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"Dragonball Z Boot Camp" Reviews/Comments [ 103 ]
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 Title: SORRY!
Reviewed By: Jesscheaux (Again)  On: September 02, 2003 15:46 CDT
Darn MM.org! I can't believe it lumped my review together like that. So sorry J'Dee! Hope you can still read it! Ja!
 Title: Greetings from the brink of Insanity!
Reviewed By: Jesscheaux (too lazy to sign in)  On: September 02, 2003 15:44 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Dad gummit! I don't know if my other review went through cuz the darn thing messed up *kicks computers at school* But I really enjoyed this chapter! I think you had me in perfect character and I liked my parts! I really AM the voice of reason! Very funny, I like the idea of a plushie city and Gohan being crazy and confiscating everything. He's finally snapped *laughs* Ooh character of my choice, eh? Well, to tell the truth, I'm not as much of a fan of DBZ now as I was when I joined up. But I still love DBZ of course, who wouldn't?! I am now a Yu Yu Hakusho fanatic...so...if it's not bending the rules too much..I WANT KUWABARA! Now don't look at me like that! J/k, I don't know how many people hate Kuwabara, but I am definetly not one of them. I LOVE HIM! He's my fave anime character of all time. So, if I can I want him, but I'm not into the whole naked guy thing so FULLY CLOTHED PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *waves to Lisa* (VegetaGokulover)Thats my GURL! Both of us are Kuwabara fanatics, HER SITE KICKS! Didja know I was in this one, Lisa? *grin* We rock! And J'DEE ROCKS THE WORLD! Kudos for keeping up with all of your fics, I was wondering if you forgot about this one. Good thing I have MM.org alert! :) :) :) Kuwabara: Yeah good thing. Jess: Let's get Hiei... Kuwabara: But we weren't talking about Hiei! Jess: SO?! HE'S MEAN TO YOU AND I SAY WE GET HIM! Kuwabara: *gets fired up* You're right! I'm sick of that shrimp! Jess: *gets out custom bazooka* Kuwabara: *forms Spirit Sword* Both: LET'S GET HIM! *They find Hiei, but can't attack him because he's fighting with Vegeta* Vegeta: YOU LITTLE PUNK! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU STOLE MY HAIRSTYLE! Hiei: YOUR HAIRSTYLE? Who do you think you are, human scum?! Vegeta: HUMAN?! HOW DARE YOU LITTLE BOY! For your information, I am VEGETA PRINCE OF ALL SAIYANS AND NOT A STUPID WEAK HUMAN! You will be executed for impersonating me, NOW DIE! Hiei: *sarcasm* Oooooh I'm so scared, BRING IT COPYCAT! Jess and Kuwabara: *screech to a halt* *get huge sweatdrops* Jess: DOGGONIT! I can't believe Vegeta beat us! Can you believe how much alike they are? Funny thing, I hate Hiei but I love Vegeta. Kuwabara: LOVE HIM?! NO NO NO! Jess: Not like that! He's one of my fave DBZ characters is all. Kuwabara: Oh, hehe. Lupin the 3rd: Hey guys, have you seen Pops? I swear he was following me, but what else is new. Jess: LUPIN! *glomp* Lupin: *grin* Hey baby, whats your sign? Kuwabara: *rears back his fist* DON'T TOUCH HER! She's mine, you dig? Jess: Why Kuwa-kun! I didn't know you knew 70s slang! Kuwabara: *slicks back hair* Of course, babe, I've been watching 'I love the 70s' Lupin: Hm hm hm hm! Well, I gotta be going, LATER! Jess: Another one of my favorite characters. WHEE! Kuwabara: Not more favorite than me, right? Jess: *glomps Kuwabara* NEVER! You're my fave forever! And Ever! Hey that rhymed! Kuwabara: *grin* Jess: Well, it's time for us to go. Write more soon, J'Dee! LOVE AND PEACE! Jess and Kuwabara: *waving* Ja ne!
 Title: I'm finally back! I even joined MM.org!^_^
Reviewed By: Sailor Taichichi Vegeta [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 30, 2003 12:47 CDT
Hooray! More silliness! I'm so behind on the interactive stuff...I'll try to get back to you later. P.S. A Kurama or Legolas plushie would be great.^_^
 Reviewed By: Saikono [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 03, 2003 20:35 CST
This is Reikon. Yeah, from Platoon Piccolo. I would review more often, but I'm always busy. *grumbles* So this is the first time I've reviewed in what... three chapter updates?

