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"Par Tout Autre Nom" Reviews/Comments [ 734 ]
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 Reviewed By: rosie13 (gwaaaaiiiii)  On: May 27, 2004 15:01 PDT
...Nuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!! Now I feel horribly guilty!!! The one time I forget to write you a review, you mention me in your AN notes... Gwaii! I'm sorry! Forgive!! Forgive!!! Please don't ban me from reading your story... It's like my life support! If it was a liquid, I'd put it in a plastic baggy, attach some tubes, get gurney, and you can call me comatose! (Did that make any sense?... I didn't think so) Soooo, since I have such overwhelming guilt, I will try to compensate by making the chapter twice as long as would have... Well, let's just see how this goes. In any case, it'll definitely come out to more than 27 lines, I promise you that. ---By the way, in case you were wondering, Gwaii is my way of expressing regret. Like, its saying "aye! I'm sooooo sorry!' or 'Oh nooo! You hate me now!!' I guess I kinda just mixed up the letters in it or something, and came up with Gwaii... Yeah. Let's just leave it as that.--- Alright, time for the most sticky-outty part of 2 chapters ago!! I don't remember the exact line, but it was the one where the reincarnated Naraku (can't remember his new name) said to himself 'I will make you smile.' or something like that. I can totally see Naraku saying that to himself. A much more compassionate, less evil Naraku, but i can still see him. I wonder what Naraku would be like if he was obsessed with Kagome instead of Kikyo in the Feudal Era. Probably much more Kagome kidnapping, that's for sure. And thought tags about the untrained miko much more frequently. (Thought tags being what a character is thinking inside their head. Viz loves to do this continually. Especially with the whole Kagome/Inuyasha angsty business. A little tiring and repetitive if you ask me) Or maybe if he and Kikyo became mates or some drastic change like that. Can someone say Primetime Soap Opera? They should really have a whole channel dedicated to Manga dramas. Then I could sit on the couch eating popcorn and laughing at all the unfortunate people who's loved ones all die one by one. That's the ultimate drama, someone dying. Usually everything end when a person is killed. Especially in shoujo manga, where everything is revolving around one or two main characters. You can tell I'm not such a huge fan of that type of manga anymore. *Anymore* being the key word. Ah, what a fool I was in the old days. If only I had gone to Inuyasha first... *shakes head* So many months wasted...Ah well. I can make up for it by adding more Inuyasha fan art to my collection. No, I don't draw. I can't even pick up a pencil without it spontaneously combusting in my hand, or begging to be spared. ¬_¬ Damn cynical pencils... They all deserve to be used as kindle in America's fireplace. Burn, devil pencils! Burn!!!----- Okey dokey, enough with 2 chapters ago... Even though I really didn't say much about it, that's okay. Now about this chapter.... I can't believe you thought you could get out of this one with all limbs still intact. You do realize that bomb threats on the US will increase dramatically, don't you? Either that or it's Hiroshima all over again. Anyways, here's the most stickky-outty part of the chapter; One simple line, "Yo." That says it all. The whole chapter is all in that one word. Pretty amazing how you did that. You never cease to amaze me, really. I liked the shower-race with Hiei and Kurama. Wha ha ha, what fun!!! (by the way-- you owe me a new kidney. Mine exploded when I read your one-shot, 'No Challenge Too Small'. Yes, I laughed that hard. Thanks to you, my dad is permanently staying at least 3 feet away from me at all times. That or he's got a restraining order I don't know about yet) Another thing I lied was how you didn't spend too much time on Kurama in the shower (we've already had one of those scenes) and went right to Kagome without dawdling. That was cool. Ooh! I wanna guess what's gonna happen next chapter!! (according to the patterns in writing you've shown so far) Okay, first half's gonna be whatever or whoever was in Koenma's office. (Kaede, maybe? Or his father?... Actually, that's pretty far-fetched. Scratch that) The other half will be whoever the golden-eyed people are. I'm thinking Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha (*squeal!*) and his kids. Let's just say he mated with Kikyo and Golden eyes are dominant. Whatever. But if you pull a twist on us and its some weirdo guy from Kagome's past, well, lemme ask this-- "Do you want a tomb or a grave stone?... What about burial flowers? You like Roses?" [quoted by the almighty Koenma, near-end of the first Dark Tournament. Directed at Kurabara (Not surprisingly) when he said he was gonna fight against the dude with all the armour] It just has to be Inuyasha! He's the only person who would greet Kagome so casually after 500 years... Or, um, however long its been since he last saw her. Hum, I wonder... Does Inuyasha look older now? Well Duh, but how so? Obviously Sesshoumaru didn't always look like that. Oh, now I wanna see Sesshoumaru in his moody preteen years!! Can you say kawaii!-- Aye aye, I believe this is all I can come up with for now... As my spanish teacher says, 'Sin nada mas por ahora' or something like that. Alrightie, this is at least 30 lines, I can feel it in my bones! Don't worry about it, it's a reviewer thing. Last night I was laying on my back watching the stars ... Then I thought, "Where the heck did my ceiling go?!
 Reviewed By: Okaasan-7 [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 27, 2004 14:52 PDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
What a great ending! Kouga is another character who I generally loathe but you made him seem much less of an annoying fool.
