Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Day She Found Out ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

One week until they leave . . .

"Okay, so what do we have on this Fukuyama guy?" Botan asked as they all had a meeting in Kurama and Hiei's room to pool their information.

"Well, we have found out that he's definitely after me and that he has a hideout somewhere on this island. Hiei and I have checked the forests and have found nothing, so my best bet is that it's somewhere in this hotel," Kurama said.

"So, why don't we search the hotel tonight? I say we start with the basement and search our way up," Botan said.

"Sure, but at what time? We need to make sure we won't be interrupted."

"How about midnight? There would be no new guests and the clerk at the front desk would not be there any more. The security system is only armed around the cash registers, doors that lead to the outside . . . so forth. I think we should be able to successfully conduct a search without any interruptions then. We'll meet here in this room. In the meantime, what shall we do today?"

"Well, we do have arrangements to have dinner with Shiori tonight at seven, and she did say that she's paying the bill," Yuusuke said. "So whatever it is we do, we need to be sure that we'll be back on time."

"In that case, anyone up for a trip to the spa? Get a nice massage, sit in the Jacuzzi, have a nice fruit cocktail . . ." Botan suggested.

"Why not?" Yuusuke agreed. With that the meeting was over as all five went to get changed.

Seven o'clock that same night . . .

"This is where we're suppose to meet Minamino-san, right Kurama?" Botan asked as she sat in the hotel restaurant.

"Yeah. She reminded me as I when I had to go back to my room to get something," he replied.

Half an hour later . . .

"I think something's wrong. My mother is never late for anything," Kurama said. They'd been waiting for half an hour, and she still had not shown up. "Hiei, can you do me a favor and-"

Just then, a waiter came by and said, "I have a phone call for someone named Kurama. Would that happen to be any of you?"

"Yes. I'll take the call," Kurama replied. He walked over to the phone and picked it up. "Hello?"

"Hi, Kurama. In case you're wondering, I have your sweet mother right here. I'm sorry she can't come to dinner, but if you want to get her back, come down to the hotel basement by eight thirty and we can negotiate something, I'm sure. If you don't come . . ." There was a brief silence, a loud scream and then the phone was dead. Kurama walked back to his friends with an extremely furious look on his face.

"What's wrong, Kurama?" Botan asked when she saw the look on Kurama's face.

"He's got my mother." That was all he needed to say before the others got up. "We're going down there, after I change. I can't fight in a dress and spike heels." They all headed for their rooms right away to change.

Fifteen minutes later . . .

"Where did he say to go?" Botan asked as they all got into the elevator. They'd all changed into their usual battle uniforms. Kuwabara and Yuusuke in their school uniforms, Hiei in his usual clothes and sword, and Kurama in his jacket and pants with a sash around his waist.

"The basement, by eight-thirty. I have no idea what he has planned for us, but I suggest that I stand in front of all of you," he said as he started to release another swarm of flower petals.

"Kurama, you're using the Fuka Enmujin again?"

"It's a pretty good defensive technique, unless your opponent uses fire, then it's pretty much useless," he replied, remembering his run-in with Karasu during the finals of the fighting tournament. "Botan, you're guiding us to his hideout. The four of us will take care of the fighting."

"Right!" Just then, the elevator dinged to reveal a large group of youkai. This, of course, would have gone unnoticed by the group except for the fact that the youkai were screaming quite loudly, so their presence was made known. Half a minute later, the petal hurricane dissipated to show the bodies of twenty to thirty youkai, all cut up in various places. Kurama calmly walked through the carnage as though it was not there at all.

Meanwhile, in enemy HQ . . .

"Boss, Kurama and his friends have broken through our first defense line!"

"Oh, well, that was expected. However, as long as the mother of his human body is here, he won't quit. However, it will be entertaining to see how he deals with the next bunch!" Fukuyama replies as he continues to watch the security cameras. Shiori was in a cage right next to Fukuyama.


Back to Kurama and friends . . .

