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"Dragonball Z Boot Camp" Reviews/Comments [ 103 ]
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 Reviewed By: Saiyan Princess TRF [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 16, 2002 06:56 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
'Nother great chappie! Except I only had one line...ah, well. I understand not being able to give everyone equal attention. WE RESCUED VEGETA!! YAY! And how can that other person rule the camp? It's nt fair! That should be Veggie-Chan's job! I'm gonna kill that other person-

George: You say you're going to 'kill'people a lot lately. Have you been around Heero excessively?

*innocent face* I have no clue what you mean George!

Heero: If figure she can be my protage.

*points to person who's supposed to rule the camp* I will kill you.

Heero: *gives her a cookie* good girl.

YAY! *Eats cookie* I will kill you *points to the evil rocks and bunnies*

Heero: *gives her another*

George: *Sigh* I believe this is what they call inforcing bad behavior....*shakes head*

*pointing to everything in a ten mile radius* I WILL KILL YOU ALL!

Heero: *Gives her a bag of cookies*

*Eats all cookies* I can write a long review too!



Ja Ne for now,
 Reviewed By: Saiyan Genius [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 15, 2002 23:43 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10

Taigore: Guess whose back

Twitch: we’re back

Arty: I got to be put in a cell with Goku, Muahahahahahaha

Taigore: You are a weird one, you don’t even like Goku as much as you do Vegeta and 11-15 year old Gohan

Twitch: Yeah!

Arty: So what?

Taigore: ~_~ I don’t know

Twitch: ^_^;;;;

Arty: I think I’ll just do my review first and ramble for the rest…sound like a good idea?

Twitch: we did inspire it so what do you expect?

Arty: Heh, S’rac inspired me the other day

Taigore: You’re getting off the subject

Arty: Oh yeah, J’dee I loved this chapter…. I mean I got to TRY and free Goku, I got to act insane…well I always do that…I got to use my giant carrot, and powers, I was laughing so hard throughout the chapter.
And I didn’t mind when Tanti pulled her weapon on me…I thought all out war was a good way to put it.

Taigore: I repeat you’re a weird one.


Twitch: Um right.

Arty: You know what I mean…the one phonecall that you get in jail…

Taigore: Oh that thing

Twitch: Who are you gunna call?

Arty: Um I guess the Boot Camp office

Taigore: Who are planning to talk to?

Arty: Whoever answers

Twitch: What if Vegeta answers?

Arty: what about it?

Taigore: You think he’s going to relay your message to anyone? No he’s not going to do anything that will help Kakarot

Arty: Well then I’ll talk 2 J’dee or S’rac

Twitch: but can you be sure of that

Arty: I suddenly have an urge for muse whacking

Taigore: That’s not very nice

Arty: How many times do we have to go over this? I am not a nice person

Twitch: Are you and Tanti friends

Arty: You might say that…’cos she’s not angry with me…so I’m not angry with her…I CAN HUG HER!

Taigore: You ever think she might not want a hug?

Arty: Everyone wants a hug, especially from me

Taigore: Sure

Arty: **hugs Taigore** There ya go

Taigore: You’re a freak

Arty: You didn’t mean that

Taigore: I bet I did

Arty: ~_~

Twitch: that’s soooo scary…NOT

Arty: I was sorely tempted to sick both of you on Tanti till she grew tentacles…but I changed my mind…so now we’re going to hurt Kuno ‘cos he called me incompetent.

Taigore: Can I eat him

Arty: No he has to suffer

Taigore: Aw

Arty: You can chew on him a bit

Twitch: So Arty who do you think the mystery black haired character is?

Arty: I’ll just shout out random Dragonballz character names throughout my review

Taigore: That should be interesting

Arty: Yeah I know

Twitch: So what’s been happening everyone?


Taigore: Oh I ate a few plushies, a broke my pillow, then I chased a few evil chickens around the farm for a while, you?


Twitch: Nothing, I practised my flamethrowing

Taigore: Yamcha had been happening


Taigore: should I be scared?

Arty: Sorry that was a tribute to J’dee, and a take out of the emperors new groove

Twitch: Yeah you’ll do anything to get on J’dee’s good side

Arty: I do not, I can’t help it that I’m loveable

Taigore: **starts choking**


Twitch: You know that’s going to get really annoying

Arty: ANDROID 17, yeah I know

Taigore: why don’t you just list them now.

Arty: fine…I’ll start again…Chichi, Radditz, Yamcha, Krillin, Android 17, King Vegeta (yes he was in Vegeta’s flashbacks) Videl, Hercule (shudders) Gotenks (Does he count ‘cos he has purple in his hair) Yajorobe, King Yemma (I don’t know if he has hair) Ox King, Saiyaman, Bubbles, Dende with a black wig, Mr Popo without his turban, Brolly, Turlus, Chibi Gohan.

Twitch: That’s it?

Arty: Yeah…but I don’t know about some of them…cos they really have brown hair

Taigore: Who cares about details?

Arty: Not me

Twitch: You are weird

Arty: I watched a lot of sad video clips today…where everyone in Dbz dies…

Taigore: And this concerns us why?

Arty: Because this is what I am choosing to talk about, so you’ll have to put up with it

Twitch: Fine

Arty: Anyway…it started with Goku dying against Radditz…he looks sooo much like a monkey when he dies…and his head falls to the side…very sad.

Twitch: No comment

Taigore: Diddums

Arty: Then it went to Yamcha getting blown up…and it had Bulma crying over him…it was sooo sad…the look on their faces

Twitch: You mean Bulma…the one BananaGirl doesn’t like?

Arty: Yeah that one…

Arty: Oh do shut up…Anywho…then it just had Tien and Chiotzu dying that wasn’t sad. But then Piccolo sacrificed himself for Gohan…**sniff** it was sooo tragic.

Taigore: Yeah a bean dying is sad

Arty: Yeah you dying would be a celebration


Arty: Fine just for you I will let the baka live

Taigore: **sarcastically** Oh thank you oh gracious one

Arty: You’re welcome
Then it went to Namek when Gohan gets his neck broken…very sad…but he didn’t die…then Dende died…and Vegeta…. OH THAT WAS SAD…. UTTERLY TRAGIC! AND WHEN THEY DIDN’T EDIT IT. >AND THEY BLOOD SPEWED OUT OF HIS MOUTH, AND HE SLUMPED BACK **SNIFFLES**

Taigore: and you got more upset over him dying then you did Goku

Arty: well I knew Goku would be back…he always pulls through

Twitch: Excuses

Arty: **ignores taunting** Then it had the Cell games where Trunks Died…. Oh how that hurt…and Vegeta’s reaction…I think that’s why I like him…’cos he has feelings deep under that machoness…anyway…yeah Trunks dying was sad…

Twitch: You’ve said that about every nearly every death so far.

Arty: I am an emotional evil person okay? CAN U JUST LEAVE THAT ALONE!?

Taigore: Drama Queen

Arty: And proud of it

Twitch: jeez


Twitch: Blah

Taigore: I’d say



Arty: Then it had Goku’s dream where everyone dies in the future…where Trunks gets stabbed with his own sword by seventeen…etc…etc
And then Marai Gohan dying…**sniff**

Taigore: You need help

Arty: Do not

Twitch: You do

Arty: And that’s about it for the sad clips…but I have quite a few pictures of the moments when the characters do die…

Taigore: Nobody cares

Arty: And I have really cool pictures of a lot of the Z characters naked…or pictures of their butts from the actual show…MMM Veggie is the shower…steamed Veggie…Lol, and there’s Goku and Gohan but I’m not goin’ into my thoughts about them…I mean I guess reviews have a rating to.
Oh and there’s several of Trunks ^_^

Taigore: You know that’s just wrong

Arty: They wouldn’t have put them in Dbz if people weren’t supposed to see them

Twitch: Touché

Arty: and I have a lot of humour picture, like Vegeta singing B.I.N.G.O and then there’s the one of Vegeta flushing Goku down the toilet.
Then there’s a few that make fun of Vegeta ‘cos Goku is stronger then him…
Then there are ones of Gohan being a pussy, etc etc
And there’s a couple of Bulma beating Krillin up
And then there’s a rip off of the power puff girls. But there’s only two and they are Androids 17 and 18
Oh and there’s a whole heap of finger pulling
A few light sabres
Stupid quotes
Stuff like that

Taigore: Why do people need to know this

Arty: They don’t

Twitch: Oh so your wasting time again?

Arty: Pretty much

Taigore: O fun

Arty: Yeah…. You know what I reckon would be funny…if Trunks got his sword taken off of him…and he was given a spatula instead…I’d love to see his face

Taigore: He’d be like…what the Hfil am I supposed to do with this

Arty: I was gunna give him a frying pan…but then he’d be too girly

Twitch: Lol, I can imagine that…feminine Trunks

Arty: I have a picture of Trunks wearing a shirt that’s all battle worn…and his jacket his half way down his arms, and he’s looking at you….

