Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction / Beyblade Fan Fiction / FLCL Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Anime Realm ❯ Went in a hole came out in Old Japan ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Went in a hole came out in Old Japan

We go in to a classroom and some grade 6 kids are watching the clock for that time where they will be out of school for summer. The clock is at 2:43 right now only a mere 2 minuends to go. We see Jared at his desk getting the rest of his stuff packed up. He packed his books and his things in his bag. His hair is blond and his outfit is a top that has pattern of dragons on it. And he has black shorts on with white shoes on as well. Then the bell ringed and the kids were running out pushing down Jared when they run.

Later we see Jared walking down the road when he fell in a hole and went down far and fast. Meanwhile in Old Japan Inuyasha is takeing a nap in a tree. And Kagome is looking for him.

Kagome: Inuyasha! Where are you? Sit boy! *Inuyasha falls out of the tree* There you are.

Inuyasha: I was trying to take a damn nap! *they hear a long yell and they see a bright shooting star in the sky* What's that?

Kagome: It's a shooting star. Strange it's day. It must be an meteorite. *the meteorite goes behind the trees* It's nearby lets see it. *runs off with Inuyasha coming behind*

Inuyasha and Kagome run throw the woods to a big clearing where they see where the meteorite has crash-landed. They slowly head up to it and see it's a boy who has black shorts and a blue Hawaiian shirt with white flowers. His hair is sliver spiked with blood red tips on the end of the spikes. And the boy is out cold.

Inuyasha: It's just a kid. From the sky... Odd.

Kagome: Inuyasha don't just stand there he's out cold. Help me bring him back.

Later the boy starts to twitch and he opens his aqua blue eyes and he looks around and sees Kagome and Inuyasha looking at him.

Boy: Ahhh!

Inuyasha: Ahhh!

Kagome: Your awake. That's good.

Boy: Where am I?

Kagome: You're in Old Japan. I'm Kagome and the guy in red over there is Inuyasha.

Boy: I'm Jared. Jared Godwell. And I fell in a hole and next thing I know I'm here. And how can I get home?

Kagome: Uh... I have not figured that out. So your an alien?

Jared: >___< No. I'm a human just like you and that guy back there.

Kagome: Inuyasha is more of a half-breed. He's half human and half demon.

Jared: *sweatdrops* Sorry I did not know.

Kagome: That's ok. Most people think Inuyasha is human.

Later when the sun was setting for the night. Jared, Inuyasha and Kagome were going to sleep in an old house that Kagome found. Jared sleeped on floor with just a blanket, Kagome was sleeping in a bed upstairs and Inuyasha was just going to sleep by the fire where there were some old caldrons. But little did they know someone was just outside and he was looking at the house at Jared.