Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Surrey Trouble ❯ Chapter 29 ( Chapter 29 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Still no change.
Here comes the chapter I know a lot of people have been waiting for. Gundams vs Death Eaters! Excuse my attempts at fight scenes please.
Chapter 29
Blaise watched as his Master quickly threw his battle robes on and checked his wand and sword. He knew something was wrong but didn't dare ask, he really didn't want another beating or for his collar to be activated on punishment mode. Frantic nocking had his Master motioning him to the door. Blaise was knocked down as a member of the Inner Circle barged in.
“Report.” His Master snapped.
“Three more bases have come under attack Milord. Forces seem to be a mixture of Muggles and Wizards. They use things the likes of which we have never seen.”
“Show me.” With that his Master met the Death Eaters eyes. Blaise knew his Master was somehow looking at the other mans memories and it caused a slight shiver. His Master was so powerful.
“Leave.” The dazed man left and his Master frowned, rubbing his temples as if he had a headache.
“Pet.” Blaise quickly moved to his side and began rubbing his temples for him as his Master thought. He smiled as he felt his Master begin to relax under his hands. He knew it wasn't much but he was helping his Master and that was all that mattered. He nearly jumped as a hand suddenly encircled his wrist but stayed still. He could feel the slight tremor in the hand and held his breath. Could it be?
“Gun…dams.” Blaise didn't dare to breath as he heard the stutter in his Masters voice.
“Master?” He almost winced as the grip tightened briefly.
“Gundams…Fei.” His Master was almost gasping for breath now.
“Master please, you're hurting yourself.” Blaise was scared. Last time this had happened his Master had passed out but Master's Father would be furious if that happened now.
“Please Master, he'll be mad.”
“Won't forget…won't…” Blaise shifted as his Master went limp, trying to hold the taller teen up.
“Master? Please Master!” He manoeuvred him over to the couch and hovered uncertainly. He looked around wildly for anything that could help. If only he was a Wizard like his Master, he would surely be able to wake him then. He was beginning to consider the water jug when the door suddenly slammed open. Blaise dropped to the floor, prostrating himself as his Masters Father stormed in, also dressed in battle robes.
“What happened?” The snake like man hissed and Blaise whimpered in genuine terror. He bit back a cry of pain as the man contemptuously kicked him out of the way but didn't dare raise his head to look at what he was doing. A sudden chocked gasp let him know his Master was once again conscious.
“Father?” Blaise wanted to cry; his Master was back to `normal'.
“What happened?”
“I…I don't know. Lestrange gave his report and left. How did I get here?”
“Leave us slave.” Blaise raised his head slightly and his Master nodded so he stumbled from the room into his Masters personal library. He stared at the books that once he'd been encouraged to read but that were now forbidden to him. He so wanted his old Master back but somehow he knew that whatever was happening in the other room was pushing that dream further away.
Voldemort waited until the slave was gone before activating his sons' collar fully. He never grew tired of watching the boys eyes grow vacant and his face go slack. To know he had such power over the boy who had once thwarted him at every turn was an incredible feeling. The boy waited obediently for his orders just like any good slave should.
“Why were you unconscious?”
“Pain.” The boys voice was a monotone, giving no hint that he had been in pain.
“From what?”
“What did you say?” He hissed the question. Not since the collar had been placed had the boy been able to fight him. He truly was powerful if he was beginning to now.
“You dare disobey me!” He activated the collars punishment mode and the boy collapsed, the pain too intense for him to remain standing as his body writhed on the carpet. But he did not scream. He let it continue for several minutes before stopping, he didn't want to permanently damage the boy.
“Stand up.” He smiled cruelly as the boy struggled to his feet.
“You will forget whatever it was that caused you pain. It is nothing to you. Do you understand?”
“Yes Master.” The answer came immediately and he smiled. Obviously the collar level plus the punishment had weakened whatever ability to defy he had built up and he was once again totally obedient.
“Good. As far as you are concerned you never passed out. When I leave you will continue to prepare to defend the secondary base here in Germany. You will not remember my being here. Remember, you are Prince Dorjan, no one else. You will squash these attackers and show no mercy. They are nothing to you. Understood?”