Taigore: We don’t need to hear your perverted talk

Arty: I am not talking perverted

Twitch: Sure

Arty: So about Kuno

Taigore: Oh yes what about him

Arty: I decided that we’d just call him names and mock him this time, but next time…I will harm him

Taigore: You mean we’ll do the dirty work

Arty: You know me so well

Twitch: and that’s not a good thing

Arty: _ I’m watching you

Taigore: Heh, that’s sooo lame

Arty: Any way, Kuno if I am incompetent then you are a third class social reject who has to much time on his hands and an over inflated ego which is in dire need of popping, and a delusion that one day pig-tailed girl and the other chick might fall in love with your pathetic hide

Twitch: Ooh harsh

Arty: No I was quite nice there

Taigore: I’d hate to see you riled up

Arty: MWHAHAHAHA, normally I would have gone on how he was a waste of skin, paper, whatever he’s made of, and that he’s not worth my time or my effort, it crushes people’s self esteems soooo much

Twitch: Are you sure you put yourself in the right platoon?

Arty: That’s none of your beeswax


Arty: Anyway I’m sick at the moment…and J’dee knows how it feels so she’ll let me off lightly for not writing a long review this time…’cos she gets me

Taigore: No Comment

Arty: Yeah so cool chapter J’dee, and when I feel better I’ll put another review up ~_~ I’m soooo evil
So peace out, Ciao 4 now, Jour De Ma Vie, I WANT MY PHONE CALL

Taigore: The mental pills are needed, that sentence made no sense

Arty: Yeah…I’ll write a longer review next time…
(P.S. if I win that guess thing, which I know I won’t I want my prize to go to someone else…I think I’d scare the Dbz characters too much…I’ll tell you who later.)
** PSS I am sorry I didn’t write a long review**

Taigore: You don’t really care…you get to share a cell with Goku

Arty: Yeah…(*_* stares at Goku) I’m soooo lucky

Goku: **looks around worriedly**

Later’z…**sits on the ground and thinks of an escape plan** Fear not people, your beloved Arty shall be freed from this prison and shall wreck terror on the camp, and then I shall hug everyone…. SO LOOK OUT! MWHAHAHAHAHA
 Reviewed By: natty [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 15, 2002 22:13 CDT

herm.. i need some sort of weaponry.. and it hasta be in mai review.. i always have mai.. trusty pencil!!! muahahaha! *pokes bardock w/ it*

- stop that

no.. muahaha! you cant drown in slobber.. is that possible?
its mai job to make you go crazy bar-kun
i dont slobber *that* much... bah o well.. that is unless im staring at a nice vegeta poster which btw my room is plastered in... mmm...veggie.... I WANT THAT VEGeta T*SHIRT!!!!! IT WILL BE MINE MUAHAHAHA!!!!

- *smacks forehead* what have i done to deserve this?

its okay bardock..ur trapped in here wit meh! (breaks off into a bout of evil laughter)
that is.. until one of mai faithful plushies comes to save me.. oh where has mai army gone?!

oh yes.. weaponry.. can i have a plush gun *similar* to that of taichichi's but without the ultra shibby 'anime' setting? just the plush one.. also i would like some ki resistant handcuffs for.. previously stated reasons.. lol
wait.. in the mega cap fic bardock is mai 'tousan..


NOOOO!!!! IM LOCKED UP WIT MAI OTOUSAN!!! lol jk *subliminal messages* go read stina-chan's fic Life at the Meg Cap....oOoOo...lol* o_O i*d like to be locked up wit vegeta... *daydreams*

-who's in the next cell again?

dunno.. *looks* *waves* hello stina-chan ^__^;; i think.. HAHA POKE YOO WIT MAI PENCIL!!! *poke*


alrightie im done.. i want mai artillery -__- lol mai army of plushies will save me!!!!!! muaha! away!!! *claps coconuts together and trots around small cell*
 Reviewed By: DeathStorm [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 15, 2002 20:55 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oooooooo, is it Turles?...IS IT YAMCHA?! MESA BET YOUSA IT IS! Oooooooooooooooo, it could be! It could be!...0_0 An online stalker?! Eep! Scary thoughts...YES! THIS FIC NEEDS MIRAI IN A SHOWER SCENE! NOW THAT IS KEY! Poor Ryoga needs some better sense of direction, yeesh. And if peoples can cuss in a PG-13 movie then yousa can say slut in a fic! -_- For crying out loud. THIS FIC NEEDS MIRAI IN A SHOWER SCENE!

 Reviewed By: Srac [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 15, 2002 18:51 CDT
S'rac: Yo all! Waddup.
Kuno: *Groans*MUST you use slang?!
S'rac: Nooooo. I was using it for comedy purposes.
Kuno: Well we're all very amused.
S'rac: Yay! My plan worked!
Kuno: Shouldn't you instead be planning how to rescue your incompotent platoon member and that person with strange hair, whom you call,"Goku"?
S'rac: Okay, first of all Arty is NOT incompotent! Those rocks, bunnies, and eggs can be tricky! And yeah.....I prolly should be thinking up plans........Hmmmm...*Thinks, then smirks evilly*YOU'RE gonna help me Kuno!
Kuno: I shall do no such thing!!!
S'rac: See here's my plan: We get to the enemy compound, then you use One Hundred Strikes on it and it crumbles at your feet! Mwahahahahaha!!!
Kuno: I fear I must decline.
S'rac: Ooh! You used that line in Season 4, Episode 55! "Blow Wind! To Be Youth Is To Go Gung Ho!"
Kuno: Uh huuuuh.....
S'rac: It says so here on this site!*Points at site he got Season #, Episode #, and Episode Name from*
Kuno: I shall still not assist you in such a plan!
S'rac: Kuuunoooo! Don't forget Rule # 7: "NEVER EVER EVER underestimate the power of the author who writes the fic, she I would say he, but stats are a majority of writers online are women especially with Dragonball z related topics, anyways SHE could do horrid horrid things to you if you annoy her too much," as Tanti put it.
Kuno: Fool! If any such author attempts such madness as you are suggesting, I will smite them!
S'rac: That would be reeeeeally not kool Kuno.
Kuno: Do you honestly think I care?!
S'rac: Well......uh.....maybe Akane and the Pig-Tailed Girl wouldn't like it.
Kuno: Hmmmm......I shall consider this...
S'rac: Okay then. And that's a great idea Tanti had in her review. Except change Fushigi Yuugi.......*Smirk*To Ranma 1/2. Yes! A Ranma 1/2 Boot Camp! I would sooo be Leader of Platton Kuno! Then BG would wanna be Platoon Leader for Mousse. And J'dee and Mabelle would fight over Platoon Leader for Ryoga! Mwahaha! What ingenious!
Kuno: I would not allow any rocks, bunnies, or whatever they are to capture me!!! They can keep Saotome.
S'rac: *Is still rammbling on about different Ranma fics that could be written*Or ANBM for Ranma! Or AFZ for Ranma! Or TP for Ranma! Or The Official Fanfiction University of Ranma 1/2! Or ABDN for Ranma! Or-*Is hit by Kuno's bokken*OW!!
Kuno: Shut UP already! I'm sure even these incompotent fools get it by now!!!
S'rac: Well you didn't have to hit me! You coulda asked NICELY ya know!
Kuno: Feh. You would ignore anything I said. You were rambling after all.
S'rac: Well.......still......On another note, I've been getting people into Ranma lately! Ooh I'm soo happy!*Big Grin* Like just recently BG told me her fav character was Mousse! I'm soooo happy!
Kuno: Why do they not choose me instead?! I'm much better than anyone else!!
S'rac: Umm....
Kuno: I'm gorgeous! I'm brilliant! I'm rich! I even have a great personality!
S'rac: You used that line in Graphic Novel 13: Part 6: When You Wish Upon a Sword: Page 96!!!!!*Holds up Graphic Novel 13, from whic he got this information*
Kuno: Must you keep doing that...?
S'rac: Hmmm........Must I?
Kuno: No.
S'rac: I dunnoooo. Let's ask the audience!
Kuno: You can't. They won't even see this until you submit it.*Shakes his head* Honestly.
S'rac: I knew that Kuno! Haven't you ever heard of comedy?!
Kuno: Of course. It's not my fault you can't think up any good jokes.
S'rac: That's not very nice. Why can't you treat me better than that?! Honestly you act like I'm stupid! But I'm writing you that way on purpose.
Kuno: What do you mean writing me that way...
S'rac: I AM writing all of this.
Kuno: FOOL! SILENCE YOUR NONSENSE!!*Hits him over the head with his bokken*
S'rac: OWCHIES!!! I am soon getting my own bokken, Kuno! Then we can duel!
Kuno: You dare challenge my prowess?!
S'rac: No it just sounds like fun to duel with swords. I haven't in a while. Well.....never with REAL swords, but that's beside the point.....
Kuno: Ha! Such a jest! You, with no real practice with such an honorable wapon would challenge ME?! It is to laugh!*Proceeds to laugh*
S'rac: Ummm......Yes? It shall be muse vs. muse! Since I'm Jeril's muse and...other people's too.....part time at least. Ah yes. I was Jeril's muse first. Ah yes I remember that day.....*Screen goes all wavy, heralding a flashback*
Kuno: Oh no you don't! I shalln't allow this!*Stops the flashback*
S'rac: Awwwww! I wanted to have a flashback!
Kuno: Feh! I shall not allow such a thing. The only one who shall be allowed to flash back around here is me!
S'rac: Hey! Who's who's muse here?!
S'rac: GAAAAH!!*Amazingly dodges his attacks* Wahaha! I'm getting used to this!
Kuno: Blast! You shall pay for this!!*Ground suddenly rumbles* Hm??
S'rac: Wha?*Ground explodes from under them* Gah!
Kuno: What is this?!
Ryoga: Where am I now.....?
S'rac: Um.....in the middle of my review.....
Ryoga: What are you talking about?
Kuno: So it is you!
Ryoga: You! What are you doing here?!
Kuno: Ask him.*Points at S'rac*
S'rac: He's my muse!*Is thwacked over the head*
Ryoga: Hah! Enslaved eh?
Kuno: I am NOT you fool!
Ryoga: You wanna fight?! Bring it on!*Takes out his extremely heavy extremely cool umbrella*
Kuno: Such a jest!*Lunges at Ryoga*
*Fight with their Bokken and Umbrella*
S'rac: *Rubs his hands together evilly*Yes...Perhaps I can make Ryoga my muse toooo.....Oh how evil I am.......Well don't tell them. Mwahahahahahahahaha...*Laughs softly but evilly* Oh well even if I don't make him my muse it's an evil plan. Hmmm...Or maybe I can have guest stars every review! Hehe. Well either way, great chappy! I can't wait for moooore! C ya lata(later)!
S'rac, Kuno, and Ryoga*Fighting*
 Reviewed By: Epona  On: October 15, 2002 17:33 CDT
Epona: Hola!!! Heehee!!! I'm in it, i'm in it!!! *jumps up and down excitedly*
Nika: Well, she's hyper...
Epona: HeEhEe I aM oF cOuRsE!!!
Jenna: *sweatdrop* Settle down...
Epona: *stops jumping* Okie ^^
Jenna: Good author.
DW: Hello, Moo
Nika: *sweatdrops* Oh great him again...
DW: Shut up...
Epona: Oh well...i wanna see how long i can get this...
DW: Bye bye, moo *disappears*
Epona: Awwwww...
DW: *shows up again* Moo
Epona: Yay!
DW: Moo *disappears again*
Epona: Grrr!! Make up ur mind!!!
Megan: Oh well...at least he's gone
Epona: But i wanna try making a REALLY long one this time... T_T but no ideas come to me.
Kayla: Haahaa
Epona: *hits her with the Baseball Bat of Pain* Haahaa this! Anyway, I like it!!! And I think the mystery person is... CHICHI!!! She's the only one it COULD be!!!
Kayla: *_* Owwwww...
Nika: Hey does anyone wanna see Bob?
Megan: No!!! Bob is strictly forbidden to invade any reviews, remember?
Nika: Oh yeah...
Kayla: Haha!!!
Nika: Oh shut it, Kayla
Kayla: Heehee ^_^ Guess what?
Epona: I refuse to
Kayla: -_-"
Epona: Heehee ^_^V
Kayla: I'll tell you anyway.
Epona: -_-"
Kayla: Heehee ^_^ You have homework to do
Megan: That was mean of you, Kayla
Kayla: Well actually I thought it was nice of me to remind her so she wouldn't be up till 1 in the morning again
Epona: Guess I'll write a long one next time okie? byes!
 Reviewed By: stina  On: October 14, 2002 01:28 CDT
heehee now i'm reviewing to be the 31st person and to laugh at the button that says submit...
creepy aín't it?
i think so and so should you, the pudding shooting give me the green avocado pudding shooter....
okay now i really need to go sleep
 Reviewed By: stina-chan  On: October 14, 2002 01:25 CDT
i decided to be special and be the 30th reviewer for the bootcamp fic,
since its so totally awesome and such things like that....
i'm tired i must go now and sleep,
come Piccolo action figure we move...
 Reviewed By: lady_shinigami [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 11, 2002 15:01 CDT
^_^ Wow, that's hilarious! POST MORE OR I'LL BURN MY SCIENCE PROJECT!
 Reviewed By: BananaGirl  On: October 15, 2002 14:54 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Dude, how could you keep us in suspense like that??!! Um...is it Chi Chi? I guess Chi Chi! Duuuuuuuuuude, did you know Mousse has black hair? And super cool thick glasses!

