Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Royal Namekian Blues ❯ Brother How Art Thou? ( Chapter 43 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

chap 43
Royal Namekian Blues
Brother How Art Thou?
By Trynia Merin aka StarbearerTM
Notes: This chapter is for Butterfly V who suggested that I have a chapter on Raditz and Goku's talk, and Gohan questioning Dr. Stellari about her marriage to Raditz. So thanks for the suggestions! And Sarawardly I am so glad I'm helping inspire you to write again! That means a lot! And thanks to all my other reviewers who have encouraged me to continue this!
Disclaimer: I don't own Dragon Ball Z. Toriyama created it, and Funimation and Toei Animation Co. own it! I only own my fanchars Dr. Stellari, Fermi and Bohr and the story idea! Please don't sue me because I'm not looking to get rich!
While Vegeta and Bulma tried to sort out what was going on, Goku and his brother Raditz blasted full speed to a special training location. As Goku glanced sidelong he struggled to see the similarities between himself and the silent sober Saiyan. Yet he had glimpses of hope in the pleasant and gentle demeanor Raditz displayed around Fermi and Bohr. Unknown to Raditz and Stellari, Goku had spied on them most of the last 2 days. He bid his time till just the right moment to approach Stellari to determine if she was happy or not. Chichi would scold him for his subterfuge, but Goku knew it would be worth it if he could prove to her and his friends that Raditz had indeed turned over a new page in his life.
Most importantly Goku had to prove to Gohan that his uncle was different. He did not envy Stellari who would face Gohan's pointed questions. He could just envision the tension he had left back home with Chichi. Nevertheless he had faith in his wife's ability to keep the peace. Besides Piccolo was there to make sure Gohan had a source of comfort. Chichi would most likely side with Dr. Stellari if arguments and tempers heated.
Raditz kept his own council. For the past hour he had nothing of import to say because he was so shocked at Goku's ready acceptance. Just when he thought he had Goku figured out, his brother blew all his theories to rubble by some unpredictably NICE behavior. Raditz didn't DO nice. To him, such things were as alien as the world he now inhabited. Although Vegeta and Bulma struggled to indoctrinate him and Nappa into Earth culture, he reminded them they were Saiyans foremost. All they had to do was keep from killing any Earthlings Bulma told them not to, and not arouse suspicion of the Z fighters. That didn't stop Vegeta, Raditz and Nappa from finding sport by picking off unsuspecting strangers or those foolish enough to try and sabotage or attack Capsule. Of the three, Raditz was the most shaken in his ways.
Now he wondered what was to happen next. Goku most likely wanted to try some brotherly bonding activity. Just what it would entail unnerved Raditz? He loathed the idea of his brother's forgiveness, thinking it weak. However, he had seen the evidence of Kakkarot's ascension with his own eyes and scouter. Fortunately Bulma had been able to whip up a substitute. Yet it was not the same. The green lens still covered his left eye with a dark field, but Raditz was accustomed to it as much as Stellari was used to wearing glasses. How ironic to call her blindness a `weakness' when he was ki blind without the device?
Finally Raditz mustered the desire to ask, "Where are we going… Kakkarot…"
"My name's Son Goku, okay? Could you just call me that please?" Goku shuddered as if Raditz had insulted him.
Wincing, Raditz berated himself for his carelessness. Despite Goku's rejection of his native culture, Raditz knew he had to respect Kakkarot's choices. At least as far as his wife Dr. Stellari insisted. Or else he'd hear her protests for weeks, and endure sleeping on a sofa, or alone in his large bed. If there was one thing Raditz loathed it was being without his mate. Saiyan Third class were considered weaklings for forming lasting mating bonds. Yet they considered mating something of importance, even though they pretended to be callous and uncaring amongst their peers, secretly they held affections. They did not wear their hearts on their sleeves like the foolish Humans of Earth. Such open display of feelings was extremely uncomfortable to any Saiyan. Especially the Prince of them all.
"Apologies… Goku. It's not easy to change the habits of a lifetime. But you would know all about that, wouldn't you?" Raditz rasped, blazing a trail of ki around himself. So far it blew his comprehension how Goku could easily fly at his speed.
"Yeah, but everyone can change," said Goku with a disarming smile.
"You're unbelievable you know. Such power… I can't comprehend…" Raditz shook his head.
"A lot has happened, Raditz. And there's a lot you can learn, and a lot we need to talk about. So I thought we could spar up ahead,” he indicated with a pointed finger below. Hills rolled under vast stretches of forest, where dinosaurs roamed still. In the cities few dinosaurs dared tread but around West Province 429, they were still plentiful.
