Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Prospects of Housekeeping ❯ New Job ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: Botan is desperate to find a job. Kurama needs a maid to cook and clean at his house. Things add up? K/B! ^__^

Author's Notes: Hey everyone, first Yu Yu Hakusho fanfic yay :D! I'm so excited! Alright well 'tis a Kurama/Botan fanfiction and there will be a couple OCs but I promise they do not have big parts at all!! Botan is the main character so please don't make the OC thing make you not read, k? I'll guess I'll start the fanfiction but first here are the description's of the OCs:

Name: Akira
Age: 13
Description: Okay Akira is Botan's brother. He has blue hair just like his sister but a lot darker and dark blue eyes. He usually wears baggy black jeans and a dark blue element shirt (i dunno i needed an outfit for him XP). I know what you're thinking 'Why the hell would Botan need a brother?' Well umm aww crap I don't wanna give away the fanfic but I'll just tell you like Akira is basically the only reason why Botan hasn't run away from home yet k? This is the most important character out of the OCs and he's not that important at all. See? I told the OCs wouldn't be like main characters :D.

Name: Naoki
Age: 17
Description: Naoki has long blonde hair with red tips that reaches to the top of her thighs but she usually keeps in a low ponytail, and also chocolate brown eyes. She usually wears things like Botan (says in chapter 1). Naoki is basically nice but has a very short temper and like Botan you don't want to make her mad. She loves to fool around and pull pranks on people. She's also Botan's best friend. Naoki does not play a big role just she's Botan's best friend. I'm not sure if she's gonna show up much or not.

Ok well those are the only two OCs..I think o.o;; and if you read it you'll know that like I said before they do not have big roles ok? Alright n.n. One more thing though gomen heh but there are a couple thing's that you need to know:

Botan is not a ferry girl in the fanfic and she doesn't know about Makai or Spirit world at all! I don't know if she's gonna find out about them or not, still debating on it. Hinengenshi (from the 2nd YYH movie) is the one who was Botan's job in this fic though. I don't know if she'll appear or not.

Botan does not know any of the YYH gang well not yet n.n

Kurama and Hiei are still demons in this fic. I did a lot of debating with myself and I just decided I really wanted to keep them demons :D

Ok thats it Dark-chan promises, now on with the fic. Enjoy n.n!

Warning: Botan-chan may seem a little OOC.

Chapter 1


It was a beautiful sunny morning, another school day. Not exactly the best day of the week for most teenagers like Botan.

Botan groaned as she heard her alarm go off and put the pillow over her head. "Five more minutes.." She mumbled and then sighed knowing she couldn't go back to sleep. She turned over and smacked the top of the alarm clock but it didn't turned off. Botan growled irritiably and pressed the off button two more times but nothing happened. Out of pure frustration she threw the annoying object at the wall but the noise didn't cease.

At this time many anime veins were seen on Botan's head so she threw her cover off and marched to over to the alarm clock snatching it up. "Would you shut the hell up!?" She yelled at it and chucked it out the window. Botan smirked, quite pleased with herself and started to close the window when she saw a guy lying on the ground unconcious with little swirly eyes and her broken alarm clock next to him. "Opps." She said sweat dropping and then turned around glancing at her bed and then room.

'Why can't I have a nice room?' She thought with little anime tears.

It was definitly nothing special, she had a very small bed since her room was so small with one little sheet occupying it which really didn't even keep her warm. Then she had a a little bed side table where her lamp was the only real light in the room (well she also used to have her alarm clock there too :sweatdrop:) and her skateboard laying right next to it, don't ask how she got it (:cough: stole).

Her walls were painted a dark purple, she had done herself well who else would? She also had a full lenght mirror which had various cracks in it, and last was her closet containing her little amount of clothes. Like I said before nothing special.

Botan snapped out of her daze and cursed running down the little hallway connecting the only two upstair rooms (besides the bathroom which is connected to both rooms). She opened the door and smiled softly walking over to the little bed. (I'm using the word little and small to much Oo;; ok they're rooms,hallways,etc. are small k?) "Akira.." She said softly shaking the little boy. He mumbled something unaudible before turning to the other side.

"Stubborn brat." She said smirking and shook him some more and he soon began to stir. "What?" Akira whined opening his eyes. "I don't wanna go to school!" "Too bad your going." Botan said and started to tickle him.

"Haha Ok ok haha stop I'm up!" He yelled tears forming at the ends of his eyes from laughing so much. "I knew that would work." Botan smirked triumphantly. Akira just stuck his tongue out at her as she got up. "Hurry up though I let you sleep in a little so we really have to go." And with that she left to get dressed.