"Guys, I'm getting a reading up ahead. There's a group of three, no, four enemies up ahead with a medium power level," Botan reported.

"Well, whoever they are, they can't be that powerful!" Yuusuke replied, completely confident that they would not lose. They continued to walk down the hallway. Just then, there was a shout.

"Horizontal Boulder Explosion!"

"Tiger Fireball Attack!" A huge number of boulders and fireballs came crashing towards the group. They all dodged it.

"What the- what was that? Weren't those the attacks of Byakko and Genbu, two of the four saint beasts that we defeated a long time ago! I thought they were killed!" Yuusuke exclaimed.

"Very intuitive, Urameshi Yuusuke. However, with my cloning machine, I can clone not just the person or demon, but their powers as well!"

"Let Hiei and me take care of this. Rose Whip!" Kurama charges towards two Genbu as they both use the same attack again. Hiei, on the other hand, was pulling the bandanna off of his forehead to reveal his jagan.

"Horizontal Boulder Explosion!" Kurama, remembering how he had to defeat Genbu last time, looked for the little glowing stone within each swarm of rocks. He finds them both and destroys it with his whip.

"Jaoh Ensatsu Rengokushyo!" Hiei takes a running start and sets both of the Byakko on fire, killing them at the same time.

"Come on! Let's continue down the hallway!" Kurama shouts as he starts to run.

Meanwhile, back in enemy HQ . . .

"Well, both of them defeated those two so easily, but they certainly will not defeat me! Well, Minamino-san, what do you think of your son now?"

"It can't be Shuuichi, it can't be! He doesn't know how to do use a whip, especially one that transforms from a rose! Besides, he's not even supposed to be here!"

"Oh, this is where you've been wrong. He's been here the whole time. You see, that girl named Kurama Sakura . . . is really him." (General look of shock on Shiori's face.) "Oh, look, it seems that they're already here. Excuse me, but I must prepare to fight them."

Back to Kurama and friends . . .

"The door seems to need an access code," Botan said as they arrived at a pair of metal sliding doors.

"Botan, everyone, stand back," Kurama warned as he stepped forward with his whip. "Kagon Retsuzanshi! Botan, stay here and wait." The door fell to pieces in a small cloud of dust. The dust cleared to show Fukuyama- who was a big, tall, youkai- standing in the middle of a fighting arena, eyes closed and, chanting. A cage was set off to the side of the arena. "Nani?!"

"Shuuichi? Is that you?"

'I guess I have no choice but to show her who I really am,' Kurama thought. Out loud he said, "Don't worry, mom, I'll have you out in no time!" With that all four of them stepped into the arena before Shiori could protest. The four of them enter the arena just as he finishes and opens his eyes. Suddenly, Kuwabara, Hiei, and Yuusuke start to attack Kurama. Kurama manages to dodge Kuwabara and Yuusuke, but is cut by Hiei's sword in the abdomen, drawing blood.


"Oh, I'm sorry, Kurama, but it seems that your friends are now under my control! Mwahahahahahahahaha!"

So that's what he was chanting before, a mind control spell. But how do I snap them out of it without killing them? Kurama wonders, dodging his friends' attacks at the same time. Wait a minute, if I just immobilize them, then I won't have to kill them, he realizes this just as the three of them try a group attack. Three thick vines suddenly appeared behind them and each wrapped itself around Yuusuke, and Kuwabara. Hiei, on the other hand, used his fire and burned the vine.

"Using vines against them? That would work, except for the fact that it wouldn't work against Hiei! It's sad to see that you've become so soft, Kurama, not killing your friends. Oh well, I'm pretty sure you'll have to do it eventually! It's either you kill them, or they'll kill you! How will it feel, Kurama, to be killed by your very own friends?" Fukuyama announces with a wicked cackle.

"Hiei, it's me, Kurama! Hiei, snap out of it! I really don't want to fight you!" Kurama shouts to a blank-eyed Hiei.