"Me spar with YOU? But such things would be ridiculous," Raditz snorted.
"Raditz, we need to get some stuff straight. So let's just land here, and we can hash it out okay?" Goku said sternly, his brows lowering. Raditz blinked in momentary shock at the familiarity of the expression. The change on his brother's face was not lost on the earth bound Saiyan, and Goku frowned.
"Here," said Goku, suddenly stopping his flight and tumbling head over boots to plummet from flight. Raditz shook his head and banked down headfirst. Just before reaching the ground he righted himself and landed on both booted feet.
"Not a bad place. You spar here often with the Green man and your boy?" asked Raditz, glancing around at the open field rimmed with mountains and trees.
"It's far away from the home. Chichi complains I scare the neighbors in the village too much sometimes. Piccolo and Gohan and I come here to train for the Androids. You like it?" Goku asked.
"It is acceptable," Raditz said, glancing around. He felt unsure of what Goku was trying to achieve. Feeling woefully inadequate in the face of his brother who was light years ahead of him in power.
"I'm sorry I broke that scouter of yours," said Goku. "But I see you've gotten another. You shouldn't rely on that toy. It got you messed up last time."
"And I suppose YOU have a better idea, Kak… I mean Goku?" Raditz asked, trying to make sure he used the right name.
Goku chuckled at the correction and rubbed the back of his neck with one large hand. It was a nervous gesture that he did since childhood. Raditz at the same moment had lifted his own hand to side underneath his long cascade of hair. Both brothers suddenly peered at one another in shock. They were facing each other and mutual confusion shifted over their faces. For a second Raditz permanent frown was replaced with wide-eyed wonder as he looked at Goku.
"Not you too," said Raditz with a groan.
"What do you mean?" Goku asked.
"Father always said I looked like an IDIOT when I did that," Raditz mumbled. "Whenever I wasn't sure of something he hated how I'd scratch my neck. He said it made me look like a weak buffoon…"
"He did?" Goku blinked. "I guess I kinda freak you out don't I? Looking like Bardock and all…"
"How much… do you know?" Raditz asked defensively, backing away.
"Your wife told me," Goku grinned disarmingly, still scratching his neck.
"Infernal woman," Raditz groaned.
"They kinda do that, don't they? I mean being married's sure strange. I've been with Chichi for about six years… and it still takes getting used to. I bet you didn't ever think you'd get married huh?" asked Goku. He dropped to a squat, extending one long leg while crouching on the other. From one side to the other he stretched. Raditz shrugged and began his own series of slow arcing movements to warm his muscles up. Both very different but both with the same aim.
"Vegeta uses that same fighting style I've noticed. But a bit different. Is it Saiyan?" asked Goku.
Raditz stopped in mid pose, blinking at Goku. "I suppose you could say so. Doubtless YOUR earth style is far different from mine. But who trained you?"
"Kami," Goku shrugged. "And King Kai. I trained for almost a year in ten times gravity. Took me only a bit of time to learn what would take 20 years on Earth."
"But you... the Legendary… I cannot fathom it," Raditz blinked. Goku swung from side to side, throwing either arm out as he flexed his waist. Raditz long hair blew like a banner.
"You might wanna tie that up. Yamcha's hair gets him into trouble, and so does Gohan's," said Goku as he grabbed a piece of string from his pocket.
"Don't be ridiculous," Raditz snorted.
"Aw c'mon, you don't want someone grabbing you and throwing you around with that do you?" Goku stopped him, moving behind him and grabbing a length of Raditz long mane.
"Idiotic…" Raditz grunted but stood still, wondering how he had the patience to deal with such nonsense. But he had to admit Goku was right. IT didn't' take long for Goku to tie it back.
"There you go. You can keep your armor on. It'll help with training. Though some weighted clothes might not be a bad idea," Goku said.
"That vest and boots are more then just armor then," Raditz pointed to his shirt.
"Oh this? You guessed huh?"
"I thought it was rather feeble Earth armor. But it has the same design as Namekian garments. They are legendary for their clothing generation techniques, even as far away as they are," Raditz said. "Now are we going to talk or fight?"
"I'll go easy on you," Goku said, standing in a crouch with one hand forward, the other back. Raditz automatically took up a stance with both hands over his head, feet at shoulder spread.
