Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Day She Found Out ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

At the beach . . .

"Wow, I never thought that there'd be so many people here," Yuusuke said. "Or so many girls for that matter!" Botan smacks Yuusuke in the back of the head.

"If you keep this up, I'll tell this to Keiko!"

"Alright, I get the message."

"Good. So, anyone up for a swim?" Botan asked.

"I am not going anywhere near the water. I think I'll just sit here and read for a while," Kurama said.

"Hey, Sakura! Over here!" a voice shouted.

"Oh, no . . . not my mother . . . why did she have to be here?" Kurama grumbled as soon as he recognized the voice.

"Why don't we put our stuff down over there?" Botan suggested.

"Wouldn't we have to anyway?" Hiei replied. "Botan, you did bring something to help me play the role of Kurama's kid brother, right?"

"Um . . . yeah! It should be in Kurama's bag. I'm going out for a swim. Anyone coming with?"

"I'm going. Kuwabara, what about you?"

"I think I'll come too."

"Have fun you two!" Botan shouted as she, Yuusuke, and Kuwabara dumped all of their stuff in Kurama's arms and headed for the water.

"Great, and they just had to dump their stuff with me . . ."

"Well, onechan, are you going to sit with Minamino-san?"

"Yes, Hiei . . . we are," Kurama replied between his teeth. He was really getting agitated over this, not to mention he was about ready to have a panic attack. He walked over and spread out a spare towel he had in his purse next to his mother's.

"Great day to be at the beach, right?" Shiori cheerfully asked.

"Um . . . yeah," Kurama replied (in his Ikari Shinji voice) as he set down all the stuff that Botan, Yuusuke, and Kuwabara dumped on him. Hiei had already rummaged through Kurama's bag and started to play with the sand. Not long after, a cotton candy salesman came by. "Hiei, would you like some cotton candy? I'll buy some for you." It's a sweet fluffy food, Kurama silently added.

Hiei looks up and gives Kurama and incredibly cute smile and replies, "Sure!" Kurama gets up with his wallet and goes up to the salesman. He returns a couple of minutes later with two things of pink, fluffy cotton candy.

"Here you go, one for me and one for you."

"Thank you!" Hiei then stopped playing in the sand and sat down on Kurama's towel to eat his candy. "This is good, onechan!"

Somewhere out in the ocean . . .

"Yuusuke, is that Hiei I see eating cotton candy?!" Botan incredulously asks.

"Let's see . . . Yep! That would be him alright," Yuusuke replies, and then does a double take as what Botan said registers in his brain. "Cotton candy?!"

"Urameshi, what are you yelling about?" Kuwabara asks. He hadn't been paying attention to Botan earlier.

"It's-it's Hiei, and he's eating cotton . . . candy . . ." Yuusuke answers in an even more incredulous voice.

"Urameshi, you're right! I don't believe it . . . Hiei's eating cotton candy . . ."

"Botan, let's swim back to shore, I don't want to miss this!" Yuusuke suggests.

"Let's!" Kuwabara adds as all three of them start swimming back to shore.

Meanwhile . . .

"You have such a cute little brother, Sakura. How old is he?"

"Um . . . thank you. He's ten," Kurama nervously responds.

"Hey, Hiei, Kurama, Minamino-san."

"Oh, tired from swimming already?" Kurama asks as Botan sits down in the sand.

"Yeah. You can go if you want, we'll watch Hiei for you."

"Thanks, but that's okay. I think I'll just stay here and work on my tan."

"Well, you know what? It's already seven! I'm getting hungry. Care to join me for dinner?" Shiori asks as she looked at her watch.

"That's all right, we'll eat on our own a little later. Thank you for asking," Kurama politely responds, hoping that she wouldn't insist on them joining her.

"You're welcome. I hope you will join me sometime in the future. Sayonara, and sumimasen," she kindly replies. She puts her stuff into her bag and walks towards the hotel. Kurama lets out a huge sigh of relief.

"I'm so glad she didn't press the matter," he says with relief, "If she did, then I'd have to insist on paying the bill and if she lets me pay it, then I'd have to sign as Minamino Shuuichi on the receipt, thus, in effect, give my identity away."