"It's really too bad, Kurama. Hiei can't hear you! As long as I control his mind, I get to control what he wants to hear!" With that, Hiei restarted his attack on Kurama. Kurama drops his rose whip and pulls out a blade of grass, turns it into a sword, and counters Hiei's attack. The two continue to fight until Hiei suddenly backs off and kicks Kurama hard in the stomach with his knee. Kurama rolled over and coughed up a mouthful of blood.

"Shuuichi, son, are you alright?" Shiori screamed from her cage, tears streaming down her face.

"D-don't worry, mom, I'm fine," he manages to say as he gets back up.

"You won't be fine after this attack!" Fukuyama said as Hiei puts up his arm and shoots some fire at Kurama. Kurama jumped backwards to dodge the attack, which crashed into the ground and sent up a huge cloud of smoke and dust. Suddenly, black lighting started to strike all over the place as the glowing form of a youko starts to take shape. The dust was suddenly blown away as Youko Kurama was revealed. Upon seeing this, Shiori simply fainted. "Now, you finally show your true form! I'm gonna have fun with you!" Kurama suddenly disappears. "What? Where'd he go? No matter-" Before Fukuyama could even give the order to attack, Kurama was behind him, ready to attack. Kurama was suddenly sent flying before he could attack. He turns around to see that Yuusuke, still under the spell, had used the Reigun on him. Kuwabara was still wrapped up by the vine.

"Nani?! When did he get loose? No matter, I'll just restrain him again." Kurama summons more vines out of the ground behind Yuusuke, who notices, and dodges. The vines follow Yuusuke around, trying to wrap him up. The minute the vines made contact with him, they were destroyed. "What? The Reikodan? I see . . .I guess I'll have to take both of you a little more seriously. But first, I think I'll give the mastermind a little bit of a scare." He summons a bunch of carnivorous plants. Fukuyama's face starts to pale when he sees them. However, he quickly recovers by pulling out a remote control.

"Kurama, you give the order for those plants to attack, and I'll push the button to send a electrical current through the cage. The entire bottom of that cage is metal, so think of what will happen to your mother . . ."

"How dare you! You'll regret this!" Kurama's eyes narrow as anger starts emanating from him in huge waves. Just then, Hiei's eyes returned to normal as Hiei manages to free himself from the spell.

"Wh-what's going on? Kurama! When did you transform?!" Kurama doesn't even bother to answer Hiei's question.

"My, my, my, it looks like Hiei got himself out of the spell . . . no matter. The other two are still under my influence."

"Kurama, don't worry about Yuusuke and Kuwabara. I'll handle those two! You just save your mother!" Geez . . . good thing I got myself out of that spell, otherwise I'd been toast! I don't think Kurama knows how scary he is when he gets mad, Hiei thought.

"Since you can't do anything at all, I'll make the first move!" Fukuyama charges at Kurama with his hand pulled back. Kurama dodges the attack, but makes no move of his own, except for continuing to glare at Fukuyama, who tries again and again to hit Youko Kurama with no success. "I've had enough of your dodging! If you don't stand still and let me beat you, I'll push the button!" Seeing that he has no other choice, Kurama complies with what Fukuyama's instructions. Meanwhile, Hiei was dueling with Yuusuke, and Kuwabara was still trapped by Kurama's vine.

"I can't use the Kokuryuha, or I'll just end up killing him, but dodging like this won't help either!" Hiei mumbles as he dodges Yuusuke's attacks. "However, if I could just knock him out . . ." Hiei suddenly increased his speed and gets himself right behind Yuusuke and hits Yuusuke in the back of the neck just hard enough to knock him out without breaking his neck. Yuusuke collapsed onto the ground. Hiei looks up to see that Kurama was just standing there while Fukuyama was landing punch after punch on him. "Why is Kurama just standing there? Wait a minute . . . what are those vines over there doing?" Hiei wonders as he sees a bunch of vines by his mother's cage.

