Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Reunited ❯ Chapter 37

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho.



Chapter 37

Kurama had been standing at the edge of the forest at Genkai's temple. He was able to hear the fight between Shiroi and Hiei, and the way it ended. It felt as though a freezing hand was gripping his heart, but his usual calm demeanor kept Genkai and Anada from seeing what he truly felt.

(How can I tell them this?) He asked himself. (I should tell them, but then Shiroi or Hiei would be angry with me for overhearing their argument. Perhaps I should wait and let the truth tell itself, it will happen soon anyway.) He straightened and walked to the stairs of the temple, about to leave.

"Well?" Genkai asked, stopping him.

Kurama sighed, "You'll find out." He didn't wait for a reply, and walked down the stairs and out of sight.

"I didn't like the sound of that," Anada said.

"I didn't either," Genkai replied. "But it just looks like we'll have to wait until Shiroi or Hiei return."

"I don't think we'll have to wait long," Anada said, "Look."

Genkai looked up to see Shiroi coming out of the forest, and didn't like what she saw. "Shiroi? Are you all right?"

Shiroi's eyes were shadowed, so they couldn't see them, but when Genkai asked her the question, she had to look up. "No," she whispered.

Anada rushed over to her, "What happened?" she asked earnestly.

She wanted to say everything, everything that had happened, but she couldn't make her mouth or voice box work.

"What did Hiei do?" Anada asked. "Did he hurt you? What?"

Shiroi gasped and choked on a sob, "Just my heart," she whispered.

Anada gritted her teeth, but then hugged her friend tightly. "I'm sorry Shiroi, now I know what Elder Sansa meant, I'm so sorry." She felt the woman break down and cry in her arms.

Genkai came over, "She'll never let another man love her again," the old woman said. "Not anymore."

Anada tightened her arms around her friend and let the woman cry herself out. When Shiroi finally pulled away, she didn't even look at either of the two, and walked to her room.

"Hiei's going to pay dearly," Anada growled.

"Yes he will," Genkai said.


Kurama hadn't left the temple; he just made it look like he had. Once he was far enough down the steps, he turned and went into the forest, quite ready to hunt.

It didn't take him long to find his prey, and knocked him out of the tree and pinned him to the ground faster than the victim could react. "Give me one good reason why I should skin you," Kurama growled dangerously.

Hiei coughed as he tried to get air back into his flattened lungs. "I didn't mean it," he gasped.

"Bullshit," Kurama hissed. "You wouldn't have said it if you didn't, unless you were just being extremely stupid."

Hiei knew he was in serious trouble. Since he had known Kurama, the fox had hardly ever said a single swear, and when he had, normally something died. "I don't know," he said. "I was mad, and a little jealous of her ability to take that demon out so quickly. I just got carried away."

Kurama lifted Hiei up by the collar and threw him. "That's an answer I expected from an ego guided demon," he growled. "I didn't think you'd ever let your ego get in the way of you and Shiroi, but I guess I was wrong."

"Don't make assumptions about me Kurama," Hiei hissed as he got to his feet.

"Oh so you're saying that it was already possible for that to happen?" Kurama asked, "That your ego would mean more to you than Shiroi?"

Hiei gulped, "I don't know."

Kurama approached him, and his fist connected with Hiei's jaw hard and fast. He sent the demon tumbling head over heels into a bush, but he didn't pursue him. "I don't know why I shouldn't just kill you," he said, "But I'm sure Shiroi wouldn't happy with me about it, even if it does concern you." Without another word, he turned on his heel and walked away.

Hiei got to his feet and pooped his jaw back into place. "I'm in deep shit," he grumbled. He didn't think he could face Shiroi now, and was angry with himself for it. He yanked out his sword and slashed around with it to get his anger out. His swings were wild and uncontrolled, and one stupid move made his sword come in contact with a boulder, and the blade shattered into pieces.

"Dammit," Hiei yelled and threw the hilt into the bushes. The sword hadn't been very old, a few months at most, and having it break now was a sign of his unreasonable idiotism.

"Here you are!"

Hiei whipped around, and just in time to receive a sharp slap in the face, the same place Kurama had just punched him.

"You stupid inconsiderate demon!" Anada yelled and raised her hand to slap him again, but Hiei caught her arm just in time.

"Enough!" he yelled. "I didn't mean it all right! Let me explain!"

