Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Dancer, Mayuri ❯ The Dancer ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Dark Angel: Hi people! This is my first story on Mediaminer so I hope you like it. The song in this story is “Everytime We Touch” by Cascada. Please review, Thanks!
A Black Panther demon walked into the castle and was amazed at the size of it. In excitement she moved next to her friend Kiriana. They talked quietly as they continued to walk with three other dancers. They soon arrived in front of the lord of the castle and the girl's master went forward and greeted him as the five female dancers were silent. Then they were dismissed to their guest room and Kiriana was roomed with her.
“This castle is amazing.” Kiriana said as she plopped down on a bed.
“I agree.” She said as she sat with her legs crossed next to Kiriana.
“What's the matter May?” Kiriana asked as she laid on her stomach next to Mayuri.
“I want to escape from him Kiriana.” Mayuri replied as she looked out the window into the night sky.
“What! You can't! You remember what happened to Mya when she tried to run away?” Kiriana said as she grabbed Mayuri's arm.
“Being dead is better than being a slave,” Mayuri replied, “But I will never leave you, Kiriana.” Mayuri smiled at her friend. The little light pink haired rabbit demon smiled up at her and then jumped off the bed and stood, staring at the door. The door then opened and their master walked in. His white hair was greasy and his tan eyes had an evil gleam to them.
“Hello, Bunny, hello Kitty,” Both girls flinched at the names. “The lord of the castle is having a few parties this week and has graciously asked us to stay so you will be performing here for the week. The first party is soon, so be ready.” He then turned and slammed the door behind him. The red eyed rabbit girl then jumped onto the bed and dug into her bag to find the right outfit for the night. Mayuri sighed and reluctantly walked to her bag, running her fingers through her raven hair as she walked and pulled out a random outfit. She pulled it on and looked at herself in the mirror. She wore long crimson skirt that flowed around her feet with a golden lining and a crimson tube top with the same lining. On the back of her shirt was a golden panther with crimson eyes. Mayuri sighed as she sat down and but red eyeliner and eye shadow and golden lipstick. She put two pairs of hoop earrings in her ears and added anklets and bracelets around her wrists and ankles.
“How is this, Kiriana?” Mayuri asked, standing and twirling around for her best friend.
“How come you look good in anything? Your pale face, black eyes, fluffy black ears and tail, and your small height only makes you prettier.” Kiriana complained teasingly. Mayuri rolled her eyes and looked at the outfit Kiriana wore. She had on an outfit similar to her own. Hers was white with red lining. On the back there was a pink rabbit and her jewelry was silver. She had white eye shadow and eyeliner on a red lipstick.
“May I remind you that you are only a few inches taller than me.” Mayuri replied.
“Enough to make a difference.” Kiriana countered and walked out into the hall to wait with the other dancers. A half an hour later the three other dancers at the other end of the hall went silent which signaled to the two friends that their master was there. “Well girls, we all are going to dance our best today or suffer consequences.” His voice resonated through the hall and was rewarded with nods from the dancers. “Good. Let's go.” He led the dancers to the stage where they performed one by one until only Kiriana and Mayuri were the only ones left. “Go.” Their master said as the third dancer walked off the stage. The girls went to their positions on stage and as the music began they danced. The people in the room all completely stopped talking as the two dancers on stage mystified the way the dancers seemed to be the ones that made the music. As soon as Mayuri and Kiriana were finished they bowed to the lord that was having the party and exited the stage where they were escorted to their rooms and were told to promptly go to bed. As soon as their master left Mayuri glared at the door he left through and said, “Like hell I'm going to bed.”
“Mayuri, we can't anger him anymore.” Kiriana said as she slipped into her white long sleeved pajamas.
“I won't be out long, Kiriana. I promise.” Mayuri said as she walked to the window, changed forms, and slipped out as a black panther. She slipped undetected into a nearby forest and made her way in the direction of the scent of water. She soon arrived at the edge of a lake and she shifted her form. She walked to the edge of the water and waded in slightly. She finally felt happier when with water and she began to sing and dance with a small smile on her face.
//I still hear your voice
When you sleep next to me
I still feel your touch in my dreams
Forgive me my weakness
But I don't know why
Without you it's hard to survive
Cause everytime we touch
I get this feeling
And everytime we kiss
I swear I can fly
Can't you feel my heart beat fast?
I want this to last
I need you by my side//
She began twirling in the water, her hands holding her skirt up as she danced, the water being her dancing partner.
//Cause everytime we touch
I feel the static
And everytime we kiss
I reach for the sky
Can't you hear my heart beat so?
