Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The New Kid ❯ Students and Demons ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 7
Students and Demons
Kurama stared at the figure emerging from the fog, it looked like a rather large dog, there was messy dark brown fur covering its body except for an occasional bald spot. Its fangs were bared and bloody. It growled and lunged at him.
“Demons are strange things Herminie,” said Hagrid. “They keep to their territory now but years ago they were running all around, terrorizing both wizards and muggles. Wizards and Demons have hated each other for centuries, we have tried to make peace but they wouldn't let us. Just remember few demons are good; so don't trust `em.” It was silent for a moment.
“Well, then, I need to feed Fang so, you can see yourselves out.” Hagrid said.
“Yes, and thank you Hagrid.” Said Herminie. They walked out of the cabin in silence, each one pondering what they had learned, and, after slipping on the invisibility cloak headed back through the forest, they reached the middle of the forest only to stop dead in their tracks. They saw a werewolf on top of somebody, but it was to dark to make out what they looked like. The werewolf was trying to bite the person but they were using their hands to keep the creatures mouth shut by wrapping them around mouth of the beast.
Wait! Thought Harry. I've seen that wristband before! He was referring to the light yellow wristband around the person's wrist. It's…Kuramas'!
The person kicked the wolf off them. They stood up, but the shadows hid their face. They hit the wolf in the face with something; it must have been silver because the wolf howled in pain. The wolf now full of rage ran back at the person and made a deep scratch on their left shoulder. They person struck the wolf hard across its face with the silver object which they now could make out to be a chain with a pendent of something they couldn't make out. All the sudden a light shown and the werewolf ran off, the light came from a flashlight ahead of them. It was Professor MigGonalgal's, she must had head the fight and came out. Harry striped the cloak off his two friends and himself. He looked around to find the person that was fighting the werewolf gone.
“Mr. Potter! Well, you know the rules; going out so late, 20 points will be taken from Griffindore, each. Now come,” she said turning back to the castle, followed by the three teenagers. When they walked back into the common room they saw Kurama and Neville sitting by the fire studying.
“Hey Harry,” said Neville.
“What are you doing?” Harry asked.
“Oh,” said Neville. “Both me and Kurama couldn't sleep so he's helping me study.”
“So you weren't in the forest?” Harry asked. Kurama looked confused.
“No, I've been studying with Neville for the last ten minutes.” Harry eyed him suspiciously.
“Well,” said Kurama. “I think I'm going to retire for the night.” He flashed one of his infamous smiles. They watched as he left to the boys' dormitory.
The next morning Harry and Ron stumbled sleepily to breakfast. Both Herminie and Kurama were already there.
“Hey,” said Kurama. Harry and Ron sat down. Footsteps could be heard behind them. They turned to see Elan Hunter and her band of girls approaching. Elan was short, only about 5'0, she was Spanish. She had tan skin and brown eyes. She had waved dark chestnut brown hair that reached her waist. Her robes were specially made to show off her small waist. She walked over her band of girls close behind her. She put on a smile that said, `I'm better than you, and I know it.'
“Hey Harry,” she said.
“Oh, get out of here Ellen,” said Ron.
“That's Elan,” she said. “Like E-lan, a as in apple. Look at yourself Weasily, a pure blood, wearing hand me down robes and hanging out with mud-bloods, even if one is incredibly cute. Seriously, RONALD, your picture is in the dictionary under idiotic. In other words, I hate you, and you hate me, so make your first A and get a life!” With that she turned on her heal and stalked away.
“Nasty piece of work that one,” mumbled Ron.
“Who was that?” asked Kurama.
“Elan Hunter, Slitherin,” said Herminie. “She is the prettiest girl in Hogwarts and by far the most popular.”
“Some people think she's going out with Malfoy,” added Ron. Kurama watched as Elan walked over to the Slitherin table and pushed aside Crab to sit be Draco.
“Yes, it does appear to be that way,” said Kurama.
A while later at potions Kurama, Harry, Ron, and Herminie all sat together.
“Wonder what Sape's gunna do to us today,” whispered Ron. Really what happened was Snape just lectured them and class was over soon. Next was Herbology, Kurama's favorite subject.
“Good morning class!” Mrs. Sprout greeted them.
“Good morning Mrs. Sprout,” said both Griffindore and Slitherin unenthusiastically.
“Today, I'm going to pass around the `Leaf Frog Plant' it is called that because if you look close at the leaves you can see patterns that look like frogs. Now this is just a harmless baby, but once it's full grown it can bite you head off,” said Mrs. Sprout, handing a Griffindore a small lush green plant.
It finally got to Kurama but once he took it the plant got a hundred times it's size, towering over Kurama, it opened it's mouth revealing several sharp jaws it made a swoop for him but Kurama leaned the other way so he didn't get hit. Mrs. Sprout hurried over and grasped the plant by its roots and neck so it couldn't bite her and shoved it in a cage that just happened to be there. Malfoy, Crab, Goyol, and Elan all snickered. Mrs. Spout breathed a sigh of relief and said, well, just go back to your common rooms and umm, wait. All the kids filed out of the room.
“Nice Job, Freak,” said Elan as she passed.
“Kurama, what happened? What'd you do?” asked Ron as him, Harry, and Herminie. Walked with him outside of the classroom.
“I-I don't know,” Kurama lied. “But it was weird.”
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