Zero No Tsukaima Fan Fiction ❯ Zero no Tsukaima The Holy Knights ❯ Chapter 28

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hina is holding Airo in her arms watching as Tayo and Prism slowly close the gap between them. Airo reaches up and runs his hand down Hina's cheek, “Hina, please go help Rain.”
Hina holds his hand to her cheek, “I can't leave you, you are hurt.”
“Hina, you and Rain are the only two of us that aren't busted up, Zion is recovering and Seth.....Seth won't be up for awhile. Hina I'm counting on you to take care of Rain, she is really shaken up.”
Hina kisses Airo on the cheek and runs over to Rain, “Rain,” Rain just keeps looking forward watching Tayo and Prism begin to battle, “Rain,” She finally looks up at Hina, “Rain we should get somewhere safe.”
“I can't, Seth and the others, we have to help them.” Rain looks down at her hands, “I just can't move, that man Prism. I could feel power radiating off of him, it felt so cold.”
Hina kneels down in front of Rain and takes her hands, “Rain, Seth and the others need our help, but we can't help them if you can't even stand up.” Hina stands up and puts out her hands to Rain, “Come on Rain.”
Rain looks up and her and nods. She takes her hands and Hina pulls her up to her feet, “Okay lets.......” Rain's eyes grow wide.
“What is wrong.”
“Shiroko took my wand, it's on the pyramid.”
Hina turns back and looks across the grounds, the pyramid is on the other side of where Tayo and Prism are fighting.
Rain takes Hina's hand, “Let's go.”
Tayo flips backwards and thrusts his hands forward releasing a large screaming beam of lightning. Prism rolls to the left narrowly dodging the bolt. Prism charges forward and connects with a strong spin kick. The strike launches Tayo backwards and slams into a tree. Tayo slowly skids down the tree and lands on his feet, “You're getting weak, OLD MAN!”
Tayo makes two hand signs and then claps his hands together. An electric current spirals up both his legs and come together in a spark shoot orb of lightning between his hands. With a loud roar Tayo launches the lighting ball at Prism. The old man jumps and does a spinning flip and dodges the attack again. Prism startes sprinting at Tayo who is isn't even trying to move. Prism brings his fist back and is about it strike him but his is hit from behind with something that causes his whole body to cease up and he let's out a painful groan. Tayo slams his fist into Prism's gut and catches him under the chin with a backflip kick.
Tayo lands and smirks at Prism, “Didn't know I've learned who to control the direction of my lightning huh?”
Prism stands up and cracks his neck, “Tayo, apparently you still haven't learned who taught you how to fight.”
Prism stomps on the ground and a wall of dirt grows between Prism and Tayo. He slams his fist into the wall and launches the whole thing at Tayo. Thinking quickly he dives out of the way as the wall crashes into the tree and easily knocks it out of the ground. Tayo gets to his feet and tries to connect with a jumping uppercut but Prism steps backwards and dodges the attack. Prism jump and connect with a kick to Tayo's gut knocking him back down to the ground. Tayo stumbles back and finally plants his foot and he stops. He runs forward and tries to flip over Prism but he jumps and connects with an uppercut that sending Tayo flipping into the air.
Tayo somehow manages to control himself in midair and start launching a bunch of small snaking blasts of lightning. The lightning begins to tail until they are all following Prism who is running and dodging all of the lighting blasts. Tayo lands and Prism closes the distance quickly and slams his elbow into Tayo's gut lifting him off the ground. Prism then slams his fist into Tayo's gut in the exact same place and with his fist still firmly planted in Tayo's abdomen lifts him off the ground and holds him over his head.
“Tayo, I thought you had potential, it is too bad that you decided to side with theses fools.” Prism removes his fist and Tayo drops straight down and punts him in the forehead launching Tayo back into the forest flipping out of control. Prism turns back to his already nearly defeated enemies.
Seth has finally gotten back to his feet as well as Zion and Airo. Airo and Zion walk over to Seth and stand beside him facing Prism.
Seth looks at Zion and then Airo, “Guys my left arm is useless, I'm pretty sure its broken in a bunch of places.”
Zion looks down and notices one of Airo's knives, “Here, if my and Airo can distract him you think you can take care of the rest?”
Seth looks down at the knife, and smiles, “Usually I'm the one who has to get his ass kicked so that we can win.”
Airo looks over at him, “You do know how to use one of those.” Airo smiles and almost starts to laugh.
Prism doesn't look amused at all by the three warriors talking, completely ignoring him. Prism brings his hands together and launches a blast of fire at the three of them. The fireball is dodged by all three warriors and Prism crosses his arms, “Are you done conversing?”
Zion fires a blast of fire back at him, “Bring it on!”
