Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Surrey Trouble ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: This is getting really boring! Still the same.
Thanks for the reviews, they really brighten my days!
If I wrote all that Harry explains to them in this then this chapter would be way to long, sorry.
Chapter 9
Harry's statement was met with silence. He shifted uncomfortably as they stared, breaking the spell.
“This may sound dumb but what war and why you?”
“The war between Light and Dark. I'm going to have to give a bit of a history lesson so everyone might as well get comfortable.” The four standing pilots settled on Harry's bed while Wufei pulled Harry down further so that they were reclining against the headboard. Harry then proceeded to give a brief history of the magical world, including its split from the muggle one.
“Fifty years ago there was a brilliant student at Hogwarts, Tom Marvelo Riddle, a half blood. His father had abandoned his mother when he learned that she was a witch and she died in childbirth leaving Tom to be sent to an orphanage where he was treated badly. During his last years at the school the Chamber of Secrets was opened and one student died. Once he graduated he disappeared, travelling and learning more magi. He started performing Dark rituals to increase his power and life. He returned to England eventually and rumours started of a new dark Lord, Voldemort, who would ensure Pure Blood supremacy and wipe out Muggles. A fact that was once not widely known is that he is Slytherin's heir; it was Tom that opened the Chamber.
Sixteen years ago, at the height of his reign of terror, he learned of a prophecy that could lead to his downfall. To head it off he set out to kill two families. He first travelled to Godric's Hollow and killed a young couple before turning his wand on their one year old son.” Harry stopped and Wufei squeezed his hand in sympathy, they could all see where this was going.
“There are three Unforgivable curses, one causes unbearable pain that will eventually lead to madness if not stopped, the other allows you to control a person and the third kills. You point your wand, say the words and the person dies, it can't be blocked. It was Voldemort's favourite curse and had never failed him. He used that curse on the boy but somehow it rebounded back onto him, ripping his soul from his body and destroying his body as well as a lot of the house. The child was unharmed but for an unusual scar.”
“You're the boy.” Harry nodded.
“The Boy-Who-Lived, that's what they call me. I have fame, money and could have practically anyone I wanted and that's all they see. I would give it all just to have the chance to know my parents but they don't understand, even my best friend was jealous when he had the one thing I would give anything for, a loving family. They say it was my mothers love that saved me, the curse that killed her was meant for me, but I don't believe it. How many other mothers have sacrificed themselves for their children who have still died.”
“So the prophecy was fulfilled right? You beat Voldemort.”
“No, he was simply kicked out of his body for a while. Although our confrontation fulfilled part of it.” Harry stopped. Should he tell them the prophecy? It was unlikely they'd ever be in a position to be tortured for it and anyway Voldemort had a pretty good idea what it was about.
“The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches…Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies…And the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not.. And either must die at the hands of the other for neither can live while the other survives…The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies…”
“Your scar is the mark.”
“Yeah. Don't ask me about the supposed power I have, Dumbledore reckons it's love. What am I meant to do, kiss him to death?” They laughed at that, lightening the mood a little.
“He made several attempts to regain his body but I managed to stop him every time until three years ago where I was a bit tied up and unable to interfere in the nasty ceremony used. I was forced to duel him and it was only luck that allowed me to escape with the body of a schoolmate who wasn't as lucky. I faced him again the next year and my godfather died. Because of that Dumbledore finally decided to tell me the prophecy, before that he'd always claimed I was too young, that I should be able to have a `normal' childhood. Personally I think he's mad, my childhood was never normal. Pretty obviously I didn't take it all that well.”
“You screamed at him.” Duo guessed.
“And trashed his office. At the end of this last year of school Voldemort attempted to kidnap my friends and I, probably wanting to torture and kill them in front of me before dealing with me. It was a bit anti-climatical really since we all had emergency portkeys and used them as soon as his Death Eaters started gaining the upper hand in our little fight.” Harry shrugged.
“How many times have you faced him?”
“Including as a baby. About six times all up. The Wizarding World has basically done nothing except cower in their homes. The Minister is an incompetent idiot who spent an entire year trying to make me seem like an insane attention seeker just because he didn't want to admit that Voldemort was back. They all expect a seventeen-year-old boy with barely any training to simply waltz past all the Death Eaters and then kill him, ending all their problems without any effort on their part. I'll fight Voldemort when the time comes, I don't have much of a choice but I refuse to be their martyr or scapegoat any longer. Their society is so prejudiced and hypocritical it makes me sick. It's those attitudes that keep allowing Dark Lords to rise and gain so much support. Since they created him they can del with him til I'm ready. I'll step in if he starts attacking muggles again but for the moment he seems happy targeting other wizards.”
“Could you ask Dumbledore for extra training?” Harry laughed bitterly.
“Until the fiasco with my fifth year and the prophecy I would have. After that I sat down and took a good look at the actions of those around me. It's not nice finding out the two people you consider your best friends are actually spying on and manipulating you for a price. I'm nothing more than a weapon to Dumbledore, a useful pawn to be cast aside once it's done its job. I trust maybe four people in the entire magical community and one of those is a house elf named Dobby. Neville is the other child Voldemort targeted; he also filled the indications of the prophecy. The other two are Luna and Remus, a friend of my parents. Remus was the only reason I stayed as long as I did but he's dieing. He helped me get everything I needed to disappear.”
“You're like us.” Quatre pointed out.
“They look to you to save them but then turn on you. We fight to protect the Colonies but they have abandoned us.” Harry smiled.