"Humph," Raditz mumbled as he prepared for a long sparring session. He knew what Goku was trying to do, and respected him for it. Because the next few hours were indeed vigorous.
Meanwhile, Chichi tried to make sure the new occupants of the Son household were well looked after. Unfortunately it was easier said then done. After the chilling look Piccolo had given her, Dr. Stellari had kept a low profile in the small sitting room. Fermi and Bohr were off elsewhere with Gohan, teaching him to throw a baseball. Inside the house, Chichi looked at the brooding older woman. Although Atomica Stellari had ten years on Chichi, she lacked vital experience. Namely with being happily married to one man. Sure Atomica Stellari had two six-year-olds, but she had just entered into a marital bond with a Saiyan. Something Chichi had way more experience with.
"What's bothering you?" Chichi asked, resting a hand on Atomica's arm. The cup of tea she held rattled against the saucer.
"I'm more of a coffee drinker. But since you went to the trouble of making this…"
"We've got instant, wait a minute," Chichi said. She came back in a blink with a new cup of water brewing with instant steaming java. Atomica Stellari gratefully took the cup in exchange.
"Thank you. I know it sounds like I'm bitching, but…"
"Bitch away, you've got every right to. Considering what your husband's putting you through it's nothing. Believe me I know what you're going through," said chichi quickly. She sat down next to Atomica Stellari, who sipped the decaf coffee with relish.
"Decaf. Figured you'd slip me that. But the taste is fine," she nodded. "
"You can't have caffeine with two babies on the way," Chichi said.
"Hmm, this is my second," Atomica Stellari said.
"But your first baby with someone from Goku's family," Chichi said, obviously avoiding the word 'Saiyan'.
Noting the omission, Atomica's brain tried to figure out her reasons. Perhaps it was because of what the unpleasantness of the word held. Savage, blood thirsty, everything Goku was not. Yet genetically he was. Nevertheless he was the kindest, gentlest being on the face of the Earth along with being the fiercest fighter. "You're right. Was it hard?"
"Yes, and no," Chichi laughed. "You need to eat a lot obviously. That's why you should make sure to keep your strength up."
"I've seen Bulma give birth. She almost died," said Atomica Stellari.
"Huh, those idiots didn't have the decency to call someone with experience. Stupid customs. But who am I to complain. It's not like Bulma takes my advice anyhow," Chichi shrugged.
"What DO you suggest? Is it because you're stronger physically then Bulma is that Gohan gave you no problems?" asked Atomica Stellari.
'He gave me problems, all right. But what happened with Bulma?" asked Chichi.
Atomica Stellari told her in detail what had transpired, and what Raditz had done to assist. Chichi chuckled with the image of Raditz acting as a birth coach. Atomica's feeling of dread temporarily abated with the sound of laughter. To know someone else had faced what she was about to made it a bit easier to take. She leaned close and asked, "Didn't you ever have… problems if Gohan saw the full moon?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Babies with tails… transform if they see the full moon," said Atomica Stellari.
"You mean…" Chichi trailed off. "Goku wasn't making that up… oh my goodness… I'm glad they took it off!"
"If they don't see the full moon it's not an issue," said Stellari, grasping her hand.
"Thank Kami we went to bed early," said Chichi, wiping sweat from her brow. "But you and this… Raditz… I still can't believe he's Goku's brother."
"Birth brother," said Stellari. "Neither knew the other existed till… a few years ago."
"I know he scared my Gohan to death. But if my Goku trusts that he can be brought here… and seeing him having a wife and children, he wouldn't dare do anything…"
"If he did, he'd have hell to pay from me," said Stellari.
"Good for you," Chichi said, squeezing her hand. "Don't let that guy push you around."
"I don't. You grab the tail…"
"I realized THAT at a young age. I knew that if I grabbed Goku's tail he lost his power. It held true for Gohan. If he stepped out of line, all I'd have to do was touch his tail and he stopped. Worked better then a spanking," Chichi said. "But I hated the thought of hurting my little boy."
"Thank goodness you can stand up to psychic twins," chuckled Stellari.
"They're children. You just have to give them discipline. Even if they ARE physically grown up," Chichi rolled her eyes.
"Raditz has his moments. You probably will be relieved to know that he has the same table manners as Goku."
"Huh, figures," Chichi giggled.
"I just hate not knowing what's going on. Relying on others to defend me when I'm used to fighting," said Stellari.
"Who says you can't defend yourself. I might not fight anymore, but I can still do so if my Gohan and I are threatened. If you like I can show you a few things," Chichi said.