Prism runs towards the group and Zion releases a burst of wind to slow down Prism and speed up Airo as he charges forward. Airo connects with a straight punch, but it doesn't cause much damage to Prism. Prism punches the top of Airo's hand knocking his following punch off balance. Prism brings his fist back but he is struck in the side with another blast of wind and his punch misses Airo's head barely. Airo connects with a spinning heel kick to the side of Prism's head, but this time instead of attacking Airo he fires a blast of lightning at Zion. The blast hits the ground short of Zion and blinds him for a moment. Prism dodges Airo and connects with a spinning elbow to his gut. Seth runs in to protect Airo and steps in front of Airo and gets kicked in the side. Prism follows the kick with a crosses left punch that drops Seth to the ground. Zion uses nature magic to wrap up Prism's feet but Prism uses puts his hand on the ground and all of the grass begins to die. Airo flips over Seth and slams into Prism like a cannon ball. Airo rolls to his feet but is hit by a fire ball and is knocked down to the ground slamming the back of his head.
“So this is the end is it.” Prism picks up the knife that Seth dropped when Prism dropped him and holds it up inspected it. “I suppose that this knife is special to you, it would be fitting that this knife would be the end of you.” Prism grabs Airo by the collar and puts the tip of the blade to his neck.
Seth rolls over and takes hold of Prism's ankle, “Stop!”
Prism kicks Seth off his leg and stomps on his chest, “There will be no stopping.”
Zion tackles Prism from behind and gets him to drop the knife and Airo. Zion rolls back to his feet and tries to hit Prism with a punch. Prism easily dodges the mage's attack and connects with a devastating rising elbow strike to the jaw. Zion lands hard on his back, his mouth quickly filling with blood.
Prism walks back over to Seth and Airo, but before he can do anything he is struck from behind with a very fast moving fire ball. He whips himself around and glares at Hina and Rain, who has finally found her wand. Prism charges at them, Hina steps in front of Rain and uses wind magic to slow his sprinting down to a fast jog. Hina crouches down and Rain points her wand directly at Prism and releases a whirlwind of fire that slams into Prism. With a loud scream Prism completely destroys the fire and fires a single string of lightning through the wind and it hits Hina's wand and sends an electric current through her entire body.
Hina lets out a painful scream as the lightning causes all her muscle to contract and she falls to the ground. Prism starts running at Rain but he is stopped by Tayo as he hits him in the side with a blast of lightning that explodes when it hits him.
Tayo falls to his knees, “That was the last of my strength, you guys.” Tayo falls forward and hits the ground, passing out from exhaustion.
Seth slowly gets to his feet and helps Airo and Zion as well, “Guys I got a plan.”
Prism stands up and turns around just in time to dodge a straight punch from Airo and connects with an uppercut. As Airo is being lift off the ground by Prism's strike he notices Seth charging closely behind him. Prism prepares to block Seth's first attack, Zion hits Seth in the back with a blast of wind launching him forward faster than Prism can react and Seth slams right into Prism.
Seth looks Prism in the eye, “Looks like we win.”
Seth falls to his knees revealing Airo's knife deep in Prism's chest. Prism steps back and looks down at the knife and smiles, “This isn't the end.......” Prism fall backwards, dead before he hits the ground.
Rain runs to Seth and helps him back to his feet, “Seth did we really do it?”
Seth leans on Rain and breathes out a, “yeah.”
Airo limps over to Hina and falls down beside her hold her tight to him, “Hina are you okay?” She nods and holds onto her husband even tighter than she already was.
Zion walks over to the four of his friends and takes a deep breathe, “Seth you remember what we talked about right.”
Zion looks back at Airo and then back at Seth, “I'll stay with you, there are too many people like this man that need to be taken care of.”
Seth looks up at Zion and nods, “Yeah but we can't let anyone know who we are.”
“If people know who we are like this group did, we'd be putting ourselves in a lot more danger than we really need to be in.” Seth pokes at his limp left arm displeased, “Maybe if we hide our identities than maybe we won't end up like my arm.”
“So what should we call ourselves?” Rain looks up at Seth, “You are the one who came up with the idea right, so what do you think.”
Seth thinks about it and then smiles, “In my world there is this country where everything they say sounds cool. I think Kami Kishin should be our name.”
Zion crosses his arms, “What does that mean?”
“Kami Kishin is a rough translation for the words Holy and Knight.”
Airo picks up his knife and puts it back under his belt, “So the Holy Knights?” Zion smiles and Airo nods, “I like it.”
“I think we should go back to that abandoned building, we all need some rest, and a lot of recovering,” Zion turns and leads the group towards the path that takes them out of the area.
Seth gets off of Rain, “Wait what about Tayo,” Seth turns back and looks for him but he is gone, “He must have run off.” The rest of the group keeps walking except for Rain who waits for Seth as he is inspecting the area. “Rain.”
Seth turns around and starts to walk back to her but he trips. Before he hits the ground Rain catches him, she lowers herself to her knees and holds up Seth body with her's, “Rain, will you marry me?”