"Why even bother to insist if it's that risky?" Yuusuke asks.

"Because it's polite and it's something you are supposed to do!" Kurama yells. He takes a deep breath to regain his usual calm composure. "Now, I saw only one restaurant in the hotel when we arrived, so that's where we're going to have to eat. However, since it's a hotel, it's gonna be expensive. That and just because the people inside were in formal dress. You two (he points at Kuwabara and Yuusuke) are going to owe me money when we get back. I'm only paying for the rooms and my, Botan's and Hiei's share of the food. Botan and Hiei do not have to pay me back only because Hiei's a youkai and would have no way of paying me back and Botan works for Koenma. I'd really hate to be on Koenma's bad side."

"Thank you, Kurama!" Botan exclaims.

"However, that still does not mean that you can just eat as expensively as you want, Botan! Otherwise, I'll have to make Kuwabara and Yuusuke pay for part of your food as well! Now why don't we go back inside and change for dinner?"

Half an hour later . . .

"Botan! Do I really have to wear this dress?! The split is incredibly high!" Kurama yells in the bathroom as Botan and the others wait.

"Yes, you do! Besides, both Keiko and I thought that it'd look good on you! Now are you done putting it on? I need to put on your makeup!" (The other three sweatdrops at Kurama's comment and the amount of time this is taking.)

"Alright, Botan, I'm done, I'm done."

"Good!" She enters the bathroom. "Now, a bit of blush here . . . A bit of mascara there . . . Now a bit of eyeliner . . . A touch of lipstick . . . Followed by a touch of lip gloss . . . A pair of clip-on earrings . . . A silver bracelet on your right wrist . . . A silver ring on your right ring finger . . . Okay, never mind, make that your pinky . . . A silver necklace to top it off . . . Now, your hair, how's this?"

"It's fine, I guess . . . at least my mom won't recognize me for sure . . ." Kurama mumbles as he steps out of the bathroom with all of the grace and elegance of a fox. Once again, the other three could only stare wide-eyed at the results. Kurama was in a black, skintight, thin shoulder strapped dress that split on both sides almost all the way up his legs with a pair of black elbow length gloves, with a small black velvet purse. His hair was French braided with the hair in front of his ears pulled back into the braid as well. (AN: Let's just call them eartails from now on.) A pair of clip-on earrings with a five-tailed fox dangling from each was now attached to his ears. Adding to the multi-tailed fox motif was a silver bracelet with five tailed foxes dangling from it, a ring with a five-tailed fox on it and a silver chain with a silver five-tailed fox as a pendant. He had red lipstick on with enough lip-gloss to make his lips shine, with a touch of blush that brought out his cheeks, and mascara that separated every single one of his eyelashes.

"Now, Kurama, put these shoes on and we'll be ready to go!" Botan exclaimed as she handed him a pair of three-inch spike high heels with a pointed toe end and a shoe strap that would go around the ankles. Kurama's eyes bulged out and his face paled considerably when he saw the shoes.

"Is there another pair of shoes I can wear? Those look rather painful and a bit too small for my feet," he asks as soon as he recovered from the shock.

"Nope! Keiko and I specifically picked these out just for you! To be honest, I received the instructions for this assignment a couple of days in advance, because you had told Koenma about your mother's vacation. He suggested that I go shopping with Keiko to get some clothes for you for your disguise. In other words, these will fit you perfectly fine!" Seeing that he had no other choice, Kurama did as he was told and manages to get up on the first time through. However, when he started to walk, he fell over flat on his face. Everyone tried his or her best not to laugh, but to no avail. It wasn't long before Botan was also instructing Kurama on how to walk in high heels. After walking around his room a couple of times, he finally got the hang of it and the five of them went down to the restaurant for dinner. Puu was left behind upstairs.

"Hello, this restaurant is open to hotel residents only. May I see your card keys so that I may scan them?" All five of them gave their cardkeys to the waiter. "Okay, would you please come with me?" They followed the waiter to their table. There he passed out the menus. "Would any of you like to see the wine list?"

"Um, no, thank you. We're all underage," Kurama replied in his Ikari Shinji voice.

"Well, in this hotel, it really doesn't matter if you're old enough or not."

