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"Red Digivice Diaries" Reviews/Comments [ 154 ]
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 Reviewed By: Izumi Ryu [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 29, 2003 16:48 EDT
Trust me, Gray. You're not the one that has...I got lucky on inferences up until now. (Shaun and Archive should know...)
 Reviewed By: Gray  On: July 29, 2003 01:30 EDT
Ah, and finally my question gets answered. And you haven't confused me about why Teresa can't use them. I didn't really care about why she couldn't use them, I was just trying to make sure you weren't operating on a spur of the moment answer that was wrong, or a misunderstanding about that part of medicine.

And is it just me, or have I hit on more plot points by accident and random guesses than most other people have by actively trying?
 Reviewed By: Lord Archive [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 28, 2003 00:54 EDT
Ah, Gray, I've been trying to tip toe around a future plot point. I know not all medicines that are perscriptions are on that basis becuase they don't always work or result in serious side-effects, that the medicine in question could be addictive. Sorry, if my comment confused you as to why Teresa can't use them, but I can't explain anything in more detail because these are plot points I don't want revealed yet.

You asked why the characters haven't been using them, I tried to answer with out giving anything away.
 Reviewed By: Gray  On: July 28, 2003 00:26 EDT
*smacks forehead.* *sighs*

Ok, let me try this one more time.

You said "Not all girls can, which is why they're a perscription"

I asked for a source, and you replied and said "are a prescribed medicine" as though "not all people can use it" would be the only reason a medicine would require a prescription. As I know that's not the case, I'm checking to make sure you realize that.
 Reviewed By: Lord Archive [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 27, 2003 22:37 EDT
Gray, here's a site listing the potential side effects of the pill. Some of which would prevent a girl from using them and why the girl needs to be monitored after she starts taking them, like nausea among other ailments: http://guide.fateback.com/19.html
 Reviewed By: Gray  On: July 27, 2003 00:59 EDT
That's not my question. Let's see if I can get it into a more understandable form.

The medicines that require a doctors prescription can have reasoning behind that requirement that varies from drug to drug. When you said Teresa couldn't use them, I asked for a link because I wanted to be sure that ineffectiveness for some people was a/the main reason that the pills were prescription.

However when you provided a link, you said basically "here's proof that they are a prescription drug", and so you managed to give me the impression that you thought that being ineffective for some people was the only reason a medicine would require a prescription, and I'm now double checking to make sure that's not what you actually think.
 Reviewed By: Lord Archive [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 26, 2003 18:06 EDT
Gray, there is a reason Teresa can't use birth control. I can't go into in depth for it is also a major plot point to be dealt with later.
 Reviewed By: Gray  On: July 26, 2003 17:26 EDT
Thank you for the references. However there's still something I think I need to address.

"Not all girls can, which is why they're a perscription."

"a quick search of the internet will show Birth Control Pills are a prescribed medicine"

While the link you provide with the second quote confirms the truth of the first, there's some combined implication that the only reason a medicine will be prescription is if not everyone can use them, which is an implication that is wrong. Since my mom is a doctor, I know that the reason a particular medicine is prescription only can vary greatly from the medicine being ineffective for some people, to a need to monitor side effects, to a need to monitor because the drug can be addicting, to attempting to keep the patient from trying to treat themselves and ending up treating a symptom of something more serious that a doctor would have checked for. That's why I asked for a link about the pill, not because I didn't think it was a prescription drug, but because I wanted confirmation of why it was prescription.
 Reviewed By: Lord Archive [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 26, 2003 02:12 EDT
Gray, a quick search of the internet will show Birth Control Pills are a prescribed medicine. Here's just one site to reference: http://kidshealth.org/teen/sexual_health/contraception/contraception_birth.html

As for the Japanese women or the Pill equal sluts, try this explanation of why it took over 30 years for Japan to approve it and why the pill isn't commonly used today in Japan: http://www.wired.com/news/print/0,1294,21576,00.html
 Reviewed By: Gray  On: July 26, 2003 01:17 EDT
I hate to sound so cynical, but what are your sources on the prescription thing? And on the social stigma thing if you happen to have one.
 Reviewed By: Lord Archive [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 23, 2003 11:35 EDT
Gray, there are a few reasons:
One, condoms are by far the most common means of birth control.
Two, with the Japanese Chosen there is a social stigma attached to using Birth Control pills. That the girl is a slut and/or whore. This stigma makes girls even less likely to use them in fear that being on the pill is discovered.
Three, as for Teresa, she can't use them. Not all girls can, which is why they're a perscription.
 Reviewed By: Gray  On: July 23, 2003 02:42 EDT
Upon some re-reading the question occurs to me. Why is it that condoms are the only means of birth control that CC/DD use? Given that there are cases where the parents know about the relationship, I'd think they'd be dragging their daughter to the doctor for a birth control pill prescription.
 Reviewed By: Anna Yolei  On: July 17, 2003 02:29 EDT
Oh, one more thing I forgot-what happened to the entry-style type of chapters? I haven't seen that since chapter 13.

About the couples:I wanna see some more Daiyako!! And Iori/Sayuri or Iori/Yume would be cool too! I can't wait for the next chapter.
 Reviewed By: Anna Yolei  On: July 17, 2003 01:24 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This has got to be the best fanfic I have ever read, even if I disagree with some of the things in here-mainly the fact that Iori is the only virgin, and the fact that Miyako's so-called romances happen so fast. But that's the appeal of the story, so good luck, and keep on writting.
 Reviewed By: Fruitloop Trooper  On: July 10, 2003 00:09 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wonderful as always. It took me a moment to realize that he was remembering Susan. For some reason when I read that, I kept hearing that song "One Moment in Time" or whatever it is. Guess I've got to read "London Diaries" now. Please finish "The Shuffle" as soon as you can though, I really want to find out what happens.
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