Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Two Tailed ❯ Purring ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 7:Purring
She ran down the streets, passing all the parked cars and the people out enjoying the night life. Her head was filled with disgust at those people. The ones who took everything for granted. Nyako's head was spinning and she felt her body and mind disconnecting as she darted out in front of a car and quickly rolled out of the way and continued to run towards her house. All of her `un-normalness' was her fault. She felt the burden of being a bad child, of losing her mother, or not being able to take care of her drunken father.
“It's my fault…” Nyako cried. The tears felt like a tiny ice cube falling down the side of her face. It was cold in the night air and she refused to wipe it away.
{I can't do this! I don't want to!}
She ran until she finally found herself in front of her house, panting and grasping the railing. The outside was dark, and it loomed in front of her. She looked hard, trying to see any signs of life. There was nothing there for her anymore. Nyako couldn't go back there like she ways- transforming into some Japanese legend. The ground looked welcoming as Nyako fell to it, letting her knees catch her. It was cold and cruel and she felt alone; the most alone she had felt since her mother died. There wasn't anything for her.
“Nyako! There you are!” A voice called from her left. Nyako let her eyes close and felt the force of gravity begin to drag her down. A soft pair of arms caught her and they cradled her while she felt the ends of her mind constrict until she was sobbing in ragged gasps. The arms lifted her up and brought her into the house. She didn't even know who it was.
* * * * * * INSIDE * * * * * * * * *
Nyako opened her eyes in the softly lit front room of her home. Blankets were pilled on top of her and the soft murmur of talking was coming from the kitchen. She craned her neck to see the kitchen light on and listened as the floor boards creaked.
“Who?” She mumbled; fighting against the knot built up in her throat. It was a twisted piece of regret that stuck in between her tonsils and didn't leave room for words.
“Oh… you are awake… good.” The voice smiled at her as it turned the corner and presented itself.
“Who…Mom?” Nyako asked. The red hair was pulled back into a pony tail and the figure wore a pink apron. But it wasn't a women, let alone her mother; Kurama was wearing her apron.
“Are you feeling alright?” He asked her when she was able to fix her gaze on him. She nodded and threw back her covers and swung her legs around. “NO.” Kurama pushed Nyako back onto her couch and back under the covers. She glared at him and let herself be coaxed back into her make-shift bed.
“Get out…” She mumbled as Kurama tucked the blankets around her. Kurama watched as the weak Nyako tried to fight him. He inwardly laughed at her feeble attempt to shoo him away.
“Just shut up. Stay still.” Kurama warned as he got up. He felt a squishy object connect with the back of his head when he turned around towards the kitchen. Slowly he turned back and found that she had thrown her pillow at him.
“Obnoxiously objective and fake!”
“You are just TOO SCARED to see what you have!” Kurama yelled quietly at Nyako as he walked over towards her. She stood up off the couch and was yelling in his face.
“You know NOTHING!” She screamed at him. He grabbed her face and pulled it right towards his lips. They connected roughly, a heat-of-the-moment decision to drive away the loneliness. Her cheeks were soft and stained with tears as Kurama let his fingers run over them. Nyako quickly grabbed a hold of her stupid apron and practically shredded it off the boy wonder. Kurama pulled the girl closer to him so he could hold her and keep her safe.
{Stop. Stop loving me…} Nyako cried inside.
{ I can't stop caring…} Kurama said softly.
Slowly he pulled away from her and rested his nose on hers. Tears fell from her eyes as she let her fingers run over the boy's cheeks and lips. He was real and she was kissing him moments before.
“I warned you… stupid boy…” Nyako spoke. Kurama nodded and smiled at her. She softly brought her lips back towards his and wound her hands in his hair lightly, feeling the soft skin on the back of his neck every for moments. Kurama pulled back from the kiss and let Nyako breathe. She cried softly, and then finally the tears came with ragged gasps and heart wrenching sobs. He pulled her close and let them both fall to their knees on the floor. She grabbed his shirt and held on. Months of enduring the abuse, and all the time she tried to grieve over her mother and her best friend.
“You are okay now. I'm not going anywhere.” Kurama promised her. She took in the soft smell of roses that always accompanied him when she was close. It was too hard to believe that he cared, too much to think he would stay. Kurama kissed her forehead and her hair. Anything to stop the pain from hurting.
{All she does is cry!} Youko complained.
{All she does is hurt..}
Kurama lifted Nyako's chin up gently with his hand. Her magenta eyes were swollen from crying so much. The tears came from no where, and they wouldn't stop until she felt that she had finally cried out enough. Kurama bent towards her and kissed her cheeks, taking in the salty taste of her tears. He kissed her lips, her eyes, the tip of her nose, and her forehead. He just wanted to blur the pain away from her.
“I can't… can't stop…” She choked. Kurama stroked her hair softly, holding her again. Nyako wanted to feel close to someone for once; she wanted to know what it would possibly be like to belong with another human. And she realized once again that she was no longer just human.
“Shhh. You are fine. Stop beating yourself up. You didn't kill your mother, you didn't drive your father to drink, and you didn't drive Ume to kill herself. You didn't hurt anyone. Stop blaming yourself Neko-chan… Stop hurting yourself so you can see how easy it is to love you.” Kurama whispered to her softly. Nyako tried to nod through her tears but found that she only cried more. Quietly she pressed her lips against Kurama's neck softly, trying to forgive herself by letting someone care.
“I-I-I don't know how…” She mumbled under her breath as she ran her delicate fingers over Kurama's eyes. He brought her hands to his chest and gripped them tightly.