"In that case, why not?" The waiter hands Kurama the wine list and walks away.

"Someone else will be here shortly to take your order."

"Kurama, are you sure about this?" Botan asked, unsure if Kurama could drink.

"Oh, don't worry. I won't get drunk and blow my cover. Now, let's look through the menu and have some dinner."

Ten minutes later . . .

"My name is Bob and I will be your waiter for tonight. Is there anything I can get for you while you look at the menu? Something to drink, perhaps? Tonight's special entrees include a scrumptious sea bass filet broiled to perfection with a cream of mushroom sauce. It comes with mashed potatoes and green beans. It costs $24.95. We also have a three lobster tail dish; it comes with a rich butter sauce and is served with new baby potatoes and grilled zucchini and cucumber. This one costs $32.95. Both come with complimentary soup or house salad. Our soups tonight includes a Cream of White Asparagus soup and New England Clam Chowder made with fresh clams," a waiter asked as he arrived.

"Um, I'd like a glass of ice water with a slice of lemon," Kurama said as he continued to look at the menu.

"Same here," the other four said in unison.

"Okay, I'll return with your ice waters with lemon shortly."

"So, what are you ordering for tonight?" Yuusuke asked, unsure of what to order.

"Well, I'd like to try the lobster tail dish, with the white asparagus soup and a glass of red wine, that is, if Kurama would be nice enough to recommend one for me. I've never had any wine before," Botan replied.

"Well, I'd be glad to. Now, I, on the other hand, will have the sea bass with the clam chowder and a glass of Merlot. I'd personally recommend that you share the glass of wine with me." (AN: I don't know why, but somehow something about Kurama made me say that he knows his wines!)

"I think I'll just have the 8 oz prime rib they have listed here in the steak section, with some red wine and the house salad," Kuwabara stated.

"I think I'll have the same as Kuwabara," Yuusuke said.

"What about you, Hiei?" Kurama asked.

"I think I'll have the pasta with crab and lobster sauce, with a nice salad and a bit of wine," he replied.

"Okay, then, we have five of us, so how many glasses of wine should I order?" Kurama asked.

"Well, how big are the glasses?" Yuusuke asked.

"Um, they're your usual wine glass. I'd guess it's about half to about three-quarters of a can of beer, if that'll help you decide," Kurama replied.

"Then I'd say two. Hiei, Kuwabara, Botan, and I can share one, and then you can have one for yourself."

"Okay, then, now that that's settled, we just have to wait for waiter Bob to come back. I'll order the wine," Kurama said. "In the meantime, I have a question I'd like to ask Botan."

"Well, shoot!"

"How can you stand wearing these heels? They're really starting to hurt!" (Everyone sweatdrops.)

"I forgot you've never worn heels before. They do hurt. It gets better as you wear heels more often. You can usually tolerate it longer as time goes on. Still, it's not like I don't take off my shoes if I end up wearing them for more than four hours at a time," she answered. At that moment, Bob came back.

"Okay, here are your ice waters with lemon. May I take your orders?"

"Botan, please, do go first," Kurama prompted.

"Okay, I'll have the lobster tail special, with the white asparagus soup."

"I'll have the prime rib dinner, with the house salad."

"How would you like your steak done and what type of dressing would you like with your salad, sir?"

"Medium, and Thousand Island for the dressing."

"I'll have the same thing he's having, with the house salad and I'd like mine to be done medium as well. I'll have Ranch dressing with mine," Yuusuke requested.

"I'll have the pasta with crab and lobster sauce, with a house salad. Do you have a Japanese style dressing with miso?"

"We sure do, sir."

"Okay, I'll have my salad with that, no cheese on the salad."

"And I'll have the sea bass dinner, with the clam chowder. We'd also like two glasses of Merlot, and please bring three extra glasses."

"Would you like for us to split the wine for you?"

"Oh, no, that's fine. We can do it ourselves. Thanks for asking."

"Okay then. I'll bring out the soups and salads shortly, and would you like the wine now, or with your entrees?" Bob asked as he collected the menus.

"With our entrees."

"What did he mean by that?" Botan asked as soon as Bob left.