Quorky: What is this new obsession?

I dunno! I have a thing for scrawny, small dudes with thick glasses. I am ill!

Quorky: Yes, ill in the head.

Oh ha ha. *Grabs cap of Quorky's head* AHA!

Quorky: What the hell? *quickly covers his lime green cap=hair* What are you trying to do?

What's this? *Picks up Bulma manga*

Quorky: I've never seen it in my life!

Yeah, and I don't want to fuck Vegeta.

Quorky: Thanks for sharing that.

No probs ^_^ Well, looks like I'll have to confiscate this.

Quorky: *grumbles*

 Reviewed By: stina  On: October 05, 2002 23:36 CDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
CHECK IT! i'm no longer blocked from mediaminer.org
life is wonderfull...but now that i got this site working i can't seem to get any other site working...
shakes head, shit all computer,
*shrug* oh well i'll fic it later i'm not sure how to use the HTML tags but neh i'll figure it out

now hopefully the text above is red....anyways GO PLATOON PICCOLO YOU CAN DO IT,
i think for that i deserve some kind of weapon...preferably a pudding shooter that shoots green avocado flavored pudding....yum
but nows i got's to go so laters everyone
 Reviewed By: DiamondSky17 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 05, 2002 18:12 CDT
Name: Geta
Platoon: Goten (I feel sorry for him that he doesn't even have one)
Hair Color: Bangs are purple, and bright red streaks in the rest of my brown hair.
Eye color: Hazel (change color to mood)
Personality: Shy at first, but then is really out going and hyper. Hates to be lied, and taken advatage from.
Height: Medium
 Reviewed By: Arty  On: October 03, 2002 18:00 CDT

Ha no one can beat me; I will be victorious over Tanti and this person who
thinks they rule should try to write a review worth being in the competition (no
offence) It just ticks me off how some people can be sooo inconsiderate, please
you would make a worthy adversary if you could write a conversation with your
muse or something.

Guess what my songs I downloaded…there’s to many so I’ll just tell you.

Avril Lavigne = Complicated
Avril Lavigne = Sk8er boi
Blaque = As if
Blink 182 = Adam’s song
Bring it on = Freaking you
Bring it on = Clovers Regional Cheer
Bring it on = Hey Mickey
Bring it on =We’re cheerleaders (I’m sexy, I’m Cute)
Bring it on = Toro’s final cheer
Bring it on/ Daphne and Celeste = U.G.L.Y
Chad Kroeger/ Josey Scott = Hero
Eminem = Cleaning out my closet
Creed = My Sacrifice
Creed = What if
Creed = With arms wide open
DBZ = Rock the dragon
Dbz = The starting after that
KC & Joe Jo = All my life
Limp Bizkit = My way
Limp Bizkit = My Generation
Limp Bizkit = Rollin’
Linkin Park = In the End
Mary J. Blidge = No more Drama
Michelle Branch = All you wanted
Michelle Brach = Everywhere
Papa Rouch = Last Resort
Papa Rouch = She loves me not
Pearl Jam = Where can my baby be
P.O.D = Youth of the Nation
Puff Daddy and Faith Evans = Every step I take
Shakira = Objection/Tango
Sir Mix-A-Lot = I like big butts
The Calling = Where ever you will go
Gorillaz = Clint Eastwood

Arty: There’ll be heaps of spelling mistakes in there, but I like those songs.
Wow that’s like a page already

Taigore: She’s gone insane

Twitch: No she’s just revenge crazy

Taigore: I thought she already beat Tanti again.

Twitch: Yeah but she feels that’s not enough, she’s goin to create a record
review all single spaced, that even she’d have trouble breaking

Taigore: Oh, she’s insane

Twitch: No I just explained that


Taigore: I repeat, She’s insane


Taigore: Jeez calm down, don’t need to get your scales in a knot

Twitch: O do shut up.

Taigore: No

Arty: Move in, now move out
Hands up, now hands down.
Back up, Back up
Tell me whatcha gunna do now
Breath in now breath out
Hands up now hands down
Back up, Back up
Tell me whatcha gunna do now

Taigore: well first that’s the most ridiculous dance I’ve ever heard, and I’m
not doing it, and what I’m going to do now is argue against everything you and
Twitch says, unless it’s intelligent ‘cos then I’ll agree with you and argue
against the person who doesn’t.

Twitch: No you dumbass, that’s part of the chorus from Rolling by Limp Bizkit,
she wasn’t actually asking you to dance and what you were going to do now, like
she’d care.