I can't let you go
I want you in my life
Your arms are my castle
Your heart is my sky
They wipe away tears that I cry
The good and the bad times
We've been through them all
You make me right when I fall//
She thought she heard the rustling of nearby trees but shook it off as the wind as she came out of the water and began hopping from rock to rock as she continued singing.
//Cause everytime we touch
I get this feeling
And everytime we kiss
I swear I can fly
Can't you feel my heart beat fast?
I want this to last
I need you by my side
Cause everytime we touch
I feel the static
And everytime we kiss
I reach for the sky
Can't you hear my heart beat so?
I can't let you go
I want you in my life
Cause everytime we touch
I get this feeling
And everytime we kiss
I swear I can fly
Can't you feel my heart beat fast?
I want this to last
I need you by my side//
She smiled but it quickly faded as she heard the sound of applause. Her ears were still and the hair on her tail was slightly poofy. She then sensed the presence behind her and she crouched down and slowly turned to look at the person that made her every instinct shriek to run.
His black hair glowed slightly blue in the moonlight and it defied the laws of gravity. His height was slightly taller than her and he wore complete black clothing except the white scarf and the bandana around his forehead. The thing that interested her the most was his crimson eyes that were nothing like Kiriana's. Kiriana's eyes were a lighter red and were full of happiness and energy with a tint of fear when their master was around. His were a deep red with little emotion, the eyes of a killer. He smirked as she examined him and said, “I am not going to hurt you, Dancer.”
“How do you know I am a dancer? All I have done is jump from rocks.”
“Your movements were fluid, too fluid to be that of a fighter. And your voice.” He replied.
“You would know the movements of a fighter. After all, you are an assassin.” She replied as she stood and faced him.
“And you know that because…”
“As you have said, I am a dancer. I have seen many people and read their emotions in their eyes. I can even see the slightest emotion of fear even for an instant. In your eyes I see pain but other than that I see an emotionless void, the mask of an expert assassin.” Mayuri replied.
His smirk widened and he said, “I am.”
“Why were you watching me, Assassin? Did my singing call to your attention?”
He walked toward her and surveyed her by circling around her and she stood frozen, showing him she was not afraid to have him at her back. “You are an odd one, Dancer. Most dancers are tall and lanky but you are different.”
“Not only different, I am the best.” She replied when he stopped in front of her.
“Hiei.” He introduced himself.
“Mayuri.” She replied as she stepped down from the rock she was standing on. She looked at the location of the quarter moon and cursed, “Nice to meet you Hiei but I must leave.”
“And why is that, Mayuri?” he asked.
“As I say, I am the best, but being the best does not mean I am free.” She replied as she began walking into the forest but he appeared before her a second later.
“Do you want to be free?” He asked and she nodded, “Then meet me here tomorrow and I will help you gain your freedom.” She nodded and he disappeared into the darkness and she began to run back to the castle.
The next night, getting Kiriana to cover for her, Mayuri crept from the castle and back to the lake where she spotted Hiei instantly at the edge of the water.
“Hello Hiei.” She greeted as she entered the clearing.
“Hello Mayuri.” He replied with his back still to her.
“So, how are you going to help me?” she asked and he turned around and tossed something to her that she only caught from instinct. When she looked down she was amazed to see she was holding a katana.
“You are going to learn to wield a katana.” Hiei replied as he took of his cloak and tossed it onto a rock and drew his own katana that Mayuri just realized he wore on his belt. She drew the blade from its sheath and set it down before she faced Hiei.
“Let the lesson begin.” She said and she charged him.
Five days later Mayuri was getting good with a katana since she was a fast learner and refused to give up. She collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily using her katana she dug into the ground to keep her from falling on her back. “You are improving greatly, Mayuri.” Hiei said as he sat down next to her, “Another few weeks and you will be a lot better.”
“Hiei. I haven't told you this, but I am only staying here for another day. My group of dancers move from place to place performing. Our last day is tomorrow before we are going to return to my master's castle.” Mayuri told Hiei, her head bent downward as she began to explain how they were treated as whores and how much they wished to die every day there. “I am so afraid to escape. Not for my own life but how Kiriana will be put to death at torture to me for trying to escape.” Tears began to escape her eyes and run down her cheeks, glistening silver in the almost full moon. She was slightly startled when she felt them being brushed away and looked up to see Hiei looking at her with sadness in his eyes.
“I won't let them hurt you again. I will come and save you and Kiriana from them so you will be safe.” Hiei promised. She was so happy that she was going to be safe from her master that she could not control herself as she leaned forward and kissed him. He was startled but kissed her back. After a few seconds they broke apart, both blushing and she stood.
“I need to get back. I will await your arrival to save us, Hiei.” She pecked him on the cheek and ran into the forest, back to the castle.
DA: Thanks for reading my story. I feel so special! Review!