"No I won't!" Anada yelled. "You broke Shiroi's heart, I'm surprised Kurama only punched you and didn't kill you!"

"I-," Hiei didn't know what to say.

Anada wrenched her arm out of his grip. Then she brought it back, her eyes glowing white, and used her wind to knock him backwards into a tree. It was all the energy she had, but if she had had more, she would have sent him through the tree and farther. That done; she turned on her heel and stomped off back to the temple.

Hiei picked himself up and rubbed his head. This had been one painful day, and the day was barely half over.


Later on that evening, Shiroi finally came out of her room. Bur she avoided everyone, and silently went into the forest for a walk. She really didn't pay much attention to where she was going, and ended up in the clearing Hiei had been in earlier in the afternoon. She saw the broken shards of his sword and the abandon hilt.

(I wonder what he did?) She thought as she picked up the hilt. She looked around, and saw a nick in the boulder nearby. (Oh I see; he broke it when the blade hit the boulder.) She spun the hilt in her hand, thinking. She didn't plan on doing anything with the remains of the blade, but there was something...


Hiei was wondering through the forest the next morning, and just happened to come across the clearing from the day before. He peered into it, expecting to see the remains of his sword, but he didn't. Instead he saw something very intriguing.

He walked into the clearing. There in the center, lay and long and thin object wrapped in a cloth. Hiei looked around, no one was there. The cloth was slightly damp from the morning dew, which meant it had been left there for a while. He picked it up; it wasn't very heavy, not to his standard of weight. He started to unwrap it, and when the top of the object was exposed, he yanked of the rest of it.

It was a sword. He was about to check out the blade, but then he sensed something, something on the other side of the forest. (Looks like it's time for a little demon hunting,) Hiei thought. He secured the sword to his belt and took off running.

He passed the temple in a blur, and jumped to the treetops of the other side of the forest. He would be able to see the demon from the trees, but what he found first stopped him in his tracks.

He had come up to the small pond from yesterday, where had made the worst mistake of his life, and sitting by the pond, was Shiroi. He looked around, sensing for the demon's energy. It was close by, but he couldn't leave his best opportunity to talk to Shiroi go down the drain.

(Kurama asked me what was more important to me?) Hiei said to himself. (Just something that concerns only my self, my ego, or Shiroi?) He closed eyes to think, but then thought to himself. (This shouldn't even be a question; I know that answer, so why am I standing here staring?) He jumped off the tree and landed at the entrances to the clearing.

(But what should I say to her?) He thought. He took a step forward, and his foot caused a stick to snap.

Shiroi turned around and saw him. "What do you want?" She asked.

"Uh," Hiei thought quickly. "There's a demon running around here. I was going to go after it, and then I saw you standing here."

"Why should I make you stop pursuing something?" Shiroi asked, turning away from him.

"Because-," Hiei started, but then the demon's energy became stronger, and much closer. Suddenly a reptilian like demon sprang from the bushes. It looked like a gecko standing on its hind legs, but instead of the sticky harmless paws gecko's had; this one had sharp claws, and was about six feet tall.

"If it didn't have the big claws," Shiroi said, "it would look rather cute."

"Cute" was not the word Hiei thought about that thing. He remembered battling another of that demon's kind, and it wasn't very easy. Their skin was slippery and always slick with some sort of poisonous slim, and it's claws contained poison too.

"I've fought these things before," Hiei said. "They're poisonous, their skin is covered with a slim while their claws are hollow to allow poison to enter a person's wounds when it scratches someone with them."

"Then I wonder how it likes electricity?" Shiroi asked as she summoned a ball of the electricity the size of a baseball.

"It's fast too," Hiei warned.

"Let's see how fast," Shiroi said as she launched the electrical blast.

The gecko saw the blast coming and jumped high into the air. The electricity followed it, and struck the gecko when the thing was in the floating time frame before it would start its' decent. It hit the ground, but got back up, hissing as smoke rose from its body.

"Guess it doesn't like it," Shiroi said.

Suddenly the gecko charged at her, knowing that she was the cause of the electricity. It raised its claws to strike, but that was the last thing it was going to do.

Shiroi watched the gecko fly at her. She was about to bring up an ice wall and have it smash itself into it, but suddenly a black flash went through the gecko's body and the demon split in half and fell to the ground with a wet shloop.

Shiroi stared at the fallen body, and then turned to her right. Hiei stood in the water up to his knees where he had landed, but he wasn't facing her, he was staring at the sword he had just used to kill the demon.

