Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The eyes of the Raven ❯ Chapter 4

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: The Eyes of the Raven

Author: Skeren Dreamera

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Yu Yu cast!

Warnings: Yaoi/Shounen Ai

Notes: This is only the beginning, enjoy it.

Feedback: Mickeofas@yahoo.com

My feelings hadn't been off course when I felt that horrified glee, and as I considered my current position, I had to admit to a certain amount of amusement over what he decided to test me on. He didn't do anything sexual, to my everlasting disappointment. I have to admit that his use of the innuendo to chase Hiei off had served to punish me as well. I had expected far more than I should have, and even my access to Kurama's thoughts hadn't deterred me from that foolish hopeful believing. He'd set me to cleaning. Of all the things he could have chosen, he decided to see how I would react in the face of menial labor. It couldn't have been as simple as that though. No, he persisted in speaking to me in that honeyed voice while I worked, and I do believe he was doing it on purpose just to make me fumble my tasks.

"Karasu..." Kurama paused, watching as I gasped and actually went to my knees. I'd only just realized he'd yet to say my name until then, and I wasn't sure I'd be able to do anything else if he insisted on saying it anymore. It was a blinding pleasure that was very near pain, like something tugging at my soul. He leaned over, running his fingers along my chin and drawing me to look at him. "Have I missed something about you that you falter so badly?"

I recovered from the rather blinding insight, blinking a few times up at him to orient myself back to what I was doing. Moving my fingers, I was suddenly grateful I hadn't dropped the figurine in my hands as I met the floor. "You hadn't called me by name." Well, apparently it was as physical as it had felt, my voice was hoarse.

"You mean to tell me that my voice has that much of an affect on you?" He leaned further, his hair tickling my cheek as he pulled the glass figure from my hands and set it back on it's shelf. "Perhaps I should have noticed this."

"I thought you had." Perhaps he was playing with me in some other way now. At least I could focus on him instead of trying to hold off the spell his voice had continued to try to cast on him while cleaning breakables of dust.

"But it wasn't bringing you to your knees before now. Is it just your name that is so potent with you? Does it hurt?" He tugged on my hair slightly before undoing my mask, apparently deciding to get a good look at my face. He'd never had one before and it was the first time I'd noticed.

"It didn't hurt. I don't know how I will react to things about you until they strike me." I wondered at my phrasing. I hadn't truly managed to anger him since I had come here, and I suddenly hoped that he didn't lose his temper with me instead of that fierce calm he'd used on me earlier. I didn't want to know what his anger would do if it were to be directed at me.

Apparently he'd questioned my choice of words as well. "Strike you? I thought you claimed that it didn't hurt."

"They don't... But... It might have been a feeling that caused me to say it that way." Well, that could have come out being more twisted, couldn't it? On second thought, no, not really. I really needed to resume my habit of thinking before speaking.

"Of course. You can get up you know." Oh yes, he did have to sound smug about bringing me to my knees without even touching me, didn't he? I came to my feet with that, sighing softly as an amused smile came to my lips.

"I really should have realized that, shouldn't I have? I was focusing so intently on watching you I didn't even realize what position I was in." I felt a sudden spike of pride then, as he thrust my mask roughly at me and stepped back, unnerved and pleased with the way I'd said that. So I hadn't lost my touch after all? I could live with my words affecting him so. I wasn't lost. I wasn't a puppet. I was still Karasu. I was merely... Kurama's Karasu.

He cleared his throat, no longer looking directly at me as he had been just moments before. I was astounded to find him feeling shy. Over me? I didn't know what to make of it. But then, perhaps that was the reason for him being so disconcerted before. I had mentioned that he pitied me because he could have liked me, didn't I? "Put your mask back on and come with me. I'd like to see how well you can handle a stove."

I slid the mast on without bothering to think about, trailing at his heels. "I don't need the mask you know. When I'm near you my powers are controlled well enough that it is honestly of no concern so long as you aren't in danger." Wait, did he say something about a stove? He wasn't going to make me cook now was he?

Kurama smiled slightly, looking back over his shoulder at me. "Good, then I don't have to worry about my mother questioning anything but your reason for being here. Now, do you know how to cook?"

"Yes." I do? I was blinking, rather stunned over the answer as he gave me a considering look. What the hell did I know how to cook? It wasn't like I was about to lie to him, but I was utterly lost as to the source of that answer.

"Really? You don't seem all that sure of yourself." He was amused now. That was simply a horrible blow to my reinstated ego.

"Yes, I know how to cook a few things." Well, it appeared my mouth wasn't about to take any instruction from my mind in this particular instance, so I mentally took a step back and decided to see what I'd do on autopilot. It was a somewhat disturbing sensation.

"Well, then perhaps you should show me. They are edible, aren't they?" Kurama gestured about the kitchen, then looked at me expectantly.

No answer immediately sprang forth this time, and I prodded the autopilot of myself insistently. Well? Is what I know how to cook edible or not? Yes I know, I'd never claimed mental stability, and I wasn't any closer to being told that that state applied. "Well, after a fashion."

I didn't know what that meant, and clearly Kurama didn't find it satisfying either. "Meaning?"

"You can eat them, but they aren't something I'd consider as safe." Oh! I understood what I was talking about now. I knew a few basic poisons. That had been getting embarrassing.

"Oh, I see. Go sit, I'll cook. You watch." I stepped back, sinking into a chair where I could watch his graceful actions. I had no idea what he'd do when his mother came home. "My Kasaan will be back in perhaps another hour. In the meantime, I think we should work out what to do with you." Maybe he could read my mind after all? That wasn't exactly reassuring. But there was no dodging this conversation. After all, he had to figure out what to do with me, didn't he?

To be continued.