I read them all and I was like, "Hey! Where am I? Am I like... dead?

LoL... but you're busy too, so it's okay, I guess. I've been on sort of a writer's block until recently, so I'm happy again. This is still funny as hell

Oy... takes me a while to do. And now my back hurts.

Well, I hope I'm in the next chapter... *wags fist threateningly* LoL...


PS: I hope the colour tags worked. I had to make sure I didn't spell the Canadian 'colour'... And anyway, if it didn't work, it says "funny as hell".
 Reviewed By: Jesscheaux [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 11, 2003 13:23 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
You rock, J'dee!!! I'm in DBZ BOOTCAMP I AM SO PSYCHED!!!

In sad news, Davey and I are no longer 'together' so he will be leaving "DBZ Bootcamp" *sniffles loudly* we're still friends, but he wasn't so hot on the idea of being in here in the first place, the baka! Everyone knows the J'dee is DA WOMAN!!!

So today with me I have my favorite saiyans, Vegeta and Goku, say hi guys!

Goku: HI GUYS!!!

Vegeta: *mumble mumble* yeah whatever...

Jess: Veggie-kun, is that any way to talk to J'dee???

Vegeta: Yes woman, she isn't royalty and neither are you, I don't know why I put up with this!

Jess: Cuz...you wuv me??? *glomps*

Vegeta: ARRGH GET OFF!!!

Jess: Why should I?

Vegeta: Because I'll Final Flash you if you don't *smirks*

Jess: I'm not scared. *kisses Veggie on the cheek*

Vegeta: *eyes bug out* WHAT DID YOU DO?!!! ARRGH!!! *wipes his cheek off over and over*

Jess: hehehe, aren't I bad? I just do it because you're so adorable Veg-kun. Hey speaking of "Final Flash" heres a fun fact for you:

Did you know that even in the original japanese version of DBZ that Vegeta's attacks have English names? Thats right people! Final Flash, Big Bang Attack, and Gallic Gun are all English in the jap version and so thats what they are here also *grin* I found this out from a fanatic named "Saiya-jin Sama" who runs a really awesome site called "The Saiyan Asylum" it rocks, check it out!

Vegeta: Ok, now that you're done with your pointless ramble, what are you going to do now?

Jess: *looks over at Goku* I'm gonna torture Goku

Goku: *runs up to Jess* Didja call me?

Jess: Sort've, *hugs Goku*

Goku: Awwww!!! You're so sweet Jessi-chan! *hugs her too*

Jess: *looks at the Vegemeister* See, Vegeta? Thats what you SHOULD do when someone hugs you. =p

Vegeta: if Kakarott does it there no way in hfil, that I'm going to!

Goku: Somebody needs a huuug!!!

Jess and Goku: *look at each other* *Both hug Vegeta and he turns bright red*


Goku: I knew you needed a hug, now dontcha feel much better?


Jess: *cracks up laughing* This is too good *keeps watching Vegeta and Goku yell at each other.

Goku: Well, you're a big meanie! =p

Vegeta: Quit the foolish insults, clown! You sound like a child!

Goku: Oh yeah? Well you look like your hair is on fire!

Vegeta: Just when I thought he couldn't get any worse...That was terrible Kakarott! You need evil lessons.

Jess: STOP RIGHT THERE! No one is turning Son-kun into an evil menace like you!

