Gundam SEED Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The war of Megazords VS Gundams! ❯ The Eternal's last stand. ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The Ultrazord, and Shogun Megazords were all that were left, and the plant was almost ready to blow.
“Eternal come in!” said Mwu over the radio, All hands Prepare to abandon ship by teleportation.”
“Teleportation?” said Murrue, “But the Eternal doesn't have a transporter device!”
“It will not require one…” said Ms. Jule, “All they require is to lock onto our position's and transport us.”
Nobody on the crew understood any of that at all, but packed up all their personal belongings.
Once their bags had all been packed, The first priority was to get the Civilians off the ship, and since only six could be transported at a time… it would take awhile.
Meanwhile… it gave Ultrazord a perfect chance to target the ship and blast it to pieces.
“Charge all weapons…!” said Ken. “Get ready…!!”
“No…!” cried Sai and he quickly changed Tor to its warrior mode and positioned it directly up at the front of the Ultrazord.
“Get out of our way!!” snapped Kari.
“SHUT UP!!” snapped Sai, “Face it… you're outnumbered now. Make it easier and give up while you still can!”
“Up yours.” Snapped Yolei, “We came here to kill you guys and that's just what we'll plan to do.”
“And once our lasers are fully charged, we shall emerge victorious!” added Ken.
“No… Surrender now!” said Sai, “Otherwise… I'll have no choice but to kill you all right here and now.”
Yzak sweat dropped, “Are you nuts!!” he yelled. “Don't do it!”
Sai didn't move, “Forget it, Yzak!” he said, “I'm fed up to the teeth with all these murders, and battles.”
“Innocent people are getting hurt, and lives are being ruined… I won't allow this to happen anymore.”
His lasers were already at full, so he I had to do was pull the trigger. “I'll kill you guys… I mean it!!”
Ken and the girls just chuckled, “Go ahead; Kill us!!” said Ken, “But… I'm sure you're well aware that if you fire at that close range, you'll blow yourself up as well!”
Sai did know that, and the very thought that he could be destroyed along with them made him scared, but he stood his post, protecting the ship.
The Titan Megazord was still at it with the Shogun Megazord. “It's no use…” cried Kira, “He's too strong… I'm running out of power!”
Finally… Takuya had the Titan Megazord down on its knees. “Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!! Isn't this a shame!” he laughed.
“You came so close to beating us, but you see… we Super Naturals always rise over coordinators.”
On the Astro Mega ship, Kira's Shipmates had just seated themselves on the bridge.
Lacus looked out the view port and saw Shogun Megazord's sword charging up. “KIRA…!” she cried.
“Say good bye, kid!!” Shouted Takuya.
His sword was only an inch away from hitting Kira, when strange blasts shot Takuya off the spot.
“What the?!”
Kira looked up and saw a combination of two Megazords that he only saw their blueprints… these were it.
The Mega Voyager, and the Mega Winger, combined together to forum… WINGED MEGA VOYAGER… but who were piloting them?
“Hey Kid… you okay?” asked a familiar voice.
“Mwu?” asked Kira.
“Don't worry kid… we'll get you out of there” Andrew in the Mega winger, as he swooped down and picked up the Titan Megazord.
“We got to move fast,” said Mwu pointing at the power plant, “That baby's going to blow!!”
“Right… Mega Winger, Separate, to Ship-mode!” said Andrew. “Once his Megazord transformed he helped Kira up to the Astro Mega ship.
“In case you're wondering… she's alright!” said Andrew.
Kira Sighed in relief.
“COME BACK HERE YOU COWARD!!” snapped Takuya running to try and grab the Megazord's legs.
“Oh no you don't!!” snapped Mwu. As he used his Megazord's bazooka blaster to shoot him down from his jump.
CRASH… Takuya fell right in through the roof of the power plant, and a whole bunch of rubble fell on top of him.
“Got to love it!” joked Mwu. “Alright everyone… let's get out of here!!” said Mwu.
Athurun agreed. After he retrieved his other Thuderzords from the abandoned Tigerzord, He Hopped them all on his hover craft, and used powerful crane lines to give Cagali a lift.
“Women and children first.” He joked.
“Athurun…!” Said Cagali
Finally, the Eternal was still in mid air, but with no hands aboard. Everyone had been safely transported to the other two ships.
Only Tor, and the Mega Voyager were left on the ground holding Ultrazord where it was.
Kari turned on her communicator. “General… this is a code red!” she cried.
“Yes Kari, I see that!” I said over the radio, “You and the others are to use the emergency transporter and get out there… and that's an order.”
“I'll not have any more of my best fighters shot down.”
Kari agreed and transported herself out of there at once. “KARI… WAIT!!” cried Ken, but she was already gone.
“Ken, Yolei… GET OUT OF THERE NOW!!” I shouted over the radio, “If you dare defy me, don't you dare come back!”
Yolei looked at Ken, and he agreed with her. Yolei smashed the radio with her fist.
“What the Hell are you two doing?!” snapped Sai, “Do you want to be killed?!”
“SHUT UP!!” snapped Yolei, “We're not going anywhere… UNTIL ONE OF US IS DESTROYED!!”
Aboard the Astro Mega ship
The Archangel Crew were on the bridge, which was actually twice the size of their old bridge.
“Admiral… All essential Megazords have been brought onboard.” Said Kauzi. “The pilots are all safe.”
Lacus wiped the tears of fright fro, her eyes, but they came right back when Kira came onto the bridge.
“Kira…!!” she ran over to him, Kira took her in his arms and twirled her around.
“Kira… Kira…!”
Kira picked Haro off his shoulder, “Nice to see you too, Mr. Pink!” he said with a smile.
Murrue smiled, “Signal the return flares, we're taking off!” she said.
“Yes, Mame.” Said Mir, and she fired the colorful flares.
Andrew saw the flares, and went back to fetch the Mega Voyager, “Ready…?” he asked.
“Lets do it!”
Their Megazords combined back into the Winged Mega Voyager, and headed back the ship.
“Sai…” said Mwu, “You know what to do?”
“Yes Sir!” said Sai, “Cannons armed and ready!”
He began to move Tor away, and aim it's lasers up at the Eternal overhead. “Admiral… Now!!” he cried as he hit the fire switch.
At that instant his body disappeared as if it were being digitized.
“LASERS FIRE!!” snapped Ken, and Ultrazord fired all it's weapons and blew Tor to smithereens, but Sai was reported already safe aboard the Astro Mega ship.
“Damn, We didn't get him!” cried Ken.
Suddenly, Yolei let out a scream of fright. Not only was Ultrazord completely out of power, but the saw it coming…
Since the Eternal was no more a use to them, Murrue allowed Sai to shoot it down at just the right angle, and now the burning ship was crashing down onto them.
The Ultrazord began blowing up, outside and inside, and in the midst of the rocking about, Ken's helmet and Goggles fell off.
“Ken…!!” cried Yolei throwing her helmet off, and jumping into Ken's arms.
Ken blinked in the bright light, “I… I can see!!” he sobbed. “I CAN SEE!!!”
“Oh Ken…!” cried Yolei, “I love you!”
“I love you too, Yolei.”
They shared one final kiss as Ultrazord Exploded, and to ensure that no survivors would make it out.
“Loengirns… FIRE!!” said Murrue.
The Astro Mega ship fired its much larger Neutron blasts, and destroyed what was left of the Eternal.
Even though there was no one on board it, everyone stood up and saluted as if someone important was dying.
The Eternal may not have been too much, but it was still a Damn fine ship, whose name would live on throughout the ages.