Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Roses and Fire ❯ to genkai's ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hey here is chapter 3 the first half of this was in chapter two but as u found out in chapter 2 it had to be cut so here it is plz review thank you

Hiei: Mey owns nothing not even herself

Me: hey no more sweet snow for u hiei

Hiei: NO I'M SORRY Mey dose own herself

Me: got to love black mail muhahahhahahahah

"So what's this idea afro-puff" asked yusuke "we sleepover here at your house" "sounds good to me" said yusuke "I'll call mother and see if it's ok" "'Kay Rama" I sit next to hiei on the couch. "It's ok Mey we can stay the night" "yay" `are you staying?' /yes someone has to keep the baka away from you/ `which one teen toddler or kuwabaka?' /both/ I laugh once again I get odd looks from everyone but hiei `I really need to get a hold of that *sigh*' "so what do you guys want to do?" "Games!" yells kuwabara "which one?" I ask "hmmm?" I see yusuke with an evil smile. `I don't like that look' /hn/ "how bout 7 mins in heaven" "okay by me" said koenma (yes he's still there) "Kay then it's settled" we all sit in a circle me next to hiei kurama next to him yusuke, botan, koenma, and kuwabara next to me. (Lucky me) it was yusuke turn to spin. He spun it and it landed on koenma. "Grate dipper breathe" they go into the closet when there 7 mins where up they come out and glared at other. Next it was botans turn. She spun and it landed kuwabara. `Poor botan' hiei chuckled. They came out and kuwabara had a big hand print on his face. Koenma spun next and it landed on botan. `bout time they got together' /I suppose so/ 7 mins passed then 10 finally 15. I got up and knocked on the door "um can we finish this game some time this year or next?" they came out koenma look ready to kill me "eep" I ran sit next to hiei and held on to him. Kuwabara spun and it landed on me. `can I see your kanata for 7 mins?' /yup/ `thank you' we went in the closet. Soon you could hear. "TOUCH ME AND I'LL GIVE YOU A FREE SEX CHANGE!" when the 7 mins where up kuwabara all but ran out of there. Everyone laughed. I give hiei his kanata back "thanks" I give him a kiss on the cheek. "my pleasure" I spun next it landed on hiei. `I can deal with this' / why am I not surprised/ `I don't know' we went into the closet and we made out for 7 mins and then some till we herd a knock on the door. `Who is it that disturbed us?' /yusuke/ `his death will be mine' /not if I get to him first/ `Kay you win' I look at the clock and yawn. I hear someone yell and see yusuke tied up in a corner. I laugh `good work' /thanks/ I lay down on the floor and look at the ceiling. I was thinking bout what had happened in the last 24 hours when I felt someone shake me I open my eyes "hmm?" "Are you okay Mey?" "Yes botan why do you ask?" "You had fell asleep and you started to thrash so I woke up" "oh I'm ok" /no you're not what wrong?/ `just a nightmare is all I'm okay' /hn/ I curl up next to hiei and fall asleep.

~*~the next morning~*~

I wake up the next morning I tried to get up key word tried. I was held down by something I look around to see hiei was what was holding me down. I fall asleep again.

>hieis pov<

I wake up to find my snow angel in my arms. I hear the baka yell "HEY LOOK AT SHORTY AND MEY!"(One guess) I got up quick so not wake her up then I go over to him. "If you wake her up then you would wish you where dead" "I'll shut up" "for once" I hear the detective say. I see kurama over on the couch with a smile on his face. He looked at me then Mey then back at me. ~is she your mate~ /yes not fully but I asked her and she said yes./ ~okay~

>my pov<

I woke up to see hiei and Rama looking at each other. `Must be talking' I got up and stretched. Kuwabara came up to me and asked "I didn't wake you up did I Mey?" "No but I wish I didn't have to wake up to your ugly face yuck" I herd yusuke laughing in the background. "Shut up urameshi" "I need some Tylenol yusuke do you have any" "yea the medicine cabinet in the bathroom" "thanks" I go to the bathroom and get the Tylenol out and take. Then I smell something strange. It smelt like blood I look and see nothing then I look down at the sink the get the Tylenol to put it away then I see why I smell blood. I see blood in the sink then I see it on my hands and arms. I scream and fall back and sit in the corner. I now smell something bitter. I look around and see hiei looking at me with worry. "Hi..Hiei?" "Mey are you okay?" "Rama?" I look at my hands and see no blood at all I get up and run to the sink and again I see no blood. "I think I'm losing my mind." "No you had a vision" said koenma "NANI? EXPLIAN!" "Part of being a snow angel" "fun" I say in a monotone voice. I sit on yusuke's couch next to hiei with my head on his shoulder. "Rama what time did Aisha want us home?" "when ever we get home she is at work at the moment." "Kay" I get up and go towards the front "I'm going for a walk I'll be back soon" I leave. "Some thing is not right with her" says hiei "I know she didn't even threaten numb skull today." "All these powers are new and she is lost and scared that's why she is having the visions and nightmares" said koenma "I think she needs to see grandma" said yusuke "yeah you're right yusuke we'll go when she gets back" says koenma.

>back with me<

I was walking down the street that lead to my old house I get to my house it hadn't changed much since I had last been here. The only thing that has changed was that there where now boards on the doors and windows. I keep walking I'm now in front of my school. I see the door open so I go in to see if anyone is around so I might be able to get my homework. "hello?" "yes? May I help you" "oh good there is someone here. I was wondering if I could get in to my locker?" "go right ahead dear" I go to my locker and was about to open it when something came up to me and grabbed me. "let me go!" I kick it hard enough so that it grip loosens and I slip out of its grasp. I run down the hall and out of the school. I open a link with hiei `HIEI!' /what is it onna/ `demon' /what?!/ `at school on my way to yusuke' /I'll be there in a minute onna/ `hurry' I close off the link and keep running. I was okay till I tripped on a root and fell to the ground. "o crap I was nice knowing you world." I closed my eyes and waited for death but it never came. I open my eyes to see I'm no longer on the ground and no sign of the demon. I look up to see hiei. "thank you" I sigh out. "hn" I was set down on the couch of yusuke house. "are you okay Mey?" "Yes rama I am" "why are they after me?" "I really don't know Mey" "is there a way to find out?" "Yes" "THEN USE IT I'm sorry" I put my head in my hands. "We will find out Mey don't worry" "I know rama I'm just frustrated." "We need to go to genkai's" says yusuke "you're right let go" says koenma. I get up and was bout to go to the door when I was picked up by hiei. `You know I can walk' /yeah I prefer to carry you/ `no objection here' we start on our way to genkai's.

Me: hi all yet another chapter done

Kurama: it's good so far Mey

Me: thank you Rama

Hiei: I still get sweet snow right

Me: only if you say the right words

Hiei: plz read and review thank you

Me: thank you Hiei * gives hiei and sweet snow cone*

Kurama: Can I have some?

Hiei: no fox its all mine mine I tell you mine

Me: don't mind him he's hyper till next time make sure kuwabara dies