"Oh, you mean whether to have the wine now or with entrees? (She nods.) He meant whether you'd like it right now, or with your dinner. In my opinion, wine always goes with a fancy dinner like this. Of course, that's probably going to be pretty harsh on my poor credit card," Kurama answered.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, just based on what all of you just ordered, that was easily around twenty-five to thirty dollars right there; per person. Multiply it by five and that's already over a hundred. Add dessert, tip, and government taxes, and that'll be a little over two hundred dollars. And that's only for one night," Kurama explained. "Good thing I've got a lot of money in my bank account . . ." The other four could only stare with their mouths hanging wide open.

"Okay, here we are. Here's the complimentary bread that goes with all entrees. Who ordered the clam chowder?" Bob asked.

"That'll be for me," Kurama answered.

"Okay and the house salad with Ranch dressing?"

"That's for me," Yuusuke replied.

"The white asparagus soup?"

"For me."

"House salad with Thousand Island dressing?"

"For me."

"And the house salad with no cheese?"

"For me." Bob then went around the table to pick up the utensils that would not be used.

"Okay, enjoy your soups and salads. I'll be back in a little while with your entrees," Bob said as he left.

"Um, Kurama, I hate to ask you this, but you're the one who seems to know most about fancy dining etiquette. Which fork do I use?" asked Yuusuke.

"It's very simple. You use them outside in. Now, I personally would not need to use my salad fork and appetizer knife, so that's why Bob picked them up. A soupspoon came with the soup, so that's what I'd use to drink my soup. You, Kuwabara, and Hiei, on the other hand, would use the fork that is farthest to your left. That's the salad fork. It's usually the smaller of the two forks that would be set on your napkin. Your napkin, on the other hand, would not be put into your collar, but on your lap, either folded in half in a triangle or a rectangle. Is there anything that I've missed?"

"No, I don't think so. How do you know so much about etiquette?" Yuusuke asks in response while he starts eating his salad.

"Okay, another set of rules right here. Never talk while your mouth is full and always chew with your mouth closed. Botan, don't slurp your soup, it's considered rude in Western dining etiquette; always scoop away from you and tip your saucer with your other hand as necessary. Don't try to pick up the saucer to get the rest of the soup. It's just another no-no in Western dining etiquette. Kuwabara, don't try to cram as much food in your mouth as possible at once, eat a little at a time. When you're done, put your fork, or spoon the same way that I have demonstrated here. Is there anything else I've missed?"

"I don't think so, Kurama. I never thought you'd know this kind of stuff," Hiei replied with a small smile.

"Yeah, well, now you know."

Fifteen minutes later . . .

"Are you all finished with your soups and salads?" Bob asked.

"Yes, we are, thank you," Kurama replied. Bob goes around the table and picks up all of the plates and saucers.

"Your entrees will be out shortly."

Fifteen minutes later . . .

"Okay, here are your entrees. Who ordered the lobster tail dish?"

"I did, thank you."

"The sea bass?"

"I did."

"The prime ribs?"

"We did."

"The pasta?"

"I did."

"Okay, and here are the two glasses of wine and the cups. Enjoy your dinner."

"Thank you." Kurama then took the first cup of wine and separated it into approximately four equal proportions and gave one to Botan, Yuusuke, Kuwabara, and Hiei. They all looked at the dark red liquid that is now in the wineglasses in front of them. Kurama, on the other hand, took a sip of wine, and started eating. Not knowing what else to do, the other four copied him, and ended up with the same reaction.

"Kurama, this tastes a lot like sake," Botan commented as she started on her lobster. The other three nodded their heads in unison.

"That's because both are wines," he replied. "So, what do you all think of fine Western cuisine now?"

"Well, it's a new experience for me and Kuwabara," Yuusuke replied.

"Definitely a new one for me," Botan agreed.

"And it's also new for me as well."

Half an hour later . . .

"Are you all finished with your entrees?"

"Yes, we are, thank you."

"Would any of you care for dessert?"

"Um, why don't we see the menu first and then decide?"

"Okay. I'll be back shortly."

Couple of minutes later . . .