"Hmm what to wear, what to wear." Botan pondered, "Well it's not that hard to pick since I have such a small amount." After a while she finally decided and got dressed. She was clad in baggy dark blue pants with chains hanging off them, a blue silver stud belt, a tight black shirt that read 'Touch this and die', black combat boots, and two spike bracelets one on each hand and a watch with silver studs (A/N I have one of those, got it for X-mas from Manda :glomps Manda:) on her left hand to top it off. She also decided to keep her hair down.

"Not to shabby." Botan smiled looking at herself before shifting her gaze to her bedsize table. "Hey where's my cloc-.." She started then sweatdropped and walked over to the window to see the guy still lying there with x.X as eyes. 'I'm suprised no ones helped him, maybe I should? Na, I really gotta go.' She tooked a quick glance at her watch and cursed, "Ahh screw school, I wasn't planning on going anyway."

Akira suddenly appeared at the doorway bookbag in hand, "Are you ready yet ya lazy ass?" Botan gave him a sharp glare "You better watch that language, just because I cuss sometimes doesn't mean you can." She saw he was about to protest so she added, "And if I hear you use that language again I'll use you as my target for kendo practice!"

Botan gave him a playful grin while grabbing her skateboard and walked to the top of the stairs her grin disappearing, 'Ok deep breath and just walk down, maybe they won't be here.' She tiptoed down the stairs with her brother right behind her. 'So far so good, just a little more.' She reached out to the door knob but a deep voice stopped her actions.

"Where the hell are you two going?" Botan visabiliy stiffened and turned around meeting their father's deep penetrating gaze. "I'm just taking Akira to school."

He sneered at her, "Have you gotten your sallary from that god-damn job yet?" Botan then flinched she knew he'd be angry if he found out that she had recently been fired for being late numerous times (A/N hey it wasn't her fault she has to take care of herself and her brother!). "Er...No sir." She said and shifted nervously from one foot to the other. It wasn't technically a lie, she really hadn't gotten her sallary yet...just she wasn't ever going to get it again, at least from that job.

Botan watched as he kept glaring at the two before turning around muttering curses. "Umm wheres Chichi (1)?" Akira asked meekly, scared of their father. "Passed out on the couch from drinking again last night, where her else would she be with her lazy ass?" He said sharply, yelling the last part making Akira wince. There was soon an awkward silence that followed.

Botan soon cleared her throat not being able to take the silence any longer, "Well come on Akira, we gotta go." With that the two quietly exited the room but not before taking once more quick glance at their father.

Botan and Akira both walked over to the old car next to the house. Botan treasured the little blue car almost she did her skateboard and even though it was her parent's, she was the one who used it the most. They both entered the car quietly, Botan on the driver's side and Akira in shotgun.

Botan leaned over gently putting her skateboard in the back and then turned back to the front sighing,"Whew! Glad we're out of there, ne Akira?" No answer. She blinked, "Akira?" She looked at him sadly as he had he head downcast, but soon smiled.

"Oh don't worry about our parents Akira-san! They'll be fine, promise." Akira looked up and studied her expression and then his mouth soon spread in a small smile, "I guess you're right, but....don't you have to get me to school?" Botan blinked and then looked at her watch, eyes widening, "HOLY FRIKIN SHIT!!"

She quickly fumbled with the keys and put them in the ignition trying to turn it on. Nothing Happened. Akira sweatdropped, 'Not again.' "START YOU BAKA F-ING MACHINE! START!" Botan yelled at it while trying to turn it on. About the 7th try it started working, "Yes!" Botan smiled and looked at Akira, "You know the drill, might wanna buckle up."

Akira sighed. Now it was getting to be like every other morning. Botan swerved in and out of traffic basically the whole way there while yelling curses at the people who were yelling curses at her since she was going about 30 mph over the speed limit.

"HERE!" Botan said doing a 180 and slamming on the breaks. She smiled at her brother who was still sweatdropping and soon got out. "I'll pick you up after school!" She yelled waving and pulled out the parking lot.

'Hmm..where to go, where to go...' Botan thought to herself as she drove along the road. "I know!" She exclaimed smiling brightly and did a swerve left only to end up in the parking lot of the local coffee place. "Hehe, I love this place."


"Thank you ma'm." Botan said polietly while taking the drink. "No prob' hun. Just call if ya need somethin' else." The waitress smiled at her and left. Botan sighed after taking a sip of the coffee and gently layed it back down on the table. 'Uh, this sucks!' She thought picking up the newspaper again looking for a new job. 'It's not fair, I shouldn't of been fired.'

"It's not my freakin' fault if I take care of my brother!" She shouted and glared angrily at all that stared at her making them quickly go back to doing whatever. "Talking to ourselves again, eh Botan?" Botan didn't even have to turn around to know who it was, "Hey Naoki." Botan turned around to the smirking face of her best friend.

"Oh, wipe that stupid smirk off your face and sit down!" Botan said and turned back around. This only made Naoki smirk wider as she slid into the seat across from Botan,"So what's my favorite bluenette up to?"

