Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Random Stuff Presented in a Random Way! ❯ The long-awaited showdown! ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Side note: It's not that we have anything against Kuwabara, Robyn is actually a fangirl of his, it's just that he's so easy to make fun of...

Chapter Five

Yusuke rapped on Tukiko's door. "Room service!" he announced cheerfully, as Kuwabara muttered under his breath, "What's wrong with my cat story?"

The group waited, but Tukiko never answered the door, and Hiei, extremely impatient, knocked the door off its hinges.

"Way to destroy others' property," Yusuke commented as they looked around the room. There was no sign of Tukiko. Well, there was no sign of her until Hiei heard water running in the bathroom.

Kuwabara started blushing furiously. "So what are we gonna do, just wait 'til she comes out?"

"Sure, why not?" Yusuke said as he flopped down on the bed. Hiei paced back and forth impatiently, gripping the hilt of his sword until his knuckles turned white. (He's so impatient to fight Tukiko, you'd think he was actually anxious to get revenge for Kuwabara...)

Kuwabara, not happy with waiting, tried to sit down and relax when suddenly who should go flying past the hotel windows but Jin! They heard a shout of "Come back here, fox boy!" and he was gone.

The three looked at each other and quickly ran to the window and frantically opened it. Kurama seemed to have recovered from his sleeping spell and was now running about insanely, Jin doing his best to keep him from being seen. Touya was nowhere in sight. Suddenly Jin shot away from Kurama and quickly returned with Touya in hand - well, Touya with the wig Jin had worn in the bar. Seemingly having spotted his comrades on his last flyby, he deposited Touya on the balcony. Before Jin could talk to the group inside, a vine whipped up, wrapped around poor Jin, and pulled him back down to Kurama. They rushed out onto the balcony to get a better look, but now the two red-heads were hidden from view by other balconies.

Touya giggled as Kuwabara pulled him into the room, and Kuwabara was quickly given new hair as Touya put the wig on him and laughed histerically.

Hiei suddenly slapped a hand over Touya's mouth in an effort to silence him. "Listen," he hissed. There was no more sound of the shower.

The group turned and there was a dripping Tukiko clad in a towel standing behind them - and she didn't look happy.

"Uh, hi?' Yusuke said sheepishly, eyeing her - not very discreetly.

Her eyes widened as she caught sight of the group's other redhead. "You!" she exclaimed stupidly, pointing at Kuwabara in disbelief.

Unfortunately for her, Hiei had already drawn his sword and he was ready to spill some blood, until Jin and the still drunk Kurama came rashing through the window into Tukiko, which casued her towel to fall off.

Kuwabara and Yusuke blushed and faced the other way, but not after getting a good look first.

"Oh!" Tukiko gasped at her sudden nudity, but then she noticed how uncomfortable it made Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Jin - although Jin was more preoccupied with keeping Kurama under control. Touya didn't seem to notice, as he was too busy counting the ceiling tiles.

Tukiko quickly made herself some ice diamonds and prepared to throw them at Kuwabara.

She didn't count, however, on Hiei being nonplussed. "Don't take advantage of his naivete," he said, a smirk playing across his face. He stepped in between her and Kuwabara, ignoring the latter's demand to know what was going on, and continued, "you have more pressing matters!" Hiei charged toward her, sword flashing in the sunlight coming in through the open window.

Tukiko growled and rolled out of his sword's reach. A lamp, sliced neatly in half, clattered to the ground.

Hiei attempted to charge again, but tripped over Kurama, who had fallen asleep on the floor.

"Ha!" Tukiko leapt up and attempted to turn Hiei into a shish-kabob with a spear of ice. Touya, in his drunken stupor, made a shield for Hiei out of ice, but it wasn't a normal shield - it had carvings of flowers, smiley faces, and a fox that looked remarkably like Youko Kurama. The spear got stuck in the shield, and as Tukiko desparately tried to remove it, Hiei slipped out from under the shield and put his sword to her throat. "Your problem," he smirked, "is that you're not used to your prey fighting back."

"And your problem, my dear demon, is that you clearly forgot that in battle you should never touch anything to the skin of a being with the power of ice," Tukiko said smugly as she turned Hiei's sword into ice; and she would have iced Hiei ahd he not dropped his sword when the handle turned cold.

The smirk never left Hiei's face. "You're merely prolonging the inevitable." Suddenly he disappeared, and a blur hid Tukiko from view. Just as suddenly Hiei was back in front of her, and Tukiko was unscathed.

"Ha! You couldn't even touch me!" Tukiko crowed in triumph.

Hiei held up a discarded ice shard. "Why should I want to?" He looked at her feet one eyebrow raised.

Tukiko also looked down to find there was no longer any floor beneath her. She fell into the room below, the occupants of which were naturally surprised to see a naked body on their floor. Just to add some funny coincidences, the room was full of college men - all of whom were drunk. While they dealt with Tukiko, the group upstairs dealt with Kurama and Touya, who were now playing a strange mix of pattycake and Janken.

Yusuke had turned around and watched the two for a while before saying, "OK, let's get out of here. I can't fight a naked chick and it's not exactly easy to fight around our drunk friends." Hiei agreed and the group left the room, but not before Kuwabara stole Tukiko's mints on her pillows, laughing all the time.

The hotel management would later wonder why the frat boys came down screaming about icicles.