Vegeta: Try and stop me

Jess: I know what will stop you...*evil smirk*

Vegeta: NOOOOO!!!


Goku: *sweatdrops* at least she followed the review rules

Vegeta: The woman is mad..

Jess: Hey guys, lets go out for ice cream!

Goku: *eyes *light up* I'm with you! *runs up to her.

Jess: *takes Goku's arm and then goes up to Vegeta and grabs his arm* You're coming, Veg, whether you like it or not!

Vegeta: *grumbles* I can't believe I have to be seen with a third class and a baka woman! This is embarrassing! Stop squeezing my arm!

Jess: He's so cute when he's annoyed.

Goku: *Son grins*

Jess: *Son grins too*

Vegeta: *scowls*

Jess: *get an idea* Weeeeeeeee're off to see the Wizard...the wonderful wizard of...

Goku: OZ!!!

Jess and Goku: *both start dancing like Dorothy the scarecrow and the tin man as if they were on a yellow brick road, dragging Vegeta along the way*

Jess and Goku: We here he is a whiz of a wiz if ever a whiz there was!!! COME ON VEGETA!

Vegeta: *mumble mumble*

Jess and Goku: the wizard of Oz is one because, because Because Because BECAUSE BECAAAAAAAAAUSE!!!

Vegeta: *sigh* Because of the wonderful things he does?

Jess: *nods*

Jess and Goku: We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz!!!! *they keep dancing along the pathway to the ice cream shop Vegeta rolling his eyes.

Hehehe! I love to torture Vegeta. He's such a cutie. You gotta love that bad attitude! Well, J'dee I can't wait to see what happens in the next episode *salutes* Maybe I'll chase after Yamcha-boy ;) ;)
 Reviewed By: Saiyan Genius [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 25, 2003 01:26 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Arty: Hi, i no Elijah is normally Bg's area of expertise, but i thought i'd just write this, cos well he's on T.V at the moment

Taigore: U must be bored

Arty: That is tru, now shut up and listen

Twitch: We never shut up

Arty: Well currently he is on T.V he must have been about 12 or so, the movie was made in 1993, the adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Taigore: Boring

Arty: I also live in Nz, more commonly known as Middle Earth, where Lord of the rings, the trilogy was flimed

Twitch: Yeah, ur so much like a hobit it aint funny

Arty: Yeah, short, weird toes...

Taigore: No one wants 2 no

Arty: Good point, i know some people that were in that movie, well friends of friends, they played extra orcs and hobits **nod nod**

Taigore: Orcs are ugly

Arty: And ur a beautiful specimen **sarcasm**

Taigore: 2 tru

Arty: Also did i mention, that my surname is Wood?

Taigore: That's got nothing to do with Elijah

Arty: Yeah it does, Elijah Wood

Taigore: U have no point

Arty: Shut up

Twitch: Anything else?

Arty: Ummm, he is incrediably cute, even when he's younger, and in flipper, he has a tattoo of the elvish 9

Taigore: **yawns**

Arty: He also was on a radio interview in Nz, he called one of the Dj's sweetheart, not fair, but he sounded so damn cute

Twitch: That he does

Arty: And he swore a whole heap, and agreed with the DJ'S that he was bored shitless at the emmys.

Taigore: U would b 2 sitting there for over 5 hours of speeches and stuff, with camras zooming around u all the time so u couldnt go 2 sleep cos u had 2 look supportive. And ur movie was getting heaps of awards so the camras were always there to get ur reaction

Arty: Thanks for that

Arty: well this is the end of my little speech
 Reviewed By: Saiyan Genius [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 24, 2003 20:37 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
J'dee u updated ^_^

Arty: I got to be locked up with Gohan how cool is that

Taigore: I dunno quite frankly I can’t see the point of drooling over a character that’s going to marry Videl anyway.

Arty: Correction, the Gohan in the Buu Saga will marry Videl, the one I am currently locked up with has no marital ties as of yet.

