Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Sugar-Covered Roses ❯ First Encounter ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hiei jumped easily from rooftop to rooftop, his little black shoes moving almost like socks. His spiky black hair stood upright and stiff, unmoving in both the natural wind and the air swept along by his swift passing. He laughed, a pure, odd sound from the lips of such a Goth-looking child.
He chuckled again, at the absurdity of it all- all of those fools thought him a teen, perhaps a youth at his height. They thought him a young mortal- and Kurama a young mortal as well. Kurama, the demon, who was Suichi Minamino, the human teen with a girlfriend who thought he was a human and her parents who thought he was a human and sisters who thought he… you know.
A mate! Laughing at the absurdity, at the irony, he practically skipped to Kurama / Suichi's house.
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Kurama hummed quietly, trying to soothe his anxious heart. He fiddled absently with the flowers on the table, desperately thankful that he had managed to convince his mother, stepfather, and step-sibling to leave the house for the day. He glanced around the kitchen nervously, from the pots cooking on the stove to the candles on the table and the printed white tablecloth.
“Ready already? I thought your date was in an hour.”
Kurama nearly jumped at the noise - no, not a noise, he told himself. That was a voice. Hiei's voice. Hiei was here. That was okay, right?
Hiei!? No, no, no, no, no, that was bad. Very, very, very bad. Not good at all. “Hiei,” he cried, knowing he had to take care of this quickly (he only had 59 minutes and 10.3 seconds until Kia got here, after all). “You can't be here! She'll see you!”
Hiei tutted softly. “Now, now, Kurama, don't you want your date meet any of your friends?”
“Date!? I don't have a, uh, uh… a date. Honestly. I swear. Who said I had a date?”
“You did. Look in seventh paragraph from the top. She'll see me, hmm?”
“I was… talking about my mom. She's been so stressed, so I decided to cook her dinner for her and my stepfather.”
“Then why are your mother and stepfather at the movies?”
“She'll be back soon. She just went to drop them off. Nice seeing you-“
Hiei grinned. “Don't tell me you've been lying about your age, Kurama. Don't worry - I won't let it slip that you're oh, about 700 years older than you say you.”
Kurama gave up - or at appeared to. Because then there was a knock on the door, and Kurama became even more desperate then before. “Hiei, I promise I will do anything of you just go up into my room for at least a few minutes, I swear!”
Hiei smirked. “I don't think so, fox. I want to meet this date of yours.”
Kurama then resorted to something that was both ingenious and bound to get him killed later, something that occurred to him in a brilliant flash of sudden insight. “Hiei,” He cried, feigning excitement, “there's sweet snow in the refrigerator!”
Hiei's eyes widened a split second before he whirled around to make a dash. Kurama leapt forward, grabbing a pot of the stove (thankfully one with nothing in it) and slammed Hiei on the head with a resounding gong.
The knock on the door became more insistent. “Coming!” Kurama called, dragging Hiei's unconscious form to the closet, then reconsidering and shoving him in the pantry. He hurried to the door and yanked it open, and there was Kia.
Her long, black hair was straight down her back and her almond shaped blue eyes where ringed with eyelashes lightly donned with mascara. Small, almost straight ringlets framed her high cheek bones and perfect nose.
“Sorry for coming so early,” she said briskly, not even asking to come inside and shoving her way through. Kurama hurried out of the way as she trotted to the kitchen and sniffed to pots. “To much salt,” she announced immediately. She glanced at the table the table and laughed. “Getting a bit ahead of ourselves for a first date, aren't we?”
Kurama was obviously flustered. “Well, it's not our first date. Don't you remember all those times we-“
“Besides that,” she snapped. “I mean that was little stuff. This time I hope you're more… interesting.”
Kurama stared at her, mouth open. Inside to pantry, happily munching cookies, crystallized fruit, and raw sugar, Hiei listened with rising glee. He really didn't mind the headache - after all, Kurama hadn't really hit him that hard, and waking up this place was possibly on of the best part of his day so far. Anyway, this girlfriend was really turning out to be a real kick.
“Come on,” she purred. She slid nearer, eyeing him. “We are official, aren't we? Let's celebrate.” Kurama gave up trying to reason with her - he simply leaned forward and kissed her.
They broke away, and Kurama noted a slightly sickened look on Kia's face. “Kia,” he asked, concerned, “are you okay?”
“Yeah,” she stammered, then smiled at him. “Be back in a sec…” She rushed to the upstairs bathroom.
Kurama stood in shock for several second, then the pantry door creaked open. Hiei tumbled out, covered in sugar and obviously enjoying it. “Interesting woman, huh?”
“Hiei, if you go up to my room right now, without her seeing you, and stay up there, I will buy you all the sweet snow you want for a week,” Kurama pleaded.
Hiei considered it. “A month.”
“Three weeks.”
“Done,” Hiei replied, then got off the floor with more dignity than most 4 ft. 11 in. people who where covered in sugar could. He staggered to stairs with the grace of a drunk, then crouched at the side of them, beyond the vision of anyone coming down.
“Done,” Kia announced, trotting down the stairs, her hair slightly awry. “Kurama,” she said, and apologetic tone in her voice, “I'm really sorry. Honestly I am. I haven't been feeling well - I didn't mean anything I said, really.”
Hiei tiptoed up the stairs behind her back. Kurama took her hand in his to keep her from turning, assuring her. “It's alright, Kia. You did seem a bit odd when you got here. Do you want me to walk you home?”
“No, no,” she assured him. “I'm fine now. I want to stay - you make me feel better. Your cooking's so good, too - it'll help settle my stomach.”
“If you're sure,” he replied, then carefully began to finish dinner. Kia noticed with pleasure he had made all her favorites, and began to wonder about how he knew that as he cooked and they chatted.
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Hiei walked quickly to Kurama's room, hearing muffled noises within, which, to his sugar-addicted mind, was an open invitation to check it out immediately. He tiptoed to the door, then listened carefully.
“Stupid Kia! If I hadn't gone to the bathroom, she wouldn't have caught me - why was she here an hour early, anyway?”
Hiei listened intently, forgetting completely his earlier plans to eavesdrop on the date.
“If he hadn't kissed me, I wouldn't have been so grossed out, and I wouldn't have gone to the bathroom. It's all his fault.”
Hiei opened to door carefully, wondering what sort of wild creature had taken refuge in Kurama's bedroom. He peered in, then stepped in. Apparently, it was Kurama's date. He grinned - so he was right! She did clone herself, after all!
Apparently he'd said that last bit out loud. The creature turned to look at him - she'd been piling her hair on her head in front of the mirror. “So. Who are you?”
“Hiei.” He replied. Suddenly, a bit of the sugar wore off, and he realized what was going on. “Why where you trying to impersonate Kia so Kurama didn't like her? You don't like Kurama? What are you, her sister?”
“Pretty much. I'm Nia - nice to meet you.”
Hiei slowly began to grin, shaking the Kia-look-alike's hand. After all, he didn't exactly like Kurama dating either.
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I'm not sure where this one came from. I just thought Kurama should have a girlfriend, but what would Hiei think of that? And if the girl had a sibling that wasn't too happy about it, either…
P.S. - Please review.