Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Inescapable, You ❯ Chapter 3

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

**************************************** *************************************************************************** **********************I don't own these characters, so pleez don't sue me. You know the drill.
O*** Inescapable You (Part 3)***O

The sun slowly rises over a peaceful and beautiful morning. A red-breasted robin sits on a dew-laden branch, ready to cry the morning. Two beings lay in a state of peaceful slumber that nothing can disturb.
My feet are cold.
The half-conscious thought ran through Sakura Avalon's head. For some reason, her warm comforter was not over her freezing tootsies. Her toes groped around for something warm as she hugged her stuffed animal closer to her chest. Finally, her icy toes touched something very warm indeed.
Suddenly, her "stuffed animal" was jerked away as she was pulled upright with a painful jerking to her wrist.
Li blinked his bleary eyes in confusion, his reflexes having awoken him.
"Sorry. Your feet are cold."
Sakura looked down and blushed, realizing that she had been hugging Li's arm and sticking her feet up his pants leg.
Sakura yawned.
"I didn't sleep very well. How about you?"
Li rolled his eyes, "It's kinda hard to get comfy in a button-up shirt when you're sleeping.
Another problem they had encountered was getting dressed since they could not remove their shirts. Li was wearing a button up checked shirt and Sakura was wearing a tank top.
Sakura decided it was time to bring up a sticky subject.
"Li, I feel disgusting…I need a shower."
"Absolutely not."
"We don't know how long we're going to be in these things, I'm not going that long without bathing!"
"Geez, why me?"
"So, here's how it's going to work. You're going to take turns. Sakura first, then Li. Meilin and I will help you out as much as we can while still preserving your modesty."
Li looked like he was contemplating suicide. Sakura looked like she was going to battle. Meilin looked like she was going to have a coronary.
Madison had taken over the planning and leadership position.
"I hope you didn't like this shirt that much, Sakura."
After Li was blindfolded, Madison used a pair of scissors to cut the thin straps of Sakura's tank top so she could shower. Li stood impatiently as his hand was dragged around in the scaldingly hot water that Sakura liked and his shirt sleeve became soaked.
As Sakura shampooed her hair his hand was repeatedly brushed along her wet cheek and even briefly touched her lips. He suppressed a shiver and hoped that Madison and Meilin hadn't noticed.
When the time came for Sakura to get out it was also time for Li to get in.
"I don't mind really, I just showered yesterday!"
Sakura, who stood dripping in a bathrobe interjected, "If I'm going to be hooked to you, you're not going to stink!"
She took the scissors from Madison and began cutting his shirt off. She was careful not to cut his skin and couldn't help noticing how smooth and tan the flesh on his shoulders was.
What's come over you girl?
Smiling evilly, she pushed him backwards and topless into the stream of steaming water. He yelped and almost slipped. Madison dragged a protesting Meilin out to give Li as much privacy as possible.
When the water finally shut off, there was a moment of awkward silence.
"Um, Sakura…could you hand me a towel, please?"
They then stood there in the steamy room, she in her bathrobe, he in his towel. They stood and stared at each other. Time seemed to slow and the steam swirled around the room. Li felt himself leaning forward unconsciously and noticed that Sakura was getting closer, with those big, pouty lips and--
Knock Knock
"Are you guys all done?"
Next came the matter of getting dressed again. The only thing they could figure out to get Sakura in was a tube top and jeans. Li was a bit more of a problem.
"I can't very well walk around in just jeans!"
Meilin grinned like a cat, "Says who?"
Sakura smiled sappily, "You can borrow a tube top."
An evil glare was the response.
Madison snapped her fingers, "I have an idea!"
"Madison, I'm not that skinny!"
"Sure you are, just try not to stretch it too much."
Madison's idea was to get a shirt on Li by going through Sakura.
Sakura took the white "wife-beater" shirt in her hands.
"Here goes nothing!"
She stepped her legs into the body of the shirt and then struggled to work both feet through the armhole. She pulled it up as high as her hips when it had some trouble.
"Ow, it's stuck!"
"Here, let me help." Li grabbed an end of the shirt and helped Sakura work it over her hips. She blushed and thanked him. She then pulled it up her stomach and chest and started to work her shoulders through. Here, again, she ran into trouble.
She looked quite the sight with her arms all twisted and trapped against her head so that her cheeks were squished.
With great effort, the shirt was finally pulled all the way over her head and Li managed to put it on. The shirt was, of course, stretched on one side so that it bagged, but, Li had a shirt on.
Sakura rubbed her friction-burned cheek and pouted.
"We'd better not have to take that off that way!"
Just then, the phone rang. Everyone grew silent and all eyes turned to the vibrating receiver. Meilin walked slowly over and picked up the phone.
"Hello…hold on."
She looked worried as she turned and looked directly at Sakura.
"It's for you."
As Sakura put down the receiver, she turned slowly and looked at everyone with a white face.
"It was my dad. I have to go home now."
All eyes turned to the hands before them, bound in chains of gold.
"Uh oh."
Hehe, I'm evil I know. Actually, I'm horribly busy. I'm writing this now when I should be in bed because the response has been so wonderful. I'm so glad you like it and I'm getting some really inspiring and some really weird responses. So keep it up and I'll do my darndest to have the next part out soon. Up next: what happens when it's time for Sakura to go home? How is she going to hide this from her family? Hmmm…? Hee, see you soon, same bat time, same bat station! R&R. Luv Ya!!!

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