"Oh, trying to find a job." Naoki was then wearing a grim expression, "Dear old dad found out, ne?" "Ie(2), but he was asking about my sallary today, I told him I had gotten it yet which is not lie!" Botan then blew her bangs up out of her eyes in frustration. "There's nothing in here!" She said throwing the paper down.

"Didn't think there would be." Naoki replied lazily and then looked around making a mischevious grin. Botan sweatdropped, "Don't you dare think about doing anything, Naoki! We don't want to banned from another place." Her friend then gave her an innocent look, "Why do you think little ol' me would do something?"

"Well if you don't remember last time when you pulled that prank on that man where-" Botan started but was cut off by Naoki's hand over her mouth. "Uhh, shouldn't be getting into that Botan-chan. You still have to look for a job." 'That'll definitly take her mind of my pranks.' Naoki finished off in her head happily, but was knocked out of her thoughts by a thumping noise. She blinked and sweatdropped looking at her blue haired friend who was banging her head on table.

"You know your gonna get a really bad headache doing that, take it from someone with experience." Naoki stated which only made her receive a glare. Botan sighed and picked up her head scanning the newspaper once again and sighed before looking at her friend.

"Do you have any ideas?" She asked curiously and watched as her friend got an almost cat like grin, "I may have one or two up my sleeve." Naoki pulled out a paper which had many different ads on it and gave it to Botan. The bluenette studied it for a couple minutes before giving her friend an expression like 'Wtf?'.

Naoki rolled her eyes and pointed one ad while smirking. Botan looked down and then up and her friend and exclaimed, "There's no way in the six regions of freakin' hell I'm gonna be a maid!"

"First of all it's seven regions if your gonna cuss like that you gotta get it right..." :insert Botan's death glare here: "And I was getting to that! Jeez looks like someones having PMS (A/N gomen guy readers XDD), look at the price." Naoki finished while Botan's eyes widened dramatically at the price.

"Wow..." Was all that she had to say. "So?" Naoki questioned smiling. Botan shifted her gaze from the paper to her friend and seemed to be contemplating. "Ok...I guess I'll try it out." She finally stated.

"Yay, Botan's finally getting another job!" Naoki said glomping her as Botan sweatdropping, "And is this good for me or you?" Naoki let go of her and gave her another innocent look, "Why would it be good for me?"

"Because your the one who basically takes all my money! Hey, and you still owe me for that 20 dollar I ga-" Botan never go to finish as Naoki quickly stated looking at her watch, "Oh look at the time I have to go to kendo practice I'll call ya later!" With that she quickly ran out the door leaving a little dust trail behind her.

"She never calls, more like pops up out of no where." Botan mumbled and them looked at the ad once more 'Well might as well go to the address listed here so I can tell them I'm interested.' She thought and then finshed off her coffee standing up and shoving the paper in her pocket.

'Hmm...I wonder what the house is like.' Botan walked out the door of the coffee shop and got into her car. 'Well there's only way to find out.' She thought and hit the acceleration petal off to get her new job.


Botan got out of the car and looked up at the 4 story mansion type house in front of her in awe. 'Holy crap! Look at this place!' She thought and was suddenly nervous. Botan looked down at her clothes and then her gaze drifted over to the beat up car. 'Ugh, I don't know maybe I should just get back in and-' Botan fiddled with her fingers and was about to go back to the car when she heard someone.

"Excuse me miss may I help you?" Botan quickly spun around to come face to face with an older woman. She had long fading black hair that was pulled in a low pony tail and a gentle smile with little bags under eyes from sickness or lack of sleep, Botan didn't know.

"Umm O-Oh I'm sorry I saw this ad in the paper and I didn't know what to do so I came over here and I was just wondering- well actually hoping that I could maybe get a job a maid well not a maid a person to cook and clean and stuff but that's okay if you've already given the job to someone else.." Botan drifted off and blushed, 'Man I sounded like a bumbling baka.'

She heard the woman give a chuckle then smiled gently at her, "So you have seen Suichi's ad, eh? Well my name is Shiori (A/N is that her name o.o; gomen i forgot) and I'm Suichi's mother I came here to visit him for a while, unfortunately he's not in at the moment but I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I interviewed you for the job Miss..?"

"Oh! Botan!" She stated cheerfully. "Miss Botan. Will you please follow me inside?" Shiori smiled at the girl before starting to lead her inside. Suddenly Botan became very nervous again, 'What if she asks about my previous jobs or my living environment at home, kuso! I can't do this..'

Botan legs were soon getting tired going down this long hallway and the eerie silence that accompanied it wasn't to welcoming either. "Umm so Shio- Opps I mean Miss Shiori! Pardon me for asking but I was sort of wondering what you meant by 'visiting' - but you don't have to tell me! I mean it's not really my business anyway but I um.." Botan then slapped a hand to her forward at her ignorance while mumbling 'Baka!' over and over.