 Reviewed By: Niku [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 27, 2004 14:48 PDT
That... that... that... was just EVIL!!! Wait, no! That's an understatement! It was just...Ack! Ahhh, Kouga... Didn't really expect that ^__^ Hehe... I think I fell in love with him, I wanted to see him talk more and have Kurama confuse... more! *giggle* I can't stop myself from being giddy! I need you to update sooon! I can't wait! ^_______________________^
 Reviewed By: amara864796239876  On: May 26, 2004 17:11 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Another superb chapter!!!!!!! Do the golden eyes happen to be wolves, and something to do with Koga?? Does Shippo have anything to do with them there, or does he just know who it is??? Please, I am begging you, update soon!!!!!!
 Title: YO...YO!!! thats just evil
Reviewed By: Miss_Marilyn69 [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 26, 2004 15:43 PDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
man I didn't get the last two chapter notices from MM, so I got three chapters for the price of one. I agree with you on the way Miroku is cooler in the original japanese diologue, and I really digged the verbal play between kurama and "The God of Deseption". How perfect is that,I bet my dad thought I was going crazy I was laughing so much. I really do hope this story is long, and that it has a plot. I've read enough pointless Inuyasha stories now. I'm only reading the ones on my Fav's now. But anyhow back to the review. Whats with this onigumo was suposed to be with Kagome stuff, I'm really curious why that would be. But I'm also emenslly curious about what Miroku and Sango were agreeing on, and who shut the door on mini god Koenma (sp?). I hope Kurama gets to see her fight soon, and I'm scared of who said yo. Is he here? Is he here is it him, are we closer to finding out what his wish was and why it when wrong aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!! SO MANY UN-ANSWERED QUESTIONS!!!! I'm so happy to read your story I'm waiting with baited breath, I know you won't let me down
 Reviewed By: tbiris [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 26, 2004 13:34 PDT
Kouga isn't it? If Shippo's comfortable with them around, and the 'Yo1' just screams Kouga or Inu, but Inu's pretending he's Sessho, right?
 Reviewed By: akuma_river [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 26, 2004 12:30 PDT
Great Chapter. I really don't care how many chapters you have to this story. As long as every chapter has great quality like you have been doing. Heck I am reading Jeff's Kagome where are you fic and that is up to 62 chapters and I am not even sure if he is quite half way done. Anyways I love this story keep up the work that you have doing and don't worry about anything else. Btw is that Inu-Yasha and his pups that have appeared or is that an enemy? I know Koga didn't have gold eyes. And Inu and Sess are the only ones that I know of that have that color. Anyways update soon. I absolutely love this story.
 Reviewed By: Fanfic Crazy Chibi [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 26, 2004 12:01 PDT
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS FIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *tends to shrine* You... write... more... You have a gift... you really do... Words cannot express how much I love this fic... It should be it's own show... I love everything about it... *praise praise*
 Title: ANOTHER cliffy?
Reviewed By: momiji_mouse  On: May 26, 2004 02:13 PDT
Gee, these cliffhangers are getting pretty frequent!! ^o^ I am SO SO S-O glad that your updates are getting more frequent... the more I read of the story, the more desperate I am to figure out how it all ends! Completely addicted, I guess! Great work AGAIN, and update soon!!!
 Reviewed By: SuzumiTenshi [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 25, 2004 22:03 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
O_O I am positively sure that that is Inuyasha! I WANNA READ MORE!!!! Please! Pretty please update soon! I LOVE this fanfic! (it is also up on the Kxk shrine)I absoultely love how you make everything enjoyable and my favorite parts are the perverted thought Youko has, along with Kurama, and the time when he is actually with Kagome!
 Reviewed By: WRITE MORE!!!!!!!!!! Please?  On: May 25, 2004 21:53 PDT
More More More MORE! *grin* Kurama is just.... Hilarious. Shippo is still so KAWAII! And..... I LOVE HIEI!
 Reviewed By: michi-chan6 [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 25, 2004 21:39 PDT
That was just cruel. I'm pretty sure I know who that was but still... I am so glad that your updates have become more frequent. Otherwise I think I might go insane. I'm sorry I'm not really good about reviewing. Actually I never review. But I think I better start. Anyways my point was this is my favorite fanfic. I love this fic sooo much. I quote partsof it to my friends and they love it too. Actually I'm sending my friend the link as soon as I'm done so ya. Update soon!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: Sanura [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 25, 2004 19:45 PDT
..........you had to end that chapter right there, didn't you? Took me like 3 days to read your story (which is pretty amazing considering I'd normally get bored reading the same story after about an hour), and you leave me with a cliff-hanger. But anyways, great story, you've got me hooked, at times, I refused to get of the comp just so I could read more, that just goes to show how good your story is. And, no, I'm not just saying that, believe me, if your story wasn't that good, I'd tell ya. Though, I'd just like to make a guess on who shows up at the end of the last chapter...^^has to be Kouga^^ (yea, major Kouga fan). Anyways, please update soon, I really must read more of the story *gets on hands and knees and is prepared to beg for the rest*
 Title: oooohhh
Reviewed By: Silver Neko (meh. Signing in is a pain.)  On: May 25, 2004 19:21 PDT
Is it Kouga? Huh? Or Inuyasha? Nah. I's Kouga right? Well, No more pointy objects for us. We're cured. *snickersnort.* Yeah. Cured. Right. Anyway, right more soon! Very soon!! *Worships at the Deviation shrine again.*
 Title: Thats just so wrong...
Reviewed By: The Black Kat  On: May 25, 2004 18:31 PDT
ok you did it again...I am on the edge and I want to know what happens now. Why do you do this to me...I mean I want to pull my hair out. hurry and update soon...please? pretty please with sugar on top.
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