Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The eyes of the Raven ❯ Chapter 5

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: The Eyes of the Raven

Author: Skeren Dreamera

Notes: I live! I do! Above all that lives and dies I do! I apologize for the extremely long gap between chapters, and I can't promise I won't do it again, but I thank all of you who have borne with me this long in patience.

Part Four

We didn't have as much time to work out the details as we'd thought. Instead we had perhaps an hour. Not nearly long enough in my opinion, but at least it seemed I wasn't the only one caught off guard by the time shortage. If his thoughts were anything to go by, he was worried more than anything else.

I didn't need to wonder why, though the sheer force of his emotions over the Ningen woman made me with to bristle in jealousy. No, no, that woman was one that was very important to Kurama. I had no right, and certainly was in no position, to make an issue of this. She was his mother. No more, no less, and I had to learn, quickly, to accept this.

He'd already left the room, leaving me to come back to my surroundings and rescue the food before it could burn. Could it burn? I certainly had no practice. Not that that was important. Instead I just moved it off the heat in case of an accident, then moved in the direction Kurama had gone. The fox was so very anxious. Not nervous, but that calculating mind of his was more than a little scattered.

He was hoping that I had remembered to take off my mask as he heard me in the hallway. I, not wishing him to think me stupid, especially after the other humiliations this day had had on offer, made sure it was off and pocketed, having done the same with my sunglasses. This was how I presented myself when I stepped into the room.

"Now who is this?" The Ningen's voice was curious, almost sweet, and I felt the Fox's tension reach me as she took the chance to evaluate me. "Suichi, you didn't tell me you had a friend over! And so tall! Will he be staying for dinner?"

"Kaasan." The word was a soft exhale, and he sighed, looking far far too put upon. Unfortunately that didn't seem to be an act, though I smiled for the woman, as I got a sense that any bad behavior here would have rather terrible repercussions later. "Kaasan, this is Karasu, Karasu, this is my mother-"

"Pish, no need to be so formal Suichi. You can go ahead and call me Shiori. Have you known my boy long? He doesn't have nearly enough people over for my taste. You aren't just on your way out are you?"

Her exuberance was a bit stunning, and only a flicker of that showed, which I was quick to repress. "I've known your son for a while, but I've been out of the country until just recently. Dinner though would be Ku-... Suichi's choice. I wouldn't want to overstay my welcome so soon after arriving."

"Oh, not at all not at all, my son isn't that bad of a host." She gave Kurama a look, and I was a little shocked to realize that he was indeed chastised by the rebuke. Just who was this woman to have made such an impact on the Fox? She was practically a force of nature.

"Not at all Kaasan. In fact, it seems that he no longer has a place to stay. His family left the city while he was away, and we'd been discussing my approaching you for permission for him to stay here. Would that be alright?" Even with the way I could read him, it was almost impossible to detect the lie. What family was he referencing me as ever having had here at all?

"I'll have to give it some thought Suichi, at least wait until after dinner and ask me again then. Now, what is that that I'm smelling? Dinner?"

He nodded, gesturing me to sit in a chair near her. "Yes, actually, I'll go get you some tea." When she moved to get up, he stopped her. "No Kaasan! I'll get it, you just stay and chat with Karasu while I finish up in the kitchen."

"You're such a good son." She smiled, and I could feel his pleasure in the small compliment. Once again I had to press down jealousy as he gave her an easy smile, leaving the room a moment later. "Now then, Karasu, tell me something about you."

To Be Continued.