Shiori listened to the girl while walking forward in silent amusement, "It's alright Botan you don't need to be nervous, you may call me Shiori. As for your question yes I said visiting, Suichi and I do not live together but I use every chance I can to see him." Botan saw tears glitter her eyes as she turned her head. "He means the world to me."

Botan stared at the woman's back in awe as she had turned her head back around and they had continued walking. She had never known such a kind hearted and caring woman before! 'I wish Chichi was like that..' Botan almost snorted at the thought. Her mother? Act kind hearted or caring? Now that's probably impossible.

Botan almost bumped into the woman's back as Shiori abruptly stopped but quickly caught herself. Shiori turned to her, "Gomen(3) for such the long walk but we're here if you'd just follow me inside."

Botan watched as Shiori opened the door gesturing for her to go in, 'Ok Botan, you can do this.' She took a deep breath and entered the room.


"Thank you so much Shiori-sama!" Botan exclaimed grinning like a mad woman standing outside. Shiori sweatdropped, "For the fifth time Botan your welcome." Botan scratched the back of her head sheepishly still grinning not believing she got the job, "Hehe gomen, well I guess I'll be seeing you tommrow morning then, ne?"

Shiori smiled sadly at the pretty bluenette, "Actually tonight I will be leaving, I have to return home." Botan then frowned, she had grown a great liking to the generous older woman. Shiori must of noticed this, "Don't worry Botan I'll come to visit some other time and my son Suichi is here of course!"

Botan studied her face a while longer before sighing heavily, "Okay Shiori but please give me a call when your back in town." Shiori chuckled before responding with a 'I will'. "Ja ne!" Botan said and ran to her car getting in and waved once more before speeding off down the road.


Kurama quietly walked up the steps to his house before throwing once more glance over his shoulder to make sure his fan club was not following him. He gave a sigh of relief seeing no one around and entered the house.

He put his bag down from school before scanning the room looking for his mother, 'Surely she hasn't left yet.' He thought before hearing a voice from the left. "Ah, Suichi you're finally home." He turned to see his mother sitting on the couch a couple bags at her feat and a gentle smile on her face.

He smiled before greeting her. "Can't you stay one more day?" He asked furrowing his brows together before glancing at the bags. "I wish I could, but you know I have to return back home." She smiled sadly at him while he nodded his head understandingly.

"Well I am going start dinner." He stated before turning to leave but his mother's voice interrupted his actions, "Oh, before I forget you know that ad in which you put up for a maid?" Kurama nodded his head. "Well a young girl came by today about your age, very pretty actually, asking for the job."

Now Kurama was curious, he didn't think that someone would respond so quickly to the ad, 'Well unless it's someone from my fan club.' He thought before sighing inwardly. He really didn't want some ditzy fan girl here who would try to flirt with him all the time.

Shiori's voice interrupted his thoughts, "Well and since you were at school I decided to interview her myself, hope you don't mind." Now Kurama really wished he hadn't put that ad up his mom would have gave the job to about anyone if they seemed nice. "No I don't mind, did you give her the job?"

"Actually I did she seemed very nice and seemed like a very good choice." Shiori smiled at her son as he groaned inwardly, now just about any girl could have this job at the moment. "I see, well does that mean she'll be starting tommrow?" His mother nodded before looking at her watch.

"Oh! I'm late my plane's going to leave very soon so I must be going." She gathered her bags before standing up. "Does this mean you won't be able to stay for dinner?" Shiori gave Kurama an apologetic expression,"No I'm afraid not. Gomen nasai."

"It's alright." Kurama gave his mother a smile so he'd believe her before gathering up the rest of her bags and walking outside over to the car. "Thank you." Shiori said after Kurama had put all the bags in the car and gave him a hug. "I will hopefully visit again soon." She quietly got into the car as Kurama waved to her and drove off.

Kurama looked off in the direction the car had gone before turning to head back inside, 'Well I guess I will find out who this mystery girl is tommrow.'


Japanese Transalations:

1) Chichi: When refering to your own mother
2) Ie: No
3) Gomen or Gomen nasai: Sorry

Author's Note: Yay first chapter:D! I personally thought it sucked but oh well -.-. Well I don't have much to ramble on here which is odd...Next chapter there will be more humor promise :has first part done:. Who knows, maybe the rest of the guys will show up! Yeah as you guys might of noticed I did make Naoki pop up this chapter but I just wanted to introduce both OCs like my original plan was. I don't think she's showing up much in any other chapters. Actually I think the biggest part she'd have is the one in this chapter. Oh one more thing..Please review! Ja ne!

VVV VVReview!

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