“Yes Master.” Voldemort nodded and left.
Dorjan blinked. Why was he just standing around like an idiot when he had a battle to win? He grabbed his potions belt and slipped it on, attaching the scabbard for his sword before sliding the blade in. His wand holster went on his wrist and he was ready.
“Pet!” The boy quickly appeared from the library, obediently keeping his eyes to the floor.
“Have my bath and a meal prepared when I return. Do not leave these rooms.” He smiled as he activated the collar and the boys eyes glazed slightly. He knew it wasn't necessary, he'd beaten the fight out of the boy ages ago but it still felt good to have complete control over him.
“Yes Master.” The boy answered dully and Dorjan stepped up to him, grasping his chin in an almost bruising grip. He lifted his face so that dull blue eyes met cold jade and smiled cruelly. The boy didn't flinch from the smile but simply waited for whatever his Master wished to do. Dorjan bent down slightly and claimed his lips in a brutal kiss that bruised his pets' lips. Dorjan pushed him away and apparated out of his rooms and to the battlefield.
Blaise collapsed to the floor and raised a shaking hand to his mouth, tasting blood. He fought a sob at his Master's behaviour. Didn't he know that the collar wasn't necessary? Blaise would willingly do whatever he asked of him without it.
Fred grinned at his twin as the two moved silently through the forest. They'd been setting up traps for the last three hours and now it was nearly time. They crouched down in the concealing foliage to wait and watch. Not ten minutes later the screams began.
Wufei grinned ferally as he saw the group of Death Eaters become stuck in one of the twins portable swamps and begin to sink. He moved into position and opened fire as Trowa did the same from the other side of the battlefield. Finally, he would be able to destroy those who had taken his lover from him and destroyed so many other lives. The two Gundams and their accompanying mobile suites began cutting through the ranks of Wizards easily even as their Wizard support took out those they missed unless they fell to one of the twins traps.
“05, main buildings roof.” Wufei looked over at Trowa's suggestion and smiled before keying his own communications.
“01, the snake is here.” He didn't wait for an acknowledgement, he didn't need one. They all knew the plan.
Heero looked up from where he was studying a map as he received Wufei's message. Good, one of the targets was out. Now they just needed confirmation on Harry and the two remaining teams could deploy to their positions. He looked over to where his own lover was running a last check of his equipment. Duo looked up and smiled at him. He hated the thought of Duo going into that place, he'd herd enough stories in the last year to know what would happen if they were captured. Obviously seeing something Duo made his way over and wrapped his arms around him.
“We'll be fine Heero. I promise, I will come back and Shingami never lies.” Heero nodded curtly. They both froze as the communications gear crackled to life.
“Target 1 is present. Repeat, target 1 is present.”
“That's your cue Hee-chan. Be careful.” Hero nodded and signalled Draco to his side. The blond Wizard pulled out the appropriate portkey and the two vanished.
“Let's move people.” Duo called to his own team and the quickly gathered around their own portkey. Quatre smiled at him and he grinned back, remembering the promise he'd made to Trowa. No matter what happened Quatre at least would get out of the Fortress.
Heero and Draco split up as soon as they arrived, slipping through the battle while trying to avoid the fighting. They were here for one reason only.
“I see him, far north side.” Draco's quiet voice sounded in Heero's ear.
“Understood.” The two made their way closer and Heero almost froze as he saw the person he considered a younger brother. This was not the Harry he knew. He shook his head, there was no time for thoughts like that now, he had to complete his mission. But seeing Harry cut through people he had once called friends was more than a little disturbing.
“Anger management problems Potter?” He jerked as Draco's drawl came through loud and clear. The blond had stepped out into Harry's sight, wand drawn but not aimed, yet. Heero knew what he was doing, distracting the target to give Heero a clear shot.
“Who's Potter?” Harry answered.
“Very funny scar head. Lose your memory?”
“I don't know who you are but you shouldn't have come here.”
“Oh? And why's that?”