Taigore: She would to

Twitch: Not

Taigore: would

Twitch: Not

Taigore: Would

Arty: Shut up, this my review

Twitch: Fine

Taigore: Yeah all right, just for now


Taigore: You that makes no sense

Twitch: It’s out of P.O.D’s Youth of the nation dumbass

Taigore: Still makes no sense

Twitch: It’s not in that order, she’s just combined two of the sentences
together, and added a few words in or changed a few words.

Taigore: I still say it makes no sense

Arty: You think you’re special, I can see it in your eyes, I can see it when you
laugh at me, look down at me, and walk around on me.

Taigore: We don’t do that do we?

Twitch: Oh man I can’t win with you Taigore

Taigore: yeah I know

Arty: That’s Limp Bizkit’s My way for your information.

**Ground starts to shake**

Taigore: What’s that?

Twitch: Duh, It’s an earthquake

Arty: No you’re wrong Twitch…It’s the evil idea that came out of S’rac’s
head…The Giant Panda.

Twitch: **suspiciously** and what did S’rac make this Giant Panda do?

Arty: **shrugs** O he just thought it could attack you that’s all.

Twitch: That’s all?

Arty: Yeah I think so

Twitch: That’s not very nice

Arty: yeah I know

Twitch: You and this S’rac aren’t very nice people are you.

Arty: Depends which way you put it

Taigore: Well your evil

Arty: Oh yeah we know that, but in a nice way remember

Twitch: Jeez

Taigore: **being pulled up by the tail by the giant panda** **yowls**

Twitch: Arty! Do something

Arty: Like what?

Twitch: I don’t know something

Arty: You know that’s not very helpful

Twitch: Then it’s up to me!

**Twitch flies through the air Atom ant style, well as good as a Dragon can
trying to be Atom ant**

Taigore: Get me down from here

Twitch: Don’t worry I’ll Save you Taigore

Taigore: Oh I wonder why I’m not relieved

Arty: Don’t hurt the Giant Panda remember, he’s an endangered species

Taigore: **raises an eyebrow while swinging upside down by tail from the Panda’s
I’m suspended in the air, and all you can think about is not hurting an
endangered species?
Arty: If you want to put it like that

**Twitch lands on Giant Panda’s head and starts burning it’s ears, the panda is
surprised and drops Taigore, but starts swatting at his head**

Taigore: I wonder what Panda tastes like?


Taigore: I don’t care what you say Arty, I’m going to

**Starts gnawing on Panda’s foot**

Twitch: How’s lunch Taigore?

Taigore: **mouth full** Not bad, you want some

Twitch: I’ll grill mine first a?

Taigore: **mouth full** yeah I don’t care

**Half an hour, several hundred burps on Taigore’s and Twitch’s department, and
a bucket full of tears and vomit on Arty’s behalf, later**

Taigore: That was nice

Twitch: Yeah we should have Chinese more often

Arty: You two make me sick

Taigore: Yeah so we noticed

Twitch: Yeah who would have guessed your stomach could hold so much Arty?

Arty: Don’t you two, I don’t want to hear it

Taigore: But we want to say it

Twitch: Yeah

Arty: and zippit

Taigore: As if

Twitch: Get a grip Arty

Arty: I will…on both of your necks if you’re not quiet

Twitch: Fine

Taigore: I feel like I’m diagonally parked in a parallel universe sometimes

Twitch: what’s that got to do with the price of fish?

Taigore: Fish where?

Arty: He’s like a vicious Chihuahua thing, except from the cat family

Twitch: What on earth?

Arty: Sorry I was compelled

Twitch: You know what’s a good saying?

Taigore: **still looking for the fish**

Arty: what?

Twitch: The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in
the trap

Arty: No, you’re wrong

Twitch: Way to bust my bubble

Arty: I like bubbles

Taigore: Why would you like that idiotic monkey?

Arty: Not him, you no the things you get from soap and bubblegum.

Taigore: **chasing his tail** You humans are sooo easily amused

Arty: Hard work pays off in the future, laziness pays off now, so why are you
working so hard on catching your tail?

Taigore: You that’s soooo lame

Arty: Lame is my middle name, actually it’s Ashley, but we won’t go there

Twitch: Good

Arty: It’s not like you have anything good to say

Twitch: Actually I do…wrap your minds around this… You know why you find
something in the last place you look, ‘cos when you find it, you stop looking.

Taigore: You that’s sooo true

Twitch: I know

Arty: You consider that good?

Twitch: Yeah

Arty: You’re an idiot

Twitch: **Wailing** Waaaaa, I wish I was never artificially created in a lab

Arty: You weren’t

Twitch: huh?

Arty: You weren’t artificially created in a lab, you were artificially in my


Twitch: Oh do shut up, I was quoting Seth Green in Austin Powers.

Arty: ooh he is soooo cute, except at the end of Austin Powers Goldmember

Taigore: Man you need a hobby girl

Arty: That’s what I keep saying

Taigore: I want to be at the all you can eat buffet early, so I can get good

Arty: The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the

Twitch: What’s that got to do with anything?

Arty: **smiling evilly** Well…Taigore wants to go to the all you can eat buffet,
but birds don’t go to them, so they catch and eat worms, but there tends to be
an awfully large amount of birds out catching worms, so the early bird catches
the worm, ‘cos if they get there late, there will be no worms left. But if a
mouse uses the same approach for cheese in a trap he will most probably get
Therefore the first mouse to try and get the cheese out of the trap will be
killed when the metal thing comes forward and kills it. But the second mouse
won’t be in any danger from the arm thingy ‘cos it will be pinning the first
mouse down.
So he goes up and takes the cheese, hence the second mouse gets the cheese in
the trap part.

Twitch: That didn’t explain anything

Arty: Oh

Taigore: Yeah, so can I go to the buffet?

Arty: No, ‘cos you didn’t get my inspiring speech

Taigore: Gee thanks Twitch

Twitch: Your welcome

Taigore: You’re such a little weasel sometimes Twitch.

Twitch: But I’m a dragon

Taigore: You know what I mean

Twitch: And I suppose you consider yourself an eagle?

Arty: Eagles may soar, but weasels don’t get sucked into jet engines

Taigore and Twitch: rriigghhtt

Arty: I know I am you know its sooo cute when you guys speak at the same time.

Twitch: Humph

Taigore: I detest cute

Arty: Tough cookies, ‘cos you are, so that means you detest yourself

Taigore: You have stupid logic Arty

Arty: Says who?

Taigore: Says me

Twitch: And me

Arty: So? Like your opinions mean anything to me

Taigore: ooh crushed

Twitch: There you go, getting all egotistical on me again, both of you

Arty: Are you comparing me to him?

Twitch: Yeah

Arty: I condemn thee to hell

Taigore: Ha, you got condemned.

Arty: And I condemn thee, you freakish tiger

Taigore: Damned

Arty: Mwahahaha

**Loud Beeping is heard**

Taigore: What on earth is that?

Twitch: We’re on the brink of Hell; nothing can possibly make this situation any
worse then it already is.

Arty: I didn’t mean that you really were going to hell

Twitch: O ok, I forgive you then

Arty: I don’t need your forgiveness

**Buu truck reverses across the screen**

Arty: rriigghhtt

Taigore: Why would you want a truck that looks like Buu?

Twitch: I don’t know, but it’s wrong

Taigore: You can say that again

Twitch: I don’t know but that’s just wrong

Taigore: Smart-ass

Twitch: Hypocrite

Arty: **absentmindedly** There must be some kind of universal law preventing
those with an IQ beneath that of a carrot from breeding.

Taigore: You’re obsessed with carrots

Twitch: It’s unhealthy

Arty: Actually carrots are good for you, they help you see in the dark, and
improve your vision.

Taigore: Those are just old wives tales

Twitch: Yeah carrots don’t help you see in the dark

Arty: Yeah but they improve your vision, I mean have you ever seen a rabbit
wearing classes?

Taigore: No but they would if they had the technology, rabbits aren’t a very
technological advanced species.

Twitch: Yeah right on

Arty: you believe what you want

Taigore: I will, **clamps teeth down on Twitch’s tail**

Twitch: Owww, what was that for?

Taigore: ‘Cos I never properly got you back from wrecking my Kuno Plushie before
I had finished, ‘cos you said the beating didn’t hurt, and now you cried out in
front of an audience.

Twitch: You’re an ass

Taigore: Payback’s a bitch isn’t it?

Twitch: Where in hell did you learn that saying?

Taigore: Well I’ve never been up to hell, but I read it in one of Arty’s word
documents, I think that a whole heap of her stupid saying with be littered
throughout this review

Twitch: Ok…she’s a very weird person

Taigore: I wonder why that was there?

Twitch: I do NOT want to know

Taigore: On second thoughts…Neither do I…but I remember it was in a list of
weird sayings.

Twitch: rriigghhtt

Arty: But…where…what…when…how did you get there? I thought all my files were

Taigore: Yeah but it was fairly obvious what the password was…it was **Arty’s
hand covers Taigore’s mouth** Myhsdjmkds

Arty: Not a word Taigore…or I’ll make you wish you had gone to that planet of
Tiger eating potatoes

Taigore: eep

Arty: Ok?

