here.” The crimson haired teen wondered what had brought him into the sibling's conversation, not that he was against lending aid. Apparently Yukina had heard Yusuke's message and wanted to give the two a moment alone.
“Be back in a few, Keiko!”
“Alright,” the brunette waved as her friend went off along her way with Hiei and Kurama by her side before turning to look at Yusuke. He gave her a smile and she gave him one in return.
“So, what do you think of our new song?” He asked curiously.
Keiko took a seat again and he sat next to her, “I like it,” and that was an honest response, “And the idea behind it's kind'a cute. Punk rock princess makes a good title.”
The raven haired teen felt himself get embarrassed a bit when he asked, “So, um, how would you feel about-”
“I'm not singing.”
He laughed, “That's not what I was going to say,” he placed his hand on top of hers, “I was going to ask if you wanted to go out later.”
“Like to a club? Don't tell me you actually got a gig.” Keiko gave him her entire attention; she was more then willing to support him and his band with cheers and claps.
“No, not yet,” Yusuke looked into her eyes, “I meant just you and me hanging out; maybe go to a movie or something.”
The girl he focused his gaze on fought against a small blush, “Are you asking me out on a date?”
“Yeah,” he seemed nervous about her response.
“Well I do have a paper to write…” she saw his face fall, “But I'll do it tomorrow.”
The grin was back and noticeable on his features, “Is that a yes?”
“YES!” Yusuke punched a fist into the air in victory, “After seven years you have finally caved in!”
Keiko choked back a laugh wanting to sound serious, “Well I can always change my mind.”
The teen closed his mouth quickly, “Please don't, I'm just glad you decided to chose me over a book for once. I would've killed any other guy if you said yes to him.”
The one in front of him wasn't very good at hiding her shock, “Why?”
He glanced over at her, “Because you're my princess.”
Keiko found herself unable to hide the blush that rose up in her cheeks, but because she didn't want Yusuke to know he'd actually said something right she hit him on the arm, “Since when?!”
“Since I decided to call you that,” his grin widened, “Why? Does it get under your skin princess?”
She knew he enjoyed annoying her and she knew she liked this new nickname, so that both of them would be pleased she snapped at him, “Don't call me that!” He grabbed her hand and stopped it from making contact with his cheek. And being the playful guy that he was he kissed it, “Whatever you say… princess.”
He jumped up out of the chair and started running, Keiko pretended to get flustered and grabbed the microphone stand, “Get back here!” She hurriedly placed the metal bar back in its spot and began to chase him down the block laughing.
That's the longest one-shot I ever wrote and it goes to prove one fact; the heat is a bad thing. So in conclusion this fanfiction is the result of me being dehydrated and really hot. I hate summer… Reviews tell me what you thought while I'm still conscious, do you like my writing when I'm crazy and my brain is dried up or when I'm calm and collected?