"Raditz has taught me some of his martial arts for defense. But I am capable of defending myself if need be," said Stellari.
"But your sons learning martial arts…"
"That's the only way to control their powers," said Stellari. "I don't WANT them to fight."
"I can't stop Goku from teaching Gohan!"
"You can't stop him from his powers. If his power is not controlled it could destroy him and you," said Stellari.
"But he didn't NEED to know," Chichi whispered.
"Like it or not its there. It's potential, and if he doesn't master it and tame it now, he won't. And it could corrupt. Better that he learns to subdue it and have the choice to NOT fight," said Stellari.
"How can you say that?" asked Chichi.
"Because I know," said Stellari, glaring at her with the same anger. Chichi and Stellari exchanged lethal dark eyed stairs, their teeth gritting. Tension crackled through the room, and then suddenly stopped when Chichi started to laugh.
"You're made of stern stuff," Chichi shook her head, continuing to laugh. "That look on your face would scare the HELL out of Goku."
"I can't think of anyone ELSE who could keep him in line but you," said Stellari. "You two are exact opposites but you BELONG together like some matched set."
"If I don't, who will?" Chichi shrugged. "And I think this Raditz is a better man for having you to keep him in line. Was he REALLY as fierce as…?”
"Yes. But he claims Saiyan women are just as tough. From the little he's heard of you, I don't' think he'd have done what he would have if YOU were there. You'd kick his ass," laughed Stellari.
"Well, you said you wanted to use the computer. It's in Gohan's room. I'll just tidy up here, and you can go do your work for the day," said Chichi brightly. Stellari rose to her feet and followed the other woman back towards Gohan's bedroom. Soon the scientist was fast at work checking emails over the desktop unit.
A knock sounded at the door an hour later, and she turned to see her twins carrying a tray of cookies, and a jug of milk. Next to them stood Gohan carrying a tray with glasses. Fermi called out, "Mommy, you look like you could use a snack…"
"We brought ours to share with you," Bohr added.
"Hey there boys, you being good guests…. Oh, hi Gohan. I hope it's not a problem I'm using your computer…"
"It's okay, Miss Stellari. Mom told me you'd be back here," Gohan said politely, inclining his head. The twins moved over to the desk, while Gohan set down the tray with glasses. The cookies were placed down, and he poured milk for all four of them. While Dr. Stellari tried to get up, Fermi moved over and climbed up on her lap while Bohr and Gohan grabbed pillows to throw on the floor around her.
"Don't move Mom, you're the grownup, you get the chair," Fermi scolded her. She slung her arm around his back and held him in place on her lap while Gohan held a glass of milk over for her.
"I don't mind, Ma'am," Gohan said, pushing hair out of his face. "My mom told me you could help me with my science homework… I'm behind cause of Mr. Piccolo's training."
"Yeah, mom's really smart with Chemistry," Fermi said.
"Very VERY smart," Bohr stuck his chest out. "Like Mrs. Bulma!"
"Boys, that's sweet of you, but I am just another Capsule scientist. Any smart person can become a scientist if they work hard enough. Nothing exceptional about me, except I've got two handsome strong men as my boys," she said, squeezing Bohr's shoulder and hugging Fermi.
"Aw MOM, that's embarrassing!" Fermi groaned.
"Mom does THAT to me all the time," Gohan made a face. "Say guys, do you mind if I talk with your mom alone?"
"What's going on?" asked Bohr.
"You look mad or something," Fermi said.
"Gohan, you do look like you need to talk. Why don't you two young men go and see if you can help Aunt Chichi in the kitchen. She's going to need lots of help cooking dinner for all of us," said Stellari. Gohan nodded.
"Mom would REALLY appreciate it. And Mister Piccolo said he'd like to spar with you guys to see how much you know," said Gohan.
"Mr. Green man?" Bohr giggled. "Sure."
"He's Mr. Piccolo silly," Fermi glared at him. He rolled his eyes at Gohan.
"I don't think he'd like being called that. He's Mr. Piccolo, okay?" Gohan said firmly.
"Sorry," Bohr whispered with wide eyes.
"It's okay. I'll chat with your mom, and then come join you, okay?" Gohan said.
"Mommy?" Bohr asked, glancing from Gohan's intense stare to their mother's.
"Go ahead boys, I'll be fine. Gohan and I have some things to talk about. He's got some questions about what's been going on, and I think he needs some answers," said Stellari.
