Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuusei no Solitude ❯ Chapter 18

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A friend of mine helped me thought of this story and I'm writing it for her! So if you want to kill me and give me death threats go ahead but I shall continue it nonetheless. I like the story line and the idea, plus I'm a sucker for AUs. So this is my AU and I hope you like it. Even if you don't I'm still continuing it.

Ryuusei no Solitude

By: Koritsune Dragonrider

Rating: R

Warning: Bad language Tsk, tsk.

Disclaimer: I do not own nothing that is relate to the YuYu Hakusho series.

Summery: Kurama was never shot by the hunter, Yusuke, Kuwabara, Keiko, and Shizuru are demons, and Hiei never left the Koorime Island, because Hiei's a girl! Here is an AU with a lot of twist!

Pairings: Kurama/Hiei Yusuke/Keiko Yukina/Kuwabara

Chapter 18

Kurama and Hiei spent the next month traveling the Makai. Kurama found Hiei to be a great asset to his group. The hermaphrodite could not only wield a sword but also pick locks in less then a sec, if Hiei couldn't he/she melted it. Hiei was now also fiercely protective of Kurama and never strayed more then a few feet from the silver kitsune. Kurama was starting to feel like he had his own personal bodyguard.

Unbeknownst to him, he was starting to become protective of the fire Koorime. He started having a suspicion but he didn't know what it was. It started about a week after he's gotten Hiei from the auction. They were at a bar waiting for someone to hire them. Kurama was at the bar getting drinks and talking to the bar tender, since he was an old friend of the kitsune's, Hiei was sitting at the table so they had a place to sit. As Kurama waited for the drinks, his new friend was going to meet some new ones.

"Hey, baby," said a demon with green scales and a tale. He sat down next to her, yes, her, and "smiled" at her. "Whatcha doing here?" the demon was obviously drunk and Hiei could smell it on his breath.

"Waiting for a friend," she said. "Go away."

"What kind of friend," asked a snake youkai, his tongue flicking out of his mouth every few seconds.

"A friend," she said sternly placing a hand on her katana.

"Bet he's not as good in bed as me," said the scaly demon. Hiei grimaced. She grabbed her katana and was about to take it out when a rough hand grabbed her wrist and wrenched it away from her weapon. The lizard tore it from her belt and threw it to the other side of the room. They dragged her away.

Kurama took the drinks that had been handed to him and stood up.

"Thanks, friend," he said and walked toward his and Hiei's table. When he reached it a group of demons had already occupied it and were drinking their beer.

"Hey," he said placing the drinks down, "where's the girl that was here?"

"Which girl," asked a demon. "There's a room full of them." The demon waved his hand around the room toward the waitresses and female pedestrian in the room.

"This girl is about five/four with black hair and red eyes," he said. "Wears black and has a katana strapped to hip!" Kurama was getting mad. His new friend was missing and Kurama was very protective of his friends. Yusuke and the others couldn't count how many times Kurama took the blame for what they did and could never repay him.

"Why should we tell you," asked the demon and turned to drink his beer but the next thing he knew he was on the floor with a grass blade pressed to his throat.

"No you tell me where the hell she is or I'll shove this up your fucking ass!" he yelled. The demon was more then happy to tell.

"A snake and lizard demon carried her away!" he said. "Said they were gonna have some fun with her!"

Kurama cursed and let the demon go and ran toward the stairs.

"Ah, let me go!" Hiei yelled as the demons started dragging her up stairs, most likely toward their room.

"Not till we've had our fun," said the snake demon then it screamed when a rose embedded into his shoulder. Hiei tilted her head up, since she was currently lying on the floor, to see and upside down Kurama and, boy, did he looked pissed. Hiei's never seen him so pissed, and she's only known him for a week.

"You heard her, let her go," he said another rose appearing in his hand.

"Look, pal," said the lizard, "If you want a turn wait in line. We were here first."

Kurama threw the rose at the lizard and it landed in his thigh. The youkai scream and Hiei took her chance. Kicking the youkai in the stomach and scrambled away in front of Kurama, her guard up an in a defensive position.

"You okay," asked Kurama.

"I am now, master," she said and hid her slight blush. What was wrong with her? She was a demon, cold and heartless, yet she had these strange feeling that she couldn't explain, or identify. What was wrong with her?

"Good," said Kurama. He threw two roses at the demon as hit their targets, their hearts. As the demons fell to the floor Kurama turned around and walked away, Hiei following him. "And don't call me "master." I've been telling you that for the past week."

"Yes, master," she said and Kurama groaned. She always called him that, the whole month they had been traveling together and some crimes that they did, she always called him that. She did it to spite him, he swears!

"Kurama," he said punctuating the name. "Ku-ra-ma!"

"Yes, Master Kurama," she said and he groaned.