Taigore: **nods furiously**

Arty: Good

Twitch: Don’t worry Arty Taigore has his own share of secrets…once I was reading
his diary…yes he has a diary…and this picture fell out of between 2 of the
I was like…But not THIS. Seeing THAT, I mean, that’s just WRONG. What cruel God
invented such torture for me?
It was horrible.

Arty: What was it?

Twitch: I don’t want to say it’s too horrible

Arty: It can’t be that bad

Twitch: Trust me it is.

Arty: okay…if you say so

Twitch: I do…it’s for your own well being it’s causing me serious psychological

Arty: I’ll pay for you to see a shrink…no wait the only good one was killed by
miss you know who.

Taigore: Ha, she’s always bugging you a Arty?

Arty: Yeah, she’s constantly a thorn in my side, and a pain in my ass

Taigore: No comment

Twitch: Yeah I agree with Taigore

Arty: Bu..No.yo..No..Bu.how…No…You…can

Taigore: You couldn’t speak coherently right now if your life depended on it!

Arty: Could to, see I just did

Twitch: BURNED!

Arty: You know Taigore you remind me of The Portuguese man-o’-war.

Taigore: Why? Because of its lethalness, it’s poetic beauty

Arty: Something like that…. The Portuguese man-o’-war, It’s 99% water. It has no
brain. No guts, and No Anus’

Twitch: **Rolls on the floor laughing**

Taigore: And why does that remind you of me

Arty: Cos it can

Taigore: Humph

Twitch: But that stuff about the Portuguese man-o’-war That’s a useless fact I’m
never goin to use

Arty: You never know, you may have a general knowledge quiz one day and that may
be one of the questions

Taigore: That’s seriously hard to believe.

Arty: I was reading a sweet as e-mail the other week or so, it had some of the
coolest little friendship quotes in it.

Twitch: Well lets hear them

Taigore: You know I’m just going to shoot them to pieces with my lethal barbs of

Arty: You think too highly of yourself

Taigore: And you having high self-esteem is bad?

Arty: No, but the constant trumpet blowing gets annoying

Twitch: okay lets hear these Friendship things.

Arty: A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.

Taigore: When really they’re only coming to scrounge money off you when you are
too depressed to say no

Arty: If all my friends were to jump off a cliff, I wouldn't jump with them; I'd
be at the bottom to catch them.

Taigore: When really you’re just being stupid ‘cos they want to end their lives,
and you are preventing them from doing that. And besides they wouldn’t do the
same thing for you.

Arty: **growling** Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say.
Best friends listen to what you don't say.

Taigore: Only because they are trying to pick up juicy pieces of gossip about
you, and stuff that they can you do blackmail you, and Best friends don’t listen
to what you don’t say they just want you to say something so you can leave them

Arty: You are a very sad tiger you know that

Taigore: Yes I had a very deprived childhood.

Twitch: You’re such an ass

Taigore: Shut up, you’re ruining my acting piece.

Arty: It wasn’t very good anyway

Taigore: What would you know?

Arty: That if you performed that in public, your audience would be deader then
the deadest thing that ever died

Twitch: Ouch, that’s harsh girl

Arty: I’m a very harsh person

Taigore: Alas, my talent is not appreciated in this realm, goodbye cruel world
**falls over dramatically**

Arty: Get up you ass

Taigore: Fine, but not ‘cos you said, its because I fell on a rock and it was
uncomfortable down there

Twitch: Arty you’re not very fair to Taigore

Arty: What’s not fair, is in ones own perspective

Taigore: who are you a martial arts sensei…

Arty: No S’rac rubbed off on me when he gave me and friend a lecture on Ranma ½

Taigore: Ooh that’s scary

Arty: Tell me about it

Twitch: Being scared does funny things to your mind…

Arty: How do you think I’ve lost so much?

Taigore: ‘Cos you’re forgetful

Twitch: ‘Cos people are always nicking your stuff?

Arty: NO! ‘Cos I get scared a lot, and that does funny stuff to your mind…think
about it

Taigore: Nah thinking hurts my head

Twitch: I’ve lied to you

Taigore: I’ve lied to you to so we’re even

Twitch: I meant to Arty

Arty: Don’t worry I’ve lied to you to so never mind

Twitch: You people are too weird

Arty: I can’t wait to see tomorrow

Taigore: What’s happening tomorrow?

Arty: I don’t know, it just might be better then today

Twitch: Today wasn’t so bad

Arty: yeah but tomorrow might be better then today

Taigore: You realise that tomorrow will be today tomorrow

Arty: don’t I already have a huge headache

Twitch: aw nobody cares

Arty: You know what my favourite line out of a song is

Taigore: No, but I have a feeling you’re going to tell us

Arty: I can’t breath when you cry, but I’ll be there to hold you tight,
I think that is sooo sweet

Twitch: You would

Taigore: what song is that out of?


Twitch: That’s sad

Arty: I know

Twitch: at least you’re not in denial

Arty: **shuts eyes** it’s so sad

Taigore: Open you eyes and deal with it

Arty: I am dealing with it

Twitch: Open your eyes, or else you’ll hurt yourself, and then we’ll get the

Arty: Fine

Twitch: We fight what we don’t understand

Taigore: That’s very philosophical of you

Twitch: Thanks

Arty: I don’t understand you so does that mean I fight you?

Twitch: Verbally yes

Arty: Oh too true

Twitch: Yeah I know

Arty: Tears are worthless, Revenge is priceless

Twitch: What brought that on?

Taigore: Then why do you cry and not get revenge when people say his name?

Arty: I don’t know

Taigore: Well you suck

Arty: Don’t you start

Twitch: Yeah out of the gutter people

Taigore: **Snickers** The power of suggestion, it brings people to their knees

Twitch: **shudders** Taigore you just keep adding to the perverted images that
you managed to succeed in putting in my head.

Taigore: Mwahahaha

Arty: Stop it Taigore or I’ll hurt you

Taigore: It takes more then what you’ve got to threaten me

Arty: You that’s a line out of song, you the one I don’t what it’s called and
who sings it.

Twitch: Yeah but I can threaten you

Taigore: I’m not scared of you

Twitch: You are to

Taigore: If I die, everyone else is going to die with me

Twitch: and how are you gunna do that?

Arty: Oi stop using my sayings, ‘cos when I take over the world if all my
sayings have been used up, I’ll sound like a stereo type.

Twitch: So I see you had no intention of killing everyone if you died, that was
Arty’s idea.

Taigore: There’s nothing you can do or take from me

Twitch: really? Then you won’t mind if I remove your tail? You can live without
that right.

Taigore: **Hugging his tail** No leave my beautiful tail alone.

Twitch: Ha, so you lied?

Arty: You’re about to loose the duel of I’m not scaredness game

Taigore: Yes I lied

Arty: You lost

Twitch: You’re doomed to be undone

Taigore: I swear I’ll be the one to bring you down

Arty: Not before I bring both of you down

Twitch: You couldn’t even if you tried

Arty: I don’t need your negativity

Taigore: No one does

Twitch: But their going to get it anyway

Arty: I’m a black belt in origami, I could take you down in a second

Taigore: So you are like a sensei?

Twitch: So you lied…it wasn’t just S’rac rubbing off on you

Arty: Shut up, everyone thinks you two are sooo nice, you’re not so nice

Twitch: We know

Taigore: Who thinks we’re nice, we’re not nice

Arty: yeah I just said that

Twitch: Arty you’re really annoying

Arty: I know

Taigore: Don’t encourage her

Arty: The whole swirl of technological colours in a universe of unknown

Twitch: What the hell?

Arty: Your pathetic unnourished, under formed brain, could not comprehend

Taigore: Umm have you taken your pills today?

Arty: Who told you?!

Taigore: Don’t get your knickers in a twist

Arty: I will if I want

Twitch: Okay

**I dedicate the next 5 pages to Tanti and how much of a Baka she is**

Arty: Mwahahaha

Taigore: You seriously don’t like her do you?

Arty: Actually I don’t mind Tanti, it’s not my fault that I write longer reviews
then her.

Twitch: You realise she wants to kill you

Arty: so? Who doesn’t?

Taigore: good point

Arty: I always make good points

Twitch: Whatever you want to believe big ears

Arty: ^_^

Taigore: Why are you smiling?

Arty: I don’t need a reason

Twitch: So what about Tanti?

Arty: Dim-witted psychotic freak, I don’t have time to deal with her craziness

Taigore: ^_^;;;;

Twitch: I wonder about you sometimes

Arty: why? I’ve always been this mental

Taigore: yeah but it’s not good for your health or for those around you

Arty: No, I’m a good kind of mental

Twitch: Sure Big ears

Taigore: In three words sum up your feelings for Tanti

Arty: Mutual

Taigore: I said three words

Arty: well I only said one, do you have a problem with that?

Taigore: Not particularly, it’s just the principal of the thing.

Twitch: Yeah it’s like the number one rule for everything

Arty: What is?

Twitch: I don’t know, but there is a rule for everything

Arty: yeah know matter how much you try to change them, my muses are idiots.