"Okay, here are the dessert menus. The special for tonight's dessert is a warm chocolate cake with melted chocolate in the center. It is served with a small scoop of vanilla ice cream and a small wafer. It costs $3.95. I'll be back in a little while to take your orders."

"Now that sounded good. I think I'll try the special," Kurama said.

"I agree. Make that two, Kurama," Botan agreed.

"Make that four. Urameshi and I also want one of those."

"Hiei, what about you?"

"I think I'll have the same."

Five minutes later . . .

"So, what would you like for dessert?"

"We'll have five specials."

"Anything else? Coffee, tea?"

"Do you serve green tea here?"

"We sure do."

"I'd like one," all five simultaneously said.

"Okay, so it's five specials and five cups of green tea?"


"Okay, I'll be back in a little while."

"I'd hate to imagine the bill now . . ." Kurama groaned. He knew that he'd be low on money for at least a year, if not longer.

Ten minutes later . . .

"Okay, here are you desserts and green teas. Enjoy. I'll be back in a little while with the bill."

"Oooh, this looks good!" Botan said.

"It is good," Kurama said after he'd finished his first bite.

"You're right," Yuusuke agreed.

Five minutes later . . .

"Okay, here is your bill." Kurama took it from Bob looked at it and nearly fainted. The cost, with just government tax alone, was $204.26.

"Wow, Kurama, that's one steep bill. Glad I'm not the one paying it."

"I wouldn't say that so loudly if I were you, Hiei. You ate the second most expensive dish out of the five of us."

"So who had the most expensive?" Botan asked.

"Me. Now, I'll just put my card here and finish up my tea." Bob came by a little while later to pick up the bill and returned with the receipt. "Now, I have to add in the tip and that'll give me a grand total of $235 and take the customer receipt . . . my poor bank account will be pretty dry soon." (AN: I actually calculated that if Kurama were to have a bank account, starting with $1000 and continuously compounded at 13% from the day he was born, he would be able to pay for all of this for this entire trip with about $500 to spare! ~_^)

"Don't forget, Kurama, Kuwabara and I will pay you back once we go home."

"I know. Now, I just need to sign my name and that's it!"

"Okay then, Minamino-san, I hope you enjoyed your dinner tonight. Please, do return at a later date. Have a good evening, ma'am."

"You, too." With that, the five of them got up and walked towards the door. On their way out, however, was the bar, and there were more than a few drunk men there who whistled as Kurama walked by, because of the high split in his dress.

"Hey, little lady, would you like to come by my room a little while later? We'll have lots of fun together! I won't take no for an answer!"

"No, thank you. I don't like to hang around with the likes of you!"

"That wasn't one of the choices we gave her now was it, gentlemen?" The rest of the drunkards shook their heads. "Oh well, it doesn't really matter, because you're coming with us anyway!" With that all of the men at the bar got up and got into offensive fighting positions. Yuusuke and Kuwabara were about to fight back when Kurama calmly pulled off his left glove and started to let flower petals swarm out of his hand until a blizzard of them has formed around him.

"Should I attack you with this swarm of petals?" The men only ignored him and attacked, thinking that it really can't do much against them and attacked. "Oh well, Fuka Enmujin (Petal Hurricane)!" The petals swarmed around the men, attacking until they were all unconscious. Then, just as sudden as the attack appeared, it disappeared. Kurama calmly put his glove back on and said, "Bar tender, please call the proper authorities on cleaning up this mess. Thank you." With that, they all walked away as though nothing happened. The bar tender, on the other hand, was more than just a little frightened and nodded in response.

~* To be continued *~

Kurama no Miko2003: So, here we have it, the second to the last chapter of this crazy, insane adventure! The insanity's almost over, and that's all I've got to say!

Kurama: Thank heavens! I can't take this anymore! Why me?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Everyone else <sighing>: There, there, Kurama. The torture's almost over. It's okay.

Kurama: No it's not! Since when do I cross dress, huh? NEVER!!!!

Kurama no Miko2003: Be nice. You know I'm more than capable of coming up with another insane fic just like this one. Be good and it won't happen! ^_~

Kurama: Eep!

Everyone else <sweatdropping>: . . .

Kurama no Miko2003: And to all my wonderful readers, leave me a review and come back for the big finale!