They walked out of the tavern and toward the hotel they had roomed. Despite Kurama's suggestions, Hiei wouldn't take the second bed and slept on the window sill, looking out at the starry sky for half the night then falling to sleep.

For Hiei, she doesn't mind being around Kurama. He makes her feel like she has to find a place in the world. But to find the place, it's the hardest thing to do. She doesn't know where to look. She tried being a mercenary but it didn't work out for her. Sure she got the money, but the belonging, the feeling, wasn't there. If it wasn't with Kurama, then she doesn't know where to look.

They continued their trek the next morning toward the cave where Kurama would meet with his friends. Kurama told Hiei about his friends and the fire demon listened, more to try and get Hiei to talk then to hear himself talk. Kurama didn't like to talk much but when he had company he had to be a hospitable host, and Hiei wasn't a very good guest. Hiei's usually in female form now, since she was accustomed to it, didn't want to associate with Kurama at all unless Kurama told her to do something, like fetch some water for a soup or something. And she was totally silenced through out the day, and fully awake at night, or when Kurama looks in on her every hour. She doesn't seem to sleep. And when Kurama looks at her as she gazes at the stars, she has a far away look in her eyes, like she's longing for something. Kurama wants to find out what, but doesn't ask. A demon's business is a demon's business; no other has the right to intrude. And Kurama wasn't about too. Sighing he walked toward his sleeping roll and went to sleep.

Hiei looked up at the stars and softly sighed so that no one but her could hear. The stars reminded her of falling snow in the Koorime village. She missed being there, but how can you miss the place you hated the most. That's what she wondered. She was confined in the Koorime Island, not allowed to use her powers or show her true heritage. She hated that, and for that she hated them. She was afraid to fall asleep at night for fear of having those dreams, the village casting her out again and Hina and Yukina turning their backs on her. Those were her worst nightmares, so she stopped sleeping. Little yellow bags appeared under her eyes and she was becoming tired with each passing day. She wasn't used to staying up more then one night like most demons. They were trained at a young age to control their emotions and development. Hiei wants to be just like them.

She looked down at the sleeping silver kitsune that had become her master. She knew that he only wanted to be friends with her but he bought her and she couldn't go any farther then servant and master. Nothing more. She continued to look at the stars.

The next morning Hiei heard a rustling in the brushes near the cave and jumped down, landing on a demon with black clothing and black leather wings.

"Who are you, kisama!" she growled placing her katana on the demon's neck. Kurama had been awake for an hour and saw what happened, running to both of his friend's rescue.

"Hiei, get off of him!" he yelled. Hiei growled and looked at Kurama. "He's a friend of mine."

"What's going on here?" yelled a voice and four figures walked in the clearing. Hiei looked up to see Yusuke, Keiko, Kuwabara, and Shizuru walk toward them. "Did someone say Hiei?" asked Yusuke.

"Yes," said Hiei placing her sword back in its sheathe. "Nice to see you again, Yusuke."

"Son of a gun," cried Yusuke as Keiko ran up to the Jaganshi. "How you been, man? Well, gal, anyway."

"Hiei," said Kurama glaring at the fire Koorime. Through she had put her sword away she still hadn't gotten off the demon. "Can you please get off Kuronue?"

Hiei growled but got off the chimera. Kuronue cracked his spine back into place and looked at Hiei over his shoulder, still looking right at him.

"Protective, isn't she?" he said looking at Kurama.

"I just bought her from slavery. I tried to free her but she refuses to leave."

"Some demons are like that," Kurama led Kuronue toward the cave so they could catch up and Yusuke started talking to Hiei, telling him what they did after they ran the slavery caravan.

"What about Takai and Lita," she asked.

"Turns out they had family in the next town," said Keiko. "Their aunt and uncle took them in and are being taken care of."

Hiei nodded. "Good." And she jumped back to her perch in the tree, looking into the cave where Kurama and Kuronue were talking.

"Yomi has issued a challenge less then a week ago," said Kuronue. "Some of his thugs came and "talked" to me. I sent one back as a messenger and the rest became wolf fodder."

"What's the challenge?" asked Kurama.

"You know the mirror in Makai Hall?" Kurama nodded.

"The Mirror of Preincognition. It's supposed to show you your future."

"Yomi said that me and you and him and other of his thugs, are to grab the mirror. First one wins."

"Shouldn't be too hard."

"Nope, wanna tell the others?"

"Later," said Kurama and sat up. "I have to make dinner."

"Isn't that the joy of having a slave?" asked Kuronue. "To not work?"

"Hiei isn't my slave," snapped Kurama glaring at Kuronue. The chimera jumped back at the intense look in his friend's eyes. "She's my friend," Kurama said softer and walked out.


[yawns] Another all nighter. I have a lot to catch up on. [yawns] Well, I hope you like this chapter and review soon please!

Thankies to . . .



darkest demon child




Lady Anubis

Dark Raven, Hiei's Girl


The Chaotic Ones

Hiei's Shadow