“I will help you.” Kurama promised her. She nodded and felt her mind swirl again. He laid her down on the ground and then softly picked her up and put her back on the couch. Nyako sighed inwardly and let her eyes close as the boy wonder kissed her softly again before she fell into the darkness of sleep.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The Next Day ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nyako woke up in her bed, Momo sleep on her chest, and a rose on her night stand. A smile broke out onto her face for the first time in a very long time. Carefully her toes hit the wood floor and she touched the rose with excitement.
{Perhaps it wasn't just a dream….} She giggled.
“Nya-chan! I'm off to work! I love you!” Her father called from the foyer. She smiled again and she felt the warmth in her chest grow. Another day that her father was sober was a good one.
“I love you too!” She called out as she heard the door close. The clock read hours past school, and Nyako rolled her eyes. “I can't believe I am missing school.” She walked into the kitchen and found a head of red hair standing on her patio outside. “Kurama??”
“I figured you could use some company.” He said happily as she opened the patio door. Nyako looked over the edge of the patio.
“How did you…??” She asked. Kurama chuckled.
“I told you we are more alike than you think.” He smiled. Nyako blushed when she realized that she was in her pajamas in front of the boy wonder. It wasn't that it mattered to be in front of him- just that she didn't like people to see her in her teddy pajamas.
“Hold on.” Nyako ran to her room and quickly threw on a pair of jeans and an old t-shirt. She walked out to find Kurama looking at a picture of her mother. He seemed drawn to it.
“You are identical.” Kurama mused as he turned around. Nyako pulled her long dark hair into a pony-tail. She smiled softly at him.
“Yeah, I get that a lot.” She nudged him softly in the rib cage. “Let's get out of here.” She asked. Kurama nodded and opened the front door for her. Nyako grabbed her house keys and let Kurama close the door behind her. They walked towards the city, taking in the fresh breeze and the color changing in the leaves. Kurama looked over the girl and noticed a happier difference.
“You seem happier today, Neko-chan.” Kurama soothed. Nyako glared at the red head but didn't say anything. She seemed content to just keep walking without any words. “Koenma was curious as to when you were going to give some thought about what he said.” Kurama added, trying to calculate what would make her speak. He found it.
“Forget it. I don't want any part in it.” She said angrily. Kurama sighed and stopped by a small park. The two of them sat on a bench, watching the little children play under the sun.
“You should really think about it. You aren't going to know what to do with yourself when you mature fully. You'll be lucky to remember your name. If you are with us, we can help you use your powers-” Kurama was cut off by Nyako's angry stare.
“I don't want any powers. I don't want to be a cat… or what I was…” Nyako scowled.
“A nekomatta. You should know the difference.” Kurama added, watching Nyako as she bent forward to watch the little children. She let her elbows rest on her thighs and her arms hang off. They gently curved inward even at the awkward angle. Kurama marveled at the way Nyako glowed in the sunlight without even trying. She was always enchanting, even when she fought herself.
“Whatever. I don't care.” She spoke, but her words didn't carry as much power as she had when they first met. Kurama could tell that he was melting into her, causing the rough stone wall to crumble in tiny sections; just enough for him to change her mind. He inwardly smirked at himself for being so good at what he did.
“You have two tails.” Kurama said matter-of-fact. Nyako laughed and looked at him.
“And you have…?”
“Five... or maybe six at this point? I forget, time slips by so fast.” He smiled slyly. Nyako looked confused until she put it all together. The light bulb went off above her head suddenly and Kurama laughed when she covered her mouth and pointed.
“Kitsune!” Nyako said, finally getting why Kurama kept saying he was so alike her.
“Yes. Youko Kurama, the Famous Makai Thief.” Kurama laughed at Nyako's surprise. She watched as Kurama glowed in front of her. He seemed stronger, healthier than when she had last seen him.
“So you are a fox, and I am a demented cat… how is that anything alike?” She mused. Kurama pulled her closer to him and looked at her softly.
“We are alike because I used to know nothing but sadness and death. But one day a fire demon came to me and asked me to steal something precious with him. That started it all. It is possible to over come all of it. You just need,” Kurama slipped his hand in with hers. “… someone strong.” Nyako stared at the boy who was actually a fox. Her life was turned around again, and she felt like she was spinning from his touch.
“I'm not ready.” She spoke quickly. Kurama shook his head and tilted her chin towards him, towards the sky and the sun.
“You are ready for anything when you are with the right people. Come back to the temple and let me re-introduce you to my friends. It will make sense to you.” Kurama pleaded. Nyako looked worried, a small wrinkle on her forehead appeared and Kurama wanted to just kiss it.
“Fine. I'll go.”
“Okay then, let's get going.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Alright, it was REALLY mushy. =]
But I like it that way!
Hiei: I think it sucked *pouts*
Yusuke: Jealous.
Kurama: Majorly.
Hiei: *growls* NO WAY!
Kuwabara: You need a girl friend Hiei.
Hiei: Back off you idiot! *Pulls out Katana*
Kuwabara: He threatened ME!! *runs to Yukina*
Yukina: Hiei? *innocent eyes*
Hiei: *whimpers* I was only kidding….
Bunny: *huggles Hiei* I still love you =]
Hiei: Hnn *snuggles*
Read and review… let me know if you didn't like it so mushy, but I thought it would be a new twist. I'm not that much of a REAL romantic writer… but I though I would give it a shot and see what the fanfic world thought of it. Normally I just write and let little twists catch the reader's attention. Not so much this time.
Almost done!
Lovels, Bunny-chan!