"Fukuyama, I've had enough of this. Go on ahead and push the button!" Kurama suddenly said.

"Oh? So, I see that you've decided to betray your mother!"

"I wouldn't be so sure if I were you . . ." Kurama started as Fukuyama turned around to look at the cage. The bars had been bent apart and Kurama's mom was now securely resting on a huge leaf.

"Nani?! When did this happen?"

"You only said I couldn't move or attack with my plants, but you never said anything about controlling my plants to free my mother. Your mistake; too bad it'll end up costing you your life! Rose Whip!" Kurama suddenly disappeared and decapitated Fukuyama with his whip. Without even taking a second look at Fukuyama, Kurama ran over to the leaf and lifted his mother to the ground. "Mom, mom, wake up!"

"Hn . . . Wh-what happened?" she asked as she came to. She suddenly looks up to see Kurama in his youko form. "A youko? Where's my son?"

"Mom, it's me," Kurama replies as he transforms back.

"Shuuichi? I-I don't understand . . ."

"Allow me to explain. Maybe it'll help you to comprehend this. Sixteen years ago, I was running away from a hunter when I was injured. I was too severely injured to continue running and there was no one around who'd help me. So I was left with only one choice: to push my soul from the body of the youko into the body of Minamino Shuuichi, who was still a fetus. My soul fused with his, and I was reborn as Minamino Shuuichi. You see, Minamino Shuuichi, and I are the same person. We are one. When I was born your kindness and love deeply touched me. You were the first person to treat me this way and you melted the block of ice that was my heart. Most of my life before this was all about staying alive. Love and kindness did not exist in the Makai. Thanks to you, I learned about love, compassion, and kindness. You are the first and only woman I've ever loved," Kurama says as he hugs her.

"Oh, Shuuichi . . ." she replies as she hugs him back with tears in her eyes. "Please, do tell me one thing: what was your name as a demon?"

"Kurama, mom. Kurama."

"One more question: were you that girl I was sitting next to on the plane?"

"Um . . . Sadly, yes."

"Well, we still have one more week left here. We may as well have fun together! Now, please, introduce me to your friends . . . okay, maybe after we get them and you to the hospital for treatment. You should be more careful."

"I know, mom, I know. No, I think they'll be okay after I bandage them up and give them some of my own healing remedies. Spending couple thousand years as a demon has helped me to develop them. Are you injured at all?"

"No. Are you sure about your remedies?"

"Of course, I've used them on Yuusuke, Kuwabara, and Hiei before, when we were all participants in a fighting tournament. They worked well then; they should work just as well now. Now, let's see, what kind of injuries do they have . . . let's see . . . Yuusuke has a bruised neck and forehead, but other then that, he seems to be okay. Kuwabara . . . (the vine slowly puts an unconscious Kuwabara on the ground as Kurama approaches) needs something for his bruises, but all in all, he seems fine. Hiei, you okay?"

"I think so. Now, if I hadn't gotten myself out of that spell when I did, I wouldn't be, but I did, right? How's Yuusuke and Kuwabara?"

"Those two are lucky to be my friends. Otherwise . . ." Kurama left the sentence hanging, not wanting his mother to know what he could possibly do. "In any case, we can just leave that guy's body here."


"Botan! Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I am, but, you need to get a bandage for that cut right away! Besides, you could have internal injuries from that kick Hiei gave you!"

"Don't worry about it, I'm fine. That little scratch across my abdomen can't kill me. I've been through way, way worse. I'll make a remedy for myself as well."

The next day . . .

"Shuuichi! Wake up! It's already eleven-thirty! Shuuichi! Are you just going to sleep your day away?" Shiori shouts as she pounds on the door of room 506, despite the fact that it has a 'do not disturb' sign hanging from the door handle.

"What is it, mom? I'm still wiped from yesterday . . . yawn," Kurama replies as he opens the door of his room, scratching his head and looking very, very sleepy.

"Shuuichi! You've been sleeping for twelve hours straight! You should get up! It's not a good idea to oversleep, you know!"