"About Daddy?" whispered Bohr. Gohan's eyes widened and he swallowed hard.
"He doesn't hurt mommy. We make SURE of that," Fermi said darkly, glaring at Gohan with challenge on his face. "We wouldn't let ANYONE hurt mom, okay?"
"Fermi, relax. Go help Aunt Chichi, please. Bohr, don't worry. I'll be fine," said Stellari sternly. "This has NOTHING to do with you guys. It's something that Gohan and I need to talk about."
"I'm not going to hurt your Mommy, okay?" Gohan reassured them. "I just want to talk to her about stuff okay?"
"Okay," Bohr nodded, kissing her cheek. Fermi slid off her lap and glared at Gohan.
"Go, please. Like a big boy, do what mommy says?" Stellari glared at them with a firm voice.
"C'mon," Bohr whispered. Bohr grabbed his sleeve and dragged him out. Gohan shut the door and walked over to sit on the stool by his bed. He looked expectantly at Stellari, folding his hands and bumping his heels against the stool.
"I'm sorry to be rude and all, Ma'am, but I need to know why," Gohan said. "And I don't want to upset Fermi and Bohr, but…"
"Gohan, I knew you were going to ask me this!" Stellari swallowed hard, unnerved by his stern but innocent glare. "I don't know what to tell you. Except that you've every right to demand to know why. Your father told me everything… about what happened to you."
"He did," Gohan asked, swallowing a mouthful of milk.
"Yes, before he brought us here," said Dr. Stellari. "And I've seen it…"
"How?" Gohan whispered, almost dropping his glass. Stellari reached over and grasped it with reasonably fast reflex.
"Let me back up, Gohan. I know this is VERY hard for you, and I want you to know that I don't want to stay here with him if it makes you uncomfortable," said Dr. Stellari. "What happened was inexcusable. And I won't sit here and make up some lame story trying to get him off the hook. I know what he's capable of."
"Do you?" asked Gohan.
"Yes," she said.
"And I swear to you that nothing like that WILL happen again."
Gohan wiped tears out of his eyes, and started to heave in and out. He gasped, "He was a monster… and now you're married to him like my mommy and daddy are. How… I just can't understand it really good. Cause I have nightmares about him… and yet he doesn't LOOK the same… but he is…"
"Gohan I swear he won't hurt you. I wouldn't LET him hurt anyone!" Stellari said firmly, grabbing Gohan's shoulder.
"My Daddy talked to me about this, and I don't get it," Gohan sniffled. Dr. Stellari leaned over him, not sure if she should hug him. Reaching out her arms she moved over and hugged him tightly. Gohan didn't shrink away. Rather he leaned into the embrace and wrapped his arms around her neck. His nose snuffled into her neck as Dr. Stellari rubbed his back and shushed him.
"I'm sorry Gohan. I know what he did. And I'd rather die myself then let it happen again. What I did was to make sure he wouldn't harm anyone. That somehow I could…" Stellari blurted out.
"Mom says that sometimes women try to change men they marry. But Mr. Piccolo…" Gohan whispered into her ear. "I know you're a good person, but how could you let him… I mean I know Ms. Bulma and Vegeta make a baby together, but that makes no sense either! I mean Krillen and I fought with him on Namek… and he was just mean and evil cause of what Freiza did…"
"You're so young to try to get all this, Gohan," she whispered, hugging him as if he were Fermi or Bohr. "I don't expect you to understand."
"I… I'm trying," Gohan whimpered. "But it's HARD."
"I know, kid believe me," said Dr. Stellari. "But the only way I can explain it is to look at Vegeta and Bulma…"
"Trunks said that his mom and Vegeta were together and married, and had him. And that it had happened already here in our time. I sensed the energy of the baby growing inside Mrs. Bulma's tummy, but it was so hard to believe. And she had that bite on her neck," Gohan blurted out. "Why?"
"I can't explain why women are drawn to men, it's just something that happens with grown ups. We don't get it either. Sometimes it's not a good reason except for selfishness that some men and women get together and marry. Other times it's because they see something in the other that they can take the bad with the good. With Raditz, I took that chance," she whispered. "I think that's why Bulma and Vegeta are together."
"But you let him around your kids?" Gohan sniffled.
"You were around Piccolo for a whole year. And your father and him were enemies," said she quietly, stroking Gohan's hair. Gohan pulled back, blinking at her. He struggled to understand but his eyes gleamed with confusion and anger still.
"I know but it's still so horrible," Gohan swallowed. "It's hard to believe that HE… could stop being mean."
