Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Random Stuff Presented in a Random Way! ❯ Yet another showdown, of sorts. ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Six

"OK, well that trip was useless. We didn't find out anything of any use to us." Yusuke groaned and looked at his friends.

"The timing was just all wrong!" Kuwabara agreed. "Do you think we could go back and find her again, once she's dressed and our friends are sober?"

"No need for backtracking. Left behind a trail, I did, when we left," Jin said, feeling quite proud of himself.

What kind of trail are we talking about here?" Hiei asked suspiciously.

"Left a mighty cold wind tunnel blowing after us." Jin's ears perked up a little - mostly because he wasn't babysitting Kurama and Touya anymore.

"But if Tukiko leaves before we can come back, then we're still out of luck," Hiei pointed out.

"How about we wait here to find us? Besides, we gotta sober up Kurama and Touya before we can do anything," Yusuke suggested, always looking for a chance to relax.

"Yeah, Jin's wind tunnel will lead her right to us!" Kuwabara shouted, causing Kurama to put his hands over his ears and whine in protest.

Yusuke sat on the ground, leaning on the wall to fall asleep while Kurama, liking the idea of sleeping, flopped on the ground, instantly asleep. Touya immediately snuggled up to him and fell asleep as well, creating a very cute tableau.

Hiei cringed at the sight of everyone sleeping and said sharply, "Fine. I'll keep watch."

A few boring hours later, Kurama woke up with a splitting headache. "What?..." he asked in confusion.

"I see you're finally back, Kurama." Kurama looked confused and Hiei continued, "You got drunk in the bar, Kurama - or should I say Shuichi?"

Kurama frowned. "I had forgotten my human body hadn't had alcohol yet," he explained, frustrated. "When I was a thief I could drink for hours on end with no noticeable effects."

"Yes, well, Touya made the same mistake." Hiei pointed to the sleeping ice master.

A faint smile spread across Kurama's face. "At least I will not be alone in my hangover." Getting back to business, Kurama asked, "What happened to Tukiko?"

Hiei grunted and looked away. "Long story short, she got away. We're waiting for her to come after us."

Kurama simply nodded and joined Hiei at his post.

Soon Touya awoke as well, and Jin, who was back to his cheerful self after getting his makeup off, teased him mercilessly over his drunken escapades.

After briefing Touya over the happenings in the hotel room, the group soon grew restless. "Geez, how long are we gonna wait?" Yusuke asked irritably, having woken up from his little nap. "It's like eleven at night by now!" Kurama smiled at Yusuke's lack of patience and Hiei merely rolled his eyes and started pacing.

"It's only 10:37, runt," said a voice at the end of the alley, and the group turned to look at the speaker in surprise.

"Tukiko! About time you found us!" Hiei snarled.

"Put your sword away, shrimp. I've decided fighting you lot isn't worth the one hundred fifty thousand yen." (About $1200, according to Robyn's possibily misinformed calculations)

"And you're not worth my time, but I need to stretch so I suggest you prepare yourself." Hiei charged "slowly" (as in you could see him charge) towards Tukiko.

Tukiko used her ice spear as a pole vault and leapt over him. "Listen, boy, Risho wasn't happy that you're not dead," she told Kuwabara. "In exchange for protecting me from him, I can tell you where he is."

Yusuke looked at her with zero trust in his eyes and said, "OK. Where is he?"

Tukiko wagged a finger at him. "Tsk, tsk. How do I know you won't kill me as soon as I tell you?"

"How do we know you'll tell us the truth? Guess you're just gonna have to trust us," Yusuke said, tired of playing games.

Tukiko looked around: she was surrounded. She snarled, "Fine then! I'll lead you to him if you protect me along the way. If I lead you into a trap, you may kill me."

"Oh, golly-gee, may we? Let's get this straight: we'll kill you if you even look at us wrong. We can find Risho on our own - without your help, so don't go thinking you're in control," Yusuke snapped.

Tukiko just looked at her feet and mumbled something that sounded uncomplimentary. She turned and led the group down the road.

"Don't try anything funny," Kurama warned her. "We won't laugh." (Until Hiei cuts off her head. Then we'll laugh. :-)

The group trudged on; no one seemed too happy: Jin's ears were normal, Hiei sulked, Kurama and Touya just walked, and Yusuke and Kuwabara didn't joke.

Eventually they found themselves back at the bar. "This is where Risho first contacted me," Tukiko informed them.

