Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Reflection ❯ um,The Beginning? ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Stork: Yea! My first fanfic! :) Hope you like it.

Hiei:I dont.

Stork:Can it! nobody asked you.


Chapter one.

The girl called Cailean-(Hiei:What kind of name is cailean?

Stork:It's Celtic. It means the child. don't butt in!)-was wandering around in

her new house looking for somthing interesting, but it was just like all the

houses before.Cailean sighed and fell on her bed. She was a pretty average person,14 yrs.

old with pale hair and dark eyes and pale skin. she shut her eyes, and rolled over wondering if there

was anything interesting in this place when she opened her eyes she saw somthing shining on the built-in

bookshelf. What the heck? she walked over and felt around on the shelf. Covered in

dust, it was a pin shaped like an eye.It was reflective and smooth, but it was'nt

like glass. How strange, she thought."Lights out!" called her mother, "Okay!" she put

the pin on her dresser and went to sleep.

*Dreammode*(She was wandering around
in the market when she thought she heard whispering.She followed the noise-
(Hiei:Where is this going?
Stork:Um,I'm really not that sure,I cant think of anything.
Stork:Shut up!)
-but just when she reached a store with a big X on the front...)*end of Dreammode*

She woke up with a jolt."7:30 time to get up!" said her clock radio.Cailean moaned

and rolled over.After getting dressed and eating, she ran upstairs to grab her bag,

suddenly, the pin flashed brightly in the sun. She stopped to pick it up and pinned it to

the inside of her sweater then rushed downstairs and out the door.It was her first day at

*hint,hint*Sarayashi Junior High*hint,hint* and she didnt want to be late.

She ran all the way to school, and got there early. It looked pretty much like

all the other schools, well, except for the two stupid looking boys beating the

tar out of each other.The tall one with the funny orange hair screamed, Your'e

going down Urameshi! It was pretty funny, but "Urameshi" knocked him out in

about 3 seconds. Everybody walking into the school didn't seem to notice, but she

walked up to see if he was ok anyway.Cailean:Are you alright?- (Hiei:Who cares.
Stork: Do I have to hurt you?)
-Kuwabara: Sure! Nothing can hurt the great Kazuma Kuwabara!*passes out*
- -o
Cail: ~ . Riiighht.... She decided that this probably happened all

time by the way his face was all messed up, so she just walked into the school and forgot about

him. Cail wasn't quite sure where to go, so she asked a nice looking girl with brown hair. The girl

smiled and introduced herself as Keiko.

Stork:Well, thats all I have at the moment, I might get a sudden inspiration but
its not likely, this IS a yu yu hakusho story, but I haven't got that far, more to come.
(by the way I have no clue why exactly Hiei keeps butting in, but I'm starting to get angry.....)

Hiei:You call this a story?It stinks worse than Kuwabara's fighting!HAHAHA!

Kuwabara:Hey! I resent that! Come say that to my face shorty!*takes out spirit sword*

Hiei:what did you call me!?*unsheaths katana*

Stork:*sweatdrop*Please review, and send me ideas I'm desperate!Buhby!*takes out a mallet and starts sneaking
towards the other two*

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