“Because now you die.” Draco raised his wand as Harry did but the green-eyed teen stumbled, a flash of confusion crossing his face before his eyes rolled up and he collapsed. Draco kept his wand on him as Heero approached and checked him over.
“Team 1 target acquired. Pulling out.” Heero sent over his head set before lifting Harry easily and activating his portkey, Draco following a split second later.
Duo slipped silently through the corridors, relying on Quatre to give him a general direction. The rest of the team was spread out behind the thief. Bill was close by, scanning for wards and traps and disabling those he found.
“Stop.” Duo froze at Bill's voice.
“What is it?” Duo whispered.
“An alarm. Can't see anyway to disable it without triggering it and letting the whole base know we're here.”
“Turn back, we'll find another way.” Armando told them and they obeyed, ghosting back the way they came. Twenty minutes Duo was ready to scream.
“We're stuck.” He commented.
“No, really?” Bill asked.
“Enough. Are you sure there's no way through?”
“If there is I can't see it.” Bill answered Armando.
“What about you, you were an Unspeakable right?” Armando nodded and moved up to study the wards with Bill.
“Team 1 target acquired. Pulling out.” Duo smiled at the sound of Heero's voice and his message, they had Harry. Now if they could only get Blaise before the others had to retreat.
“Only way to lower it is from the other side.” Bill finally announced.
“So how do we get someone past without setting it off?”
“Human transfiguration?” Neville suggested, moving up closer to them.
“It would have to be very carefully done and to a Wizard so they can take the ward down. But transfigure them into what?” They followed Neville's gaze downwards to see a rat scurry through the ward and then they looked back up at each other.
“Any volunteers?”
“Team 1 target acquired. Pulling out.” Wufei felt some tension seep out of him as he heard Heero's message. Harry was as safe as he could be considering. All he wanted to do was head back and see for himself that Harry was alive and well but the others needed more time. Time he had to help buy them. So he refocused on the battle, lashing out at the building he knew Voldemort was in. Pity that stupid prophecy meant the snake wouldn't die here today. Didn't mean he couldn't be hurt though.
Quatre called them to a stop in front of a door, frowning in concentration.
“This is it.” He whispered. Duo tried the door but it was locked. Running a hand through his braid he located his lock picks and set to work. Seconds later he had it unlocked. Looks were exchanged and then he flung it open, dropping into a roll in case someone decided to take a shot at him as he entered. Armando and Bill were at his back with Neville and Quatre covering the hall. Duo straightened to see a frightened teen huddling in the corner. Scared dark eyes flickered between the three of them as he pressed himself farther back. Duo indicated that they should stay back and slowly approached the other teen, hands up and empty.
“Hey, its okay we aren't going to hurt you. Are you Blaise?” He got as close as he dared and then knelt so they were at eye level. He smiled kindly and held out his hand.
“Take my hand Blaise, everything's going to be alright.” Blaise shook his head and drew further away, if that was even possible.
“He's okay. He's with our friends. I promise I'll take you too him. Just take my hand.”
“Duo we don't have time for this.” Bill hissed, partially in shock at seeing the Zabini heir like this. Duo shot him a glare before turning back to Blaise.
“Come on Blaise, I'll take you to Master.” But Blaise shook his head again.
“Can't leave, Master said.” He touched the silver collar and Duo nodded in understanding.
“Okay, how about you come out of the corner though. We won't hurt you.” Blaise stared at the braided teen. He felt as if he could trust him but he wanted Blaise to leave when Master had said stay. But he said Master was with his friends. He hated not knowing what to do. He looked into honest amethyst eyes and shakily raised his hand. Duo's smile doubled in intensity and Blaise hesitantly smiled back as a warm, calloused hand enfolded his own. Duo easily pulled him to his feet and led him towards the others.
“Blaise I need you to trust me. We have to get out of here and since you can't disobey with that thing on we're going to have to put you to sleep.” Blaises' eyes widened in fear and he tried to run but Duo wrapped his arms around him, keeping him still. Duo put his lips to his ear to whisper.