Twitch: What does that mean, as of yet?

Arty: Well I am so loveable, *shrug*

Taigore: *Cough* Yeah right

Arty: *glare* I am to, besides everything else is weird, it can get a little weirder.

Twitch: Yeah like Plush City, that’s kind of scary

Arty: I just had a brain wave.

Taigore: Wait you have a brain?

Arty: Haha, yes I have a brain, what if there was a plushie George W Bush Jr, then he could rule the little plushie city, for a short while anyway, cos then Gohan Plushie would take over and become the rightful ruler. *Sigh*

Twitch: Why would he want to be a bit of plastic?

Arty: I don’t even want to make the effort to justify that

Taigore: So what does this powder do?

Arty: I’m not sure, I just think it’s a novelty that J’dee had an urge to put in the fic

Twitch: On the bright side you haven’t got powered yet

Arty: And the reason for that is that I am currently held up, cos I am locked up with the kawaiiest of all, Gohan

Twitch: Obsessed, why the hfil are u in platoon Goku?

Arty: Well u have to pay tribute to the man that sired Gohan don't you? Oh and S'rac was in that platoon and he's cool


Arty: Dont u look at me like that

Twitch: Well it was not the expected answer

Arty: Was it just me or did i sound a heck of a lot like TRF in this chapter? Like really dippy? No offence meant there, sounds like me actually on my real bad days, but considering this was a good day cos i got to be locked up with Gohan and i got to glomp Gohan.

Taigore: There she goes again, she will not shut up about it

Arty: What do you expect, **smiles airily at thoughts that enter her head that u don't want to know about so i am not going to tell u**

Twitch: Right

Arty: Well anyway, i can't be on for too long, so im just going to say that i loved this chapter, i still love Gohan, and ummm yeah, that's about it

 Reviewed By: Epona  On: January 24, 2003 07:58 CST
*sniffle* wasn't in this one either... i feel so forgotten T_T oh well!!! *brightens up for no apparent reason* good chappie, but *sad* I WANT MY MIRAI!!!!!!!!! *horrible wails*
Megan: *inches towards the door*
GET BACK HERE MEGAN!!!!! *Megan freezes and Jenna runs out the door*
Jenna: LATER SUCKERS!!!!!!
darn! *chases Jenna* GET BACK HERE!!!!
*Megan waits until Epona's gone, then runs out the door, laughing hysterically*
 Reviewed By: stina-chan  On: January 23, 2003 13:19 CST
awe joe lived in a box, who knows how long for meh *glomps joe* thankies sweety

i want to name the big fuzzy white thing Bagira, cuz the panther from the jungle book is the shiz, nod nod

thankies j'dee *huggles j'dee* parties rock, happy b-day J'dee i hope yours was a blast,

thankies for the piccolo! *huggles all the presents* chains are kinky lol

anyways i g2g now talk to everyone later,

and always remember socks, then shoes nod nod easily forgetable

stina-chan - the glomping machine *runs around crazily glomping everyone*
 Reviewed By: Saiyan Princess TRF [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 23, 2003 06:37 CST
Hooooowdeeeeee there!

Heero: -_-

James: -_-

Juunana: -_-

*glares* Don't give me those looks! At least I wasn't trying to make people crash and kill Treize in the middle of a plushie metropolis!

Heero: You made them crash when you practically fell over them.

But that wasn't my fault! It was BG's! SHE tripped me, I didn't trip myself!

Juunana: That would probably be quite impossible.

Not really *trips herself*.

James: (who has gotten used to being TRF's new captive-er...friend) Next subject.

I'm an American, you know.....BUT I wish you luck on getting the powder all over Mr. *cough* president. I wanted Al Gore to win the election from the beginning! I'm anti-war too, but my mom refuses to drive me to a protest site even though I made a nice banner that says "NO WAR!!" and everything. And I only saw LotR (the first one) a few weeks ago too. Then a week after that I saw the new one. I'm attempting to decipher the books.