"Kurama, what's with all the ruckus . . . yawn?" Yuusuke asks as he opens the door of his room with Puu on his head. "Oh, my apologies. Good morning, Minamino-san."

"I see, it seems to me that it was a good thing for me to check up on you, Shuuichi! Now, get up and get dressed and join your mother for lunch! I'll be expecting you to be at the restaurant by noon or I'll see to it your bank account will not be gaining any more money!" Shiori managed to walk as far as the elevator before she burst out laughing at the sight of Puu on Yuusuke's head.

"Um, Kurama, do you mind explaining this to me?" Yuusuke asked. "What happened yesterday and how does your mom know that you're here?"

"It's a long story. I say we do as my mother says. When it comes to my bank account, she's dead serious."

~Epilogue~ (In Kurama's home) Several days after they return to Japan . . .

"Shuuichi, come here. I've got something for you, just in case if you ever need to leave for a while." She hands Kurama a velvet covered box.

"What is it, mom?"

"Open it; go on." Kurama opens the box to find a golden locket on a gold chain. He opens it to find a picture of him and his mother inside.

"It's beautiful . . . (he puts on the necklace) I promise I'll never take it off and I'll never forget you, ever." He gives her a big hug.


Kurama no Miko2003: Wow! I finished this fic already! I don't believe it! I started this fic four or five days ago and now it's already finished! It's more like me to take around a month to finish one! Well, what do you guys think of it?

Kuwabara: Why was I not a part of the fighting at all? It's not fair!

Kurama no Miko2003: That's because you're an idiot and you can't fight! You almost always lose, and, in my opinion, you can't sing! Now be quiet before I decide to ask someone from Flame of Recca if I could borrow the Fire elemental weapon and use it to turn you into a charred mass on the ground, slightly smoking.

Hiei: You know, you don't need to do that. I'd gladly do it for you.

Kurama no Miko2003: Really?

Kuwabara (mumbling): She hates me, she really hates me.

Kurama no Miko2003: Hiei? Would you be a darling and do me a favor? Turn that baka into a charred mass on the ground, slightly smoking for me!

Hiei: With pleasure . . . Ensatsu Kokuryuha! (Kuwabara is now a charred mass on the ground, slightly smoking.)

Kurama no Miko2003: Good, now, on to other matters. You're so spiffy Kurama!

Kurama: You think I'm spiffy?

Kurama no Miko2003: Of course! Why else would I write a fic that's centered on you?

Kurama: I thought it was because there weren't too many fics written about this. Besides, am I really that scary when I'm mad?

Kurama no Miko2003 & Hiei: Yes, you are, especially if you're a youko.

Kurama no Miko2003: But that's what makes you spiffy, in my opinion. I think it's really sweet how you protect your mommy like that! It's what makes you special!

Kurama: Are you telling me the truth, or are you just trying to get me to be on your good side?

Kurama no Miko2003: I'm telling you the truth, honest! Besides, what reason do I have for trying to flatter you so that I would be on your good side?

Kurama: Well, let's see . . . probably for your next fic.

Kurama no Miko2003: Definitely not! N-O-T not!

Kurama: Okay, I believe you.

Yuusuke: Why did you have me, Kuwabara, and Hiei be put under some mind control spell and fight Kurama?

Kurama no Miko2003: Let's see . . . because I want to?

Yuusuke: Not good enough.

Kurama no Miko2003: Okay, because I thought it'd go well with the fic, that's all. The guy was supposed to want revenge on Kurama, so it just made sense. Besides, this is the way these types of characters fight the good guys in most animé series I've seen, so I guess it kinda influenced the fic.

Yuusuke: Okay that works.

Kurama no Miko2003: Now, for my next fic, I have another little situation from Yu Yu Hakusho I'd like to write about: Hiei, Kuwabara, and Yukina. If you've read through Vol. 9 of the manga or seen the animé to the same spot, you know what I'm talking about . . .