“Blaise I swear, we are taking you to Master. I won't let anyone hurt you. I never lie Blaise, never. This is the only way. Once we're safe I'll wake you up. It's okay Blaise, I promise.” Blaise relaxed slightly as he listened to Duo so he never saw the needle that pierced his arm. He struggled feebly as he felt the pain for a few seconds before the drug fully kicked in and he went limp in Duo's arms. Bill offered to take him but Duo shook his head.
“I promised.” Was all he said. They started for the door only to have Quatre and Neville bolt into the room and slam it shut.
“We have a problem.” Quarter stated. Bill and Armando quickly warded the door. As long as they were inside the wards their portkeys were useless so they were effectively trapped.
“Team 2 target acquired but we're trapped in targets room.” Duo sent.
“Try portkeys anyway.” Draco's voice answered. Duo looked at the others and shrugged as well as he could with Blaise in his arms and then triggered his portkey. To everyone's surprise he vanished.
“Team 1 and 2 home safe. Retreat.” Wufei smiled as he heard the announcement.
“Decoy team move out, we'll cover you.” He called out and moved to do just that. Trowa moved up near by and they laid down covering fire as portkeys were activated.
“Lets go 03.” He touched his portkey and felt the tug behind his navel as he and his Gundam vanished.
Wufei and Trowa followed the rest of their team into the house to find a state of organised chaos as Maganac and Wizard doctors moved amongst the injured. Their team was quickly looked over and those that were hurt lead to beds for further care. The rest headed for the barracks wanting nothing more than a hot shower and sleep. The two pilots headed for the stairs.
“Wufei.” He looked up to see a tired but happy Duo approaching.
“Harry's in your room under sedation. Heero wants to talk to you. Quatre and Draco are with Blaise in the room next door. I'm for a shower and food. Glad to see you both in one piece.” With that the braided pilot was gone. Trowa nodded at Wufei and went to Blaises' room to check on his lover. Wufei reached out to open the door to his and Harry's room but couldn't bring himself to open it. He was afraid of what he would see. The choice was taken from him when the door opened from the inside to reveal Heero.
“Heero.” The teen nodded and ushered him inside. Wufei's attention went instantly to the bed. He smiled slightly at the sight of Harry tucked securely under the covers.
“We need to talk Wufei.” He tore his eyes from the bed to face his fellow pilot.
“Very well.”
“That is not Harry, you can not think of him as such.” Wufei stiffened at Heero's words and tone.
“I was there for the talks Yuy, I know his mind was altered. I am not stupid.”
“It appears more was done than we originally believed. Draco called him Potter during the fight but he had no clue who that was.” Wufei kept his face blank only through strength of will.
“It appears that his memory has been wiped as well as everything else. He won't know you Wufei, not even as a one time acquaintance.”
“I understand. Have the inhibitors been activated?”
“Yes. It is impossible to do magic within this room. Anything that could be used as a weapon has been removed. It's as safe as we can make it.”
“Very well. I will stay with him. When will Juri and Armando come?”
“When they've finished with the wounded.” Heero opened the door to leave but paused.
“Be careful. I'm sorry Wufei.” With that he was gone, leaving Wufei alone with Harry's unconscious form. He slowly approached the bed, studying what he could see of his lover. Harry had lost weight since he'd last seen him or was it that his face had finally matured? His skin was incredibly pale as if he never went out in the sun and it looked unnatural. Wufei preferred his usual tan to this. Unable to help himself he sat on the edge of the bed and gently brushed Harry's bangs from his face. He was unprepared for the iron grip on his wrist as cold jade and amber eyes snapped open and focused on him. Wufei held still, praying for a sign that Harry recognised him but the other teen sneered at him in disgust.
“Filthy Muggle. Where am I?” Wufei was sure he felt his heart break at those words.
“You are in your bedroom love.” He forced himself to say calmly.
“I am heir to the Dark Lord. How dare you address me as love. On your knees Muggle.” Wufei almost winced as Harry's grip tightened, trying to force him down.
“I will not bow to you Harry Potter.”
Yeah, I know. Lousy and small bits of the fight. Sorry but that wasn't really the focus the rescues were.