Twitch: I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again, that’s not very nice

Arty: I’m not a very nice person

Taigore: That everyone knows

Arty: In fact I’m prone to violent mood swings

Twitch: yeah I remember when you turned into the cleanliness freak mood, you
scrubbed me so hard, then you pinned me on the washing line by my ears.

Arty: How many times do I have to say it…I’M SORRY

Taigore: It’s just fun to see you pleading **evil grin**

Arty: I am going to hurt you so much

Twitch: Arty, why are you writing this incredibly long review?

Arty: To bug Tanti and to get her to admit that I am the long review queen

Taigore: Yeah that will happen when hell freezes over

Arty: Yeah, but she can’t compete with my brilliance

Twitch: Oh yes that is an incredibly hard battle to win **rolls eyes**

Arty: You’re just jealous

Taigore: I know I am **shakes head**

Arty: Sometimes I wonder why I put up with your insolence

Twitch: you know that saying sounded so familiar

Taigore: yeah I can’t place it though

Arty: Oh do shut up **folds arms**

Taigore: You know you love us

Twitch: You wouldn’t be able to live without us

Arty: Really? What make you think that? I’d say it was the other way round. If I
die, goes insane or stop believing in you then you cease to exist.

Twitch: Yet again she has a good point

Taigore: Don’t remind me

Arty: Mwahahaha

Taigore: Her head’s not going to be able to fit through the door soon if you
keep going

Twitch: Yeah just what we need another big headed person around here

Taigore: Who’s the other one?

Twitch: **Gazes at Taigore with a look that says…DON’T PLAY DUMB WITH ME**

Arty: I will not have a big head, I’m too cool to have a big head

Twitch: **sighs** It just won’t end

Taigore: So how much longer is this review going to go on?

Arty: Umm a long time

Twitch: why are you putting us through this torture?

Arty: I’m sorry but I wasn’t going to have a conversation with myself

Taigore: Fair enough

Arty: And now I’m getting writer’s block here to, I have writer’s block
concerning my story to.

Twitch: Yeah but remember you have babbled on for almost 20 pages about nothing.

Taigore: yeah you’re just running out of things to say.

Arty: Yeah you guys are sooo supportive

Taigore: See I knew you couldn’t live without us

Arty: I was just starting to get on with you, don’t make me take back that
well-earned trust

Twitch: Yeah that would be a shame

Arty: I don’t think I can make it to twenty pages…I can’t go on.

Taigore: **shakes Arty** DON’T YOU QUIT ON ME ARTY!

Twitch: Stay strong girl

Arty: I’ll never let go Jack, I’ll never let go

Twitch: okay that’s just wrong, Titanic should stay sunk

Arty: That’s sad

Taigore: Twitch doesn’t have a happy bone in her body

Twitch: I do to, that’s why I say Ha so much

Taigore: That’s not happy, that’s just pathetic

Arty: yeah

Twitch: Look who’s talking, girl who writes long reviews so she can be queen of
the long reviews, and freaky tiger boy who is just naturally pathetic.

Arty: Can we stop fighting, we’re so close to twenty pages

Twitch: Can we count like Tanti and cheat

Taigore: No we will not sink to her level

Arty: Yeah we have too much class

Twitch: So Arty are you going to ask for a Plushie?

Taigore: Everyone else is

Arty: I don’t know

Twitch: why not?

Taigore: I mean you could have a really cute plushie

Arty: I’m not really a plushie person

Taigore: Everyone loves plushies

Arty: You just want me to get one so you can chew on it

Taigore: Who me?

Arty: yes you

Twitch: Yeah that’s a good point

Taigore: I promise I won’t

Arty: is that promise worth anything?

Taigore: Yes

Twitch: Are you going to get a plushie or not?

Arty: Not yet…maybe I’ll get my own plushie later

Twitch: If you get one what one would you get?

Arty: Well S’rac reckons I should get two plushies one of each of you, but why
would I want that?

Taigore: Who wouldn’t?

Arty: I’ll ignore that, then we got into an argument about whether my Taigore
plushie when brought to life would eat his live Kuno plushie.

Taigore: And the result was…?

Arty: I can’t remember **falls over anime styles**

Taigore: Then why did you bring it up?

Twitch: That’s obvious

Arty: Yeah any idiot could see I’m filling in space

Taigore: Guess I’m not any idiot

Arty: You’re impossible

Twitch: No, You’re super impossible.

Arty: You’re an extra extra double jerk, sorry I watch Charmed

Taigore: Yeah we know

Twitch: I mean we go everywhere with you, do we not?

Arty: Yeah but I only met you a few days ago

Twitch: Oh but we’ve been with you for years…

Taigore: Just waiting for you to notice us

Arty: Wow you guys are patient

Twitch: No, we had a little fun through the years

Taigore: Yeah, all the bad stuff in your life that has ever occurred was mainly
us, trying to get you to notice us.

Arty: Why I should kill you… do you have any idea how many times I almost died?

Taigore: Yeah we were the ones who helped you to get better to

Twitch: Yeah, we didn’t mean to almost kill you.

Arty: **glares**

Taigore: I swear on my honour as a tiger

Twitch: and me on the magic of dragons

Arty: All right I’ll let you off the hook next time, but if you ever attempt to
seriously harm me again…I will feed you to carnivorous potatoes.

Twitch: Yes ma’am

Taigore: Aw this means we can have no more fun

Twitch: Use those fluffy things on the top of your head called ears, she said
attempt to seriously, she said nothing about accidents or little harm

Taigore: Mwahahaha you just made my day Twitch

Twitch: I made my day to.

Arty: Yeah I think I’ll actually write something about J’dee’s story now, just
so she realises I do actually read it, and I’m not just reviewing to make cheap
shots at Tanti

Taigore: But you do make cheap shots at Tanti

Arty: Yeah but that’s not all I do, you know that, why else would I bug J’dee
online about stuff happening in the story

Twitch: ‘Cos you’re an annoying person

Arty: Other then that

Twitch: No idea

Taigore: Me either

Arty: Well there ya go

Arty: Anyway J’dee great chapter, it ruled, and I can’t wait for the next
Hint, Hint
Write the next part or you’ll never hear the end of it.
Yeah I know you are, but hey I feel I have to comment

Taigore: Is that enough?

Arty: Yeah I think so

Twitch: It wasn’t very much compared to the rest of the review

Arty: But J’dee likes my reviews

Taigore: Are you sure about that?

Arty: Yeah she said they were funny…I think

Taigore: Do you now? That’s new information for me

Arty: Shut up **whacks Taigore with a carrot**

Twitch: And you have weird powers…I mean come on the power to summon vegetables?

Arty: Well at least in an emergency I’ll never go hungry

Taigore: But I’m always with you, and I don’t like Veggies

Arty: Well that’s your problem

Taigore: My problem…I HAVE A PROBLEM!?

Arty: Several is more like it

Taigore: But me…the perfection of Taigore…tainted by problems…

Arty: **snorts** Perfect

Taigore: I need to get this sorted

Arty: To err is human, oh wait you’re not human…Ha, you have a problem

Taigore: You’re not perfect

Arty: More perfect then you

Twitch: That’s not saying much, and I’m more perfect then both of you.

Arty: In your dreams maybe, but I created both of you so that means you
inherited your perfection from me.

Taigore: That’s not true

Arty: Prove it

Taigore: You prove it’s true

Arty: I don’t need to prove anything to anyone

Twitch: ^_~ are you sure?

Arty: Oh do shut your mouth, I don’t have anything to prove

Taigore: We believe you


Taigore: Hey well done, you never answered whether you were going to get a
plushie or not

Arty: Later

Taigore: Promise

Arty: You realise that it will not be your personal chew toy if I do get one

Taigore: Yes

Arty: Then yes I promise to get one

Twitch: What plushie?

Arty: I don’t know, anything, but if it’s Kuno, I’ll let you both rip it to
shreds, how does that sound?

Taigore: Cool

Twitch: It’s all-good

Arty: Kool

Taigore: I’m bored

Twitch: Yeah what are we going to talk about for 19 more pages?

Arty: I don’t know…

Taigore: So can’t we end this now?

Arty: No I refuse to yield to the bakas

Twitch: You are a very angry person

Taigore: yeah anger management classes all round

Arty: No, I can deal with my anger by myself

Taigore: Yeah but it would be funny to see you getting professional help

Arty: I’ve had professional help before

Twitch: The school guidance counsellor does not count

Arty: Oh well then I have from the doctor

Taigore: You and your stupid human doctors

Arty: What’s wrong with them

Twitch: Well they exist

Arty: So do you

Taigore: Yeah only for you though

Arty: And I’m supposed to feel touched by this?

Twitch: No you’re supposed to be extremely flattered

Arty: Why would you guys flatter me?

Twitch: No reason

Taigore: You’re just supposed to be

Arty: well I’m not

Taigore: And the harsh barbs of Arty’s indifference cut into us all

Twitch: And alas the blood loss shall kill us all

Arty: what a pity

Taigore: You’re not even going to try and save us?

Arty: Why would I bother doing that?