"I wouldn't dream of letting my kids get hurt. For a while I didn't even have Raditz around them. Till I knew he could be trusted," said Stellari.
"Why him? Why did you make babies with him?" asked Gohan.
"I don't' have good answers for that. But I felt attracted to him. I won't lie to you, Gohan. Something about his eyes just… it was like I saw a scared person who was looking for guidance. And when he and I were together, he was gentle and kind. And then he asked me to marry him," she said, struggling for the right words.
"And you said yes?" Gohan asked.
"He said he wanted to find a woman, so he could start a family. I don't think a man who was going to hurt people would bother trying to find a wife and kids," Stellari breathed deeply. Gohan sat at arm's length, sniffling into the tissues he grabbed. He handed a few to her.
"That's sure weird. You're comparing him to Mr. Vegeta. I see what you're trying to do, and it makes logical sense, but still my heart can't just forgive him," Gohan mumbled.
"Maybe not. But your dad seemed to accept him. And Raditz couldn't believe it either. He truly thought that your father deserved to kill him for what he did. And couldn't get why Goku would dare forgive the past," said Stellari.
"You mean to tell me he was sorry for what he did?" Gohan breathed.
"Yes. He hates himself for it. First he hated himself for being weak and feeling human emotions. Then when he was dead, he met up with many people he'd hurt. And he was forced to confront all the horrors he'd caused. In Hell," she said.
"Really?" Gohan blinked.
"Yes. He and Nappa were brought back with the Dragon Balls when Bliss made a wish. Nappa's Bliss' father. And Raditz was brought back too, because they're loyal to Prince Vegeta," said Stellari.
"Wait, they were WISHED back?" Gohan stammered. "How, and who's Bliss?"
"She is a Saiyan. She was a member of the crew of someone named Turles…."
"Turles? Oh MAN, he was rotten!" Gohan growled. "That MONSTER hurt my dad, and my friends!"
"The Red Ribbon army captured her. And they hurt her and did unspeakable things to her, and to me," said Stellari.
"You? What did they do?" asked Gohan. "My daddy said they were evil."
"Experiments. On me, and on Bliss. She was kept like an animal in a cage when I first saw her years ago. When Turles tree exploded she was thrown off the ship, and landed nearby. The Red Ribbon soldiers found her and brought her in. I was just a young scientist then. They had captured several of us who knew special technologies and forced us to work for them," said Dr. Stellari.
"You were in the Red Ribbon army?" Gohan gasped, blinking at her. "How horrible!"
"It wasn't my choice, but it was that or die. And there was one man who was kind to me. The man who was my first husband. Dr. Rutherford Stellari Scarlet. He was another scientist who knew about how to enhance human strength through special experiments. Both of us were part of a project to take human genes and push them to their limits. I was one of the subjects that survived. And so was he," said she.
"And then I stumbled across Bliss. I was supposed to work with her, to try and train her to be human. But instead I freed her. And for that I was punished severely. And there were other bad things during that time. Bliss helped me escape the Red Ribbon army, and she helped me and my sons find our way to Capsule, and that's where I've been ever since," she said, letting the story come out.
"There's a whole lot you aren't telling me it sounds like. But I had no idea," said Gohan softly. "It sounds terrible."
"That's why Bliss and I are friends. And why Raditz didn't hurt me. I knew what Saiyans were like. Because Bliss told me about the monster named Freiza who enslaved her whole race and who destroyed her whole world," said Stellari.
"You… wait you know?" he panted.
"Yes," Stellari nodded. "And Raditz told me as well. Bliss was just a baby when it happened. Her father and mother were off world. Her mother on another world raised her. When she was old enough, she joined Turles crew. Nobody but he knew she was a Saiyan."
"He was a horrible man," Gohan growled.
"Yes. But to Bliss he was a parent. It's hard to tell you that there was good in all. But Turles valued Saiyan children. At least that's what Bliss said. He was always kind and good to her. She never knew any other way. I can't expect you to grasp all this," said Stellari as Gohan sat next to her on his stool. Cookies were mere crumbs and the milk was all but drained from the large pitcher by this time.
"I can't imagine that awful Turles as a nice guy," Gohan complained.
Dr. Stellari tucked a bit of hair behind his ear, feeling the texture, which was fully human. Gohan had the same eyes as his father, but his mother's hair and features. Still she saw tension existing in his small frame, clad in the blue mystery tribal uniform identical to Piccolo's.