Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Waste ❯ Waste ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

AN: Yu Yu Hakusho belongs to Yoshihiro Togashi, story plot belongs to me.
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It never dawned on me just how fragile life is; how corruptible the human mind is. As it turns out, the human mind is a weak force against all kinds of illusions.  For example, a single word can be a strong pain killer, and a single word can be such a bloody murderer - depending on who this word is said to and what their particular situation is. One could sit for hours and think of all the ways they could be tainted by such illusions, without even realizing exactly whats going on. Of course, at this point, realizing the fact that the taint is there would mean nothing, because if it got to the point that this question presented its self... then they were already too far gone to fix the mistake. My mind is no different than those who are tainted. I am, after all, only human.

Realizing the fact that the mind works is strange ways would help someone understand the illusions that it can create to help keep itself amused. Ever seen something out of the corner of your eye, but when you turn there is nothing there and you are left with no explanation as to what it may have been? It is an illusion. Why the illusion was seen is a whole different story, with entirely different reasons. Yet it was still seen, and such an event would be called a "questionable encounter", for the simple fact that one didn't know about the images their mind could make.

Therefor, due to ignorance, they blame the encounter on the supernatural. Something that is not of this world. Something that is almost magical, even though one may not believe in the idea of magic. The idea that it is so much more than what is being presented, and yet, no one else can seem to notice that special quality; nobody except for that one person that the quality is willing to show its self to.

That is exactly what he was. An illusion. A figment of my fragile mind, something it created to keep its self amused. Nothing more. Nothing like real magic, because I well know that magic is not real. No special quality to present itself to me. Nothing that I can find, anyway.  So, that means this is a "questionable encounter", and I am going to dub it supernatural because I am ignorant.

It is unreal. Not true. An illusion. A trick of my board mind in an attempt to amuse its self. Right?

Imagine my surprise when I realized that he was solid, and breathing. Imagine how I questioned myself and all that I thought was true, when I realized that this illusion was indeed not an illusion.

He was real.

I could feel my heart beat faster, as I noticed a few other people glance at him, some with a confused look, some with a blank expression. Obviously, if they could also see him, this was no illusion. No, it is just a strange mishap.

That means I need to chalk this up to some kind of realistic explanation. This has to have some kind of logical cause. Then why is it that the more I attempt to think, the more I try to look away, to turn and run... the more I am compelled to fallow this strange creature. To watch, to observe. To simply sit and stair at the beauty of his bloody, crimson  eyes. His long dark lashes, the perfectly pointed teeth. His black, velvety, silk-like hair that reflected white in the bright moon light and was flowing about on the winds command. His wintery white flesh-young and smooth, yet well defined with muscle obtained by only the highest level of disaplin. His movements exact, yet almost dance like in grace. He was absolute perfection.

And as I sat and admired this forsaken, fallen beauty I couldn't help but to feel the stinging of sadness and anger burst from within my withered heart.

A sadness and anger that was so intense that I cursed my own layered mind for not allowing this to just be an illusion. A dream. Fake. Not real.

This sadness and anger... it almost made me cry. Almost... because as a slayer... I would have to kill this demon.

What a waste of beauty.

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A/N: Im not sure if I want to make this into an actual story or just leave it as it is... if you think I should, leave me a review and tell me... if I get enough reviews I may add to this... ^.^ '
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