The blade, the part of it that wasn't dripping with the gecko's blood, was crystal clear. (How can a blade that can cut straight through a body like a hot knife through butter be as clear as glass?) Hiei asked himself.

Suddenly the purple colored blood on the blade begin to rise from it and fly away behind him. Hiei turned his head to that Shiroi was the cause the blood's removal. She dropped the blood on the body, and ignited it. The acrid smell that rose from the carcass didn't faze the two of them.

"I see you found it," Shiroi said.

"Huh?" Hiei asked. He realized she meant the sword. "You mean this?"

Shiroi nodded, "I see you put it to use quickly."

"Wait a minute how do you know about this thing?" Hiei asked.

Shiroi turned to him. "I found the remains of your previous sword late yesterday afternoon. I knew you would need a new one soon, and that thing just happened to be something I was working on."

Hiei looked at the blade, "You made this?"

"Everything except the sheath," Shiroi answered. "I got that thing out of my father's old weapons closet. There was never a sword to it, and he thought maybe one day he would find a blade to fit in it, but of course he never did."

Hiei looked the sword over quickly. It was double-edged, the way he liked them, but it was slim, like the swords of the old samurai. "What's the blade made out of?" He asked, the biggest question on his mind.

"Ice and diamond," Shiroi answered. "It will never dull or break, nor will blood be able to stain it. The only thing you have to worry about is the sheath wearing out." She looked up from the burning corpse. "The hilt is made of obsidian, but diamond has also been implemented with it, so it won't ever break either."

She turned around to start walking back to the temple. "I was planning on giving that to you on a more important day, but from what happened yesterday, I don't think that important will ever come."

Hiei gripped the sword hilt tighter. He knew what that day was, and because of what he had said yesterday, she believed that it wouldn't ever happen. He shook his head and sheathed the blade. As Shiroi walked away, he caught her wrist in his grip.

Shiroi stopped and turned her head to look at him, surprised.

"What I said yesterday," Hiei started, "I didn't mean it. I don't know why I said it; maybe it was because I was jealous that you had been able to take out that demon easier than it would have taken all four of us to do. But I don't know; it may have been something else, something I don't know."

Shiroi looked at him for a few seconds, and Hiei began to wonder if she had believed him, or if she was even going to say anything. Suddenly, she slapped him, right where both Kurama and Anada had hit him the day before.

"Ow," Hiei grunted, "I've been getting hit there a lot lately."

"You've deserved it," Shiroi said as she examined the face. The left side of his face was pretty black and blue, which proved what he had said. She didn't heal it, not yet; she wanted answers first. "So, you're saying that you let your ego get the better of you yesterday?"

"Kurama's really rubbing off on you," Hiei said.


"That's what he asked me yesterday as he beat me," Hiei answered.

"And what was your answer?" Shiroi asked.

"Uh...I don't remember, that' when he punched me and I landed in a bush."

Shiroi's head tilted to the side slightly, and then she giggled, "I would've like to see that," she said, and then raised her hand to his bruised cheek and healed it.

"I don't expect you to forgive me," Hiei said. "Anada was quite clear of that yesterday."

"Anada's always been protective of me," Shiroi said. "Ever since we were kids. She sometimes makes assumptions about me that aren't always true."

"That's I said to Kurama yesterday," Hiei said. "After he asked me if I let my ego get the better of me."

"I thought you said he punched you after he asked you that?"

Hiei shrugged, "Those few seconds are all messed up since he punched me, I had to pop my jaw back into place after my head stopped spinning, that's how hard he hit me."

Shiroi shook her head. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Accept my apology?" Hiei asked hopefully.

"I have not heard the words 'I'm sorry' leave you're mouth since you found me," Shiroi said.

Hiei let go of her wrist and grabbed her shoulders with both hands and kissed her. "I'm sorry," he said when he broke the kiss.

"I should slap you for that kiss," Shiroi said. "But since you poor head has been through enough hitting this past day and half or so, I'll let it go. But as for the apology..."


Author's Note: Okay, this might be a bad cliffy and this maybe a good cliffy, depends on how you look at it. Do like Hiei's new sword? I do. And as for Hiei getting hit in almost every paragraph, sorry Hiei lovers, I had to do it, and love him too. Review me and tell me what you think. I haven't gotten any reviews for Chapter 36, have any of you read it, or is there something wrong with the review thingy?