Heero: She insists that some of the words in it are 'evil' because no one uses them anymore and she doesn't know what they mean.

I'm going to keep a dictionary by my side as I read. And I can see why BG thinks Elijah is hot! I've got a thing for Orlando too...

Heero: *shivers* Trust me, you don't want to be around when she stands up in her sleep and screams "LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLAAAAAAAAAAAS!!!!" she's practically worse than Relena!

I'm so proud! Anywho, nice chapter, update soon J'dee!
 Reviewed By: stina-chan [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 30, 2002 22:39 CST
*huggles bobby* i mished you so much
*being huggled by bobby*
for the party we shalt go together as....
RANMA and AKANE... from ranma 1/2
cuz they make the cootest couple....
anyways lub the story lub the people, lub the characters life is good....
*glares at quorky* touch my garden and your days will be numbered monkey right bobby?
~bobby~ *glares at monkey*
lub all
 Reviewed By: Jesscheaux [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 27, 2002 00:36 CST
Jess: OH WOWOWOW!!! I actually got my name in the fic! And as LEADER OF PLATOON YAMCHA!!!!!! So you're gonna call me "Jess" then? Jesscheaux too long? I like Jesscheaux but....alot of people call me Jess and so long as I'm the only one I'm ok with it!

Sparky: Yip yip!

Jess: *pets him* oww...hot! I forgeting he's a fire weasel :p Gooood boy! Ya hear that? We're in Platoon Yamcha! I think Yamcha is so cool, and quite the looker too! And we'll get to meet Veggie, and Kakarot, and Piccy-chan! Isn't this exciting Davey?

Davey: *wakes up* Huh? Wha?

Jess: *waves hand in front of his face* Hellloooo I said WE'RE IN PLATOON YAMCHA!!! And I'M THE LEADER!!!!!

Davey: Seeeee??? I told you to be patient!

Jess: I wasn't in this chapter, but thats ok! J'Dee said I would feature in the next! I AM SO HAPPY I AM SO HAPPY!!!

Davey: hehehe, yes you are!

*a random squirrel runs by*

Davey: *shudders*

Jess: Aw look it's a squirrel!!! Sparky a squirrel, isn't he cuuuuute?

Sparky: Yip yip!

Davey: Uh....yeah...squirrel... Say, is all Sparky can say "Yip yip"?

Jess: Yep yep! BWA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAA!!!!!

(Looky, I'm following all the rules, aren't I a good platoon leader?)

Jess: Hey...I know what we can do in the next chap! We can drink lots of Coca Cola and eat tons of NACHOS!!!! They're so cheesy and good Mmmmmmmmmmm...

Davey: Oy...Nachos... you eat too many :p

Jess: But but but....they're Nachalicious! Which.....isn't a word!

Davey: .....

Jess: But now it is cuz I invented it!

(this happens all the time in real life too ;p )

Davey: Right, "nachalicious" *writes something down in a notebook* I'll send it to the patent office right away.

Jess: *glares*

Davey: What? What did I do?

Jess: You didnt' salute me, Private! Always salute the platoon leader when you address her!

Davey: Uh.... Ma'am yes Ma'am! *salutes*

Jess: Muuuuuch better. Say J'Dee, you're not like gonna attack Yamcha or something are you? Cuz if you do....you have to give me....hmmmmm VEGETA!!!!

Davey: OY...VEGETA! What a weakling!

Jess: *gasp of horror* DO NOT SPEAK OF VEGGIE THAT WAY!!!!

Davey: I'm only telling the truth.

Jess: *runs around in circles* SACRELIGION! SACRELIGION!!!! MUst.....join....forces....with B anana g irl!!!! Must GET VEGETA!!!

Davey: whooooaaa no no no! You're mine!

Jess: Scuse me, Private I didnt' HEAR YOU!!!!

