Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Reunited ❯ Chapter 26

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho.



Chapter 26

Hiei was beginning wonder if Kurama was going to finish that antidote when the fox demon finally walked in with it.

"I figured I would finish at around the time Shiroi would need a second dose of the potion," Kurama said as he approached.

Hiei nodded, he had been about ready to give that to Shiroi just before Kurama walked in. Now that Kurama had the antidote, he knew Shiroi was going to be fine, or so he hoped.

Kurama poured some of the antidote into a small cup; "I made more than enough, since I know Shiroi is probably going fight me when I try and give this to her."

Hiei nodded, "She fought Botan when she tried to give her the potion."

Kurama nodded, "I heard." He held Shiroi's head and brought the cup to his lips. As soon as the clear antidote touched the woman's lips, she jerked her head away. "Here we go," Kurama muttered as he tried again.

The woman jerked head again once the antidote touched her lips, and did so again a third time.

When Kurama tried a fourth time, Shiroi actually knocked the cups from his hand, and the cups smashed to the floor.

"Now I'm getting frustrated," Kurama said.

Hiei gulped, Kurama getting frustrated wasn't a good thing. He looked back at Shiroi, the potion had stopped her fever from rising, but it hadn't lowered it, and he was afraid that she was getting delirious from it.

Kurama got a new cup and tried again, with the same results, but at least this time Shiroi didn't knock the cup away. "Come on Shiroi," the half demon muttered. He tried again and of course she fought him, and knocked the cup away again.

"Now I'm getting very frustrated," Kurama muttered, his voice deadly calm.

"Can you really blame her Kurama?" Hiei asked. "You know it's the fever. That potion only stopped it from rising, it hasn't gotten it to go down."

"Delirium," Kurama muttered. "Dammit!" he hissed, "I was hoping that it wouldn't come so quickly."

Hiei was getting nervous. Soon Kurama would leave it alone for awhile so he could let his frustration go down and try again, but if Shiroi's fever didn't go down, her delirium would remain and she would continue to fight him.

"Try one more time Kurama," Hiei said, "I have an idea."

Kurama eyed him for a moment, and then nodded. He went and got one more cup and made a face at the remaining amount of the antidote. "There isn't much left Hiei," he said, "If we don't get it this time, I don't know what we're going to do."

Hiei nodded, and really hoped his idea would work. He looked at Shiroi, the woman was breathing in short gasps, and Hiei began to wonder if the potion was only stopping the fever and not the poison.

-Shiroi, - he mind sent, -you have to let Kurama help you. Don't fight him; he's not going to hurt you. -

As he spoke telepathically to Shiroi, Kurama attempted to give Shiroi the antidote one last time.

He brought the cups to her lips, and Hiei said spoke to her again. -Don't fight it. That's the antidote that's going to help you Shiroi. Take it, it's going to help you. -

The liquid touched her lips, and she didn't jerk away. After a few seconds of swallowing, Shiroi started to fight it again. -All of it, - Hiei said, -you still have some left. -

Shiroi stopped fighting and did as she was told. Finally the cup was empty.

Kurama smiled, "What did you do?" he asked Hiei.

"I talked her through it," Hiei answered. "I don't know why I didn't think of it in the first place."

"Well at least you did," Kurama said as the others came into the room.

"Did she take it?" Botan asked.

Kurama nodded, and Botan cheered and flung her arms around him.

"Sorry," Botan said, "Couldn't help it."

Kurama shook his head.

Nana came over and felt Shiroi's forehead, "Her fever's going down, looks like that antidote is working faster than you thought it would."

"Okay boys," Botan said, "Out, we have to finish healing the wound."

"Come Hiei," Kurama said as they left.

Hiei grumbled and followed them out.


That night, while Nana was up watching Shiroi on her shift, the young woman's fever broke and she woke up.

"What happened?" she asked as she sat up.

"You don't remember?" Nana asked.