Twitch: ‘Cos you’re a lovely person who loves us

Arty: **snorts** Yeah sure I am

Twitch: truly you are

Arty: That’s not what you were saying at the start of the review

Twitch: Things change

Arty: you don’t

Taigore: Ouch…very ouch

Arty: I’m sorry Austin

Taigore: What the hell?

Arty: You said a line of Austin Powers 2 the spy who shagged me

Twitch: You humans and your demented sources of entertainment

Taigore: Yeah I mean why do you people bother with this reading and writing

Arty: ‘Cos it tends to get interesting

Taigore: You’re delusional

Arty: Not I’m not, take Boot Camp for example

Taigore: An enormous waste of time and energy

Arty: Why is that?

Taigore: ‘Cos me and Twitch aren’t in it

Arty: And that would make it all the better?

Twitch: Do you have a better idea?

Arty: I wasn’t the one who said it needed changing

Taigore: Why aren’t we in it?

Arty: Because it’s a Dragonballz fanfiction, not a freakish blue and orange
tiger, and demented sidekick the pink dragon fanfiction

Taigore: but we have fans

Arty: Yeah like whom?

Twitch: Er…

Arty: Just like I thought

Taigore: But these characters like Kuno and Heero are in it

Arty: yeah but they’re just plushies

Taigore: Oh…what about these muse things…we’re muses to

Arty: Yeah but I told J’dee that she didn’t have to put you in Boot Camp

Taigore: What did you do a stupid thing like that for? Twitch and I could have
made it sooo much more interesting

Arty: It’s already interesting enough as it is, and besides, J’dee doesn’t need
to think up things for you and things for you to say

Taigore: Why not…she sounds bored half the time

Arty: ‘Cos it’s hard enough writing a fanfiction with a few dozen characters in
it, let alone with you two psycho muses involved

Taigore: It couldn’t be that hard

Arty: It is…there’s a lot involved

Taigore: Like what?

Arty: Writer’s block, ideas, brainstorming, plot, ending, cliffhangers, the list
goes on

Taigore: You’re just making excuses to stop us from being in the story

Arty: So what if I am, what are you going to do about?

Taigore: **sits and thinks**

Arty: This may take awhile

Taigore: Arty, aren’t you afraid of cats?

Arty: No

Taigore: well allergic then?

Arty: Kinda, they don’t make me sneeze anymore, but if they scratch me, my skin
puffs up around where I’ve been scratched

Taigore: Well I’ll scratch you until I’m in the story

Arty: I’m not afraid of that

Taigore: Why?

Arty: ‘Cos I only have four main weaknesses, and one of them I have overcome for
the time being, and cat scratches are not on my list

Twitch: Arty…

Arty: What now Twitch?

Twitch: What are your weaknesses

Arty: I may look like a ditz, but I’m not

Twitch: Please

Arty: No, I will not tell you, or you’ll be exploiting them all you can

Taigore: Never

Twitch: Would we do that?

Arty: Yes

Taigore: I feel hurt, you don’t trust us

Arty: No

Twitch: Ooh way to put it bluntly girl

Arty: Well it’s the truth

Taigore: Still my feelings could have been spared, but no you’re relentless,
you’re like a steamroller, you just rolled over my feelings, squashing them flat

Arty: You know if you were a girl, you’d be a real Drama queen

Twitch: But since you’re a guy, I guess you’re a drama King

Taigore: **Goes all starry eyed** I’m a King?

Arty: Twitch…don’t

Twitch: Yes

Taigore: Mwahahaha, I’m a King, world bow down to me and my awesome power and

Arty: Shut up

Taigore: You dare to talk to your sovereign that way?

Arty: You’re not my sovereign

Taigore: Of course I am, I am everyone’s sovereign

Arty: Nope, I’m afraid you’re mistaken

Taigore: Do I need to teach you a lesson?

Arty: DO I need to teach you one?

Taigore: How would you do that?

Arty: I would hang you out by your tail on a washing line

Taigore: You wouldn’t dare

Arty: I would to

Taigore: How about I hang you out by your tail

Arty: who says I have a tail?

Taigore: **looks at Arty suspiciously**

Arty: Hehehe

Twitch: Yeah this is getting old

Arty: Tell me about it

Twitch: Yeah but you have to keep writing ‘cos mediaminer is being evil and
won’t let you submit your review so now you can make it longer for revenge

Arty: I wonder why I didn’t think of that?


Arty: True, but what am I going to talk about?


Twitch: You could always list your music videos about Dragonballz that you have
downloaded and what they’re about.

Arty: why would anyone want to know that?

Twitch: Who wants to know anything that you’re writing?

Arty: Good point


Arty: **sighs** Look there is a plushie hiding in those bushes

Taigore: Where?

Arty: Go have a look

Taigore: **forgets about being a King and searches for plushie**

Arty: Well that got rid of him

Twitch: So there’s not really a plushie over there?

Arty: No, I just said that to get rid of our annoying ‘King’

Twitch: I see

Taigore: **comes back in** There is no plushie over there

Arty: Yeah I know

Taigore: oh

Arty: So here is my list of my downloaded Dragonballz music videos and what
they’re about, I didn’t make any of these, I know you don’t care about this, I’m
just filling in space.

1. All-star goes to Smashmouth’s all-star = About Dbz characters and how much
they kick ass, mainly Trunks beating Freiza

2. Blink182 goes to blink182’s don’t leave me = Random clips all thrown together
to make a wicked music video

3. Blink182-2 goes to blink182’s Adam’s song = All clips about Vegeta and how
sad his life was/is it ends with Frieza killing him, it’s one of my favourites

4. Bymyside goes to 3 doors down’s song, I think it’s called by my side = It’s
about Dbz movie 9 and the attack of Bojack, I love that movie, and it has some
cool clips in it

5. Crawling_dbz_music_video goes to Linkin Park’s crawling = It’s a tribute to
the 5 greatest Saiyans of all time, Gohan, Goku, Vegeta, Goten and Trunks, it’s
a whole heap of moments of parts of fights from all 5 characters, through most
of the sagas and movies

6. Enfugo I don’t know who this song is by = It’s a remix song, a whole heap of
songs joined together, it’s hilarious, clips go well with music.

7. End of the World by R.E.M = Mainly about Earth and lots of people through Dbz
getting blown up, and it being the end of the world as they know it, it’s a good

8. Eternal. I don’t know the song or who sings it but it’s so cool, I’ll write
the lyrics out soon, just to fill in space = It’s about Marai Trunks and the
hardships he went through, you’ll get it more when you see the lyrics, it’s
about him wishing he was better

9. Freiza Last Resort, goes to Papa Rouch’s Last Resort = About Goku’s and
Frieza’s fight on Namek, & Frieza’s Last Resort that backfired on him

10. Godsmack, Godsmack’s I stand alone = I don’t like this one as much, ‘cos
it’s not the whole song, it’s about mainly movie 9 again, and how Gohan did a
large amount of the fighting ‘cos he was the target

11. Hero, Chad Kroeger and Josey Scott’s Hero = About The Z fighter’s and their
battles and how they become heroes

12. If_I_Could, The Calling’s Wherever you will go = It’s about the fight with
Buu and Goku, Gohan, And Vegeta’s trials

13. Impression, I don’t know if this is the real name of the song, and the name
of the band or people who sing this eludes me, but it’s made by my favourite Dbz
Music Video makers Danny = It’s about the battle between Goku and Frieza

14. It’s going down, the song by Linkin park, it’s going down, I love that song
= It’s about movie 6, the battle against Cooler on New Namek, and the fight in
another movie between androids 14 and 15 and the Z fighters, and the fight with
Brolly, Buu to, and chinified Goku against some robots

15. KidrockGohan, It’s the song Bawitaba by Kid Rock = It’s a dedication to
Gohan’s fight between Cell and himself

16. Largerdb3k1, Larger then life by the backstreet boys = It’s about the
tournament before Movie 9’s attack of Bojack

17. Majinmovie, it’s from this day by machine head = Goku fights Majin Vegeta,
putting it simply

18. Mess, Mass amounts, I don’t know the title or who sings it = Super Saiyans
kick ass

19. Music of the Heart, N*SYNC AND GLORIA ESTAFAN’s music of the heart = Tribute
to Gohan and Piccolo, really sad and heart-warming

20. Musicvideo5, space people sings whatever it is that goes with the clips =
It’s about 4 Saiyans, Goku, Vegeta, Goku and Marai Trunks

21. Myresolution, I don’t know song or the singer = I CRIED AT THE END, IT WAS
Call me a wuss if you want, but it was sad.
It’s a country kind of song, with Gohan talking in parts, Goku talking at the
It’s about the events leading up to Goku’s death against Cell, song goes very
good with the clip.

