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Title: Shocked Zel [ Anime/Manga :: Slayers ] By: Anzu_Hime
Uploaded On: Jan 28 22:42:41 2005
Charcters: Zelgadis Greywers
Description: Recently got into a drawing mood and had been watching some old Slayers videos. Zel is one of my favorite chars and he's just fun to draw. Keep in mind this is only a sketch! If you like it, please comment!
Image Properties: 449x495 27.19 kb
View (2) Visitor Reviews

"Shocked Zel" Reviews/Comments [ 2 ]
Reviewed By: Koorime Rose  On: September 16, 2005 20:18
Drawing Skill: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
nice! this is just a sketch? that's really good! I like it a lot!
Reviewed By: Serena SilverMoon  On: May 01, 2005 03:25
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Drawing Skill: 9 of 10
Use of Medium: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I love Zel. I alwaysed thought that he and Lina were best together oh well. are you going to color it in? I like the way that you drew him. Oh Sorry if I miss spelled anything, It's 3:23 in the mornning and I haven't sleeped for 24 hours, so I might miss type something. SMILE ^_~

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