Shiroi thought for a moment, "Now I do, guess I have to apologize to Kurama tomorrow for being a pain."

"I don't think he care's," Nana said, "He just seemed relieved as soon they got the antidote into you."

"That's right, Hiei had to talk me through it, since I was delirious."

"How do you even know all of this?" Nana asked, "You were delirious after all."

"From Hiei," Shiroi answered, "He talked me through everything, and he told it was Kurama that was giving me the antidote." She realized that the wound that had knocked her unconscious before wasn't paining her, "Did you and Botan heal my wound?"

Nana nodded, "It was easier than it sounds, since Hiei got the blade out of you so quickly and neatly."

Shiroi nodded, "Takken's going to be disappointed."

"I don't see why Sansa doesn't allow your friends to have a whack at him," Nana said, "He's deserved it more than once so far, and now he really needs it."

Shiroi shrugged, "I don't know. Elder Sansa has his reasons, most of them we'll never know." She yawned.

"I think it's time for you to go back to sleep," Nana said. "Your fever and wound may be gone, but you still have some recovering to do."

Shiroi nodded, and went back to sleep.


The next morning, Shiroi was awake before anyone else in the house. Nana was gone, and she figured that the old woman had told the others that her fever had broken and she didn't need any more observation.

She slipped out of her room, knowing that one person was up, Hiei. She slipped out the backdoor and looked up to the roof. Hiei was standing there, just as she had expected, and his back was to her.

She wanted to go up to him right away, but she wanted to have some fun first. There was still plenty of snow left, and more to come, and she summoned a clump of snow from the roof and floated over to Hiei, making it go to where he could see it.

When he did notice it, he eyed suspiciously. He watched it as it hovered by him, almost watching him. He reached out to touch it, but it back away. He reached out again, faster, and it ducked his grip and shot into his face.

Hiei flinched when the snowball hit him in the face, and quickly wiped the snow away incase another one came, too many snowballs had hit him lately.

He heard a noise behind him and turned around to see Shiroi standing on the ground, giggling. She waved to him when he turned around, and he figured that she had been the cause of the snowball. He jumped off the roof and landed in front of her.

"Nana told us your fever had broken," he said, "but I didn't expect you to be up right away."

"You should know me better," Shiroi said.

Hiei shrugged, "Maybe, maybe not."

Shiroi sighed and shook her head. "Anyway, I wanted to thank you, for telling me that Kurama was trying to help me."

"Thank Kurama," Hiei said, "Not me, I more or less held you down."

Shiroi giggled, "Whatever you say." She looked around, and then looked at her watch, "No one will be up for at least another hour, and I'm bored."

"So am I," Hiei said.

"I would say that's a bad thing," Shiroi said. "A demon and apparition with nothing to do, it's the recipe for trouble"

"What kind of trouble?" Hiei asked.

"Not the kind your sick mind is thinking of," Shiroi answered.

Hiei smirked at the blush that crept up her cheeks as she spoke. "Then what kind?"

"Never mind," Shiroi grumbled.

Hiei smirked again, but then his attention was directed toward a hissing screech. "Why does that sound seem familiar?"

"Because that's the sound of a winged serpent," Shiroi answered. "They must not be happy about what we did, and our scents are all over the area where the dead serpent is."

"So is Takken's," Hiei said. "He was there most recently."

"Let's go see how much destruction they've already caused." Shiroi said.

"Are you sure your should be doing that?" Hiei asked.

"Would you rather we waste the time to wake everyone up?" Shiroi asked as she rose into the air with her wind abilities. "I've regained enough of my powers to be of some use," she added, "Are you coming or not?"

Hiei nodded, and they both raced to the attack site.


Author's Note: Okay, it's a short chapter, not the best of my works. Yay, Shiroi's okay, but what's going to happen in this fight? Read the next chapter and find out, when I get it up. ^_^ Review me and tell me what you think.