Gundam SEED Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The war of Megazords VS Gundams! ❯ I promise I will never die ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Aboard the Eternal
Most of the crew, including Waltfeld, were in the lounge having dinner, but nobody really seemed to be hungry.
They were too worried about my threat, and where I would strike next.
The would reach the lunar campus sometime the next morning, so they could drop off all the passengers from Helioplis-2.
Then they could head down to Earth and take shelter there.
“The way I see it… those Megazords only have one weakness.” Said Athurun, “They're built for Power… and we have both power and agility.”
“So what your saying is… the next time we go into battle, we just let them shoot at us?” asked Cagali.
“I think the kid has a point.” Said Andrew, “Those things may be powerful, but power doesn't last forever.”
“You understand it then.” Replied Athurun, “Hey… where's Kira? He should be hearing this.”
“Oh… he needed sometime to himself!” said Cagali, “Better just let him be, and we'll tell him later.”
In the Observatory
Kira was indeed looking down in the dumps as he stared of into the deep stretches of space.
He was thinking of how horrible it was not only to have his wedding day ruined, but to have many people lose their lives… even lives that hadn't been born yet.
Kira also knew that since he was a coordinator, although his parents were Naturals, made no difference to me.
I was going to hunt him down and kill him, and anyone who fought along side him too.
This meant that could pose as a danger to himself and those around him once again, and whether or not he decided to fight… that meant that one of the others may not make it out.
Athurun couldn't fight alone… Cagail wasn't even a coordinator… Dearka didn't have a strong enough mobile suit… and Lacus herself… she never even piloted a suit before.
So Kira had no choice. He would have to fight to save his friends and loved ones.
Suddenly, Kira felt something tap him from behind “Kira… Kira!” it was Mr. Pink being mischievous as usual.
Kira caught Mr. Pink and sighed, “Lacus!”
She poked her head out from the doorway and floated in. “I'm sorry… Mr. Pink got away again while I wasn't looking.”
“Haro… Haro!”
“Kira… I know this may be an awful time for you, going into battles again.” Said Lacus, “And… even though I can't be there by your side…”
Kira smiled “Your thoughts will protect me?” he asked. “Fllay… once told me the same thing.”
Lacus knew very well of his past with Ms. Allster, and how she even seduced him into working for him to kill all coordinators.
Even though the idea was just sickening, Kira did develop feelings for Fllay. Even now that she was dead, Kira would still always love her.
As Kira escorted Lacus back to her room, which just beside his they were lost in each others eyes at the door way.
“What is it, Lacus.”
“Just promise me one thing. No matter what battles you face, no matter how hard the ship…”
Kira looked deeply into her eyes, “Don't worry Lacus…” he said, “I've been in many battles before, and I always came back.”
Then he held up his hand and showed her the ring she gave him during the ceremony “I promise you, You won't lose me… ever.”
Lacus' eyes filled with tears, and her heart beat wildly again. She didn't care if the were married or not.
She gently pulled him into the dark room, and locked the door behind them before floating into his arms in the deepest of all their kisses.
Kira, couldn't resist it anymore either.
He raised his hand up and began stroking her long pink hair as their tongues met each others.
As they gently fell onto her bed, Lacus slowly unzipped Kira's jacket and tossed it aside, as Kira undid her blouse.
Before long… they had slipped under the sheets with no clothes on at all. They made love throughout the night, and Kira was ever so glad he wasn't on the Archangel.
“What would Ms. Murrue say about this?” He thought.
But actually… he didn't know that both Her and Mwu at this very moment were also enjoying each other in their room on the Archangel.
Hey… they were married, and off duty for the time as well… so it was perfectly alright.
Meanwhile… On my Ship
We knew where the Archangel and the Eternal were heading. So we set course for Earth too.
Since my ship was slightly stronger and faster, we would make it there earlier than their ETA.
I was in my bedroom going over the final preparations.
“According to Radar, we should reach our destination in about six hours, General.” Said Sora over the raido.
“Good.” I said. “Maintain course and speed, I shall turn in until ETA. Good night Sora!”
“Good night, Sir!”
Just then, someone knocked on the door. “Enter!” I said.
Captain. Davis came in and saluted to me, “You wanted to see me, Sir?” he asked.
“Yes.” I answered, “It's 1000 hours at night now.”
“I want your team Armed and ready to go by 30 minutes before 800 hours… in the meantime rest well… the battle will be stronger this time… Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, Sir.” Said Davis.
“Very well… that will be all Captain!”
Davis saluted a left my room, only to bump into Ken in the corridor. “What up, Skip?” he said.
Davis told Ken everything, and seeing as how this could be a critical, they should turn in at once.
Ken and Davis had been good friends since grade school, and always looked out for each other in times of battle.
The hopped into the elevator, only to have Kari join them with a pack of papers in her hand.
“Lieuten-- I mean, Kari.” said Davis. Kari giggled a little, Davis had allowed his team to call each other by name when they were off duty. “What have you there?”
“The General had instructed I give these figures to TK, and help him if necessary.” She answered.
Inside Davis felt a little numb at the sound of TK's name, but as it was following orders, he let her proceed.
Kari smiled at him and thanked him. “For what?” asked Davis.
“For being a brave leader, and great friend to us all.” She answered and she left.
Ken didn't even have to look at Davis' face, he could tell for a fact he was blushing.
He waited until Kari was out of sight and the Elevator began to move again. “Hey… have you ever thought of telling her how you feel?”
Davis sadly shook his head. “No… the General doesn't allow romantic entanglement without filing a forum first.”
“Of all the courage I have, I just don't have the heart to ask him for one.”
“Besides… even if Kari weren't hanging around TK so much… what could she possibly want with me?”
“I'm usually best out there on the fields in combat. I don't anything about fancy cars, restaurants and all that stuff.”
“Still… just once… I wish I could show her how I really feel for her.”
Ken looked on as Davis got out of the lift and headed to his room alone. “Poor guy.” He thought.
He knew Davis well, and how he always had a crush on Kari in grade school. He tried to avoid her and get her out of his mind, but it didn't work.
Kari in fact, was Davis' entire reason for fighting. To Protect her, and try to show her how he feels.
Yet Kari usually flirted with TK just to make him feel jealous, but now that he was Captain and outranked them both, and doing that to upset your commanding officer could get you court-marshaled.
Even if they were interested in hanging out together, Ken never saw a file filled out for it.
I never allowed any of my crew mates to date each other, unless given the proper forums first.
Ken and Yolei filled out one, and it went just fine, but the way it worked out… Some people have it in them, and some don't.