Davey: *salutes* I said, YOU'RE MINE!!!

Jess: THATS BETTER!!! And no need to shout. Awwww you are the sweetest boyfriend ever! *kisses on the cheek*

Davey: *blushes* So.....no more Vegeta?

Jess: Hmm.....ARE YOU JOKING?! Vegeta is the man!!

Davey: Is not!

Jess: Is too!

Davey: Is NOT!

Jess: IS TOO!

Davey: IS NOT!!

Jess: IS TOO!!!

Davey: IS TOO!

Jess: IS N--- WAIT! I see what you're doing! Well, I didnt' fall off the turnip truck yesterday, you know :p Vegeta is the man and thats final!

Davey: BUT!

Jess: *glares*

Davey: *salutes*

Jess: *nods* proceed

Davey: But he's still not :p

Jess: *throws her hands up* Fine! Don't think Vegeta's the man! I'm going to join up with BG....MWA HA HA HA HA!!! (look the second evil laugh of the review!)

Davey: Hhhher? the most obsessed Vegeta fan ever???

Jess: thats the one! I like how she thinks, don't you?

Davey: *salutes* Well...if she's thinking about Vegeta, than no.

Jess: *shrugs* I can't sway him! But at least he likes Piccolo and Yamcha! WHEEE!!!! Well J'Dee Looooove it looove it loooooove it!!! Can't wait to see the next chap ;) ;)
 Reviewed By: Saikono [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 25, 2002 10:06 CST
The last review, titled 'Reikon' is ACTUALLY Reikon. I was unaware my sister had logged into MM and didn't sign out. WOE! WOE IS ME!

Anyway, yeah. Just letting you know.
 Reviewed By: Saikono [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 25, 2002 10:02 CST
WOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't review last time because I was being stupid.

Piccolo: You couldn't find the 'submit' button.

Reikon: Doesn't matter! That's in the past! I found it today! Guess what, everyone?

Piccolo: ...What?

Reikon: IT'S CHRISTMAS! Merry Christmas everyone! Or Happy Hanukkah! Or... Kwazy Kwanzaa! You know... the thing that Krusty the Clown says?

Piccolo: Krusty... the... clown?

Reikon: Hoo hoo hoo haw haw haw!


Reikon: ^-^

Piccolo: You're kwazy.

REikon: HA! You said 'kwazy'!

Piccolo: No I didn't! You didn't hear anything! Shut up! Leave me alone!

Reikon: You're just upset because you didn't get anything for Christmas. But that's okay. You can have a kiss!

Piccolo: NOO! *runs around in a circle* No kisses! I'll be fine! Don't come any closer!

Reikon: *puppy eyes* You're making me sad now, and I'm the one who got three stuffed doggies for Christmas and a little polar bear.

Piccolo: *glares* I don't need lipstick decorating my face. It's stand out too much.

Reikon: I told you this before, I hardly wear lipstick! I like lip gloss! Though I DO wear lipstick occasionally.

Piccolo: Are you wearing it today?

REikon: ...That's beside the point.

Piccolo: Look at you! You're taking up review space! You're supposed to be telling J'Dee how good her story is!

Reikon: ...


Reikon: Not until you let me give you a kiss.

Piccolo: *twitch* ...Fine. But on the cheek, and be quick about it.

Reikon: YAY! *smack*

Piccolo: ...Now say something.


Piccolo: That's better. Now let's go before people start thinking this is another 'war of the long review' thing.

Reikon: BYEE!!!!!
 Reviewed By: Sayuri-chan [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 17, 2002 23:08 CST
yay! thankies j*dee!! lol this chappie didnt show up the first time, it was wierd.. n e way THANKIE SO MUCH!!! *happy* lol u made my..week..year.. bah.. mmm..handcuffed...
now i send the chappie to stina cuz net nanny is evil..
JA! hahaha.. submit.. *points at it* *poke*
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