22. Forgotten, It’s Forgotten by Linkin park = It’s the fight between Gohan and
Trunks in the future between the androids and them. It also has Gohan’s death in
it, and the aftermath of Goku’s death

23. In the end, In the end by Linkin Park = Lots of fighting, powering up and
Dbz characters dying

24. Onestepcloser, the song one step closer by Linkin Park = Bardock going up
against Freiza when nobody believes his premonitions

25. Setasidedthepride, My sacrifice by Creed = I love this song and clip, it’s
basically about Vegeta putting aside his pride and thinking about his family,
has him talking in parts, made by Danny, I love his work

26. Trunkslife, Bon Jovi’s it’s my life = It’s about Trunks dealing with
Gohan’s death in the future, lots of flashbacks

27. Untouchable, don’t know the name of song, or who sings it = About Vegeta
thinking he’s untouchable, lyrics suit the clips, I’ll write them out to ^_^

28. Warriorsway, Limp Bizkit, My way = About Vegeta fighting android 19, the big
fat white one, I’m not sure if I got that right, and how he’s gone super saiyan,
and it’s his way

29. Goneaway, I don’t know again, I’ll write the lyrics out to = It’s a clip
about movie 6, the fight on New Namek, and against a dew other bad guys, I love
the song, but the clip ain’t great

Arty: okay sing lyrics time, but if you know who sings these or what their
actual titles are please tell me. (Some lyrics may be wrong, I apologise if they

Eternal (this is the Trunks one remember, hopefully you’ll see what I mean about
it making more sense about his hardships and the song being related when you
read this, I love this song)

Sometimes, I wish I was brave
I wish I was stronger
Wish I could feel no pain
Wish I was young
Wish I was shy
I wish I was honest
Wish I was you not I

‘Cos I feel so mad
I feel so angry
Feel so Callous
So lost, confused, not sane
I feel so cheap
So used unfaithful
Lets start over
Lets start over

Sometimes I wish I was smart
I wish I made cures for how people are
I wish I had power
I wish I could feel
I wish I could change the world
For you and me

‘Cos I feel so mad
I feel so angry
Feel so Callous
So lost, confused, not sane
I feel so cheap
So used unfaithful
Lets start over
Lets start over

‘Cos I feel so mad
I feel so angry
Feel so Callous
So lost, confused, not sane
I feel so cheap
So used unfaithful
Lets start over
Lets start over

‘Cos I feel so mad
I feel so angry
Feel so Callous
So lost, confused, not sane
I feel so cheap
So used unfaithful
Lets start over
Lets start over

Lets start over

(Yeah that’s the first one)

Untouchable (Vegeta one, will make more sense about his feelings when you think
about it, if you can tell me who sings this, do tell)

This is nothing new to me
It takes more then what you’ve got
To threaten me
I’m not scared of you
There’s nothing you can do
Or take from me

You think you’re untouchable
You know
No one’s untouchable

You’re about to loose the game
There’s no one else to blame
You place it safe
And you’re not risking enough
You’re about to be undone
I swear I’ll be the one
To bring you down

It’s all your fault
‘cos you got caught

You think you’re untouchable
You know
No one’s untouchable

It must be nice
To be so sure
You never feel insecure

It must feel good to believe
You’re always right
And never wrong

If you’ve got something to say
You say it to my face
And be a man about it

If you’ve got a problem with me
Don’t go behind my back
Just like a baby

You think you’re untouchable
You know
No one’s untouchable

You think you’re untouchable
You know
No one’s untouchable

You think you’re untouchable
You know
No one’s untouchable

No one’s untouchable

No one’s untouchable

No one’s untouchable

(End the 2nd one)

Goneaway (I just like this song, and it’s the last one I wrote in)

Do you pray in the night?
Can you appreciate the winds?
And I won’t cave
I won’t fight
I need to you close to sing
It’s the same begin

Gone away
It’s the same old same old song
Gone away
And it’s my whole life in words

And I can’t breath when you cry
But I’ll be there to hold you tight
And I won’t cave
I won’t fight
To keep you close I’ll keep singing the same way
I won’t live if you died
If I can feel you in the winds
And this is real
It’s my life
I’ll need you close to sing
It’s the same begin

Gone away
It’s the same old same old song
Gone away
And it’s my whole life in words
And it’s my whole life

And I can’t sing
And I don’t know
Why I fall
Why I’m gone
And I can’t sing
And I don’t know
Why I fall
Why I’m gone

Gone away
It’s the same old same old song
Gone away
And it’s my whole life in words

Gone away
It’s the same old same old song
Gone away
And it’s my whole life in words

(End number 3, well that filled in some space, not much though, compared to the
rest of my review)

Arty: That was oddly boring

Twitch: You thought so?

Arty: Yeah

Twitch: Aw

Arty: Yeah I know, but it filled in part of my night, so I’m not complaining to

Taigore: You know no one is actually going to read this

Arty: I’m counting on it actually, but the conversation is just here in case
anyone is actually bored enough to

Twitch: Yeah, boredom makes people do things that they wouldn’t normally do

Arty: why do you think I’m writing such a long and pointless review?

Twitch: Yeah good point, I mean I resort to Taigore’s level and experiment with
chewing on things when I’m bored

Taigore: Just pointing out, aren’t reviews supposed to talk about the story?

Arty: Yeah but we’re one of the exceptions

Twitch: oh

Taigore: What was J’dee’s reaction when you told her that Tanti would feel your

Arty: She said something along the lines of and so will the rest of us, what do
you think she meant by this?

Taigore: That everyone else will suffer when you put this review up

Arty: Why would they suffer?

Twitch: Think about it, you review will make the scroll bar tiny as, and then
Tanti might try and retaliate, imagine what that will do to the page.

Arty: oh well, have fun now, pay consequences later

Twitch: that will come back to haunt you later
Arty: I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it

Twitch: Bridges are evil

Taigore: what makes you say that?

Twitch: The way they act, the way they stand, the way they give off that creepy
vibe that they’re going to collapse with you on them

Arty: Why do you even cross them? You can fly, can’t you?

Twitch: That’s beside the point

Taigore: You know what else is evil?

Arty: Yes, MSN

Taigore: Other then that

Arty: what

Taigore: You **falls over in fits of laughter**

Arty: Why do you say that

Taigore: ‘Cos you’re writing this incredibly long review

Arty: **growls**

Taigore: Can we stop here?

Arty: Soon

Twitch: Yay

Arty: I guess I should finish this soon, I mean I was only aiming for 40 pages,
and I did 41, let’s see Tanti beat that, with a normal review, and I used her
single spacing, but remind me to hurt Taigore later

Taigore: That would be a good idea, then I could go to bed, but don’t hurt me I
didn’t mean to say that

Arty: Liar

Twitch: what is it with you cats and sleeping?

Taigore: It’s in our blood

Twitch: Well it can’t be helped then

Taigore: **yawns** make this fast

Arty: OKAY, I want to that everyone who had the patience to read this…
I would like to thank Taigore and Twitch for keeping me company.

Taigore: That’s ok

Twitch: Yeah we weren’t goin’ to let you have a conversation with yourself

Arty: You can go to bed now

Taigore: Yay **falls onto a convenient pillow and falls asleep**

Twitch: Jeez what am I going to do now?

Arty: I dunno, go find some warm water and make him wet his bed or something

Twitch: **evil grin** Kool, good idea **rushes off to find water**

Arty: Aw I feel so touched
J’dee keep writing
And I’ll keep being my usual constant, annoying, and faithful reading, self
Ciao for now
I’ll catch you later
Lots of hugs J’dee and everyone who needs a hug or wants one, except Tanti ‘cos
she’s evil, unless she starts liking me ‘cos then I’ll like her, ‘cos my
feelings will be mutual.
Oh yeah and I’ll try not to write too many long reviews like this one, okay?
 Reviewed By: Saiyan Princess TRF [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 03, 2002 07:10 CDT
Hey, I just went through the other reviews and came to these conclusions:

1. I, TRF, shall murder Tatewaki Kuno. NO ONE insults my Skittles and my Hee-bear and gets away with it!

2. Other people are asking for more plushies...hmmm...Heero plushie needs friends...like Vegeta, Juunanagou, Hiei, Inuyasha, Duo, Chibodee, George and James(from Pokemon :p Don't look at me like that)

3. Grrr....Bana said Heero sucks....RAGH!!! *Tears up a nearby couch* HOW DARE SHE?! AND I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS TOO!!

George: Come on now Madmoiselle. It is time for your meeting with the physchiatrist...

Chibodee: Which is nothing but Frenchie's fancy way of saying to you "Hey woman, you ain't right in the head so we're taking you to a shrink".

Heero: It's useless. I've taken her to 17 shrinks and 12 mental asylums...she drives the people there insane...

George: That may be a problem.
 Reviewed By: Saiyan Princess TRF [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 02, 2002 21:38 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hey J'dee! Yay! Heero plushie lives!! BWHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Heero: -_-

So....we get whatever we had in the reviews in the fic huh? *Takes out water-TO DEFEAT THE EVIL ROCKS! And the one thing that shall defeat bunnies in the end...carrot pie! It'll distract them long enough for Heero plushie to shoot them and let us rescue Skittles! Also takes out a CD player and flamethrower for the convienience of it all* MWHAHAHAHAHA!!! NOW I SHALL BE INVINCIBLE! *A crack of lightening is shown in the backround....it singes TRF* Ow ;_;

Heero: Pathetic *whacks her with the butt of his gun*
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