Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Retrieving His Heart ❯ The Watch Mystery ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3: The Watch Mystery
As the troubling days of hiking through the Makai passed, Yusuke's patience was growing short. Kuwabara was complaining, Kurama just wanted to get to Neka in the shortest amount of time as possible, and Hiei just didn't show any emotion.
“When are we gonna get there, dammit?!” Yusuke yelled angrily at the camp they had made temporarily.
“If the coordinates Koenma gave us are correct, I'd say around a few more days.” Kurama said nonchalantly while looking at the map in his hands. Yusuke gave a groan of pure annoyance and fell on his back and into his tent.
“Fool.” Hiei muttered from his perch in a high oak. He closed his red eyes, only for an image of Neka smiling to pop up. Sitting up alertedly, Hiei realized something.
He couldn't get Neka from his unsettled mind, no matter how hard he tried.
I'll save her, no matter what the hell it takes! Hiei swore. Just as he was about to fall asleep, Kurama called him down for dinner.
Neka sighed as she opened and closed her hand in a bored fashion.
Open. Close. Open. Close. Open. Clo-
Neka's ears picked up a crash and made her turn her head to the door lazily, too weary to even care. Tank-Man came stumbling in, hopping on his right foot clumsily and then switching to the left until he reclaimed his balance.
“What happened?” Neka inquired flatly.
“I've found a way to make you cry! That's what!” Tank-Man cried happily. Neka rolled her sienna eyes and went back to the “fun-ness” of flexing her hand.
“Brother, where the blazes are y-?!” Spout yelled but bumped right into Tank-Man's leg. Neka shook her head with a thin chuckle.
Koenma reviewed the facts on his kidnapped cousin hurriedly. Something in his conscience told him that he gave the Spirit Detectives the wrong directions, so here he was, looking at the note Neka's captors sent him. At last Koenma found it and re-read it.
Dear Lord Koenma,
We have captured Neka once again for her lovely tear gems. If you'd like this wench back, make her cry 9,000,000,000,000 yen worth of Kakomi crystals within two years. If you don't, we'll go after that Forbidden Child that you've got on probation and kill him right in front of Neka's eyes, get her gems, and then kill HER!! I don't know her relation to you, but she told me that you'd send your damn detectives after us if you knew that she got snatched once more. But, I took this as a challenge for their detective work.
I've sent you a watch that my older brother has just fondly received. If you can tell me the characteristics of the previous owner, send this, the answer, and the watch to me. The address in which this will be picked up is in a small village near Hiromi.
I wish you bad luck,
Koenma had no idea what Hiei would be of any good in making his demonic relative cry, but he couldn't afford his or Neka's death at all. He sighed and picked up the navy leather case in which the golden watch lay. How was it possible to figure out the previous owner's characteristics just by a watch?!
I need Neka. She's such a detective geek. Koenma had a matter-of-fact thought that would receive him a “Why-Sherlock-Holmes-is-so-Great” lecture from Neka; followed by a whack upside the head. Koenma sighed again and looked over all Spirit World and Makai maps for a “Hiromi”. Unfortunately, there was one in both.
Not wanting to get yelled at when he was out of Asprin by Yusuke, he didn't tell them about the both Hiromi Cities.
“Why'd I even assign this job to that goof-head?” Koenma murmured to himself as he rubbed his mini-temples.
“That's your plan?” Neka asked after the brothers told her about the letter they sent. They both nodded with attempted evil grins. Neka heaved a sigh. “When was the watch made?” she asked.
“1967.” Tank-Man replied.
“When did ya father die?”
“1976.” Spout said.
“May I see a picture of the watch case?”
Neka scanned the picture carefully, careful not to over look any details. At long last, she smirked and glanced at the eager brothers.
“Too easy.” She told them and flicked her ear, a sign that she had figured something out.
“Then tell us, if you're so sure!” Tank-Man demanded, confident that the witch hadn't a clue at who owned it last, furthermore the characteristics.
“Yes, my little brother writes the best riddles that not even the best detectives can solve!” Spout argued. This made Neka chuckle.
She stopped and explained, “You see-”