Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Random adventures to LA ❯ Russia Land of...Song and dance? ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter three: Russia, Land of....Song and Dance???

Lily: HIYO^-~

Leala: -_-' Hi...

Kurama: *Runs past* GYAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lily: o.0

Botan: *Runs of in same direction* WAIT FOR ME KURAMA-KUN!!!!!!!!!!!

Lily: -_-'

Disclaimer: Lily: ....

Leala: -_-'

Lily: ^.~'

Leala: ...Lily doesn't own Yu Yu Hakusho...

Lily: -_-' Damn you...


Botan: So then I walked over to him and said that I thought he was cute and he laughed and walked
away...that made me cry...Has that ever happened to you Kurama??

Kurama: *Not paying attention* Uh huh...

Botan: Don't you just hate it when things like that happen, it makes you want to hurt the stupid
guy because he's such a jerk, but first you want to go home and cry...

~Poor poor Yusuke~

Guy Beside Yusuke: And what about the airline food, it tastes like plastic...how do we know
plastic is plastic....what if it's metal...

Yusuke: *About to spirit gun himself in the head*

GBY: ...Who really named this thing...what happens if they named a horse a pig...

~Arriving in Russia~

Kuwabara: *Getting off plane* *looks around* I geuss Russia is a nice place...

Random Russian # 1: Ooooo a foreigner!!!! COME! Join us in a musical!!!!!

Kuwabara: o_0

RR#2: LIGHTS!!!!!!!!

*Lights dim, with a spotlight on RR#3*

RR#3: *To the tune of YMCA*

Japanese dude, there's no need to feel down.
I said, Japanese dude, pick yourself off the ground.

Kuwabara: o_0 I'm not on the ground...

RR#3:I said, Japanese dude, 'cause you're in a new town
There's no need to be unhappy.

Kuwabara: ...Isn't Russia a country?

Japanese dude, there's a place you can go.
I said, Japanese dude, when you're short on your dough.
You can stay there, and I'm sure you will find
Many ways to have a good time.

It's fun to stay at the U-S-S-R!
It's fun to stay at the U-S-S-R!

Kuwabara: o_0 I thought it wasn't called the USSR anymore.

RR#4: It's for song purposes....

Kuwabara: o_0 okay...

RR#3: They have everything for Japanese dudes to enjoy,
You can hang out with all the Russians!

It's fun to stay at the U-S-S-R.
It's fun to stay at the U-S-S-R.

You can get yourself cleaned, you can have a good meal,
You can do whatever you feel ...

Japanese dude, are you listening to me?
I said, Japanese dude, what do you want to be?
I said, Japanese dude, you can make real your dreams.

Kuwabara: *Starry eyed* My only dream is being with Yukina...

RR#3: o_0 ....
But you got to know this one thing!

No Japanese dude does it all by himself.
I said, Japanese dude, put your pride on the shelf,
And just go there, to the U-S-S-R.
I'm sure they can help you today.

It's fun to stay at the U-S-S-R.
It's fun to stay at the U-S-S-R.

Kuwabara: ....*Starts to back away* *Runs back to plane* That was weird o_0...

~Hiei's sugarfilledness~

Hiei: *Pokes Yukina* ^_^

Yukina: o_0....Hi?

Hiei: *Poke* ^__^

Yukina: .....*tries to run but is stuck because of seatbelt* >.<

Hiei: *Poke poke*

~Never give Kurama pillows...~

Stewerdess: *Walking by with pillows*

Kurama: *Spots pillows* 00' *Grabs one*

Stewerdess: o_0

Botan: So then I gave him the dog back and he was so happy that I found it and- Kurama...What are
you doing?

Kurama: *Trying to suffocate self with pillow*

Botan: o_0

~Yusukes death...well almost...~

GBY: And then if Purple is blue and blue is pink and pink is yellow and yellow is orange and*keeps
going on*

Yuskue: *powering up spirit gun so he can shoot himself in the head*

Voice: We have just landed in LA, Please exit the plane in single file order.

Yusuke: 00' *Runs off of plane*

~Everyone's reunited...except Kuwabara~

Hiei: *Bounces of plane*

Yukina: o_0

Botan: o_0 ...what's wrong with him?

Yukina: -_-' Ice cream...

Botan: >.<

Kurama: *Still trying to suffocate self*

Stewerdess: Excuse me sir...You have to give back the pillow...

Kurama: ...Wait untill I kill myself then you can have it...

Stewerdess: *Snatches pillow*

Kurama: >.<

Yusuke: ....I swear...I really want to kill someone right now...

Kurama: *Glaring at Botan* I know how you feel...>.<

Botan: ^.^

Kurama: ...I'm gonna go....do something...

Botan: ^.~ I'll come too!

Kurama: NO! I mean...It's okay...you don't have to...*runs away before she can say anything*

~At the hotel~

Hiei: I am not sharing a room with any of you...

Yusuke: -_-' Too bad, we only have enough money to pay for three rooms


Kurama: NO! I mean...that's okay...I think I'll share with...Yusuke! Ya that's it!

Botan: *Pouts*

Yusuke: o0

Botan: U.U Fine I'll share with Yukina.

Yukina: Uh...-_-' Okay fine

Hiei: o0 Doesn't that mean I get my own room

Yusuke: o0 I geuss it does...Where did Kuwabara go anyway?

Everyone: *Shrugs*

Yusuke: ...Whatever *Leaves for room*

~Kurama's hair care~

Yusuke: ...Kurama...What's with all the shampoo...

Kurama: *Unpacking suitcase filled with shampoo* ...I like my hair.

Yusuke: -_-' That's 50 bottles...

Kurama: So?

Yusuke: *Shrugs* I geuss that's why your hair smells different every day

Kurama: ...Why are you smelling my hair...

Yusuke: o0

*Awkward silence*


Lily: Okay...screw the annoucers thing....

Leala: -_-'

Lily: ^^' ...The random word of the chapter is....Flubbagoose!

Leala: -_-' What the hell is wrong with you?!?!

Lily: ^^' I have issues...