“Guess so.” He'd moved so that he was leaning against Wufei without even noticing it, causing Duo and Quatre to smile.
“What happens now?”
“There are several options. You can't stay with us all the time, it's too risky. You could live with Catherine in the circus where Trowa often hides. You could also stay in one of my family homes in another country and receive training in how we fight. We could part ways completely after helping you set up a new life and then never see each other again or there's Sally Po. She works with various rebel groups and is a doctor. You could finish your medical training and get first hand experience in war since OZ is always after them. That is the most dangerous option.”
“I need to think about it.”
“Of course, we'll be staying here until Wufei is healed anyway.”
“So, you're okay with who and what I am?” He received five yes's and relaxed.
“How about we reintroduce ourselves now that we all know. Duo Maxwell, pilot of Deathscythe. I may run and hide but I never tell a lie.”
“Quatre Winner, pilot of Sandrock.”
“Trowa Barton, Heavyarms.”
“Heero Yuy, Wing.”
“Chang Wufei, pilot of Shenlong.”
“Harry James Potter, Wizard. Boy-Who-Lived.” Smiles were exchanged and the group broke up. Harry went to get up but found an arm around his chest, holding him in place.
“Stay please.” He relaxed into the hold.
You still left a lot out, didn't you? I won't push but I hope you know I'm here.”
“Thank you.” Harry revelled in the feeling of another so close.
“Do you regret what happened? After hearing all that.” Wufei pulled him closer.
“No. I care for you Harry, perhaps even love.” Harry swallowed.
“I don't ask you to return those feelings, just be honest about yours please. I don't want you to lie. I am a warrior Harry; I have killed and will kill again. Can you live with that?” it was Wufei's turn to be tense. He felt a pang of grief as Harry pulled away but stayed still as the other teen turned to face him.
“I can't say that I love you Fei because I don't know if I really know what that is. I do know that if anything happened to you I wouldn't care as much if Tom killed me. As for the killing, you're in a war. The people you kill are trying to kill you. How can it bother me when I would kill all the death Eaters and Voldemort if I could.” Wufei pulled Harry back into his arms, kissing him gently.
“I hope one day you can say it but even if you never can I am content.” He whispered. Harry slowly moved to kiss him, tentatively touching his tongue to the others lips in question. Wufei parted them, letting Harry's tongue slip past. He let Harry take the lead, not wanting to pressure him and knowing that he was the more experienced. Harry moved even closer, bringing their bodies into full contact. Wufei moved his hips slightly and Harry moaned. Regretfully he pulled back.
“Fei?” He smiled at Harry's dazed look.
“I don't want to rush this. Kissing and touching are fine but nothing more until we're both ready. When it happens it will be because it is time.” Harry nodded.
“We better both be careful then, no dieing allowed.” That earnt a laugh.
“Have you ever been with anyone before?” He gently ran his hands over Harry's back, under his shirt, earning a small shiver.
“No, I didn't want it to be because of who I am.” Harry's hand cautiously mirrored his but in his chest.
“First time should be special and as painless as possible.”
“I won't break.” Wufei kissed him.
“I know.”
“So you've…”
“I was married but she died. I have had only one relationship since, with a male. It should never have happened and I still regret it. I don't want either of us to ever regret this so we go slowly.”
“Okay. At least one of us knows what we're doing.”
“Trust me, it will be a pleasure to teach you.” The eagerly resumed kissing.
“What's the smile for Quat?”
“I've never felt Wufei or Harry this happy.”
“Wow! You mean they're?”
“That s none of our business.” Heero stated firmly.
“I really hope Harry doesn't take the offer of a new life, I don't want Fei hurt.”
“I doubt he will. He's too much like us in certain ways. He won't stay out of their war forever and knows he will need all the training he can get to win.” Trowa pointed out. The four had gathered downstairs in the kitchen to give the two their privacy. That and Duo was hungry.
“So that leaves Sally or one of Quat's place. At least we'll see him occasionally.”
“What do you think about what Harry told us?”
“That his life sucks just about as much as ours have. He still left out a lot.”
“Agreed. Can we trust him?”
“Yes. He doesn't mean us any harm and is actually worried about someone hurting us to get to him. He cares about all of us, especially Wufei. He won't do anything that would cause him pain. He is well on his way to loving him, even if he doesn't realise it yet.”
“Kingsley, come in. What can I do for you?”
“There was an illegal portkey used yesterday, from Little Whinging. The signature was Harry's.”
“You're positive?”
“Yes sir. He was right under our noses for a month.”
“Thank you for informing me. Has the destination been found?”
“Yes, there was nothing there. He must have used muggle transportation from that point. The Ministry is monitoring magic use in the area but so far nothing has shown up. There was one other thing that seems odd.”
“How so?”
“Muggle soldiers, we had to wait for them to leave before investigating. According to a neighbour they were looking for terrorists.” He handed over one of the posters.
“As you can see one of them bares a striking resemblance to Harry. We think it may have been a case of mistaken identity causing him to panic and flee.”
“Very good. Let me know as soon as you find something.”
“Of course sir.”
Albus stared at the photos; the young man did look a lit like Harry, if the young Wizard wasn't usually half starved. With a sigh, he threw the poster into the fire, watching it burn. They were still no closer to finding the boy and school had been back a week. The students were starting to talk. It didn't help that the other two thirds of the so-called Golden Trio were prancing smugly around the school. He'd have to talk to them about at least acting like they wanted the boy back.