"We figured that much," Kuwabara said impatiently. "But where is he now?"

Tukiko just pointed to the par and said, "After you."

Yusuke nodded at the others. "Cover me." Kuwabara and Hiei moved to cover his flanks, and Kurama and Touya followed, guarding Tukiko.

Yusuke walked into the dark bar and saw it was deserted, but noticed a light shining through the cracks of a closed door.

Klaxons screamed "Ambush!" in Kurama's head. He tensed, glancing at Tukiko, but she just smiled back at him.

"Wait." Touya looked worried. "Where's Jin?"

But it was too late. Yusuke was already turning the handle and pushing the door open.

They heard a startled shout from within. "Hey! Occupied!" Yusuke slammed the door shut in surprise.

"A-heh. Wrong door," Yusuke said sheepishly as Kuwabara fell down in exasperated surprise.

"Wait, that voice sounds familiar," Hiei began, but was interrupted by the sound of a scuffle outside.

"Ay! That was a right foul thing you did!" they heard Jin's voice yell frantically.

A familiar figure burst through the outer door backwards, as if thrown. Clay skidded across alcohol-soaked tile.

Yusuke whisked his head around and realized whose voice he had heard. "Botan! What are you doing here??"

"Yusuke?" she called out from beyond the bathroom door. A toilet flushed, and the door opened to reveal Botan. "What are you doing here?"

"Saving Kuwabara from Risho. Why are you here? Don't tell me Koenma sent you!"


Meanwhile, Jin jumped through the door to tackled the downed Risho, and the others soon followed his lead...save Yusuke, of course, who was already occupied. Kuwabara charged into the brawl, waving his Spirit Sword and yelling.

Kurama suddenly caught sight of Tukiko trying to slip out unnoticed. "Oh, no you don't" he cried out, tying up Tukiko with his vines.

Hiei noticed this and left Risho to bludgeon tukiko. "I have had a problem with you since you first opened your mouth."

"So anyway, what's the deal?" Yusuke asked Botan, seemingly oblivious to the fight behind him. He didn't even flinch when a thrown glass shattered on a nearby wall.

"I have the arrest papers for Tukiko. I thought those might help - it's only a shame that I was late," Botan explained, watching the fight out of the corner of her eye.

"Late?!" Yusuke exclaimed. "You mean we went through all this trouble for nothing?!"

"Bing! This was a completely pointless story."

"What story?"

"Never mind."

"Wait a minute! You have Tukiko's papers... what about Risho's papers?" Yusuke asked, the gears slowly turning in his head.

"Ah, those are pending," Boton said, sweatdropping.

Somewhere in the Spirit World, a strangled cry was heard: "How many papers do I have to sign, Ogre?!"

After that random little tidbit, we turn our attention back to the barfights - how fun!

"You traitor!" Risho yelled his first line at Tukiko. "I should kill you right now!"

"No, no, no. YOu can't kill her! I have to take her to Lord Koenma!" Botan said as she hopped up on her oar and carted Tukiko away.

Risho now set his sights on Kuwabara. "You... human!" he shouted in lieu of an insult, and charged at him, fists raised.

"Ha ha! Bring it on!!" Kuwabgara yelled, swing his Spirit Sword at Risho, not paying attention to where he was running. He tripped over a bottle on the ground and his face fell into a pool of alcohol.

But before Risho could pummel him into a bloody pulp, Jin and Touya dashed between them.

Risho paused. "You two... you have dishonored the Shinobi!"

"Aye, dishonored the Shinobi somebody has - but twas not us!" Jin shouted as he whipped up a violent wind around them.

"You betrayed me!" Risho shouted, but his voice was blown away.

"No time for talking!!" Touya yelled as he made his ice weapon.

Yusuke fought against the buffeting winds to reach the fray, but Kurama but an arm out to stop him. "It's a matter of honor," he said by way of explanation.

Kuwabara crawled out of the fray and wined "Hey, I thought this was my fight."

In the center of the maelstrom, the battle raged on. Touya was slashing with great speed and agility while Jin kept Risho trapped within his wall of wind. Risho was feebly blocking with his gauntlets, but he was gradually being driven back. Touya made a final slash, driving Risho a little too far into Jin's tornado. With a cry of horror, Risho was launched through the roof of the bar.

Everyone watched Risho fly and then stared at Jin and Touya. "Oops," the two said together.