Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Inescapable, You ❯ Chapter 4

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

**************************************** *************************************************************************** **********************I don't own these characters, so pleez don't sue me. You know the drill.

O*** Inescapable You (Part 4)***O
A young couple walked down the street. They seemed a bit strange to the outside viewer. A cute brunette in a tube top and a surly looking dark-haired boy in a wife-beater. They were holding hands with a jacket draped over the top of them. Some who saw them thought how sweet young love was, others wondered why they were being so modest about holding hands, and still others wondered what the heck they were wearing.
"Li, what are we going to do?"

"I don't know, okay!"
Sakura pouted, slightly hurt.
Li glance sideways at her expression and sighed.
"Fine. First off, we have to get in the house without your brother or your dad noticing that I'm chained to you. Obviously, that would be cause of some question."
"Right. We need to get Tori out of the way. I think I can get past just dad, but my brother is really nosy."
* * *
"Alright, Kero. You fly around to the front and ring the doorbell. We'll sneak in the back and up the back staircase."
Kero gave Li the most malevolent look his cute yellow face could muster.
"I still don't like this, Sakura."
Li glared at Kero with equal animosity.
"Just move it stuffed animal!"
Inside the house, Tori looked up from the newspaper he was reading as his father made something that sizzled deliciously on the stove.
"Was that the doorbell, Dad?"
"I don't know son, why don't you go and see?"
Tori glanced out the window in the front and didn't see anyone. He opened the door and looked down. There on the welcome mat lay that little stuffed animal of Sakura's that made him so suspicious. Tori picked it up with a curious look on his face. He could almost swear the little thing was sweating.
In the back yard, Sakura heard faint chimes from where she was crouched on the grass.
"Okay that's the signal, let's go."
The benefit of going up the back stairs was that only the first three steps were visible from the kitchen. The tried to run softly as they quickly went for the stairs. Once Li was past the wall that blocked the stairs, Sakura stopped him with a tug.
Making sure that Li wasn't visible to her father, she called.
"Hi, Dad!"
Sakura's father turned around in surprise. He saw his daughter standing on the stairs waving.
"Hello, Sweetheart. Did you have a good time?"
"Yup, sure did."
"Where's my hug?"
Sakura felt a wave of panic roll through her body when a convenient excuse fell to her lips.
"Later, Dad. I have to go to the bathroom."
Just then Tori walked in and tossed Kero to Sakura. She caught it with her right hand. Tori rolled his eyes.
"Very cute having the stuffed animal ring the doorbell. What did you do run around to the back of the house?"
Sakura laughed nervously, "Yup."
She glanced up the stairs to where Li stood with a look of near panic on his face.
As she started to run up the stairs, Tori called to her once more. She poked her head around the divider.
"Sakura, what the heck are you wearing?"
She glanced down at the tube top and blushed. Mumbling something about not having any clean clothes she pushed Li up the stairs ahead of her.
Sakura and Li managed to keep a low profile by staying in her room all day while Kero and Li battled by video game. Needless to say, Sakura was incredibly bored.
Suddenly, they heard a sound they had been dreading all day. The sound of feet coming quickly and heavily up the stairs. Wide eyes met wide eyes met wide beads. Kero immediately flew to the bed and took his normal position, abandoning the video game that was still going. Li glanced around the room and finally, dove under the bed at the last second. Sakura sat in front of the TV with one controller at her feet, one near her hands and one hand under the bed skirt. The door quickly opened and Tori stuck his upper half in.
"Hey, Squirt. Time for supper."
He looked at the TV and back at his sister.
"Why is it on two player?"
Toying the controller with her toes Sakura shrugged shyly.
"I was trying to see if I could play with my hands and my feet at the same time."
"Hmmm…your feet are pretty good."
"Heheh. Thanks."
"Anyway, supper time."
"Be right down!"
Tori glanced once more throughout the room, feeling like he was missing something, then he closed the door.
A collective sigh was let out.
Li's head poked out from under the bed, a layer of dust was in his sleek hair.
"Good save!"
"Thanks. Now comes the hard part."
"This will never work."
"Yes it will. Now, don't fall, I don't want to have to use the fly card."
Sakura was leaning her body as far out the window as she could. Her free arm was extended before her, holding her wand. Li was holding on to her waist with one arm wrapped around and his other arm was underneath her, gripping the arm it was attached to.
