Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Past and the Heart ❯ Hiei in the Human World ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Come on Dad!" shouted a young boy.
I looked out the window to the backyard and saw our son Taro, who was 7 pull Hiei's hand towards a meadow. It's been about 8 years since Hiei lived with me in the human world. Hiei knew I wanted to finish school so he came to school with me and Kurama. He surprised me how he grew up without ever being in school and yet he was really smart. Girls did try and flirt with him but he ignored them and smiled whenever he saw me. After my first year of being here Hiei proposed or should I say Yusuke did it for him.

~*~*~*~ Flashback *~*~*~*~*~
"Hiei where are you taking me?" I asked for the hundredth time as he dragged me through the city streets.
"Don't worry I promise everything will be fine," he said smiling.
I knew everything would be fine but I wanted to know where he was taking me. Since his psychic abilities were stronger then mine I couldn't look into his mind so I ran behind him smiling. We soon stopped in front of a house. I didn't know whose it was but obviously Hiei knew which means I should know too. Hiei stood there in front of the door as he let go of my hand. He was scratching the back of his head nervously and from what I saw he was blushing. I felt a bit uneasy because he was nervous.

"Hiei what's going on?" I asked a bit nervous.

"It's nothing but. We've known each other for quite sometime and well I decided to..." The door crashed open with Yusuke and the other friends we know standing in the door way smiling.

"Congratulations Hiei and Aiko!" they all shouted at once.

I stood there confused as Hiei got angry.

"Congratulations for what?" I asked confused.

Yusuke looked at Hiei.

"So you didn't tell her you were going to marry her yet?" he asked him.

I gasped as Hiei looked at Yusuke angrily.

"I was going to tell her till you people barged in?!" he shouted at Yusuke.

I was surprised as the others looked at me. Soft tears rolled down my cheeks as I smiled. I wrapped my arms around Hiei's neck as tears of joy came rushing down my face.

"Hiei of course I'll marry you," I said to him smiling.

He smiled back at me and hugged me back. The girls that were there including his sister were crying as the guys including Touya and the others stood there smiling. Sure Hiei may have not said it directly, but when he placed the ring on my finger I knew we were really going to get married.
Now here we are living in the human world together as a family. We live in the house my boss paid for and we've never been happier. I got my old job back and Hiei worked with me as well. It was fun to know he was close by when I needed him but he needs to learn about the human technique equipment (he attacked a computer because it was rebooting and lights were flashing.) I found myself starring at Hiei and Taro practicing swordsmen ship while remembering the past and decided to see them. As I walked towards the door there was a crash in the kitchen. I think Hiei and Taro heard too because the next thing I knew they were inside next to me.
"Mom what happened?" Taro asked glancing around while slowly taking out his wooden sword.
"It came from the kitchen," I said and ran towards there.
We all rushed inside and saw a young girl of only four sitting on the floor crying. She was our daughter Sakura, named after my mother. She was two and the youngest so far in the family. She looked so much like me Hiei wanted to named her after me but I thought my mother's name would be better.
We rushed over to her and saw pieces of glass on the floor. Using my psychic powers which had gotten better I lifted her into my arms. She slowly calmed down as I hushed her.
"It's ok Sakura just tell us what happened," I said smiling.
"I was trying to get a glass for some water but slipped and fell," she said while crying.
I gently placed my hand on her head and rocked her. She slowly stopped crying as Taro withdrew his sword. Hiei stood there watching. Hiei's parenting skills were getting better as he spent more time with me around the kids. He didn't mind it though because Taro enjoyed playing a little rough and Hiei knew he wouldn't be able to hurt him too badly and I knew he wouldn't hurt him badly on purpose. Sakura had stopped crying and looked up at me with her eyes still filled with tears.

"Mommy, are you mad at me for breaking the glass?" she asked innocently.

I simply smiled.

"Of course not, I would be mad if you hurt yourself though but I can't see you hurt anywhere," I said looking at her elbows and knees.

She smiled and shook her head. "I'm not hurt."

Hiei then knelt down beside me and placed a hand on her head lovingly while smiling.

"Don't try to do things by your self the entire time if you have problems ok?" he asked her.

She smiled and nodded as she hopped off my knees and ran outside with Taro. We both watched them run outside and smiled. Hiei wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck. The mark he gave me the nights so long ago were still there on my neck never to heal. He kissed them and then propped his head on my shoulder.

"Think we should have one more kid?" he asked smiling.

I smiled.

"Let's see how we do with these two for a while first."

I looked over at the glass scattered on the floor. I pointed my hand at it and levitated them into the air and placed them in the garbage. Hiei continued kissing me as I smiled and rocked my body against his, when the door was busted down. We stopped and saw several young children rushed in, and 8 people stood at the door.

"Hey long time no see," said Yusuke as he waltzed in with his wife Keiko who bowed and greeted us with a `hello' and apologized for Yusuke and her sons for braking down the door again (they always did it).

"Hey Shorty!" shouted Kuwabara as he came in as well with Yukina.

Hiei had accepted his sister's marriage with Kuwabara and therefore didn't complain much when he called him `Shorty'. Kurama and his wife, Yumi (you WILL be seeing this name again but it's a totally different story from this) walked in as well and lastly was Botan and the older looking Koenma (I can't call him teenage because he isn't a teenager anymore.) They always came over unsuspectingly and it never really bothered us too much. Besides their kids liked coming over our house to play with Taro and Sakura. Yusuke and Keiko had two, both boys, Kurama and Yumi had three, two girls and a boy, and well Botan and Koenma are still dating. We talked about everything we could thing of from Makai to the weather. It was funny how Yusuke and Kuwabara still fought over the smallest of things even though they lived near each other and were the best friends (this time they fought over a game.) We played cards, watched movies, and even did some karaoke (Hiei even sang.) We had such a great time with all our friends who have been there from the beginning for us. I was grateful to have them nearby even though they could get annoying with Yusuke braking down the door all the time, but since Hiei knew how to fix things I didn't mind as much. When the sun was setting and everyone left and the kids were asleep Hiei and I sat outside and watched the stars. Ever since we've been together I would think if I made the right decision or not. He would then kiss me and it would answer my question. I did make the right decision and I won't trade it for anything. We kissed and watched a falling star fly across the sky.
"I love you," Hiei whispered in my ear.
"I love you too Hiei and I always will," I promised and sealed it with a kiss.

The End