Sakura concentrated for a moment.
"As I'm gonna be."
A fierce wind blew down from Sakura's window and knocked over the Avalons' trashcans and blew them towards the house so they banged and rattled loud enough to wake the dead. Luckily, it was windy enough that night to cover the fluke.
"Now!" Sakura shouted.
In one smooth movement, Li pulled her quickly back in and ran, still half carrying her to the door of her room. They were halfway down the stairs before he realized he was still carrying her and put her down.
She did a Mission Impossible style glance into the kitchen to verify that Tori and her dad had gone to pick up the trashcans. They quickly ran to the kitchen table as she heard the door slam to indicate they were coming back inside. Sakura now sat at her place at the large wooden table. Li, was crouched underneath by her feet. Both were silently praying.
All through dinner, Tori noticed his sister was a little pale and using very good table manners. He was so distracted by this, in fact, that he dropped his chopsticks right in the middle of dinner. As he reached to pick them up, Sakura quickly bent down and got them for him with a nervous giggle. Little did he know that his hand was inches from Li's sweating brow.
To Li, dinner seemed to go on for an eternity. Growing weary, he rested his forehead on Sakura's knee. Above the table, she blushed. Sakura ate very slowly and urged her father and brother to excuse themselves even though she wasn't done yet.
Finally, they went back upstairs. She was incredibly tired from hiding their secret all day. Li munched on Sakura's leftovers while she pondered what to wear to bed. She finally settled on a nightgown that had ties for straps.
She, unfortunately, couldn't tie them by herself, so Li had to tie the thick straps as she held it up. The skin of his hands brushed the delicate skin of her shoulders and she shivered.
"Cold?" he asked, his voice husky.
"I'm fine."
In the moonlight green eyes met amber and neither breathed.
"What's taking so long?"
The spell was broken and both blushed briefly and looked away.
"Nothing, Kero."
Sakura sighed happily as she climbed into her own bed. She let herself sink into the soft sheets and tried to ignore the fact that her left hand was hanging off the side of the bed.
Li was mumbling something about how his hand was going to fall asleep being elevated all night. (Author's Note: that hurts so bad! It happened to me once when I was sleeping on a submarine [long story] and my bracelet got caught on the top bunk [I was on the middle of 3 bunks, Ahh!] and it fell asleep! My hair also got caught, but that's another story. Okay, that was really off-track, but I just wanted to share that with you!~Miss BBD.)
Tori was heading upstairs to say goodnight to his brat of a little sister. Strange things had been happening all day, and she had been acting very weird. He walked quietly, not wanting to disturb her if she was already asleep. As he approached her door, he saw her bedside lamp switch off.
Good, she's still awake so I can say goodnight to her.
Tori's hand reached for the knob and softly turned it. He walked into Sakura's room to find his sister, sitting up in bed.
"H-hi Tori."
"Hey squirt, just came to say goodnight." Hmm…why does she seem nervous?
Tori glanced quickly around the room. His eyes fell on her stupid stuffed animal lying on the floor, half under her bed. Tori slowly knelt down to pick it up, as he did, his face slowly came towards the floor and--
With one sudden movement, he tossed up the bed skirt and screamed. Sakura jerked involuntarily.
Tori laughed to himself at his joke on his sister. Gets her every time.
"Sorry, Squirt. Had to scare away any monsters under your bed. I know you're such a frady-cat!"
She stuck her tongue out at him as he walked out.
He gave her one last grin.
As the door closed, Sakura let out her breath.
"Phew, that was close!"
"You're telling me!" said her pillows.
Li pulled himself out from under the fifty million pillows and stuffed animals piled on the head of Sakura's bed.
"Can't you lock your door?"
"I guess. Just until morning, though."
They finally settled down to sleep and a peace settled over them with the security of the locked door.
"Goodnight, Li," Sakura mumbled as she drifted off to sleep.
From the floor, he looked at her face intently for a moment.
"Goodnight…Sakura," he whispered, for she was already asleep.
Little did either young person know that as they slept and their personal bond grew closer, so did their physical bond. Silently in the dark, the golden chain shortened one link so that their hands were bound closer together as were their hearts.
Ohh. I'm so excited, up next: The GRANDE FINALE and ya'll know how much I love sappy endings! Tune in next time for the sugary (but not nauseating, I promise) conclusion!!! P.S. please continue to R&R, b/c I love feedback and it encourages me to write more quickly, I swear! Ya'll are lucky I have the flu, b/c that's why you got this part. Heehee. Luv ya!
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